39 research outputs found

    Clinical outcomes stratified by baseline functional class after initial combination therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    Background: Initial combination therapy with ambrisentan and tadalafil reduced the risk of clinical failure events for treatment-naïve participants with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) as compared to monotherapy. Previous studies in PAH have demonstrated greater treatment benefits in more symptomatic participants. Methods: AMBITION was an event-driven, double-blind study in which participants were randomized 2:1:1 to oncedaily initial combination therapy with ambrisentan 10 mg plus tadalafil 40 mg, ambrisentan 10 mg plus placebo, or tadalafil 40 mg plus placebo. In this pre-specified subgroup analysis, we compared the efficacy data between those with functional class (FC) II vs. FC III symptoms at baseline. Results: This analysis included 500 participants in the previously defined primary analysis set (n = 155 FC II, n = 345 FC III). Comparing combination therapy to pooled monotherapy, the risk of clinical failure events was reduced by 79% (hazard ratio, 0.21 [95% confidence interval: 0.071, 0.63]) for FC II patients and 42 (hazard ratio, 0.58 [95% confidence interval: 0.39, 0.86]) for FC III patients. In a post-hoc analysis, the risk of first hospitalization for worsening PAH was also reduced by combination therapy, particularly for FC II patients (0 combination vs. 11 [14%] pooled monotherapy). Adverse events were frequent but comparable between the subgroups. Conclusions: Treatment benefit from initial combination therapy appeared at least as great for FC II as for FC III participants. Hospitalizations for worsening PAH were not observed in FC II participants assigned to combination. The present data support an initial combination strategy for newly diagnosed patients even when symptoms are less severe

    Genetic counselling and testing in pulmonary arterial hypertension:a consensus statement on behalf of the International Consortium for Genetic Studies in PAH

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    Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare disease that can be caused by (likely) pathogenic germline genomic variants. In addition to the most prevalent disease gene, BMPR2 (bone morphogenetic protein receptor 2), several genes, some belonging to distinct functional classes, are also now known to predispose to the development of PAH. As a consequence, specialist and non-specialist clinicians and healthcare professionals are increasingly faced with a range of questions regarding the need for, approaches to and benefits/risks of genetic testing for PAH patients and/or related family members. We provide a consensus-based approach to recommendations for genetic counselling and assessment of current best practice for disease gene testing. We provide a framework and the type of information to be provided to patients and relatives through the process of genetic counselling, and describe the presently known disease causal genes to be analysed. Benefits of including molecular genetic testing within the management protocol of patients with PAH include the identification of individuals misclassified by other diagnostic approaches, the optimisation of phenotypic characterisation for aggregation of outcome data, including in clinical trials, and importantly through cascade screening, the detection of healthy causal variant carriers, to whom regular assessment should be offered.</p

    Riociguat treatment in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: Final safety data from the EXPERT registry

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    Objective: The soluble guanylate cyclase stimulator riociguat is approved for the treatment of adult patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and inoperable or persistent/recurrent chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) following Phase

    Abstracts from the 8th International Conference on cGMP Generators, Effectors and Therapeutic Implications

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    This work was supported by a restricted research grant of Bayer AG

    Right Atrial Pressure During Exercise Predicts Survival in Patients With Pulmonary Hypertension

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    Background We investigated changes in right atrial pressure (RAP) during exercise and their prognostic significance in patients assessed for pulmonary hypertension (PH). Methods and Results Consecutive right heart catheterization data, including RAP recorded during supine, stepwise cycle exercise in 270 patients evaluated for PH, were analyzed retrospectively and compared among groups of patients with PH (mean pulmonary artery pressure [mPAP] ≥25 mm Hg), exercise-induced PH (exPH; resting mPAP 30 mm Hg, and mPAP/cardiac output >3 Wood Units (WU)), and without PH (noPH). We investigated RAP changes during exercise and survival over a median (quartiles) observation period of 3.7 (2.8-5.6) years. In 152 patients with PH, 58 with exPH, and 60 with noPH, median (quartiles) resting RAP was 8 (6-11), 6 (4-8), and 6 (4-8) mm Hg (P<0.005 for noPH and exPH versus PH). Corresponding peak changes (95% CI) in RAP during exercise were 5 (4-6), 3 (2-4), and -1 (-2 to 0) mm Hg (noPH versus PH P<0.001, noPH versus exPH P=0.027). RAP increase during exercise correlated with mPAP/cardiac output increase (r=0.528, P<0.001). The risk of death or lung transplantation was higher in patients with exercise-induced RAP increase (hazard ratio, 4.24; 95% CI, 1.69-10.64; P=0.002) compared with patients with unaltered or decreasing RAP during exercise. Conclusions In patients evaluated for PH, RAP during exercise should not be assumed as constant. RAP increase during exercise, as observed in exPH and PH, reflects hemodynamic impairment and poor prognosis. Therefore, our data suggest that changes in RAP during exercise right heart catheterization are clinically important indexes of the cardiovascular function

    Right and Left Heart Function in Lowlanders with COPD at Altitude: Data from a Randomized Study

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    BACKGROUND Changes in pulmonary hemodynamics and cardiac function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) traveling to altitude have not been assessed despite an increasing prevalence of the disease. OBJECTIVES We hypothesized that pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) significantly increases and cardiac function deteriorates during exposure to hypobaric hypoxia as encountered by traveling to moderate altitude or air flight. METHODS A total of 37 patients (17 female; median age [quartiles] 66 years [60; 69] with COPD GOLD grade 2-3 [FEV1 57% predicted (49; 71)]) living < 800 m underwent echocardiography in Zurich (490 m) and after 1 night at Davos Jakobshorn (2,590 m) in a randomized order of allocation. RESULTS The transtricuspid pressure gradient increased from 23 mm Hg (18; 29) to 32 mm Hg (25; 41) (p < 0.0001; Δmedian [95% CI] 7.5 [2.0; 13.0]), the right ventricular fractional area change decreased from 45% (39; 49) to 38% (33; 43) (p = 0.002), while the heart rate and systolic blood pressure increased from 70 bpm (64; 78) to 82 bpm (70; 86) (p < 0.0001) and from 133 mm Hg (123; 141) to 136 mm Hg (126; 148) (p = 0.002), respectively, and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction was more prevalent (24-54%, p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS This is a first study assessing changes in pulmonary hemodynamics and cardiac function in patients with COPD during a short altitude sojourn. Despite the increase in PAP and indications of change in cardiac function, the exposure was well tolerated. None of the patients had to descend to lower altitude for symptomatic altitude-related disease