1,126 research outputs found

    Settori di contatto tra romancio grigionese e italiano: il lessico alimentare

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    Der Beitrag behandelt das besondere Verhaltnis zwischen Romanischbunden und dem benachbarten italienischsprachigen (Oberitalien und die italienische Schweiz umfassenden) Raum im Bereich des Ernahrungswortschatzes. Nach einer kurzen Ubersicht uber die Italianismen des ausgewahlten Bereichs werden Entlehnungen aus oberitalienischen Varietaten in phonetischer, morphologischer und lexikalischer Hinsicht genauer vorgestellt. Des Weiteren wird die Verteilung der besprochenen Ausdrucke innerhalb Romanischbundens nachgezeichnet, und der Ruckgang dieser Entlehnungen im 20. Jahrhundert wird veranschaulicht. Die zu beobachtende Entwicklung erklart sich aufgrund der abnehmenden wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen der Engadiner Bevolkerung zu Italien infolge des Endes der Emigration ins sudliche Nachbarland sowie aufgrund der Zunahme des deutschen Einflusses in Romanischbunden.Il contributo presenta, nell’ambito del lessico alimentare, il legame particolare che intercorre tra la parte romancia dei Grigioni e lo spazio italofono vicino, comprendente l’Alta Italia e la Svizzera italiana. Dopo un breve tour d’horizon degli italianismi del settore scelto, si trattano piu in dettaglio i prestiti dalle varieta italiane settentrionali a livello fonetico, morfologico e lessicale; si delinea il quadro della distribuzione di questi termini all’interno dell’area romancia e si illustra la riduzione della loro presenza nel Novecento. Questa tendenza viene spiegata in base all’affievolirsi dei legami economici della popolazione engadinese con l’Italia in seguito alla fine dell’emigrazione diretta in questo paese e in base all’aumento dell’influsso tedesco nell’area romancia

    Reducing the linewidth of a diode laser below 30 Hz by stabilization to a reference cavity with finesse above 10^5

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    An extended cavity diode laser operating in the Littrow configuration emitting near 657 nm is stabilized via its injection current to a reference cavity with a finesse of more than 10^5 and a corresponding resonance linewidth of 14 kHz. The laser linewidth is reduced from a few MHz to a value below 30 Hz. The compact and robust setup appears ideal for a portable optical frequency standard using the Calcium intercombination line.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures on 3 additional pages, corrected version, submitted to Optics Letter

    Coping with IT-Related Demands: A Behavioral Change Experiment Through Online Training

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    Information systems (IS) used in the workplace give various demands. Behaviors contributing to successfully coping with the demands of IS can support healthier IS use. Inducing behavior change in IS use is challenging due to the influence of habits. We aim to understand how users\u27 coping behavior changes through adaptive coping training for IT-related demands and how to design this online training. We developed an online training based on behavior change theories and IS research. Our study uses mixed methods, combining qualitative and quantitative data collection through questionnaires in an experimental design. We will conduct a multigroup analysis for quantitative evaluation. Further, we use inductively open coding and clustering by axial coding for qualitative data analysis. Our research will provide insights into the feasibility of behavior change through online training and for practitioners to design practical online training

    Correction to: 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A lyase deficiency: one disease - many faces

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    Correction to: Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (2020) 15:48 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13023-020-1319-

    Catalytic Behaviour of Mesoporous Cobalt-Aluminum Oxides for CO Oxidation

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    Ordered mesoporous materials are promising catalyst supports due to their uniform pore size distribution, high specific surface area and pore volume, tunable pore sizes, and long-range ordering of the pore packing. The evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA) process was applied to synthesize mesoporous mixed oxides, which consist of cobalt ions highly dispersed in an alumina matrix. The characterization of the mesoporous mixed cobalt-aluminum oxides with cobalt loadings in the range from 5 to 15 wt% and calcination temperatures of 673, 973, and 1073 K indicates that Co2+ is homogeneously distributed in the mesoporous alumina matrix. As a function of the Co loading, different phases are present comprising poorly crystalline alumina and mixed cobalt aluminum oxides of the spinel type. The mixed cobalt-aluminum oxides were applied as catalysts in CO oxidation and turned out to be highly active.Fil: Bordoloi, Ankur. Indian Institute of Petroleum; IndiaFil: Sanchez, Miguel Dario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Física del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Física. Instituto de Física del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Noei, Heshmat. Research Group X-Ray Physics and Nanoscience Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron; AlemaniaFil: Kaluza, Stefan. Fraunhofer Institute of Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology; AlemaniaFil: Großmann, Dennis. Ruhr Universität Bochum; AlemaniaFil: Wang, Yuemin. Ruhr Universität Bochum; AlemaniaFil: Grünert, Wolfgang. Ruhr Universität Bochum; AlemaniaFil: Muhler, Martin. Ruhr Universität Bochum; Alemani

