11 research outputs found

    Conduit Artery Photoplethysmography and its Applications in the Assessment of Hemodynamic Condition

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusPromocijas darbā ir izstrādāta maÄ£istrālo artēriju fotopletizmogrāfijas (APPG) metode hemodinamisko parametru novērtējumam. Pretstatot referentām metodēm, demonstrēta iespēja iegÅ«t arteriālo elasticitāti raksturojoÅ”us parametrus, izmantojot APPG signāla formas analÄ«zi (atvasinājuma un signāla formas aproksimācijas parametri) un ar APPG iegÅ«tu pulsa izplatÄ«Å”anās ātrumu unilaterālā gultnē. Izstrādāta APPG reÄ£istrācijas standartizācija, mērÄ«juma laikā nodroÅ”inot optimālo sensora piespiedienu. Å is paņēmiens validēts ārējās ietekmes (sensora piespiediens) un hemodinamisko stāvokļu (perifērā vaskulārā pretestÄ«ba) izmaiņās femorālā APPG signālā, identificējot bÅ«tiskākos faktorus APPG pielietojumos. Veikta APPG validācija asinsrites fizioloÄ£ijas un preklÄ«niskā pētÄ«jumā demonstrējot APPG potenciālu pētniecÄ«bā un diagnostikā. Izstrādāts pulsa formas parametrizācijas paņēmiens, saistot fizioloÄ£iskās un aproksimācijas modeļa komponentes. Atslēgas vārdi: maÄ£istrālā artērija, fotopletizmogrāfija, arteriālā elasticitāte, metodes standartizācija, pulsa formas kvantifikācija, vazomocija, sepseThe doctoral thesis features the development of a conduit artery photoplethysmography technique (APPG) for the evaluation of hemodynamic parameters. Contrasting referent methods, the work demonstrates the possibility to receive parameters characterizing the arterial stiffness by means of APPG waveform analysis (derivation and waveform approximation parameters) and APPG obtained pulse wave velocity in a unilateral vascular bed. In this work APPG standardization technique was developed providing optimal probe contact pressure conditions. It was validated by altering the external factors (probe contact pressure) and hemodynamic conditions (peripheral vascular resistance) on the femoral APPG waveform identifying the key factors in APPG applications. The APPG validation in blood circulation physiology and a pre-clinical trial was performed demonstrating APPG potential in the extension of applications. An arterial waveform parameterization was developed relating the physiological wave to approximation model components. Keywords: conduit artery, photoplethysmography, arterial stiffness, method standardization, waveform parametrization, vasomotion, sepsi

    Arterial stiffness measured by pulse wave velocity in patients with early sepsis

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    Publisher Copyright: Ā© by Sigita Kazune 2015.Sepsis is characterised by massive inflammatory response, which can affect vascular function. This study was designed to assess the impact of early severe sepsis and septic shock on arterial stiffness and the relationship of this impact to outcome. Twelve patients with severe sepsis and 22 with septic shock were included in the study. We measured carotid to femoral and carotid to radial pulse wave velocity (PWV), an index of aortic and brachial arterial stiffness, in patients with early severe sepsis and septic shock within 24 hours of admission to intensive care unit and repeatedly after 48 hours. No difference was observed between patients with severe sepsis and septic shock regarding carotid to femoral PWV (11.7 Ā± 2.2 vs. 11.3 Ā± 3.6 m/s) and carotid to radial PWV (12.0 Ā± 3.8 vs. 9.5 Ā± 2.2 m/s). On 48 hour follow-up, PWV did not significantly differ between survivors and non-survivors. A positive, similar correlation occurred between PWV and pulse pressure in all patients (r = 0.35, p = 0.05), and there was a negative correlation between PWV and C-reactive protein levels (r = -0.43, p = 0.04). In conclusion, PWV is not affected by disease severity or prognosis.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Relationship of mottling score, skin microcirculatory perfusion indices and biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction in patients with septic shock : An observational study

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    Funding Information: This study was supported by a grant ( from the European Regional Development Fund. Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2019 The Author(s).Background: In patients with septic shock, the skin is often chosen for the evaluation of peripheral perfusion and oxygenation. Changes in skin microcirculatory vessel oxygen saturation and relative hemoglobin concentration can be described using a mottling score or captured with hyperspectral imaging. However, the effectiveness of the mottling score in assessing microcirculation remains to be shown. We hypothesize that the mottling score in patients with septic shock is related to skin microcirculatory perfusion indices quantified by hyperspectral imaging, biomarkers that reflect endothelium activation and damage, and clinical outcome. Methods: Hyperspectral imaging of the knee area was performed in 95 intensive care patients with septic shock enrolled in a single-center observational study to obtain relative oxy/deoxyhemoglobin concentration values and construct anatomical maps of skin microcirculatory saturation. The blood was sampled to obtain concentrations of thrombomodulin, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), angiopoietin-2, and syndecan-1. The spectrophotometrically obtained skin microvascular perfusion indices were compared to the mottling score and biomarker concentration. The association between mottling score, skin microcirculatory perfusion indices, and 28-day mortality was also analyzed. Results: Microcirculatory oxygen saturation was significantly lower and total hemoglobin concentration was significantly higher in patients with a mottling score of 2 compared to those with a score of 0 (p = 0.02), with no difference between other scores. We found an association between microcirculatory oxygen saturation and PAI-1 levels (rho =-0.3; p = 0.007). Increased mottling score and decreased microcirculatory oxygen saturation were predictive of 28-day mortality (mottling score 2 vs 0: OR 15.31, 95% CI 4.12-68.11; microcirculatory oxygen saturation: OR 0.90, 95% CI 0.85-0.95). Endothelial biomarkers did not increase the predictive value of skin microcirculatory perfusion indices. Conclusions: Higher mottling scores are associated with lower microcirculatory oxygen saturation but with significant overlap between scores. Microcirculatory oxygen saturation is a quantitative measure of peripheral oxygenation and is more specific than the mottling score in predicting 28-day mortality.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Association between increased arterial stiffness and clinical outcomes in patients with early sepsis : a prospective observational cohort study

