119 research outputs found

    Crise no centro: consequências do novo sistema de Wall Street

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    Ownership and resource use on islands off the Liverpool River, Northern Territory

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Lazer e Desenvolvimento Local, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Universidade de CoimbraCom a finalidade de interpretar e entender os estilos de vida dos jovens adolescentes, relacionando os seus hábitos desportivos com os seus hábitos de consumo, considerámos essencial identificar os hábitos desportivos dos jovens do ensino secundário e relacioná-los com a idade, o género, o habitat, a classe social de pertença e a escolaridade dos pais; identificar as modalidades desportivas mais praticadas e a sua regularidade, bem como entender a motivação para a prática e para a não prática de atividade desportiva; identificar e interpretar os hábitos de consumo dos praticantes e relacioná-los com os seus hábitos desportivos. Este estudo foi aplicado numa amostra representativa de 309 jovens do universo de 1551 alunos do ensino secundário das três escolas (Colégio Rainha D. Leonor, Escola Secundária Raúl Proença e Escola Secundária Bordalo Pinheiro), estratificada de forma proporcional segundo o sexo e o ano de escolaridade. O inquérito por questionário, de preenchimento individual e anónimo, foi o instrumento utilizado, permitindo caracterizar a amostra segundo a idade, ano de escolaridade, género, contexto social, praticante desportivo/não praticante desportivo, regularidade da prática e hábitos de consumo, mais precisamente, ocupação dos tempos livres (para além da atividade desportiva), tipo de música, tipo de leitura, programas de televisão e frequência de espetáculos culturais. Os dados obtidos permitem-nos concluir que há mais jovens do ensino secundário das Caldas da Rainha a praticar alguma modalidade/atividade física, do que aqueles que não praticam; que os hábitos desportivos variam segundo o género, a idade, o habitat e a classe social de pertença; que as principais modalidades/atividades físicas praticadas pelas raparigas são a natação, equitação/hipismo e dança e as mais praticadas pelos rapazes o futebol, a musculação e o futsal; e que, contudo, os hábitos de consumo não seguem nenhuma tendência relativamente à prática ou não dos inquiridos.In order to interpret and understand the lifestyles of young adolescents, their consumption habits relating to sports, we considered essential to identify the sporting habits of young people in secondary education and relate them with age, gender, habitat, social status and parental education; to identify the most practiced sports and regularity, as well as understanding the motivation for the practice or not of sporting activities, to identify and interpret the spending habits of athletes and relate them with their sporting habits. This study was conducted to a representative sample of 309 youth of a universe of 1551 secondary school students from three schools (Colégio Rainha D. Leonor, Escola Secundário Raúl Proença e Escola Secundária Bordalo Pinheiro), proportionally stratified by gender and grade. The questionnaire, filled individually and anonymously, was the instrument used, allowing the characterization of the sample by age, grade, gender, social context, athlete / non-athlete, frequency of practice and consumption habits, more precisely , use of free time (apart from sporting activities), type of music, type of literature, television programs and outings to cultural shows. The data obtained allows us to conclude that there are more young people in secondary education from Caldas da Rainha that practice some type of sport / physical activity than those who do not practice; sporting habits that vary according to gender, age, social class they belong to. The main activities related to sports practiced by girls are swimming, equestrian/ horse riding and dancing; and the activities practiced by boys are outdoor and indoor football and weightlifting, and that consumer habits do not follow any trend in relation to sporting habits for those that answered the questionnaires

    Unsicherheiten der EU-Osterweiterung

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    Main problems of eastwards enlargement of the EU are caused by the EU itself. Before the East European states applying for membership can be integrated, the EU has to reform its expenditure, especially the structural Fund. Also the Common Agrarian Policy needs a fundamental reform. But these reforms are delayed and the applicants are burdened with new tests and requirements. Some groups demanding a swift enlargement try to use the new East European members for social dumping in Western Europe

    Globalization, democratization, and the Arab uprising : the international factor in MENA's failed democratization

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    What explains the almost negative impact of international factors on post-Uprising democratization prospects? This article compares the utility of rival “diffusionist” and neo-Gramscian political economy frames to explain this. Three international factors deter democratization. The failure of Western democracy promotion is rooted in the contradiction between the dominance of global finance capital and the norm of democratic equality; in the periphery, neo-liberalism is most compatible with hybrid regimes and, at best, “low intensity democracy.” In MENA, neo-liberalism generated a crony capitalism incompatible with democratization; while this also sparked the uprisings, these have failed to address class inequalities. Moreover at the normative level, MENA hosts the most credible counter-hegemonic ideologies; the brief peaking of democratic ideology in the region during the early uprisings soon declined amidst regional discourse wars. Non-democrats—coercive regime remnants and radical charismatic movements--were empowered by the competitive interference of rival powers in Uprising states. The collapse of many Uprising states amidst a struggle for power over the region left an environment uncongenial to democratization.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Managed Metapopulations: Do Salmon Hatchery ‘Sources’ Lead to In-River ‘Sinks’ in Conservation?

