1,217 research outputs found

    Memoria y desmemoria histórica. Contra el desafío oficial del olvido: el caso de los bombardeos

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    Alemanya ha sabut assumir un passat recent prou dramàtic i un dels darrers actes en la recuperació de la memòria col·lectiva ha estat el record de la devastació soferta durant els bombardeigs aliats després d’anys d’amnèsia. En aquest article es mostra el procés de recuperació de la història i del patrimoni de la guerra a Alemanya i s’evidencia al mateix temps la inexistencia d’una política cultural i patrimonial dedicada a la Guerra d’Espanya.Germany seems to have successfully assumed his recent past, as dramatic as it is. One of the last demonstrations of this recovery of its collective memory has been the development of initiatives around the devastation caused by the allied bombardments, done after decades of amnesia. In this paper the author describes the projects done to recover the memory of this episode of the Second World War as well as the heritage that still remains intact. This description is made establishing parallelisms with the lack of similar initiatives focused on the Spanish Civil War

    Gestió documental

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    Es pretén crear una eina per a la gestió del coneixement emprat per l'usuari tècnic, la qual gràcies a la seva facilitat i senzillesa, ajudi en aquestes tasques i permeti la localització ràpida de la informació que pot arribar a ser útil per a un projecte de la tecnologia indicada. Per a la correcta gestió i creixement del sistema, les dades seran catalogades i gestionades per un sistema gestor de bases de dades (SGBD) i sempre sota la tutela d'un usuari administrador del sistema. L'aplicació permet la gestió d'altes, baixes, modificacions i visualització de forma ordenada de qualsevol tipus de document i noticies (amb una mida màxima de 20 MB), i la relació amb la cerca serà per tipus de tecnologia.Se pretende crear una herramienta para la gestión del conocimiento usada por el usuario técnico, la cual gracias a su facilidad y sencillez, ayude en estas tareas y permita la localización rápida de la información que puede llegar a ser útil para un proyecto de la tecnología indicada. Para la correcta gestión y crecimiento del sistema, los datos serán catalogados y gestionados por un sistema gestor de bases de datos (SGBD) y siempre bajo la tutela de un usuario administrador del sistema. La aplicación permite la gestión de altas, bajas, modificaciones y visualización de forma ordenada de cualquier tipo de documento y noticias (con una medida máxima de 20 MB), y la relación con la busca será por tipo de tecnología.This project aims to create a tool for knowledge management used by the technical user to help in these tasks and to allow rapid location of information that can be useful for a given technology project. For the proper management and system growth, the data will be catalogued and managed by a Database Management System (DBMS)

    Kidney disease in primary anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome

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    APS is an autoimmune disease defined by the presence of arterial or venous thrombotic events and/or pregnancy morbidity in patients who test positive for aPL. APS can be isolated (primary APS) or associated with other autoimmune diseases. The kidney is a major target organ in APS, and renal thrombosis can occur at any level within the vasculature of the kidney (renal arteries, intrarenal vasculature and renal veins). Histological findings vary widely, including ischaemic glomeruli and thrombotic lesions without glomerular or arterial immune deposits on immunofluorescence. Renal involvement in patients with definite APS is treated with long-term anticoagulants as warfarin, but new treatments are being tried. The aim of this article is to review the links between primary APS and kidney disease

    Hydrazones as Singular Reagents in Asymmetric Organocatalysis

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    This Minireview summarizes strategies and developments regarding the use of hydrazones as reagents in asymmetric organocatalysis, their distinct roles in nucleophile–electrophile, cycloaddition, and cyclization reactions. The key structural elements governing the reactivity of these reagents in a preferred pathway will be discussed, as well as their different interactions with organocatalysts, leading to diverse activation modes. Along these studies, the synthetic equivalence of N-monoalkyl, N,N-dialkyl, and N-acyl hydrazones with several synthons is also highlighted. Emphasis is also put on the mechanistic studies performed to understand the observed reactivities. Finally, the functional group transformations performed from the available products has also been analyzed, highlighting the synthetic value of these methodologies, which served to access numerous families of valuable multifunctional compounds and nitrogen-containing heterocycles.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2013-48164-C2-1-P, CTQ201348164-C2-2-PEuropean FEDER fundsJunta de Andalucía 2012/FQM 107

    Efectos de la globalización en la aviación colombiana

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    En este trabajo se encuentra un breve diagnostico de la problemática por la cual atraviesa la aviación civil del país, especialmente lo concerniente con el aeropuerto el Dorado y así mismo se aportará una breve explicación del porque Colombia esta rezagándose ante el fenómeno de la globalización. De igual manera se dará una definición de la globalización sus generalidades y efectos en Colombia. También se encontrará con una descripción de la infraestructura aeroportuaria del aeropuerto el Dorado, las políticas aeronáuticas relacionadas con el fenómeno global referente al transporte de carga y pasajeros. Por último en este análisis se señalan unos indicadores que muestran las falencias que presenta el Dorado en cuanto a aspectos de seguridad e infraestructura y que muestran claramente su incapacidad de atender la avalancha de carga y pasajeros, provenientes de los Tratados de Libre Comercio

    The use of rituximab in newly diagnosed patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: long-term steroid saving capacity and clinical effectiveness