    Design and initial characterisation of X-ray beam diagnostic imagers for the European XFEL

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    The European X-Ray Free-Electron-Laser facility requires diagnostics of its x-ray photon beam. Besides other diagnostic components, imaging stations will be employed for the characterisation of beam properties like position, profile, and pointing, before and after different types of mirrors, slits and monochromators. In combination with soft x-ray grating monochromators or other dispersive devices, imagers can also deliver spectral information. The imagers will usually absorb the beam (invasive devices), however, for some applications they will be partially transmissive to allow for beam pointing monitoring together with a second imaging unit further downstream. For the first commissioning 25 diagnostic imagers are planned at various positions in the photon beam tunnels. Further similar devices are under development for monitoring the beam properties at the experimental stations. The design of theses imaging stations will be described. Initial testing has started and the optimization of some components will be reported. The main components of these imaging stations are: retractable scintillators for conversion of x-rays to visible light, mirrors, optics and CCD / CMOS cameras for image recording, an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) chamber, and the associated control electronics and software. Scintillators and mirrors will be the only components in an ultra-high vacuum chamber. Performance characteristics are addressed, especially mechanical stability, spatial resolution, signal-to-noise properties, and radiation hardness. The challenge in the design is to deal with a wide range of beam properties: photon energies from 0.26 – 25 keV, beam sizes from several 100 μm to several mm, large beam position shifts of up to 120 mm, pulse durations of 10 fs and pulse energies up to 10 mJ which may destroy materials by a single pulse

    Effects of serum and serum heat-inactivation on human bone derived osteoblast progenitor cells

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    Generally, heat inactivated foetal calf serum (FCS) containing media are used for the cultivation of animal and human cells. The role of serum source and serum treatment on the behaviour of cells has long been neglected. The present study was performed to investigate the effects of serum heat inactivation and serum source on trabecular bone derived progenitor cells (HBC). Furthermore, it was investigated in how far these reactions differed from those seen in bone marrow derived mesenchymal progenitor cells (HBMC) cultures. We found that HBC cultures performed differently in the presence of FCS and HS with or without heat inactivation. The reactions similar to some degree those observed in HBMC cultures. The implications of the results on cell-implant surface interaction studies are discusse

    Does the territoriality principle work in practice?: The principle’s applicability to the Romansh area in the Swiss Canton of Grisons

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    The present paper addresses the question of territoriality with reference to the Swiss minority language Romansh, taking account of the contributions of jurists who were dealing with the legal situation in Switzerland and showing the importance of the principle in the common perception of the national languages of Switzerland. Furthermore, insights from a philosopher, Philippe Van Parijs, who has been contributing to a conception of hierarchy between languages, are considered. Concerning the Romansh area, the efforts that have been made to enshrine the territoriality principle in the legislation are outlined and sociolinguistic data are included in order to verify the suitability of conceptions and solutions proposed by the authors cited

    Die Konstituentenfolge im bĂĽndnerromanischen Nebensatz

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    Der Beitrag nimmt eine Bestandsaufnahme von Konstituentenfolgen in verschiedenen Typen eingeleiteter Nebensätze im Bündnerromanischen vor, die bisher kaum beschrieben worden sind. Im Bündnerromanischen gilt die Verbzweitstellung nicht nur im Hauptsatz, sondern auch im Kompletiv- und im Adverbialsatz, womit die für das Deutsche charakteristische Asymmetrie zwischen Hauptsatz- und Nebensatzkonstituentenfolge (Verbzweit- vs. Verbendstellung) wegfällt. In der älteren Sprache lässt sich allerdings regional eine Tendenz zur Verbendstellung im Nebensatz beobachten, die auf deutschen Einfluss zurückzuführen ist und auf die Schriftsprache beschränkt sein dürfte. Während in den rheinischen Varietäten die Verbzweitstellung strikt gilt, kennt das Engadinische sowohl im Haupt- als auch im Nebensatz die Verbdrittstellung. Ausser Kraft gesetzt wird die Verbzweitstellungsregel in allen Varietäten bei verkürzten Spaltsätzen, sowohl innerhalb von Hauptsätzen als auch innerhalb von Nebensätzen. Ein interessantes Phänomen ist schliesslich in Relativsätzen und indirekten Fragesätzen zu beobachten: Das nebensatzeinleitende Objektpronomen kann dort einer sonst üblichen Konstituentenfolge (wie SVX) vorausgehen, aber auch unmittelbar dem Verb. Im letzteren Fall kann das Objektpronomen als Komponente einer Abfolge OVS aufgefasst werden, die sich auf italienischen Einfluss zurückführen lässt
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