2,470 research outputs found

    Subtraction method in the second random--phase approximation: first applications with a Skyrme energy functional

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    We make use of a subtraction procedure, introduced to overcome double--counting problems in beyond--mean--field theories, in the second random--phase--approximation (SRPA) for the first time. This procedure guarantees the stability of SRPA (so that all excitation energies are real). We show that the method fits perfectly into nuclear density--functional theory. We illustrate applications to the monopole and quadrupole response and to low--lying 0+0^+ and 2+2^+ states in the nucleus 16^{16}O. We show that the subtraction procedure leads to: (i) results that are weakly cutoff dependent; (ii) a considerable reduction of the SRPA downwards shift with respect to the random--phase approximation (RPA) spectra (systematically found in all previous applications). This implementation of the SRPA model will allow a reliable analysis of the effects of 2 particle--2 hole configurations (2p2h2p2h) on the excitation spectra of medium--mass and heavy nuclei.Comment: 1 tex, 16 figure

    A Lee-Yang--inspired functional with a density--dependent neutron-neutron scattering length

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    Inspired by the low--density Lee-Yang expansion for the energy of a dilute Fermi gas of density ρ\rho and momentum kFk_F, we introduce here a Skyrme--type functional that contains only ss-wave terms and provides, at the mean--field level, (i) a satisfactory equation of state for neutron matter from extremely low densities up to densities close to the equilibrium point, and (ii) a good--quality equation of state for symmetric matter at density scales around the saturation point. This is achieved by using a density--dependent neutron-neutron scattering length a(ρa(\rho) which satisfies the low--density limit (for Fermi momenta going to zero) and has a density dependence tuned in such a way that the low--density constraint ∣a(ρ)kFâˆŁâ‰€1|a(\rho) k_F| \le 1 is satisfied at all density scales.Comment: 5 figure

    From dilute matter to the equilibrium point in the energy--density--functional theory

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    Due to the large value of the scattering length in nuclear systems, standard density--functional theories based on effective interactions usually fail to reproduce the nuclear Fermi liquid behavior both at very low densities and close to equilibrium. Guided on one side by the success of the Skyrme density functional and, on the other side, by resummation techniques used in Effective Field Theories for systems with large scattering lengths, a new energy--density functional is proposed. This functional, adjusted on microscopic calculations, reproduces the nuclear equations of state of neutron and symmetric matter at various densities. Furthermore, it provides reasonable saturation properties as well as an appropriate density dependence for the symmetry energy.Comment: 4 figures, 2 table

    Towards an expanded model of litigation

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    Introduction: The call for contributions for this workshop describes the important new challenges for the legal search community this domain brings. Rather than just understanding the challenges this domain poses in terms of their technical properties, we would like to suggest that understanding these challenges as socio-technical challenges will be important. That is, as well as calling for research on a technical level to address these challenges we are also calling for work to understand the social practices of those involved in e-discovery (ED) and related legal work. A particularly interesting feature of this field is that it is likely that search technologies will (at least semi-)automate responsiveness review in the relatively near term and this will change the way that the work is organised and done in many ways – offering new possibilities for new ways of organising the work. As well as designing those technologies for automating responsiveness review we need to be envisioning how the work will be done in the future, how these technologies will impact the organisation of the case and so on. In this position paper we therefore outline the importance of understanding the wider social context of ED when designing tools and technologies to support and change the work. We would like to reinforce and expand on Conrad’s call for IR researchers to understand just what ED entails [2], include the stages that come both before and after core retrieval activities. The importance of considering the social aspects of work in the design of the technology has been established for some time. Ushering in this ‘turn to the social,’ and focusing on interface design, Gentner and Grudin [4] described how the GUI has already changed from an interface for engineers, representing the engineering model of the machine to one that supported single ‘everyman’ users (based on ideas from psychology). From then onwards the interface has evolved to support groups of users, taking into account the social and organisational contexts of use. This has particular resonance for the design of ED technologies: during ED in particular and the wider legal process there are often many lawyers involved – reviewing documents, determining issues, etc. Even if the way that their work is organised currently is not seen as collaborative in the traditional sense – with individual lawyers working on individual document sets to review them - their work needs to be coordinated and it seems likely that their work could be enhanced by, for example, knowledge of what their colleagues had found, how the case was shaping up, new key terms and facts turned up and so on. Work is often modelled for the purposes of design using process models, but this misses out on the richness and variety actually found when one examines how the work is carried out [3]. Technologies which strictly enforce the process models can often hinder the work, or end up being worked around as was the case with workflow systems since people interpret processes very flexibly to get the work done ([1], [3]). Other studies in other fields have found similar problems when systems are designed on for example cognitive models of how the work is done; they often do not take into account the situated nature of the work and thus they can be very difficult to use [5]. We believe, like [2], that a clear understanding of the social practices of ED is vital for the creation of high-quality, meaningful tools and technologies. We furthermore propose that work practice studies, to be used in combination with other methods, are a central part of getting the detailed understanding of the work practices central to designing useful and intelligent tools. Work practice studies would involve ethnographies, consisting primarily of observation, undertaken of practitioners engaging in the work of ED