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    Maintaining viable populations of salmon in the wild is a primary goal for many conservation and recovery programs. The frequency and extent of connectivity among natal sources defines the demographic and genetic boundaries of a population. Yet, the role that immigration of hatchery-produced adults may play in altering population dynamics and fitness of natural populations remains largely unquantified. Quantifying, whether natural populations are self-sustaining, functions as sources (population growth rate in the absence of dispersal, λ>1), or as sinks (λ<1) can be obscured by an inability to identify immigrants. In this study we use a new isotopic approach to demonstrate that a natural spawning population of Chinook salmon, (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) considered relatively healthy, represents a sink population when the contribution of hatchery immigrants is taken into consideration. We retrieved sulfur isotopes (34S/32S, referred to as δ34S) in adult Chinook salmon otoliths (ear bones) that were deposited during their early life history as juveniles to determine whether individuals were produced in hatcheries or naturally in rivers. Our results show that only 10.3% (CI = 5.5 to 18.1%) of adults spawning in the river had otolith δ34S values less than 8.5‰, which is characteristic of naturally produced salmon. When considering the total return to the watershed (total fish in river and hatchery), we estimate that 90.7 to 99.3% (CI) of returning adults were produced in a hatchery (best estimate = 95.9%). When population growth rate of the natural population was modeled to account for the contribution of previously unidentified hatchery immigrants, we found that hatchery-produced fish caused the false appearance of positive population growth. These findings highlight the potential dangers in ignoring source-sink dynamics in recovering natural populations, and question the extent to which declines in natural salmon populations are undetected by monitoring programs

    Dansgaard-Oeschger events in climate models: review and baseline Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3) protocol

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    Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events, millennial-scale climate oscillations between stadial and interstadial conditions (of up to 10-15°C in amplitude at high northern latitudes), occurred throughout the Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3; 27.8-59.4ka) period. The climate modelling community up to now has not been able to answer the question of whether our climate models are too stable to simulate D-O events. To address this, this paper lays the ground-work for a MIS3 D-O protocol for general circulation models which are used in the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) assessments. We review the following: D-O terminology, community progress on simulating D-O events in these IPCC-class models (processes and published examples), and evidence about the boundary conditions under which D-O events occur. We find that no model exhibits D-O-like behaviour under pre-industrial conditions. Some, but not all, models exhibit D-O-like oscillations under MIS3 and/or full glacial conditions. Greenhouse gases and ice sheet configurations are crucial. However most models have not run simulations of long enough duration to be sure which models show D-O-like behaviour, under either MIS3 or full glacial states. We propose a MIS3 baseline protocol at 34ka, which features low obliquity values, medium to low MIS3 greenhouse gas values, and the intermediate ice sheet configuration, which our review suggests are most conducive to D-O-like behaviour in models. We also provide a protocol for a second freshwater (Heinrich-event-preconditioned) experiment, since previous work suggests that this variant may be helpful in preconditioning a state in models which is conducive to D-O events. This review provides modelling groups investigating MIS3 D-O oscillations with a common framework, which is aimed at (1) maximising the chance of the occurrence of D-O-like events in the simulations, (2) allowing more precise model-data evaluation, and (3) providing an adequate central point for modellers to explore model stability.Evan J. Gowan is funded by an international postdoctoral fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Bette Otto-Bliesner acknowledges funding by the National Center for Atmospheric Research, which is a major facility sponsored by the National Science Foundation under cooperative agreement no. 1852977. Xu Zhang acknowledges funding from NSFC (no. 42075047). Matthias Prange and Ute Merkel acknowledge support from the PalMod project (http://www.palmod.de, last access: 14 April 2023; FKZ 01LP1916C), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Kira Rehfeld and Nils Weitzel acknowledge funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), project no. 395588486, and the PalMod project (https://www.palmod.de/, last access: 13 October 2022), subproject no. 01LP1926C. Chuncheng Guo acknowledges funding from the Research Council of Norway under grant no. 325333 (ABRUPT).Peer reviewe