496 research outputs found

    Composition profiles of InAs–GaAs quantum dots determined by medium-energy ion scattering

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    The composition profile along the [001] growth direction of low-growth-rate InAs–GaAs quantum dots (QDs) has been determined using medium-energy ion scattering (MEIS). A linear profile of In concentration from 100% In at the top of the QDs to 20% at their base provides the best fit to MEIS energy spectra

    Strong Shock Waves and Nonequilibrium Response in a One-dimensional Gas: a Boltzmann Equation Approach

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    We investigate the nonequilibrium behavior of a one-dimensional binary fluid on the basis of Boltzmann equation, using an infinitely strong shock wave as probe. Density, velocity and temperature profiles are obtained as a function of the mixture mass ratio \mu. We show that temperature overshoots near the shock layer, and that heavy particles are denser, slower and cooler than light particles in the strong nonequilibrium region around the shock. The shock width w(\mu), which characterizes the size of this region, decreases as w(\mu) ~ \mu^{1/3} for \mu-->0. In this limit, two very different length scales control the fluid structure, with heavy particles equilibrating much faster than light ones. Hydrodynamic fields relax exponentially toward equilibrium, \phi(x) ~ exp[-x/\lambda]. The scale separation is also apparent here, with two typical scales, \lambda_1 and \lambda_2, such that \lambda_1 ~ \mu^{1/2} as \mu-->0$, while \lambda_2, which is the slow scale controlling the fluid's asymptotic relaxation, increases to a constant value in this limit. These results are discussed at the light of recent numerical studies on the nonequilibrium behavior of similar 1d binary fluids.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figs, published versio

    Phase space reduction of the one-dimensional Fokker-Planck (Kramers) equation

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    A pointlike particle of finite mass m, moving in a one-dimensional viscous environment and biased by a spatially dependent force, is considered. We present a rigorous mapping of the Fokker-Planck equation, which determines evolution of the particle density in phase space, onto the spatial coordinate x. The result is the Smoluchowski equation, valid in the overdamped limit, m->0, with a series of corrections expanded in powers of m. They are determined unambiguously within the recurrence mapping procedure. The method and the results are interpreted on the simplest model with no field and on the damped harmonic oscillator.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Health outcomes of online consumer health information: A systematic mixed studies review with framework synthesis.

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    The Internet has become the first source of consumer health information. Most theoretical and empirical studies are centered on information needs and seeking, rather than on information outcomes. This review's purpose is to explore and explain health outcomes of Online Consumer Health Information (OCHI) in primary care. A participatory systematic mixed studies review with a framework synthesis was undertaken. Starting from an initial conceptual framework, our specific objectives were to (a) identify types of OCHI outcomes in primary care, (b) identify factors associated with these outcomes, and (c) integrate these factors and outcomes into a comprehensive revised framework combining an information theory and a psychosocial theory of behavior. The results of 65 included studies were synthesized using a qualitative thematic data analysis. The themes derived from the literature underwent a harmonization process that produced a comprehensive typology of OCHI outcomes. The revised conceptual framework specifies four individual and one organizational level of OCHI outcomes, while including factors such as consumers' information needs and four interdependent contextual factors. It contributes to theoretical knowledge about OCHI health outcomes, and informs future research, information assessment methods, and tools to help consumers find and use health information

    Three-dimensional lattice-Boltzmann simulations of critical spinodal decomposition in binary immiscible fluids

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    We use a modified Shan-Chen, noiseless lattice-BGK model for binary immiscible, incompressible, athermal fluids in three dimensions to simulate the coarsening of domains following a deep quench below the spinodal point from a symmetric and homogeneous mixture into a two-phase configuration. We find the average domain size growing with time as tγt^\gamma, where γ\gamma increases in the range 0.545<γ<0.7170.545 < \gamma < 0.717, consistent with a crossover between diffusive t1/3t^{1/3} and hydrodynamic viscous, t1.0t^{1.0}, behaviour. We find good collapse onto a single scaling function, yet the domain growth exponents differ from others' works' for similar values of the unique characteristic length and time that can be constructed out of the fluid's parameters. This rebuts claims of universality for the dynamical scaling hypothesis. At early times, we also find a crossover from q2q^2 to q4q^4 in the scaled structure function, which disappears when the dynamical scaling reasonably improves at later times. This excludes noise as the cause for a q2q^2 behaviour, as proposed by others. We also observe exponential temporal growth of the structure function during the initial stages of the dynamics and for wavenumbers less than a threshold value.Comment: 45 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Celebrating Cercignani's conjecture for the Boltzmann equation

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    Cercignani's conjecture assumes a linear inequality between the entropy and entropy production functionals for Boltzmann's nonlinear integral operator in rarefied gas dynamics. Related to the field of logarithmic Sobolev inequalities and spectral gap inequalities, this issue has been at the core of the renewal of the mathematical theory of convergence to thermodynamical equilibrium for rarefied gases over the past decade. In this review paper, we survey the various positive and negative results which were obtained since the conjecture was proposed in the 1980s.Comment: This paper is dedicated to the memory of the late Carlo Cercignani, powerful mind and great scientist, one of the founders of the modern theory of the Boltzmann equation. 24 pages. V2: correction of some typos and one ref. adde

    Reply to Guy et al.: Support for a bottleneck in the 2011 Escherichia coli O104:H4 outbreak in Germany

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    In our paper (1), we analyzed isolates from the Escherichia coli O104:H4 outbreaks in Germany and France in May to July 2011. We concluded that, although the German outbreak was larger, the German isolates represent a clade within the greater diversity of the French outbreak. We proposed several hypotheses to explain these findings, including that the lineage leading to the German outbreak went through a narrow bottleneck that purged diversity. Guy et al. (2) report the genomes of eight additional E. coli O104:H4 isolates sampled from the German outbreak. By focusing on the numbers of SNPs in their samples, they suggest that the German outbreak is more diverse than we reported and is similar to the French outbreak. In fact, Guy et al.’s data (2) strongly support our conclusion that the German outbreak represents a clade within the diversity

    Locating global health in social medicine

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    Global health's goal to address health issues across great sociocultural and socioeconomic gradients worldwide requires a sophisticated approach to the social root causes of disease and the social context of interventions. This is especially true today as the focus of global health work is actively broadened from acute to chronic and from infectious to non-communicable diseases. To respond to these complex biosocial problems, we propose the recent expansion of interest in the field of global health should look to the older field of social medicine, a shared domain of social and medical sciences that offers critical analytic and methodological tools to elucidate who gets sick, why and what we can do about it. Social medicine is a rich and relatively untapped resource for understanding the hybrid biological and social basis of global health problems. Global health can learn much from social medicine to help practitioners understand the social behaviour, social structure, social networks, cultural difference and social context of ethical action central to the success or failure of global health's important agendas. This understanding - of global health as global social medicine - can coalesce global health's unclear identity into a coherent framework effective for addressing the world's most pressing health issues