    Probing the pairing interaction through two-neutron transfer reactions

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    Cross sections for (p,tp,t) two-neutron transfer reactions are calculated in the one-step zero-range distorted-wave Born approximation for the tin isotopes 124^{124}Sn and 136^{136}Sn and for incident proton energies from 15 to 35 MeV. Microscopic quasiparticle random-phase approximation form factors are provided for the reaction calculation and phenomenological optical potentials are used in both the entrance and the exit channels. Three different surface/volume mixings of a zero-range density-dependent pairing interaction are employed in the microscopic calculations and the sensitivity of the cross sections to the different mixings is analyzed. Since absolute cross sections cannot be obtained within our model, we compare the positions of the diffraction minima and the shapes of the angular distributions. No differences are found in the position of the diffraction minima for the reaction 124^{124}Sn(p,tp,t)122^{122}Sn. On the other side, the angular distributions obtained for the reaction 136^{136}Sn(p,tp,t)134^{134}Sn with surface and mixed interactions differ at large angles for some values of the incident proton energy. For this reaction, we compare the ratios of the cross sections associated to the ground state and the first excited state transitions. Differences among the three different theoretical predictions are found and they are more important at the incident proton energy of 15 MeV. As a conclusion, we indicate (p,tp,t) two-neutron transfer reactions with very neutron-rich Sn isotopes and at proton energies around 15 MeV as good experimental cases where the surface/volume mixing of the pairing interaction may be probed

    Coherent transport structures in magnetized plasmas II: Numerical results

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    In a pair of linked articles (called Article I and II respectively) we apply the concept of Lagrangian Coherent Structures borrowed from the study of Dynamical Systems to magnetic field configurations in order to separate regions where field lines have different kind of behavior. In the present article, article II, by means of a numerical procedure we investigate the Lagrangian Coherent Structures in the case of a two-dimensional magnetic configuration with two island chains that are generated by magnetic reconnection and evolve nonlinearly in time. The comparison with previous results, obtained by assuming a fixed magnetic field configuration, allows us to explore the dependence of transport barriers on the particle velocity

    Coherent transport structures in magnetized plasmas, I : Theory

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    In a pair of linked articles (called Article I and II respectively) we apply the concept of Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCSs) borrowed from the study of Dynamical Systems to magnetic field configurations in order to separate regions where field lines have different kind of behaviour. In the present article, article I, after recalling the definition and the properties of the LCSs, we show how this conceptual framework can be applied to the study of particle transport in a magnetized plasma. Futhermore we introduce a simplified model that allows us to consider explicitly the case where the magnetic configuration evolves in time on timescales comparable to the particle transit time through the configuration. In contrast with previous works on this topic, this analysis requires that a system that is aperiodic in time be investigated. In this case the Poincar\'e map technique cannot be applied and LCSs remain the only viable tool

    Gyrofluid simulations of collisionless reconnection in the presence of diamagnetic effects

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    The effects of the ion Larmor radius on magnetic reconnection are investigated by means of numerical simulations, with a Hamiltonian gyrofluid model. In the linear regime, it is found that ion diamagnetic effects decrease the growth rate of the dominant mode. Increasing ion temperature tends to make the magnetic islands propagate in the ion diamagnetic drift direction. In the nonlinear regime, diamagnetic effects reduce the final width of the island. Unlike the electron density, the guiding center density does not tend to distribute along separatrices and at high ion temperature, the electrostatic potential exhibits the superposition of a small scale structure, related to the electron density, and a large scale structure, related to the ion guiding-center density

    Gyrofluid simulations of collisionless reconnection in the presence of diamagnetic effects

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    The effects of the ion Larmor radius on magnetic reconnection are investigated by means of numerical simulations, with a Hamiltonian gyrofluid model. In the linear regime, it is found that ion diamagnetic effects decrease the growth rate of the dominant mode. Increasing ion temperature tends to make the magnetic islands propagate in the ion diamagnetic drift direction. In the nonlinear regime, diamagnetic effects reduce the final width of the island. Unlike the electron density, the guiding center density does not tend to distribute along separatrices and at high ion temperature, the electrostatic potential exhibits the superposition of a small scale structure, related to the electron density, and a large scale structure, related to the ion guiding-center density

    Gyrofluid simulations of collisionless reconnection in the presence of diamagnetic effects

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    The effects of the ion Larmor radius on magnetic reconnection are investigated by means of numerical simulations, with a Hamiltonian gyrofluid model. In the linear regime, it is found that ion diamagnetic effects decrease the growth rate of the dominant mode. Increasing ion temperature tends to make the magnetic islands propagate in the ion diamagnetic drift direction. In the nonlinear regime, diamagnetic effects reduce the final width of the island. Unlike the electron density, the guiding center density does not tend to distribute along separatrices and at high ion temperature, the electrostatic potential exhibits the superposition of a small scale structure, related to the electron density, and a large scale structure, related to the ion guiding-center density
