240 research outputs found

    A Phenomenological Investigation of Factors Leading to Success in Diverting Non-Urgent Emergency Department Use at a Rural Critical Access Hospital Using the Patient Centered Medical Home Model

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    Emergency Department (ED) overuse for non-urgent medical concerns is a factor contributing to ED overcrowding, which is in turn related to negative health outcomes. Additionally, low-urgency care provided in the ED is more expensive and less comprehensive than in a primary care clinic. To address this issue, a number of programs have been developed in the United States to redirect non-urgent, high-frequency patients from the ED to their primary care clinic. These programs utilize the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model to provide holistic, team-based care in a primary care setting in order to address the educational and behavioral needs of patients in such a way that patients stop or reduce their ED usage for low-urgency issues. Emergency Department (ED) overuse for non-urgent medical concerns is a factor contributing to ED overcrowding, which is in turn related to negative health outcomes. Additionally, low-urgency care provided in the ED is more expensive and less comprehensive than in a primary care clinic. To address this issue, a number of programs have been developed in the United States to redirect non-urgent, high-frequency patients from the ED to their primary care clinic. These programs utilize the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model to provide holistic, team-based care in a primary care setting in order to address the educational and behavioral needs of patients in such a way that patients stop or reduce their ED usage for low-urgency issues

    Cosmic Perturbations Through the Cyclic Ages

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    We analyze the evolution of cosmological perturbations in the cyclic model, paying particular attention to their behavior and interplay over multiple cycles. Our key results are: (1) galaxies and large scale structure present in one cycle are generated by the quantum fluctuations in the preceding cycle without interference from perturbations or structure generated in earlier cycles and without interfering with structure generated in later cycles; (2) the ekpyrotic phase, an epoch of gentle contraction with equation of state w≫1w\gg 1 preceding the hot big bang, makes the universe homogeneous, isotropic and flat within any given observer's horizon; and, (3) although the universe is uniform within each observer's horizon, the global structure of the cyclic universe is more complex, owing to the effects of superhorizon length perturbations, and cannot be described in a uniform Friedmann-Robertson-Walker picture. In particular, we show that the ekpyrotic phase is so effective in smoothing, flattening and isotropizing the universe within the horizon that this phase alone suffices to solve the horizon and flatness problems even without an extended period of dark energy domination (a kind of low energy inflation). Instead, the cyclic model rests on a genuinely novel, non-inflationary mechanism (ekpyrotic contraction) for resolving the classic cosmological conundrums.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Pauvreté des familles monoparentales et parcours professionnel des mères après la rupture

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    Les informations fournies par le panel de répondants des trois premiers cycles de l’Enquête longitudinale nationale sur les enfants et les jeunes (ELNEJ) permettent d’examiner les liens entre famille, travail et trajectoire économique durant la transition vers la monoparentalité. Au moyen d’analyses descriptives et multivariées réalisées sur l’échantillon des familles touchées par la séparation des parents entre deux cycles de l’enquête, nous vérifions si l’activité de la mère chef de famille monoparentale est influencée en regard de ses caractéristiques antérieures à la rupture : présence sur le marché du travail, revenu, niveau d’instruction, nombre et âge des enfants, notamment. On constate que le travail et la trajectoire économique antérieurs de la mère sont étroitement liés à la situation économique future de la famille monoparentale.The information provided by the cohort of respondents in the first three cycles of the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) provides for an examination of ties between family, work and economic trajectory during the transition toward single-parenthood. By means of descriptive and multivariate analyses applied to a sample group of families affected by parental separation between two cycles of the survey, the authors verify whether the labour force participation of a single mother is influenced by her characteristics prior to the breakup, particularly: presence in the labour market, income, level of education, and the number and ages of children. It is observed that the prior employment situation and previous economic trajectory of the mother are closely linked with the future economic situation of the single-parent family

    A filtered multilevel Monte Carlo method for estimating the expectation of discretized random fields

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    We investigate the use of multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) methods for estimating the expectation of discretized random fields. Specifically, we consider a setting in which the input and output vectors of the numerical simulators have inconsistent dimensions across the multilevel hierarchy. This requires the introduction of grid transfer operators borrowed from multigrid methods. Starting from a simple 1D illustration, we demonstrate numerically that the resulting MLMC estimator deteriorates the estimation of high-frequency components of the discretized expectation field compared to a Monte Carlo (MC) estimator. By adapting mathematical tools initially developed for multigrid methods, we perform a theoretical spectral analysis of the MLMC estimator of the expectation of discretized random fields, in the specific case of linear, symmetric and circulant simulators. This analysis provides a spectral decomposition of the variance into contributions associated with each scale component of the discretized field. We then propose improved MLMC estimators using a filtering mechanism similar to the smoothing process of multigrid methods. The filtering operators improve the estimation of both the small- and large-scale components of the variance, resulting in a reduction of the total variance of the estimator. These improvements are quantified for the specific class of simulators considered in our spectral analysis. The resulting filtered MLMC (F-MLMC) estimator is applied to the problem of estimating the discretized variance field of a diffusion-based covariance operator, which amounts to estimating the expectation of a discretized random field. The numerical experiments support the conclusions of the theoretical analysis even with non-linear simulators, and demonstrate the improvements brought by the proposed F-MLMC estimator compared to both a crude MC and an unfiltered MLMC estimator