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    Background: Conduit arteries, especially the aorta, play a major role in ensuring efficient cardiac function and optimal microvascular flow due to their viscoelastic properties. Studies in animals and on isolated arteries show that acute systemic inflammation can cause aortic stiffening which affects hemodynamic efficiency. Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity, a measure of aortic stiffness, may be useful as a bedside investigational method in patients with early sepsis admitted to intensive care, as circulatory changes can lead to multiple organ failure and increased mortality. This study aims to investigate arterial stiffness in early sepsis and its association with clinical outcomes. Methods: This prospective observational study included adult patients with severe sepsis or septic shock admitted to our intensive care unit (n = 45). Their carotidfemoral pulse wave velocity was measured within 24 h of admission. We assessed the progression of multiple organ as well as cardiovascular failure by sequential SOFA scores. Prediction models for the progression of multiple organ and cardiovascular failure were constructed using multivariate logistic regression with pulse wave velocity and vasopressor use as predictors. A Cox proportional hazards model was used to examine the relationship between pulse wave velocity and survival time. Results: The median pulse wave velocity for the cohort was 14.6 (8.1ā€“24.7) m/s. There was no association between pulse wave velocity and the progression of multiple organ failure, before or after adjustment for vasopressor use. No association was found between pulse wave velocity and subsequent improvement in cardiovascular failure in the subgroup of patients who had cardiovascular instability at baseline. Cox regression and survival analyses with age, APACHE II, and baseline SOFA as confounders showed a shorter hospital survival time for patients with pulse wave velocity > 24.7 m/s (HR = 9.45, 95% CI 1.24ā€“72.2; P = 0.03). Conclusions: Patients with severe sepsis and septic shock admitted to intensive care have higher arterial stiffness than in the general population. No convincing association was found between pulse wave velocity at admission and the progression of multiple organ or cardiovascular failure, although the group with pulse wave velocity > 24.7 m/s had shorter survival time.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Assessment of Age-related Skin Changes Using Hyperspectral Polarization Imaging

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    We report a development of hyperspectral polarization imaging approach for assessment of age-related skin changes. The degree of residual polarization is used as a quantitative marker of the age-related pathological malformations. The developed approach in frame of express analysis of the degree of residual polarization in each pixel of the image are shown

    Contactless photoplethysmography for assessment of small fiber neuropathy

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    Chronic pain is a prevalent condition affecting approximately one-fifth of the global population, with significant impacts on quality of life and work productivity. Small fiber neuropathies are a common cause of chronic pain, and current diagnostic methods rely on subjective self-assessment or invasive skin biopsies, highlighting the need for objective noninvasive assessment methods. The study aims to develop a modular prototype of a contactless photoplethysmography system with three spectral bands (420, 540, and 800Ā nm) and evaluate its potential for assessing peripheral neuropathy patients via a skin topical heating test and spectral analyses of cutaneous flowmotions. The foot topical skin heating test was conducted on thirty volunteers, including fifteen healthy subjects and fifteen neuropathic patients. Four cutaneous nerve fiber characterizing parameters were evaluated at different wavelengths, including vasomotor response trend, flare area, flare intensity index, and the spectral power of cutaneous flowmotions. The results show that neuropathic patients had significantly lower vasomotor response (50%), flare area (63%), flare intensity index (19%), and neurogenic component (54%) of cutaneous flowmotions compared to the control group, independent of photoplethysmography spectral band. An absolute value of perfusion was 20%ā€“30% higher in the 420Ā nm band. Imaging photoplethysmography shows potential as a cost-effective alternative for objective and non-invasive assessment of neuropathic patients, but further research is needed to enhance photoplethysmography signal quality and establish diagnostic criteria

    Skin complications of diabetes mellitus revealed by polarized hyperspectral imaging and machine learning

