579 research outputs found

    Adrenal Cushing Syndrome Diagnosed during Pregnancy: Successful Medical Management with Metyrapone

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    Adrenal Cushing syndrome during pregnancy is rare, and there is limited information on the effect and safety of metyrapone treatment both for mother and fetus. We present a 24-year-old woman diagnosed with adrenal Cushing syndrome at the end of the second trimester. We elected treatment with metyrapone titrated to 250 mg 3 times daily, resulting in good clinical response and maternal serum and saliva cortisol levels in the upper half of the normal pregnancy range. A healthy male infant was born at 35 weeks\u27 gestation, with no clinical signs of adrenal insufficiency, this despite a low cortisol of 5 nmol/L on the first day of life. We measured metyrapone in maternal and umbilical cord blood samples, demonstrating fetal venous metyrapone levels similar to maternal venous concentration, and a fetal arterial cord concentration at about 60% of the fetal venous cord concentration. This case demonstrates that salivary cortisol levels may be used to monitor the effect of metyrapone on adrenal Cushing syndrome during pregnancy. We show, for the first time in humans, that metyrapone does cross the placenta and may suppress fetal cortisol production without necessarily causing clinical signs of adrenal insufficiency

    Adrenal Cushing Syndrome Diagnosed during Pregnancy: Successful Medical Management with Metyrapone

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    Adrenal Cushing syndrome during pregnancy is rare, and there is limited information on the effect and safety of metyrapone treatment both for mother and fetus. We present a 24-year-old woman diagnosed with adrenal Cushing syndrome at the end of the second trimester. We elected treatment with metyrapone titrated to 250 mg 3 times daily, resulting in good clinical response and maternal serum and saliva cortisol levels in the upper half of the normal pregnancy range. A healthy male infant was born at 35 weeks\u27 gestation, with no clinical signs of adrenal insufficiency, this despite a low cortisol of 5 nmol/L on the first day of life. We measured metyrapone in maternal and umbilical cord blood samples, demonstrating fetal venous metyrapone levels similar to maternal venous concentration, and a fetal arterial cord concentration at about 60% of the fetal venous cord concentration. This case demonstrates that salivary cortisol levels may be used to monitor the effect of metyrapone on adrenal Cushing syndrome during pregnancy. We show, for the first time in humans, that metyrapone does cross the placenta and may suppress fetal cortisol production without necessarily causing clinical signs of adrenal insufficiency

    Barriers to flexible sigmoidoscopy colorectal cancer screening in low uptake socio-demographic groups: A systematic review.

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    OBJECTIVE: To synthesise qualitative evidence related to barriers and facilitators of flexible sigmoidoscopy screening (FSS) intention and uptake, particularly within low socio-demographic uptake groups. FSS uptake is lower amongst women, lower socio-economic status (SES), and Asian ethnic groups within the United Kingdom (UK) and United States of America. METHODS: A total of 12 168 articles were identified from searches of four databases: EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO and Web of Science. Eligibility criteria included: individuals eligible to attend FSS and empirical peer-reviewed studies that analysed qualitative data. The Critical Appraisal Skills Program tool evaluated the methodological quality of included studies, and thematic synthesis was used to analyse the data. RESULTS: Ten qualitative studies met the inclusion criteria. Key barriers to FSS intention and uptake centred upon procedural anxieties. Women, including UK Asian women, reported shame and embarrassment, anticipated pain, perforation risk, and test preparation difficulties to elevate anxiety levels. Religious and cultural-influenced health beliefs amongst UK Asian groups were reported to inhibit FSS intention and uptake. Competing priorities, such as caring commitments, particularly impeded women's ability to attend certain FSS appointments. The review identified a knowledge gap concerning factors especially associated with FSS participation amongst lower SES groups. CONCLUSIONS: Studies mostly focussed on barriers and facilitators of intention to participate in FSS, particularly within UK Asian groups. To determine the barriers associated with FSS uptake, and further understand how screening intention translates to behaviour, it is important that future qualitative research is equally directed towards factors associated with screening behaviour

    New ways for our families : Designing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural practice framework and system responses to address the impacts of domestic and family violence on children and young people

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    Little has been done to understand what works to support First Nations children and young people to heal from their experiences of violence. This research project explores how services and systems can better respond to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people exposed to DFV who come to the attention of child protection systems. Led by the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Peak (QATSICPP), a team of First Nations researchers, supported by non-Indigenous researchers, utilised a participatory action research methodology – ensuring cultural safety and adherence to cultural values and protocols, including co-creation of knowledge. This report, the first in a series for this project, presents the results of a literature review and the findings from the initial cycles of action research conducted with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander chief investigators, community researchers and practitioners working in eight community-controlled child and family services across Queensland. The literature review and the outcomes of the initial action research cycle confirmed that the experience of DFV in childhood is resulting in negative lifelong outcomes for First Nations children, including increased interactions with the child protection and justice systems. The researchers also found that these responses (child protection and justice) are not adequate or culturally safe. To support healing for these children and young people, the report recommends: • holistic healing opportunities • culturally strong and community-led whole-of-family support • therapeutic healing circles and camps • connection to and knowledge about traditional cultural values, systems and traditions • a framework of perpetrator accountability • system changes include procuring place-based and healing responses for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled services that support self-determination, and working collectively with the whole family. Additionally, cultural capability across the service system needs to be enhanced, and structural racism needs to be eliminated in order to reduce the load on existing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services. Future publications from this research project, due in 2022, will consist of a research report on the remaining action research cycles and a framework for working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people who have experienced DFV and have also come in contact with the child protection system

    A review of Australian Government funding of parenting intervention research

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    Objectives: Parenting is central to children's optimal development and accounts for a substantial proportion of the variance in child outcomes, including up to 40% of child mental health. Parenting is also one of the most modifiable, proximal, and direct factors for preventing and treating a range of children's problems and enhancing wellbeing. To determine the effectiveness of new approaches to parenting intervention, and to evaluate how to optimise reach and uptake, sufficient funding must be allocated for high quality research. Method: We reviewed funding awarded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and Australian Research Council (ARC) for parenting intervention research during 2011–2020. Results: Parenting intervention research received 0.25% of the NHMRC and ARC research budgets. Conclusions: There is a substantial mismatch between the funding of parenting intervention research and the impact of improved parenting on short‐ and long‐term child outcomes. To rectify this, it is critical that Australian Government funding schemes include parenting interventions as priority areas for funding. Implications for public health: Changes in allocation of funding to parenting research will support the establishment of evidence for the effective development, implementation and dissemination of parenting interventions to maximise health outcomes for children and their families

    National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic (vol 13, 517, 2022) : National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic (Nature Communications, (2022), 13, 1, (517), 10.1038/s41467-021-27668-9)

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    Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s) 2022.In this article the author name ‘Agustin Ibanez’ was incorrectly written as ‘Augustin Ibanez’. The original article has been corrected.Peer reviewe