31 research outputs found

    Narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy improves quality of life of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis patients up to 3 months : Results from an observational multicenter study

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    Background/Purpose Narrowband UVB phototherapy is a common treatment modality in psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, but evidence of its actual effect in clinical setting is sparse. Our aim was to assess the effectiveness and costs of narrowband UVB phototherapy in psoriasis and atopic dermatitis in clinical setting. Methods We observed 207 psoriasis patients and 144 atopic dermatitis patients in eight centers. SAPASI, PO-SCORAD, and VAS measures were used at baseline, at the end, and 3 months after the narrowband UVB phototherapy course. Quality of life was measured using Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), and costs were assessed using a questionnaire. Results In both psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, the DLQI and Self-Administrated PASI (SAPASI)/Patient-Oriented SCORAD (PO-SCORAD) improved significantly and the results remained improved for at least 3 months in both groups. Alleviation of pruritus correlated with better quality of life in both patient groups. We reported slight redness and burning side effects which were due to lack of MED testing. Self-administered tools proved to be useful in evaluating pruritus and severity of the disease in psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Mean patient costs were 310 euro and 21 hours of time, and mean costs for the healthcare provider were 810 euro. Conclusion In psoriasis, narrowband UVB is a very efficient treatment in clinical setting, whereas in atopic dermatitis, more studies are needed to determine the best dosage.Peer reviewe

    Early DNA methylation changes in children developing beta cell autoimmunity at a young age

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    Aims/hypothesis Type 1 diabetes is a chronic autoimmune disease of complex aetiology, including a potential role for epigenetic regulation. Previous epigenomic studies focused mainly on clinically diagnosed individuals. The aim of the study was to assess early DNA methylation changes associated with type 1 diabetes already before the diagnosis or even before the appearance of autoantibodies. Methods Reduced representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) was applied to study DNA methylation in purified CD4(+) T cell, CD8(+) T cell and CD4(-)CD8(-) cell fractions of 226 peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples longitudinally collected from seven type 1 diabetes-specific autoantibody-positive individuals and control individuals matched for age, sex, HLA risk and place of birth. We also explored correlations between DNA methylation and gene expression using RNA sequencing data from the same samples. Technical validation of RRBS results was performed using pyrosequencing. Results We identified 79, 56 and 45 differentially methylated regions in CD4(+) T cells, CD8(+) T cells and CD4-CD8- cell fractions, respectively, between type 1 diabetes-specific autoantibody-positive individuals and control participants. The analysis of pre-seroconversion samples identified DNA methylation signatures at the very early stage of disease, including differential methylation at the promoter of IRF5 in CD4(+) T cells. Further, we validated RRBS results using pyrosequencing at the following CpG sites: chr19:18118304 in the promoter of ARRDC2; chr21:47307815 in the intron of PCBP3; and chr14:81128398 in the intergenic region near TRAF3 in CD4(+) T cells. Conclusions/interpretation These preliminary results provide novel insights into cell type-specific differential epigenetic regulation of genes, which may contribute to type 1 diabetes pathogenesis at the very early stage of disease development. Should these findings be validated, they may serve as a potential signature useful for disease prediction and management.Peer reviewe

    Permutation-based significance analysis reduces the type 1 error rate in bisulfite sequencing data analysis of human umbilical cord blood samples

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    DNA methylation patterns are largely established in-utero and might mediate the impacts of in-utero conditions on later health outcomes. Associations between perinatal DNA methylation marks and pregnancy-related variables, such as maternal age and gestational weight gain, have been earlier studied with methylation microarrays, which typically cover less than 2% of human CpG sites. To detect such associations outside these regions, we chose the bisulphite sequencing approach. We collected and curated clinical data on 200 newborn infants; whose umbilical cord blood samples were analysed with the reduced representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) method. A generalized linear mixed-effects model was fit for each high coverage CpG site, followed by spatial and multiple testing adjustment of P values to identify differentially methylated cytosines (DMCs) and regions (DMRs) associated with clinical variables, such as maternal age, mode of delivery, and birth weight. Type 1 error rate was then evaluated with a permutation analysis. We discovered a strong inflation of spatially adjusted P values through the permutation analysis, which we then applied for empirical type 1 error control. The inflation of P values was caused by a common method for spatial adjustment and DMR detection, implemented in tools comb-p and RADMeth. Based on empirically estimated significance thresholds, very little differential methylation was associated with any of the studied clinical variables, other than sex. With this analysis workflow, the sex-associated differentially methylated regions were highly reproducible across studies, technologies, and statistical models.Peer reviewe

