32 research outputs found

    Why do Filipinos have fewer reported work accidents than other nationals? Findings from literature

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    According to statistics, Filipinos working on Danish ships experience fewer work accidents than their colleagues. In an ongoing project, we are trying to find out what lies behind the figures. The first step of the project is a review of recent studies on the relationship between nationality and safety. The reviewed studies confirm that there is no reason to believe that employees’ ethnic or national background determines their safety practice, all things being equal, mainly because things are never equal. If we are to believe the reviewed studies, it is not the minority or migrant status, as such, which makes employees vulnerable, but more likely convergent factors

    Why do Filipinos have fewer reported work accidents than other nationals? Findings from literature

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    According to statistics, Filipinos working on Danish ships experience fewer work accidents than their colleagues. In an ongoing project, we are trying to find out what lies behind the figures. The first step of the project is a review of recent studies on the relationship between nationality and safety. The reviewed studies confirm that there is no reason to believe that employees’ ethnic or national background determines their safety practice, all things being equal, mainly because things are never equal. If we are to believe the reviewed studies, it is not the minority or migrant status, as such, which makes employees vulnerable, but more likely convergent factors

    The usefulness and practicality of the International Medical Guide for Ships

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    Background: The third edition of the International Medical Guide for Ships (IMGS) was published in 2007and supported a main principle of the newly adopted International Maritime Labour Convention (MLC)2006: to ensure that seafarers are given health protection and medical care as comparable as possibleto that which is available to workers ashore. In 2021, the revisions and drafting of the fourth edition of theIMGS began. Taking the COVID-19 pandemic into consideration, it was decided that a stakeholder studywas necessary to ascertain the usefulness and practicality of the guide as well as provide input for whichnew topics to include. Materials and methods: The study applied data triangulation, with respondents from a geographicallybroad sample of the International Maritime Organization‘s five regional areas of the world. The data wasanalysed using thematic analysis. Results: The results show that the IMGS is widely known and used among persons involved in medical careon board ships, but the IMGS is not as practical as stakeholders would wish it to be. For the guide to beuseful, it must be ensured that telemedical advice information is included and if possible, ensure there isone single and global medical guide. Also, there is a need for new medical information, and respondentspointed to pandemic information, medicines list, medical chest, mental health issues, a women’s section,updated cardiopulmonary resuscitation instructions, human immune defect virus information (humanimmune defect-virus) and information on how seafarers may self-monitor and be monitored on board inrelation to chronic diseases. Conclusions: Respondents understand a medicine chest on board is mandatory according to the MLC2006, 98% are familiar with its content, and 86% use the IMGS

    Youth Health and Safety Groups: Process Evaluation from an Intervention in Danish Supermarkets

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    Young workers employed in temporary positions constitute a vast part of the employees in the Danish retail sector. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the implementation of an intervention to establish H&S groups for young workers in Danish supermarkets. The intervention aimed to include and involve the young workers in the management of their work environment and work conditions, and simultaneously to strengthen the organization’s ability to include them in the H&S management. The study was designed as a multiple case study. Twelve youth H&S groups were established and ran for 2 months within 10 supermarkets. Results based on qualitative data suggest that H&S groups for young workers have potential for increasing inclusion and involvement in the work environment among the young workers and for being beneficial for the supermarkets. However, the implementation requires continuous support from the management and H&S representatives

    Overview of disbonding technologies for adhesive bonded joints

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    The ability to separate adhesive bonded assemblies without causing damage to the substrates is clearly very desirable. There are many applications such as in electronics, medical surgery, dentistry, building and general manufacturing where the opportunity to separate assemblies is important. This may be for repositioning in manufacturing, repair in service or recovery of materials at end-of-life. Various methods for adhesive reversibility or disbonding have been proposed over the last 40 years but there currently exist no universally accepted solutions for disbond-on-demand bonded applications. This paper considers the motivation for disbonding, the requirements and considerations associated with possible methods, and the overall effectiveness of the various mechanisms in the context of non-structural, semi-structural and structural joints. The range of technologies and mechanisms is reviewed, together with the associated methods for activation. The variety of methods is evaluated for their effectiveness in the context of different applications. Particular attention is given to the adverse effects on the performance of bonded assemblies in service, and the ways of mitigating these effects. It is shown that a total materials system approach must be adopted when seeking a disbonding technology for a particular set of circumstances

    Krise i velfærdsstaten – Hvordan holder vi på de velfærdsprofessionelle?

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    Over de senere år er det blevet sværere at rekruttere og ikke mindst holde på sygeplejersker, lærere, pædagoger, socialrådgivere, politifolk, jordemødre og andre centrale professionelle, som vi som borgere har brug for i forskellige vigtige situationer gennem livet. Det er et stort samfundsproblem, der allerede nu betyder, at kommuner og regioner har svært ved at besætte ledige stillinger i fx skoler, daginstitutioner og på hospitaler med uddannet personale. Og problemet ser ikke ud til at blive mindre i fremtiden. En prognose lavet for Danske Professionshøjskoler viser, at der vil mangle over 35.000 sygeplejersker, lærere, pædagoger og socialrådgivere i 2030 (Damvad Analytics, 2021). Årsagerne til problemet og mulige løsninger har længe været diskuteret. Opmærksomheden har været rettet mod uddannelserne, fx mod et for stort frafald, men også mod overgange mellem uddannelse og arbejde – det såkaldte ”praksischok”. Desuden fremhæves vilkårene og arbejdsmiljøet på arbejdspladserne, hvor der er blevet peget på mistillidsparadigmer, manglende mulighed for udfoldelse af faglighed, meningsløst bureaukrati og dokumentationsarbejde, tidspres og manglende løn- og karrieremuligheder. Den offentlige sektor har i de sidste mange år været under et stort forandringspres og underkastet skiftende typer af rationalisering, modernisering og omorganisering. Overskrifterne er mange: New Public Management, kvalitetsreformer, evidensbasering, co-production og tværprofesssionalisme. Ligeledes har der været introduceret en strøm af nye koncepter for ledelse, faglighed og organisering af arbejdet. Ser vi på den omfattende arbejdslivsforskning, der har beskæftiget sig med denne udvikling, får vi et billede af et arbejdsliv, der radikalt er forandret. Ikke kun i form af øget tidspres og stress i arbejdet, men også med udfordringer af faglighed, råderum, identitet og mening i arbejdet samt ledelses- og samarbejdsrelationer. Internationalt taler forskere som Fraser (2016), Dowling (2021), og Hansen, Dahl og Horn (2021) ligefrem om ”the crisis of care”, hvor reproduktivt arbejde – bredt betegnet som omsorg (care) – til stadighed er under pres, er underkendt og savner status, symbolsk såvel som materielt. På den baggrund kan det måske ikke undre, at det er vanskeligt at fastholde professionelle i velfærdsinstitutionerne i disse år. Imidlertid peger meget nordisk forskning på, at reformernes virkning er kompleks, ikke entydigt negativ og stærkt afhængigt af felt og lokal kontekst, ligesom det understreges, at selvom arbejdet i denne sektor nok ikke længere opfattes som et kald, er det arbejde, som opfattes som meningsfuldt – i det mindste potentielt (fx Bovbjerg, 2011; Ernst, 2016; Fejes, 2012; Kamp & Hansen, 2019; Selberg, 2013) Med afsæt i en stor interesse i det danske arbejdslivsforskningsfelt sætter Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv i både dette og næste temanummer spot på arbejdslivet for de velfærdsprofessionelle. I dette nummer bringes således fire artikler, to kronikker og en anmeldelse indenfor temaet