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    Aging and diabetes lead to protein glycation and cause dysfunction of collagen-containing tissues. The accompanying structural and functional changes of collagen significantly contribute to the development of various pathological malformations affecting the skin, blood vessels, and nerves, causing a number of complications, increasing disability risks and threat to life. In fact, no methods of non-invasive assessment of glycation and associated metabolic processes in biotissues or prediction of possible skin complications, e.g., ulcers, currently exist for endocrinologists and clinical diagnosis. In this publication, utilizing emerging photonics-based technology, innovative solutions in machine learning, and definitive physiological characteristics, we introduce a diagnostic approach capable of evaluating the skin complications of diabetes mellitus at the very earlier stage. The results of the feasibility studies, as well as the actual tests on patients with diabetes and healthy volunteers, clearly show the ability of the approach to differentiate diabetic and control groups. Furthermore, the developed in-house polarization-based hyperspectral imaging technique accomplished with the implementation of the artificial neural network provides new horizons in the study and diagnosis of age-related diseases

    Measurements of optical biosignals of blood pulsations and there analysis

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    Darbā veikti divi savstarpēji saistÄ«ti pētÄ«jumi ar mērÄ·i pilnveidot asinsrites optiskās diagnostikas metodes, reÄ£istrējot un analizējot fotopletizmogrāfisko (PPG) signālu laika un formas.parametrus. Izstrādāta metodika un veikti klÄ«niskie mērÄ«jumi statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gā (128 personas) kardiovaskulāro slimÄ«bu pacientu un veselu personu (20 personas) grupās, katrā sirdsdarbÄ«bas ciklā nosakot pulsa cikla ilgumu, pulsa viļņa izplatÄ«Å”anās un atstarotā viļņa aizkaves laikus, augmentācijas indeksu un refleksijas indeksu. Analizējot Å”o parametru korelācijas, parādÄ«ta iespēja pēc PPG signālu formām atŔķirt slimu un veselas personu grupas. Veikti pirmie pētÄ«jumi, lai novērtētu asins tilpuma plÅ«smas ietekmi uz PPG signāla AC komponentes formu. Atslēgas vārdi: fotopletizmogrāfija, neinvazÄ«va optiskā diagnostika, biosignālu apstrāde, asinsrites tilpuma plÅ«smaIn this work there have been done two related researches, with an aim of improving optical diagnosticē methods by recording and processing time and shape parameters of photopethysmographic (PPG) signal. There have been worked out a methodology as well as there have been done statistically notable (128 persons) clinical measurements to patients of cardiovascular diseases and laboratorical measurements to the group of healthy people (20 persons). In each heartbeat, pulse duration, transit times of the direct and reflected waves, augmentation and reflection indexes were calculated, and correlations among these parameters were analysed. The result of processed data show the possibility of separation of healthy people and patients with illness. There have been done first research series to assess an influence of blood volume flow in forming PPG signal AC component. Keywords: photopletysmography, non-invasive optical diagnostics, biosignal processing, blood volume flo

    Remote Photoplethysmography for Evaluation of Cutaneous Sensory Nerve Fiber Function

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    About 2% of the worldā€™s population suffers from small nerve fiber dysfunction, neuropathy, which can result in severe pain. This condition is caused by damage to the small nerve fibers and its assessment is challenging, due to the lack of simple and objective diagnostic techniques. The present study aimed to develop a contactless photoplethysmography system using simple instrumentation, for objective and non-invasive assessment of small cutaneous sensory nerve fiber function. The approach is based on the use of contactless photoplethysmography for the characterization of skin flowmotions and topical heating evoked vasomotor responses. The feasibility of the technique was evaluated on volunteers (n = 14) using skin topical anesthesia, which is able to produce temporary alterations of cutaneous nerve fibers function. In the treated skin region in comparison to intact skin: neurogenic and endothelial component of flowmotions decreased by ~61% and 41%, the local heating evoked flare area decreased by ~44%, vasomotor response trend peak and nadir were substantially reduced. The results indicate for the potential of the remote photoplethysmography in the assessment of the cutaneous nerve fiber function. It is believed that in the future this technique could be used in the clinics as an affordable alternative to laser Doppler imaging technique

    Remote Photoplethysmography for Evaluation of Cutaneous Sensory Nerve Fiber Function

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    About 2% of the worldā€™s population suffers from small nerve fiber dysfunction, neuropathy, which can result in severe pain. This condition is caused by damage to the small nerve fibers and its assessment is challenging, due to the lack of simple and objective diagnostic techniques. The present study aimed to develop a contactless photoplethysmography system using simple instrumentation, for objective and non-invasive assessment of small cutaneous sensory nerve fiber function. The approach is based on the use of contactless photoplethysmography for the characterization of skin flowmotions and topical heating evoked vasomotor responses. The feasibility of the technique was evaluated on volunteers (n = 14) using skin topical anesthesia, which is able to produce temporary alterations of cutaneous nerve fibers function. In the treated skin region in comparison to intact skin: neurogenic and endothelial component of flowmotions decreased by ~61% and 41%, the local heating evoked flare area decreased by ~44%, vasomotor response trend peak and nadir were substantially reduced. The results indicate for the potential of the remote photoplethysmography in the assessment of the cutaneous nerve fiber function. It is believed that in the future this technique could be used in the clinics as an affordable alternative to laser Doppler imaging technique