    Umbilical cord blood DNA methylation in children who later develop type 1 diabetes

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    Aims/hypothesis Distinct DNA methylation patterns have recently been observed to precede type 1 diabetes in whole blood collected from young children. Our aim was to determine whether perinatal DNA methylation is associated with later progression to type 1 diabetes. Methods Reduced representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) analysis was performed on umbilical cord blood samples collected within the Finnish Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention (DIPP) Study. Children later diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and/or who tested positive for multiple islet autoantibodies (n = 43) were compared with control individuals (n = 79) who remained autoantibody-negative throughout the DIPP follow-up until 15 years of age. Potential confounding factors related to the pregnancy and the mother were included in the analysis. Results No differences in the umbilical cord blood methylation patterns were observed between the cases and controls at a false discovery rate Conclusions/interpretation Based on our results, differences between children who progress to type 1 diabetes and those who remain healthy throughout childhood are not yet present in the perinatal DNA methylome. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that such differences would be found in a larger dataset.Peer reviewe

    Early DNA methylation changes in children developing beta cell autoimmunity at a young age

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    Aims/hypothesis Type 1 diabetes is a chronic autoimmune disease of complex aetiology, including a potential role for epigenetic regulation. Previous epigenomic studies focused mainly on clinically diagnosed individuals. The aim of the study was to assess early DNA methylation changes associated with type 1 diabetes already before the diagnosis or even before the appearance of autoantibodies.Methods Reduced representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) was applied to study DNA methylation in purified CD4(+) T cell, CD8(+) T cell and CD4(-)CD8(-) cell fractions of 226 peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples longitudinally collected from seven type 1 diabetes-specific autoantibody-positive individuals and control individuals matched for age, sex, HLA risk and place of birth. We also explored correlations between DNA methylation and gene expression using RNA sequencing data from the same samples. Technical validation of RRBS results was performed using pyrosequencing.Results We identified 79, 56 and 45 differentially methylated regions in CD4(+) T cells, CD8(+) T cells and CD4-CD8- cell fractions, respectively, between type 1 diabetes-specific autoantibody-positive individuals and control participants. The analysis of pre-seroconversion samples identified DNA methylation signatures at the very early stage of disease, including differential methylation at the promoter of IRF5 in CD4(+) T cells. Further, we validated RRBS results using pyrosequencing at the following CpG sites: chr19:18118304 in the promoter of ARRDC2; chr21:47307815 in the intron of PCBP3; and chr14:81128398 in the intergenic region near TRAF3 in CD4(+) T cells.Conclusions/interpretation These preliminary results provide novel insights into cell type-specific differential epigenetic regulation of genes, which may contribute to type 1 diabetes pathogenesis at the very early stage of disease development. Should these findings be validated, they may serve as a potential signature useful for disease prediction and management.</p

    Permutation-based significance analysis reduces the type 1 error rate in bisulfite sequencing data analysis of human umbilical cord blood samples

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    DNA methylation patterns are largely established in-utero and might mediate the impacts of in-utero conditions on later health outcomes. Associations between perinatal DNA methylation marks and pregnancy-related variables, such as maternal age and gestational weight gain, have been earlier studied with methylation microarrays, which typically cover less than 2% of human CpG sites. To detect such associations outside these regions, we chose the bisulphite sequencing approach. We collected and curated clinical data on 200 newborn infants; whose umbilical cord blood samples were analysed with the reduced representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) method. A generalized linear mixed-effects model was fit for each high coverage CpG site, followed by spatial and multiple testing adjustment of P values to identify differentially methylated cytosines (DMCs) and regions (DMRs) associated with clinical variables, such as maternal age, mode of delivery, and birth weight. Type 1 error rate was then evaluated with a permutation analysis. We discovered a strong inflation of spatially adjusted P values through the permutation analysis, which we then applied for empirical type 1 error control. The inflation of P values was caused by a common method for spatial adjustment and DMR detection, implemented in tools comb-p and RADMeth. Based on empirically estimated significance thresholds, very little differential methylation was associated with any of the studied clinical variables, other than sex. With this analysis workflow, the sex-associated differentially methylated regions were highly reproducible across studies, technologies, and statistical models.</p

