8 research outputs found

    Differenziazione psicosessuale nell'uomo

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    L'endocrinologia del desiderio

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    Il comportamento sessuale nel maschio è principalmente sotto il controllo delle funzioni cognitive, ma alcuni ormoni, in particolare gli steroidi sessuali, sono in grado di modulare alcuni aspetti della sessualità maschile. Questa review pone l’attenzione sul ruolo sia degli estrogeni sia degli androgeni sul desiderio sessuale maschile, sulla base di studi sugli animali e sull’uomo. Gli estrogeni possono giocare un ruolo nella’attività sessuale dell’uomo in maniera simile a quanto avviene negli animali, ma nonostante siano probabilmente necessari livelli fisiologici di estrogeni per avere un comportamento sessuale maschile del tutto normale, il testosterone rimane il principale determinante del comportamento sessuale nell’uomo. Infine è schematizzato l’approccio clinico e terapeutico dei disturbi del desiderio sessuale

    Mitochondrial membrane potential and DNA stainability in human sperm cells: A flow cytometry analysis with implications for male infertility

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    Sperm cells from control donors of proven fertility and men from barren couples were studied by conventional procedures, i.e., light microscopy as well as flow cytometry. Light microscopy analysis of semen included the measurement of spermatozoa concentration, morphology, and motility. All the men from barren couples were asthenozoospermic at the conventional analysis of semen samples. Flow cytometry was applied to study two important parameters of sperm cells: mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) assessed by the cationic dye JC-l and DNA stainability with propidium iodide (PI). JC-l staining was more reliable than the classical procedure used for this purpose, i.e., rhodamine 123 (Rh123) staining, and allowed us to show a positive correlation between MMP and spermatozoa motility. Regarding DNA analysis, a higher relative percentage of immature spermatozoa, showing a high accessibility of DNA to the intercalating PI fluorochrome, was found in men from barren couples compared to donors of proven fertility. The relative percentage of immature spermatozoa was significantly higher in semen from oligoasthenozoospermic subjects. Moreover, a positive correlation was found between immature spermatozoa, as evaluated by PI staining, and cells with depolarized mitochondria, as evaluated by JC-l staining, suggesting that spermatozoa defective for nuclear maturity could be functionally defective cells. No correlation between immature spermatozoa determined by FCM and immature spermatozoa determined by light microscopy was found, suggesting that these two techniques assess sperm cell maturity at different levels

    The effect of chronic treatment with GH on gonadal function in men with isolated GH deficiency

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    Eleven adult males, previously submitted to neurosurgery because of a pituitary lesion (three with craniopharyngioma, three with clinically non-functioning adenoma and five with macroprolactinoma) were treated with recombinant GH for 12 months after the diagnosis of GH deficiency was made. Circulating FSH, LH, prolactin, testosterone, 17 beta-estradiol (E-2) dehyroepiandrosterone (DHEA-S), androstenedione, 17-OH-progesterone (17OHP), IGF-I, and steroid hormone-binding protein (SHBG) levels were assayed before and after CG test at study entry and 6 and 12 months after GH treatment. A significant increase in plasma IGF-I levels was obtained after 6 and 12 months of GH treatment. Ln addition, CG-stirnulated, but not baseline, testosterone levels showed a significant increase after 6 and 12 months of GH treatment when compared with study entry (9.6+/-0.5 and 4.9+/-0.5 vs 7.9+/-0.5 ng/ml P<0.05). Baseline, but not CG-stimulated, serum 17OHP levels were significantly increased only after 12 months of GH treatment (1.7+/-0.1 vs 1.4+/-0.1 ng/ml; P<0.05), No significant difference was found as far as both basal and CG-stimulated E-2 androstenedione, DHEA-S and SHBG were concerned. With regards to the semen analysis, only seminal plasma volume was significantly increased after 12 months of GH treatment (2.9+/-0.3 vs 1.7+/-0.3 ml; P<0.05). No significant change in sperm count, motility and abnormal forms was observed. These data show that GPI treatment displays a clear-cut effect upon Leydig cell function and increases the production of seminal plasma volume in fertile adult males with isolated GH deficienc

    The ENDOTRIAL Study: A Spontaneous, Open-Label, Randomized, Multicenter, Crossover Study on the Efficacy of Sildenafil, Tadalafil, and Vardenafil in the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

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    INTRODUCTION: The three effective, commercially available drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction-sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil-inhibit the same substrate, the erectolytic enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5). Although there are pharmacological differences between these three compounds, few comparative studies have been conducted to date. AIM: The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil in a randomly assigned 8-week fixed regimen. METHODS: This was a spontaneous, open-label, randomized, multicenter, crossover study where the patients were randomized to receive sildenafil 50 mg, sildenafil 100 mg, tadalafil 20 mg, or vardenafil 20 mg. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome included the posttreatment analysis of erectile function domains of the abridged International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF5+1). The secondary objectives included the analysis of peak-systolic velocities (PSVs), end-diastolic velocities (EDVs), and resistive index (RI), and the estimate of the percentage of men with normal penile hemodynamic parameters after each treatment. RESULTS: In all groups of patients taking sildenafil 50 mg, sildenafil 100 mg, tadalafil 20 mg, and vardenafil 20 mg at a frequency reflecting the common treatment regimens in real life, there was a statistically significant baseline-to-end point improvement in subjective perception of erectile function measured by IIEF5+1. When the four groups were compared, the treatments were not different in modifying IIEF5+1 and penile flow parameters. However, the within-group analysis showed that PSV improved in the sildenafil 50 mg group and that PSV together with RI significantly ameliorated in patients receiving 100 mg of sildenafil. Regression analysis confirmed an independent effect of sildenafil on hemodynamic efficacy parameters. CONCLUSIONS: An overall equivalence was demonstrated in the subjective perception of treatment benefits for all the PDE5i tested. However, sildenafil, in a dose-dependent manner, was the unique PDE5i able to ameliorate some of the penile flow parameters within the 8-week treatment period. These findings should be interpreted conservatively because of the observational nature of the study

    Fluid Dynamics in Seagrass Ecology—from Molecules to Ecosystems

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