    Halo Star Streams in the Solar Neighborhood

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    We have assembled a sample of halo stars in the solar neighborhood to look for halo substructure in velocity and angular momentum space. Our sample includes red giants, RR Lyrae, and red horizontal branch stars within 2.5 kpc of the Sun with [Fe/H] less than -1.0. It was chosen to include stars with accurate distances, space velocities, and metallicities as well as well-quantified errors. We confirm the existence of the streams found by Helmi and coworkers, which we refer to as the H99 streams. These streams have a double-peaked velocity distribution in the z direction. We use the results of modeling of the H99 streams by Helmi and collaborators to test how one might use v_z velocity information and radial velocity information to detect kinematic substructure in the halo. We find that detecting the H99 streams with radial velocities alone would require a large sample. We use the velocity distribution of the H99 streams to estimate their age. From our model of the progenitor of the H99 streams, we determine that it was accreted between 6 and 9 Gyr ago. The H99 streams have [alpha/Fe] abundances similar to other halo stars in the solar neighborhood, suggesting that the gas that formed these stars were enriched mostly by Type II SNe. We have also discovered in angular momentum space two other possible substructures, which we refer to as the retrograde and prograde outliers. The retrograde outliers are likely to be halo substructure, but the prograde outliers are most likely part of the smooth halo. The retrograde outliers have significant structure in the v_phi direction and show a range of [alpha/Fe]. The methods presented in this paper can be used to exploit the kinematic information present in future large databases like RAVE, SDSSII/SEGUE, and Gaia.Comment: 46 pages, 13 figures, and 9 tables. Minor changes to text to match proofed version of the paper. Low resolution figures. High resolution version at http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~kepley/solar_streams.p

    Density Perturbations in the Ekpyrotic Scenario

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    We study the generation of density perturbations in the ekpyrotic scenario for the early universe, including gravitational backreaction. We expose interesting subtleties that apply to both inflationary and ekpyrotic models. Our analysis includes a detailed proposal of how the perturbations generated in a contracting phase may be matched across a `bounce' to those in an expanding hot big bang phase. For the physical conditions relevant to the ekpyrotic scenario, we re-obtain our earlier result of a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of energy density perturbations. We find that the perturbation amplitude is typically small, as desired to match observation.Comment: 36 pages, compressed and RevTex file, one postscript figure file. Minor typographical and numerical errors corrected, discussion added. This version to appear in Physical Review

    Trade-offs in marine protection : Multi-species interactions within a community-led temperate marine reserve

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    This study investigated the effects of a community-led temperate marine reserve in Lamlash Bay, Firth of Clyde, Scotland, on commercially important populations of European lobster (Homarus gammarus), brown crab (Cancer pagurus), and velvet swimming crabs (Necora puber). Potting surveys conducted over 4 years revealed significantly higher catch per unit effort (cpue 109% greater), weight per unit effort (wpue 189% greater), and carapace length (10-15 mm greater) in lobsters within the reserve compared with control sites. However, likely due to low levels of recruitment and increased fishing effort outside the reserve, lobster catches decreased in all areas during the final 2 years. Nevertheless, catch rates remained higher within the reserve across all years, suggesting the reserve buffered these wider declines. Additionally, lobster cpue and wpue declined with increasing distance from the boundaries of the marine reserve, a trend which tag-recapture data suggested were due to spillover. Catches of berried lobster were also twice as high within the reserve than outside, and the mean potential reproductive output per female was 22.1% greater. It was originally thought that higher densities of lobster within the reserve might lead to greater levels of aggression and physical damage. However, damage levels were solely related to body size, as large lobsters >110 mm had sustained over 218% more damage than smaller individuals. Interestingly, catches of adult lobsters were inversely correlated with those of juvenile lobsters, brown crabs, and velvet crabs, which may be evidence of competitive displacement and/or predation. Our findings provide evidence that temperate marine reserves can deliver fisheries and conservation benefits, and highlight the importance of investigating multispecies interactions, as the recovery of some species can have knock-on effects on others

    Modulation of an optical needle’s reflectivity alters the average photon path through scattering media

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    We introduce the concept of deliberate placement of absorbers to alter the average path of photons through tissue for a biomedical optical device. By changing the reflectivity of a needle that separates a source and detector, the average photon path through a turbid medium can be changed. Totally reflective needles have photon scattering density functions similar to a point source and detector in an infinite medium. An absorbing needle moves the average photon path of photons that reach the detector away from the needle. Thus, by modulating the reflectivity of the needle, it is possible to modify the sensitive volume, and simple tomography data should be possible. These results are confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations and experiment. Experiments include moving a black target relative to an optical "needle" and measuring the resulting intensity and phase lag of light reaching a detector at the distal end of the needle

    High-Throughput Top-Down Fabrication of Uniform Magnetic Particles

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    Ion Beam Aperture Array Lithography was applied to top-down fabrication of large dense (108–109 particles/cm2) arrays of uniform micron-scale particles at rates hundreds of times faster than electron beam lithography. In this process, a large array of helium ion beamlets is formed when a stencil mask containing an array of circular openings is illuminated by a broad beam of energetic (5–8 keV) ions, and is used to write arrays of specific repetitive patterns. A commercial 5-micrometer metal mesh was used as a stencil mask; the mesh size was adjusted by shrinking the stencil openings using conformal sputter-deposition of copper. Thermal evaporation from multiple sources was utilized to form magnetic particles of varied size and thickness, including alternating layers of gold and permalloy. Evaporation of permalloy layers in the presence of a magnetic field allowed creation of particles with uniform magnetic properties and pre-determined magnetization direction. The magnetic properties of the resulting particles were characterized by Vibrating Sample Magnetometry. Since the orientation of the particles on the substrate before release into suspension is known, the orientation-dependent magnetic properties of the particles could be determined
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