    Umbilical cord blood DNA methylation in children who later develop type 1 diabetes

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    Aims/hypothesis: Distinct DNA methylation patterns have recently been observed to precede type 1 diabetes in whole blood collected from young children. Our aim was to determine whether perinatal DNA methylation is associated with later progression to type 1 diabetes.Methods: Reduced representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) analysis was performed on umbilical cord blood samples collected within the Finnish Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention (DIPP) Study. Children later diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and/or who tested positive for multiple islet autoantibodies (n = 43) were compared with control individuals (n = 79) who remained autoantibody-negative throughout the DIPP follow-up until 15 years of age. Potential confounding factors related to the pregnancy and the mother were included in the analysis.Results: No differences in the umbilical cord blood methylation patterns were observed between the cases and controls at a false discovery rate Conclusions/interpretation: Based on our results, differences between children who progress to type 1 diabetes and those who remain healthy throughout childhood are not yet present in the perinatal DNA methylome. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that such differences would be found in a larger dataset.</p

    Bradavidiinista johdetun bradpeptidin karakterisointi ja soveltuvuus affiniteettikromatografiaan

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    Bradavidiini on Bradyrhizobium japonicum bakteerista löydetty avidiinin ja streptaviidiinin kaltainen proteiini. Avidiini on peräisin kanasta ja streptavidiini Streptomyces avidinii bakteerista. Bradavidiinin aminohapposekvenssi on noin 30 prosenttisesti samankaltainen avidiinin ja streptavidiinin ydinalueiden sekvenssien kanssa. Bradavidiini koostuu 138 aminohaposta ja C-terminaalisesti pienennetty bradavidiini, ns. bradcore, 118 aminohaposta. Bradavidiinilla on useimpien avidiinien tapaan tetrameerinen kvaternaarirakenne ja se muistuttaa sekä rakenteeltaan että toiminnaltaan avidiinia ja streptavidiinia. Bradavidiinilla on muiden avidiinien tapaan kyky sitoa voimakkaasti D-biotiinia. Avidiinien sitoutuminen biotiiniin on johtanut niiden laajaan käyttöön avidiini-biotiini teknologiassa, esim. lääketieteessä geeniterapiaan ja kuvantamiseen. Avidiini ja streptavidiini ovat myös stabiileja lämmön ja pHn vaihteluille sekä proteolyyttisille entsyymeille. Immunologisilta ominaisuuksiltaan bradavidiini on kuitenkin (strept)avidiineista poikkeava. Jäniksen ja ihmisen streptavidiinia tunnistavat seerumit eivät reagoineet bradavidiinin kanssa merkittävästi. Avidiinista ja streptavidiinista poiketen, täysimittaisen bradavidiinin karboksyylipäässä on lyhyt aminohappohäntä, joka kykenee sitoutumaan viereisen monomeerin biotiinia sitovaan kohtaan ja mahdollisesti estämään biotiinin sitoutumisen. Strep-tag ja Strep-tag II ovat yhdeksän aminohappotähteen mittaisia peptidejä, jotka sitoutuvat luontaisesti ja palautuvasti streptavidiinin biotiinia sitovaan kohtaan. Strep-tag ja Strep-tag II peptidejä käytetään mm. affiniteettikahvoina rekombinanttiproteiinien puhdistuksessa sekä analyyttisinä työkaluina immunokemiallisissamäärityksissä. Strep-tag II kykenee Strep-tagista poiketen sitoutumaan streptavidiinin biotiinia sitovaan kohtaan sekä C- että N-terminaalisena fuusiona. Brad-tag on kahdeksan aminohappotähteen pituinen peptidi, jonka sekvenssi (SEKLSNTK) löydettiin bradavidiinin karboksyylipäässä olevasta aminohappohännästä. Isotermisella tirauskalorimetrilla (ITC) tehtyjen mittausten perusteella bradpeptidi sitoutuu bradavidiiniin, mutta ei sitoudu avidiiniin tai rhizavidiiniin. Bradpeptidin affiniteetti bradavidiinin C-terminaalisesti lyhennettyyn muotoon, bradcoreen, on hieman suurempi kuin Strep-tag ja Strep-tag II peptidien affiniteetti streptavidiiniin. Näiden lupaavien tutkimusten perusteella tuotettiin tehostetun vihreä fluoresoivan proteiinin (EGFP) kanssa bradtag-EGFP fuusioproteiineja. Fuusio tehtiin joko EGFPn C- tai N-terminaaliin. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää toimiiko Brad-tag fuusioproteiinissa ja onko C- tai N-terminaalisilla fuusioilla eroa. Mutatoitujen bradpeptidien affiniteettia bradcoreen pyrittiin selvittämään ITC-mittauksilla. Bradtag-EGFP fuusioproteiineja saatiin tuotettua, kuitenkin N-terminaalisen Brad-tagin sisältävien fuusioproteiinien tuottotasot olivat huomattavasti C-terminaalisia Brad-tag fuusioproteiineja korkeammat. Erilaisilla bradcore-resiiniin tehdyillä sitoutus- ja puhdistuskokeilla selvitettiin, että Brad-tag sitoutuu EGFPn aminoterminaalisena fuusiona bradcoren biotiinia sitovaan kohtaan ja sitä voidaan käyttää aminoterminaalisena affiniteettikahvana. Mutaatioilla havaittiin olevan heikentävä vaikutus bradpeptidien ja bradcoren välisessä sitoutumisessa

    Transcriptional regulation and cell signaling in acute lymphoblastic leukemia and hematopoiesis

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    Leukemia kehittyy verisoluja muodostavassa kudoksessa ja sitä tavataan kaiken ikäisillä potilailla. Useat geneettiset ja epigeneettiset muutokset voivat aiheuttaa häiriöitä normaalien luuytimen varhaisvaiheen solujen erilaistumisessa, jakaantumisessa ja elinkyvyssä. Akuutit leukemiat voidaan jakaa myelooiseen ja lymfaattiseen tyyppiin riippuen siitä, mistä verisolulinjasta leukeemiset solut ovat saaneet alkunsa. Akuutit lymfaattiset leukemiat (ALL) voidaan puolestaan jakaa varhaisten B-solujen (B-ALL) tai T-solujen (T-ALL) leukemioihin. B-ALL-potilaille on tunnusomaisia erilaiset kromosomaaliset poikkeavuudet, joita voidaan käyttää myös ennusteellisina merkkeinä. T-ALL:ssa puolestaan tavataan aliryhmäkohtaisia geenien ilmentymismuutoksia. ALL on yleisempi lapsipotilailla ja tyypillinen esiintymispiikki ilmenee 2-5 vuoden iässä. Vaikka ALL-potilaiden selviytymisaste on parantunut huomattavasti viime vuosikymmeninä, on eri alityyppien välisissä ennusteissa edelleen merkittäviä eroja. Lasten ALL:ssa taudin uusiutuminen onkin yleisin syy hoidon epäonnistumiselle ja hidas alkuhoitovaste ennustaa tarkinten taudin uusiutumisriskiä. Geenien ilmentymisen säätely ja solujen signalointi ovat merkittävässä roolissa solujen erilaistumisessa, sekä niiden elin- ja kasvukyvyssä. Tarkastelimme leukemioissa ja niiden alityypeissä poikkeavasti ilmentyneitä geenejä ja tunnistimme tällaisiksi PTP4A3 ja SOX11 geenit. PTP4A3 on fosfataasi, joka muokkaa kohdeproteiiniensa toimintaa fosforitähteen poistolla seriini-, treoniini- tai tyrosiiniaminohaposta. Kolmesta PTP4A proteiiniperheen jäsenistä PTP4A3 ilmentyi leukemiassa lähinnä ETV6-RUNX1- ja BCR-ABL1-alityypeissä. ETV6- RUNX1-proteiinifuusion todettiin säätelevän PTP4A3:n ilmentymistä, mutta solujen kasvukyvyssä ei havaittu merkittävää muutosta PTP4A3 geenin hiljentämisen tai proteiinin entsymaattisen aktiivisuuden estämisen seurauksena. SOX11 on geenien ilmentymisen säätelytekijä (transkriptiotekijä), jonka toiminta on erityisen tärkeää aikaisessa sikiön kehittymisessä. SOX11 geenin ilmentymisen havaittiin olevan poikkeavaa ALL:n ETV6-RUNX1- ja TCF3-PBX1-alityypeissä. SOX11 geenin hiljentämisen seurauksena havaittiin ilmentymisen muutoksia geeneissä, jotka liittyvät solujen kiinnittymiseen, liikkumiseen ja erilaistumiseen. SOX11 geenin korkea ilmenemistaso oli yhteydessä SOX11 geenialueen vähäiseen metylaatiotasoon ja parempaan kliiniseen ennusteeseen. Tulokset viittaavat siihe, että SOX11 proteiinia voitaisi hyödyntää hyväennusteisen potilasryhmän tunnistamisessa. T-ALL:n ennuste on parantunut viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana, mutta taudin uusiutuessa potilaiden selviytymisennuste on heikko. Laajalle, 4430 leukemianäytettä sisältävälle aineistolle tehdyllä in silico-lääkeaineseulonnalla pyrittiin löytämään uusia kohdennettuja T-ALL:n