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    Background: Previous reports indicate that treating patients with lupus (SLE) at or close to the time of diagnosis successfully without using any, or minimal, corticosteroids by using B-cell depletion (BCD) is possible in the short-term. It is not however known whether using BCD is as effective or reduces corticosteroid use in the long-term. We report the long-term (up to 7 years) use of BCD with respect to its steroid-saving capacity and clinical effectiveness in newly diagnosed SLE. Methods: Sixteen female patients with SLE were treated at, or shortly after diagnosis, with BCD therapy (BCDT) minimising the routine use of oral steroids. Post-treatment, most patients were given hydroxychloroquine (n=14) and azathioprine (n=10). The British Isles Lupus Assessment Group (BILAG) disease activity index was used for clinical assessment. Serum antidouble-stranded DNA (dsDNA) antibodies, complement (C3), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), circulating B lymphocytes (CD19+) and total inmmunoglobulins were tested every 2-6 months (average of 4.5 years) (SD 2) post-treatment. Disease activity and steroid requirement were compared with three patients with SLE treated conventionally, each matched for ethnicity, sex, age, clinical features, disease duration at diagnosis and follow-up period. Results: All patients given rituximab achieved BCD. The mean number of flares during follow-up (new BILAG A or B) was 2.63 (SD 3) in the BCDT group and 4 (SD 3.6) in the controls (NS, p=0.14). Post-BCDT, mean anti-dsDNA antibody level fell from 1114 U/mL (SD 1699.3) to 194 (SD 346.7) at 18 months (p=0.043), mean serum ESR fell by >70% at 6 months maintained during follow-up and serum C3 level normalised in 8 patients. The mean cumulative prednisolone dose at 60 months for the patients who underwent BCDT (n=11) was 4745.67 mg (SD 6090 mg) vs 12 553.92 mg (SD 12 672 mg) for the controls (p=0.01). Conclusions: Early treatment of patients with SLE with BCDT is safe, effective and enables a reduction in steroid use

    Characterisation of Amyloid Aggregation and Inhibition by Diffusion-Based Single-Molecule Fluorescence Techniques

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    Protein amyloid aggregation has been associated with more than 50 human disorders, including the most common neurodegenerative disorders Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Interfering with this process is considered as a promising therapeutic strategy for these diseases. Our understanding of the process of amyloid aggregation and its role in disease has typically been limited by the use of ensemble-based biochemical and biophysical techniques, owing to the intrinsic heterogeneity and complexity of the process. Single-molecule techniques, and particularly diffusion-based single-molecule fluorescence approaches, have been instrumental to obtain meaningful information on the dynamic nature of the fibril-forming process, as well as the characterisation of the heterogeneity of the amyloid aggregates and the understanding of the molecular basis of inhibition of a number of molecules with therapeutic interest. In this article, we reviewed some recent contributions on the characterisation of the amyloid aggregation process, the identification of distinct structural groups of aggregates in homotypic or heterotypic aggregation, as well as on the study of the interaction of amyloid aggregates with other molecules, allowing the estimation of the binding sites, affinities, and avidities as examples of the type of relevant information we can obtain about these processes using these techniques

    The electrocaloric effect of lead-free Ba1y_{1-y}Cay_yTi1x_{1-x}Hfx_xO3_3 from direct and indirect measurements

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    We report on the dielectric and electrocaloric properties of Ba1y_{1-y}Cay_yTi1x_{1-x}Hfx_xO3_3 for compositions 0.12<x<0.180.12<x<0.18 and y=0.06y=0.06, as well as x=0.15x=0.15 and 0<y<0.150<y<0.15, synthesized by the conventional solid-state reaction method. The addition of Hf/Ca broadens the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition, while moving it toward room temperature. Two interferroelectric transitions are seen to converge, together with the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition, at ca. 335 K for 0.12<xc<0.1350.12<x_c<0.135 and y=0.06y=0.06. Consistently with the dielectric properties, the electrocaloric effect maximizes closer to room temperature with increasing Hf/Ca substitutions, which promote larger temperature spans. The electrocaloric responsivity gradually decreases from 0.2 to 0.1 K ~mm ~kV1^{-1} with the addition of Hf/Ca. A homemade quasi-adiabatic calorimeter is employed to measure "directly" the electrocaloric data, which are also calculated from polarization-versus-electric-field cycles using "indirect" standard procedures. The comparison between measured and calculated values highlights the importance of having access to direct methods for a reliable determination of the electrocaloric effect.Comment: 30 pages, 17 figure

    Single degree-of-freedom exoskeleton mechanism design for finger rehabilitation

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    This paper presents the kinematic design of a single degree-of-freedom exoskeleton mechanism: a planar eight-bar mechanism for finger curling. The mechanism is part of a fingerthumb robotic device for hand therapy that will allow users to practice key pinch grip and finger-thumb opposition, allowing discrete control inputs for playing notes on a musical gaming interface. This approach uses the mechanism to generate the desired grasping trajectory rather than actuating the joints of the fingers and thumb independently. In addition, the mechanism is confined to the back of the hand, so as to allow sensory input into the palm of the hand, minimal size and apparent inertia, and the possibility of placing multiple mechanisms side-by-side to allow control of individual fingersPeer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft