118 research outputs found

    Psip1/Ledgf p75 restrains<i>Hox</i>gene expression by recruiting both trithorax and polycomb group proteins

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    Trithorax and polycomb group proteins are generally thought to antagonize one another. The trithorax familymember MLL (myeloid/lymphoid or mixedlineage leukemia) is presumed to activate Hox expression, counteracting polycomb-mediated repression. PC4 and SF2 interacting protein 1 (PSIP1)/p75, also known as LEDGF, whose PWWP domain binds to H3K36me3, interacts with MLL and tethers MLL fusion proteins toHOXA9 in leukaemias. Here we show, unexpectedly, that Psip1/p75 regulates homeotic genes by recruiting not only MLL complexes, but also the polycomb group protein Bmi1. In Psip1-/- cells binding of Mll1/2, Bmi1 and the co-repressor Ctbp1 at Hox loci are all abrogated and Hoxa and Hoxd mRNA expression increased. Our data not only reveal a potential mechanism of action for Psip1 in the regulation of Hox genes but also suggest an unexpected interplay between proteins usually considered as transcriptional activators and repressors. © The Author(s) 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research

    Radio-Continuum study of the Nearby Sculptor Group Galaxies. Part 1: NGC 300 at lambda = 20 cm

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    A series of new radio-continuum (lambda=20 cm) mosaic images focused on the NGC 300 galactic system were produced using archived observational data from the VLA and/or ATCA. These new images are both very sensitive (rms=60 microJy) and feature high angular resolution (<10"). The most prominent new feature is the galaxy's extended radio-continuum emission, which does not match its optical appearance. Using these newly created images a number of previously unidentified discrete sources have been discovered. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a joint deconvolution approach to imaging this complete data-set is inferior when compared to an immerge approach.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted to APSS, new version to correct the missing reference

    FAK regulates IL-33 expression by controlling chromatin accessibility at c-Jun motifs

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    Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) localizes to focal adhesions and is overexpressed in many cancers. FAK can also translocate to the nucleus, where it binds to, and regulates, several transcription factors, including MBD2, p53 and IL-33, to control gene expression by unknown mechanisms. We have used ATAC-seq to reveal that FAK controls chromatin accessibility at a subset of regulated genes. Integration of ATAC-seq and RNA-seq data showed that FAK-dependent chromatin accessibility is linked to differential gene expression, including of the FAK-regulated cytokine and transcriptional regulator interleukin-33 (Il33), which controls anti-tumor immunity. Analysis of the accessibility peaks on the Il33 gene promoter/enhancer regions revealed sequences for several transcription factors, including ETS and AP-1 motifs, and we show that c-Jun, a component of AP-1, regulates Il33 gene expression by binding to its enhancer in a FAK kinase-dependent manner. This work provides the first demonstration that FAK controls transcription via chromatin accessibility, identifying a novel mechanism by which nuclear FAK regulates biologically important gene expression

    Human centromere repositioning activates transcription and opens chromatin fibre structure

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    Human centromeres appear as constrictions on mitotic chromosomes and form a platform for kinetochore assembly in mitosis. Biophysical experiments led to a suggestion that repetitive DNA at centromeric regions form a compact scaffold necessary for function, but this was revised when neocentromeres were discovered on non-repetitive DNA. To test whether centromeres have a special chromatin structure we have analysed the architecture of a neocentromere. Centromere repositioning is accompanied by RNA polymerase II recruitment and active transcription to form a decompacted, negatively supercoiled domain enriched in ‘open’ chromatin fibres. In contrast, centromerisation causes a spreading of repressive epigenetic marks to surrounding regions, delimited by H3K27me3 polycomb boundaries and divergent genes. This flanking domain is transcriptionally silent and partially remodelled to form ‘compact’ chromatin, similar to satellite-containing DNA sequences, and exhibits genomic instability. We suggest transcription disrupts chromatin to provide a foundation for kinetochore formation whilst compact pericentromeric heterochromatin generates mechanical rigidity

    GPX-Macrophage Expression Atlas: A database for expression profiles of macrophages challenged with a variety of pro-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, benign and pathogen insults

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    BACKGROUND: Macrophages play an integral role in the host immune system, bridging innate and adaptive immunity. As such, they are finely attuned to extracellular and intracellular stimuli and respond by rapidly initiating multiple signalling cascades with diverse effector functions. The macrophage cell is therefore an experimentally and clinically amenable biological system for the mapping of biological pathways. The goal of the macrophage expression atlas is to systematically investigate the pathway biology and interaction network of macrophages challenged with a variety of insults, in particular via infection and activation with key inflammatory mediators. As an important first step towards this we present a single searchable database resource containing high-throughput macrophage gene expression studies. DESCRIPTION: The GPX Macrophage Expression Atlas (GPX-MEA) is an online resource for gene expression based studies of a range of macrophage cell types following treatment with pathogens and immune modulators. GPX-MEA follows the MIAME standard and includes an objective quality score with each experiment. It places special emphasis on rigorously capturing the experimental design and enables the searching of expression data from different microarray experiments. Studies may be queried on the basis of experimental parameters, sample information and quality assessment score. The ability to compare the expression values of individual genes across multiple experiments is provided. In addition, the database offers access to experimental annotation and analysis files and includes experiments and raw data previously unavailable to the research community. CONCLUSION: GPX-MEA is the first example of a quality scored gene expression database focussed on a macrophage cellular system that allows efficient identification of transcriptional patterns. The resource will provide novel insights into the phenotypic response of macrophages to a variety of benign, inflammatory, and pathogen insults. GPX-MEA is available through the GPX website at

    Robust genetic analysis of the X-linked anophthalmic (Ie) mouse

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    Anophthalmia (missing eye) describes a failure of early embryonic ocular development. Mutations in a relatively small set of genes account for 75% of bilateral anophthalmia cases, yet 25% of families currently are left without a molecular diagnosis. Here, we report our experimental work that aimed to uncover the developmental and genetic basis of the anophthalmia characterising the X-linked Ie (eye-ear reduction) X-ray-induced allele in mouse that was first identified in 1947. Histological analysis of the embryonic phenotype showed failure of normal eye development after the optic vesicle stage with particularly severe malformation of the ventral retina. Linkage analysis mapped this mutation to a ~6 Mb region on the X chromosome. Short- and long-read whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of affected and unaffected male littermates confirmed the Ie linkage but identified no plausible causative variants or structural rearrangements. These analyses did reduce the critical candidate interval and revealed evidence of multiple variants within the ancestral DNA, although none were found that altered coding sequences or that were unique to Ie. To investigate early embryonic events at a genetic level, we then generated mouse ES cells derived from male Ie embryos and wild type littermates. RNA-seq and accessible chromatin sequencing (ATAC-seq) data generated from cultured optic vesicle organoids did not reveal any large differences in gene expression or accessibility of putative cis-regulatory elements between Ie and wild type. However, an unbiased TF-footprinting analysis of accessible chromatin regions did provide evidence of a genome-wide reduction in binding of transcription factors associated with ventral eye development in Ie, and evidence of an increase in binding of the Zic-family of transcription factors, including Zic3, which is located within the Ie-refined critical interval. We conclude that the refined Ie critical region at chrX: 56,145,000&ndash;58,385,000 contains multiple genetic variants that may be linked to altered cis regulation but does not contain a convincing causative mutation. Changes in the binding of key transcription factors to chromatin causing altered gene expression during development, possibly through a subtle mis-regulation of Zic3, presents a plausible cause for the anophthalmia phenotype observed in Ie, but further work is required to determine the precise causative allele and its genetic mechanism