lääkehoitoja. Lääkeaineseulonnassa yhdistettiin leukemiassa tavattujen geenien ilmentyminen lääkeaineen kohdegeenien ilmentymiseen. Tuloksena havaittiin Src proteiiniperheeseen kuuluvan tyrosiinikinaasin, LCK:n, voimakas ilmentyminen, jolle lääkeaineseulonnan perusteella mahdolliseksi kohdennetuksi lääkkeeksi soveltuisi dasatinib. In vitro- ja ex vivo-kokeet solulinjoilla ja potilasnäytteillä vahvistivat dasatinibin tehon noin 30 %:lla tutkituissa tapauksissa. Tulokset viittaisivat siihen, että dasatinibin käyttöä T-ALL:ssa kannattaa selvittää jatkotutkimuksilla. SAP30L (Sin3A-associated protein 30-like) proteiini kuuluu Sin3Aproteiinikompleksiin, joka toimii pääasiassa geenien ilmentymisen hiljentäjänä stabiloimalla joko proteiini-proteiini tai proteiini-DNA interaktioita. Seeprakala (Danio rerio) ilmentää vain SAP30L proteiinia (eikä sukulaisproteiini SAP30:ta), mikä tekee siitä erinomaisen valinnan tutkittaessa kyseisten proteiinien toimintaa. Seeprakalassa SAP30L ilmentyy kaikkialla sekä poikasvaiheen että aikuisen yksilön kudoksissa. Morfoliino-välitteisen SAP30L-geenin hiljentämisen seurauksena havaittiin muutoksia sydämen morfologiassa sekä hemoglobiinitasoissa. DNAmikrosiruanalyysi osoitti SAP30L-morfanteissa ilmentymisen heikentymistä sydänspesifisessä nkx2.5. geenissä, sekä hemoglobiinisynteesin ja punasolujen kehittymisen kannalta tärkeissä geeneissä. Tulokset osoittavat SAP30L säätelevän sydämen kehittymistä sekä punasolujen muodostumista seeprakalassa. Tässä väitöskirjassa löydettiin uusia leukemian ja verenmuodostuksen geenien ilmentymisen säätelytekijöitä (SOX11, SAP30L) sekä poikkeava ilmentyminen solusignaloinnin (PTP4A3) säätelyproteiinissa. Lisäksi tutkimuksissa tunnistettiin uusi mahdollinen täsmälääkehoito T-soluiseen akuuttiin leukemiaan.Leukemia originates from blood-forming tissue and it occurs in people of all ages. Various genetic and epigenetic alterations drive the malignant transformation of progenitor cells resulting in aberrant cell proliferation, lack of differentiation and extended survival. Acute leukemias can be divided into either myeloid or lymphoid diseases, based on the blood cell lineage from where the leukemic cells arise. Based on the malignant precursor from where acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) originates, ALLs can be further subdivided into B cell precursor ALL (BCP-ALL) or T cell ALL (T-ALL) which often carry either chromosomal aberrations or distinct gene expression patterns. Unlike in BCP-ALL, distinct T-ALL subtypes do not serve as prognostic markers. ALL is more common in pediatric patients, with the peak incidence at 2-5 years of age. ALL survival in pediatric patients has improved significantly during the last decades but there is still prognostic variation across subtypes so that some subtypes carry higher relapse risk. Relapse remains the most common treatment failure in pediatric ALL and the poor response to early therapy is the strongest predictor of relapse risk. Transcriptional regulation of