10 research outputs found

    One Approach to the Fusion of Inertial Navigation and Dynamic Vision

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    EMG map image processing for recognition of fingers movement

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    Electromyography (EMG) is the conventional noninvasive method for the estimation of muscle activities. We developed a new image processing method for the recognition of individual finger movements based on EMG maps. The maps were formed from the EMG recordings via an array electrode with 24 contacts connected to a multichannel wireless miniature digital amplifier. The task was to detect and quantify the high activity regions in the EMG maps in persons with no known motor impairment. The results show the temporal and spatial patterns within the images during well-defined finger movements. The average accuracy of the automatic recognition compared with the recognition by an expert clinician in persons involved in the tests was 97.87 ± 0.92%. The application of the technique is foreseen for control for an assistive system (hand prosthesis and exoskeleton) since the interface is wearable and the processing can be implemented on a microcomputer.This is the peer-reviewed version of the article: Topalović, I., Graovac, S., Popović, D.B., 2019. EMG map image processing for recognition of fingers movement. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 49, 102364. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jelekin.2019.102364

    The assessment of spasticity: Pendulum test based smart phone movie of passive markers

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    The pendulum test is the method for quantification of the level of spasticity in persons with spinal cord and brain injuries/diseases. The data for the assessment comes from the analysis of lower leg rotation in the sagittal plane while sitting caused by gravity. We built a simple instrument that uses the smart phone and passive markers for studying the pendulum movement of the leg. We compared the results of the new device with the results acquired with the conventional apparatus which uses a knee joint angle encoder and inertial sensors mounted on the upper and lower leg. The differences of parameters estimated from the test between the two systems are in the range of 5%, which is in the same range as the precision of the positioning of the pendulum apparatus on the leg. The new system is simple for the application (donning, doffing, setup time, accuracy, repeatability) and allows a straightforward interpretation to a clinician. © Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2018

    Modified guidance law based on a sliding mode controller for a missile guidance system

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    U ovom radu se predlaže metoda modificiranog regulatora navođenja i upravljanja kliznim režimom u sustavu vođenja projektila (MGCSMC). Algoritam modificiranog regulatora kliznog režima (MSMC) koristi se kako bi projektil stigao do željene mete u vrlo kratkom vremenu. Meta uvijek izvodi oštre manevre kad joj se približava projektil. Ovim se pitanjem bavi navođenje i upravljanje (G&C) primjenjujući algoritam MSMC umjesto tradicionalne metode kao što je proporcionalna metoda navigacije (PN). Provedena je teorijska analiza kako bi se smanjila greška u određivanju udaljenosti i pojava podrhtavanja u SMC. Simulacija MGCSMC u usporedbi s PN metodom pokazuje poboljšanje od oko 80 %, 47 % i 20 % u odnosu na podrhtavanje, pogrešnu udaljenost i konačno vrijeme. Nadalje, za vrlo visoku metu, MGCSMC poboljšava ubrzanje i nagibni kut putanje leta projektila za približno 65 % te postiže točnost od 100 %, dok se PN metodom postiže točnost od samo 60 % pod istim uvjetima.mode controller (MSMC) algorithm is adopted to enable the missile to reach the desired target within a short period of time. The target always makes high manoeuvres when the missile is close to it. This issue has been treated in guidance and control (G&C) by using a MSMC instead of the traditional method such as proportional navigation method (PN).Theoretical analysis is conducted to reduce the miss-distance and chattering phenomenon in SMC. Simulation of MGCSMC compared with PN method shows an improvement of about 80 %, 47 % and 20 % for the chattering, miss-distance and finite time, respectively. Furthermore, for the high-altitude target, the MGCSMC improves the acceleration and flight angle of the missile by approximately 65 %, and achieves 100 % accuracy, whereas in PN method only 60 % accuracy is achieved under the same conditions


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    In this paper, the classification of the on-road obstacles based on the processing of a sequence of images obtained by a monocular camera embedded on a vehicle as well as the appropriate automatic guidance principle for obstacles avoidance are presented. The typical road scenarios have been used as a testing environment for the overall algorithm. Existing obstacles (vehicles) are classified into three classes: stationary, incoming, and outgoing. The first task in the algorithm consists of obstacles detection over the road background. This is followed by their tracking from one frame to another based on the appropriate selection of features using the SURF method. After that, the obstacles are recognized in a new frame, where it is possible to determine their position from the camera and the relative velocity using projection geometry principles. Then, the polynomial method is used in order to find the path that avoids the obstacles. Synthetic and realistic video sequences are used during the tests

    The assessment of spasticity: Pendulum test based smart phone movie of passive markers

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    The pendulum test is the method for quantification of the level of spasticity in persons with spinal cord and brain injuries/diseases. The data for the assessment comes from the analysis of lower leg rotation in the sagittal plane while sitting caused by gravity. We built a simple instrument that uses the smart phone and passive markers for studying the pendulum movement of the leg. We compared the results of the new device with the results acquired with the conventional apparatus which uses a knee joint angle encoder and inertial sensors mounted on the upper and lower leg. The differences of parameters estimated from the test between the two systems are in the range of 5%, which is in the same range as the precision of the positioning of the pendulum apparatus on the leg. The new system is simple for the application (donning, doffing, setup time, accuracy, repeatability) and allows a straightforward interpretation to a clinician. © Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2018

    The assessment of spasticity: Pendulum test based smart phone movie of passive markers

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    The pendulum test is the method for quantification of the level of spasticity in persons with spinal cord and brain injuries/diseases. The data for the assessment comes from the analysis of lower leg rotation in the sagittal plane while sitting caused by gravity. We built a simple instrument that uses the smart phone and passive markers for studying the pendulum movement of the leg. We compared the results of the new device with the results acquired with the conventional apparatus which uses a knee joint angle encoder and inertial sensors mounted on the upper and lower leg. The differences of parameters estimated from the test between the two systems are in the range of 5%, which is in the same range as the precision of the positioning of the pendulum apparatus on the leg. The new system is simple for the application (donning, doffing, setup time, accuracy, repeatability) and allows a straightforward interpretation to a clinician. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. TR 35003 and Grant no. III 44008