gene expression and cell signaling are critical players in cell differentiation, proliferation and survival. We sought to identify aberrantly expressed genes that show subtype-specific expression in ALL. Among these were PTP4A3 and SOX11. PTP4A3 is a dual-specificity phosphatase that can inactivate targets by dephosphorylating either serine, threonine or tyrosine residues. From the three PTP4A family members, PTP4A3 demonstrated a subtype-specific expression in ETV6-RUNX1 and BCR-ABL1 acute leukemias. We showed that ETV6-RUNX1 fusion regulated PTP4A3 expression but no marked changes were seen in cell viability after knockdown of PTP4A3 gene or inhibition of its enzymatic activity. Developmental and neuronal transcription factor SOX11 was aberrantly expressed in ETV6-RUNX1 and TCF3-PBX1 subtypes of BCP-ALL. Knockdown of SOX11 led to alteration in the expression of genes typically associated with cell adhesion, migration and differentiation. High SOX11 expression was associated with DNA hypomethylation at SOX11 locus and favourable clinical outcome. These results indicate that SOX11 expression marks a group of patients with good outcome and encourage further studies of its use as a prognostic biomarker. The prognosis of T-ALL has also improved during the last decade, but when relapsed, T-ALL patients rarely survive. We performed in silico drug screening across 4430 leukemia samples in order to find novel targeted therapies for T-ALL by matching leukemia gene expression data with drug target gene expressions. As a result, strong expression of LCK, a Src family tyrosine kinase, was detected in TALL samples and in silico screening suggested dasatinib as a targeted therapy. This was confirmed by in vitro and ex vivo experimental studies in cell lines and patient samples where 30 % of the studied cases showed a response to dasatinib, suggesting the potential of dasatinib drug in the treatment of T-ALL patients. Finally, we studied the Sin3A-associated protein SAP30L, which is part of the Sin3A corepressor complex and regulates gene expression by stabilizing proteinprotein and protein-DNA interactions. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) was chosen as a model organism for studying the role of SAP30L as it only expresses SAP30L and not SAP30. SAP30L showed ubiquitous expression in both embryonic and adult zebrafish tissues, and morpholino-mediated SAP30L knockdown resulted in cardiac abnormalities and reduced hemoglobin levels of red blood cells. A microarray analysis of SAP30L morphant gene expression revealed down-regulation of the heart-specific nkx2.5 gene and genes important for hemoglobin synthesis and erythropoiesis. Results demonstrated that SAP30L regulates cardiac development and erythropoiesis in zebrafish. In conclusion, this thesis identifies novel regulators of transcription (SOX11, SAP30L) and cell signaling (PTP4A3) in acute leukemia and hematopoiesis, and discover a novel potential targeted therapy for a subgroup of T-ALL patients

    Aseman monet kasvot : huudikoutsi-toiminnan merkitys päihteitä käyttävien elämässä

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö toteutettiin Huudikoutsit-hankkeelle, joka on Irti Huumeista ry:n sekä Kukunorin yhteishanke. Se on ollut toiminnassa vuoden verran. Huudikoutsit ovat pääkaupunkiseudun metroasemille sekä niiden läheisyyteen pareittain jalkautuvia vertaisia, jotka tarjoavat päihteidenkäyttäjille tietoa erilaisista sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluista sekä tarvittaessa vievät niiden pariin. Lisäksi Huudikoutsit toimivat sillanrakentajina päihteidenkäyttäjien ja työmatkalaisten välillä. Toiminta perustuu täysin vertaistoiminnalle ja tämä erottaa sen muista pääkaupunkiseudun vastaavista palveluista. Opinnäytetyössä selvitetään hankkeen vaikutusta ja merkitystä päihteidenkäyttäjien arkeen erityisesti vertaistuen näkökulmasta. Lisäksi tarkastellaan, mitä päihteiden käyttäjät kaipaavat Huudikoutsi-hankkeelta ja mihin he ovat tyytyväisiä. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, jossa käytettiin etnografista tutkimusmenetelmää sekä haastatteluja, joita saimme 16 kappaletta. Toteutuksen aikana jalkauduimme Huudikoutsien kanssa kadulle kolmena päivänä yhteensä neljäntoista tunnin ajan. Etnografinen aineisto on kerätty havaintojen sekä haastattelujen pohjalta. Haastattelussa tuli esiin, että päihteiden käyttäjien keskuudessa koetaan, etteivät he saa ihmismäistä kohtelua ja heidän narkomaanistatuksensa vaikuttaa saadun palvelun laatuun. Lisäksi palvelujärjestelmämme kriteerit palveluiden saannille ovat tiukkoja ja niin tarkkaan rajattuja, että niitä on vaikea saada. Opinnäytetyön teoreettisina viitekehyksinä toimivat vertaistoiminta, jalkautuminen ja haittoja vähentävä työote. Aineistossamme nousi esille Huudikoutsi-toiminnan positiivinen vaikutus päihteitä käyttävien arjessa. Haastatteluissa ei noussut esiin negatiivista palautetta. Aineistossa korostuu vertaistoiminnan merkitys, sillä vertaisella on tietoa päihteitä käyttävien elämästä. Loput haastateltavat kokivat tärkeämpänä työntekijän asenteen sekä asiakkaan kohtaamisen. He eivät kuitenkaan pitäneet vertaisuutta huonona asiana. Monet vastaajat puhuivat myös jalkautumisen tärkeydestä. Virastoaikoja jännitettiin eri tavalla kuin jalkautuvia työntekijöitä. Kohderyhmällä ei ollut toiveita Huudikoutsi-toiminnan kehittämiselle, mutta päihdepalveluista yleisesti annettiin kehitettävää palautetta. Haastatteluissa tuotiin esiin esimerkiksi toive käyttöhuoneista, jotka lisäisivät muun muassa ympäristön siisteyttä. Lisäksi toivottiin lisää päiväkeskuksia, joissa saisi asioida päihtyneenä.This thesis was made for the Huudikoutsit (Hoodcoaches) project in cooperation with Free from Drugs association and Kukunori who both run the project. Huudikoutsit does outreach work in the Helsinki metropolitan area in and near the subway stations. They offer guidance and information for substance abusers about healthcare and social welfare services. In addition Huudikoutsit try to build bridges between substance abusers and commuters. Huudikoutsit work as pairs and their work is completely based on peer support which distinguishes it from all other similar services. The objective of this thesis was to examine if the Huudikoutsit project has had any impact in the substance abusers’ day to day life, especially from the peer support point of view. Furthermore, we studied what were the parts that the substance abusers liked about it, and whether there was anything missing from it. This thesis was a qualitative study and was carried out using an ethnographic approach and interviews. The study was conducted during three days, and in total we were on the field for fourteen hours. In these three days we carried out sixteen interviews. In different studies substance abusers have said that they are not treated as human beings, and that their status as an addict affects in the quality of their service. Moreover the criteria of how to get help in our welfare system are very strict and therefore it is hard to get help. In the theoretical part of this thesis we used three themes which were peer support, outreach work and harm reduction. The key findings of this research material were that the subject group was positively affected by the Huudikoutsit project. Two thirds of the interviewed individuals highlighted the importance of peer support and said that without it a person has no understanding of the life substance abusers live. The rest said that more important than peer support is the workers’ attitude towards clients and how they encounter them. However, they did not find peer support negative. The importance of outreach work was also a topic that emerged often during these interviews. Scheduled office appointments were considered more frightening than meeting an outreach worker. The target group did not express anything that was missing from the Huudikoutsit project. However, they brought up issues with the substance abuse services. For example, they wanted drug consumption rooms and more day centres for drug abusers