6,704 research outputs found

    Testing the radio halo-cluster merger scenario. The case of RXCJ2003.5-2323

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    We present a combined radio, X-ray and optical study of the galaxy cluster RXCJ2003.5-2323. The cluster hosts one of the largest, most powerful and distant giant radio halos known to date, suggesting that it may be undergoing a strong merger process. The aim of our multiwavelength study is to investigate the radio-halo cluster merger scenario. We studied the radio properties of the giant radio halo in RXCJ2003.5-2323 by means of new radio data obtained at 1.4 GHz with the Very Large Array, and at 240 MHz with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, in combination with previously published GMRT data at 610 MHz. The dynamical state of the cluster was investigated by means of X-ray Chandra observations and optical ESO--NTT observations. Our study confirms that RXCJ2003.5-2323 is an unrelaxed cluster. The unusual filamentary and clumpy morphology of the radio halo could be due to a combination of the filamentary structure of the magnetic field and turbulence in the inital stage of a cluster merger.Comment: 10 page, 10 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    Revealing the magnetic field in a distant galaxy cluster: discovery of the complex radio emission from MACS J0717.5 +3745

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    Aims. To study at multiple frequencies the radio emission arising from the massive galaxy cluster MACS J0717.5+3745 (z=0.55). Known to be an extremely complex cluster merger, the system is uniquely suited for an investigation of the phenomena at work in the intra-cluster medium (ICM) during cluster collisions. Methods. We use multi-frequency and multi-resolution data obtained with the Very Large Array radio telescope, and X-ray features revealed by Chandra, to probe the non-thermal and thermal components of the ICM, their relations and interactions. Results. The cluster shows highly complex radio emission. A bright, giant radio halo is detected at frequencies as high as 4.8 GHz. MACS J0717.5+3745 is the most distant cluster currently known to host a radio halo. This radio halo is also the most powerful ever observed, and the second case for which polarized radio emission has been detected, indicating that the magnetic field is ordered on large scales.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepte

    A radio minihalo in the extreme cool-core galaxy cluster RXCJ1504.1-0248

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    Aims. We report the discovery of a radio minihalo in RXCJ1504.1-0248, a massive galaxy cluster that has an extremely luminous cool core. To date, only 9 radio minihalos are known, thus the discovery of a new one, in one of the most luminous cool-core clusters, provides important information on this peculiar class of sources and sheds light on their origin. Methods. The diffuse radio source is detected using GMRT at 327 MHz and confirmed by pointed VLA data at 1.46 GHz. The minihalo has a radius of \sim140 kpc. A Chandra gas temperature map shows that the minihalo emission fills the cluster cool core and has some morphological similarities to it, as has been previously observed for other minihalos. Results. The Chandra data reveal two subtle cold fronts in the cool core, likely created by sloshing of the core gas, as observed in most cool-core clusters. Following previous work, we speculate that the origin of the minihalo is related to sloshing. Sloshing may result in particle acceleration by generating turbulence and/or amplifying the magnetic field in the cool core, leading to the formation of a minihalo.Comment: 4 pages, 1 table, 3 color figures. Accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Unravelling the origin of large-scale magnetic fields in galaxy clusters and beyond through Faraday Rotation Measures with the SKA

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    We investigate the possibility for the SKA to detect and study the magnetic fields in galaxy clusters and in the less dense environments surrounding them using Faraday Rotation Measures. To this end, we produce 3-dimensional magnetic field models for galaxy clusters of different masses and in different stages of their evolution, and derive mock rotation measure observations of background radiogalaxies. According to our results, already in phase I, we will be able to infer the magnetic field properties in galaxy clusters as a function of the cluster mass, down to 101310^{13} solar-masses. Moreover, using cosmological simulations to model the gas density, we have computed the expected rotation measure through shock-fronts that occur in the intra-cluster medium during cluster mergers. The enhancement in the rotation measure due to the density jump will permit to constraint the magnetic field strength and structure after the shock passage. SKA observations of polarised sources located behind galaxy clusters will answer several questions about the magnetic field strength and structure in galaxy clusters, and its evolution with cosmic time.Comment: 9 pages, 4 Figures, to appear as part of 'Cosmic Magnetism' in Proceedings 'Advancing Astrophysics with the SKA (AASKA14)', PoS(AASKA14

    A giant radio halo in the massive and merging cluster Abell 1351

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    We report on the detection of diffuse radio emission in the X-ray luminous and massive galaxy cluster A1351 (z=0.322) using archival Very Large Array data at 1.4 GHz. Given its central location, morphology, and Mpc-scale extent, we classify the diffuse source as a giant radio halo. X-ray and weak lensing studies show A1351 to be a system undergoing a major merger. The halo is associated with the most massive substructure. The presence of this source is explained assuming that merger-driven turbulence may re-accelerate high-energy particles in the intracluster medium and generate diffuse radio emission on the cluster scale. The position of A1351 in the logP1.4GHz_{1.4 GHz} - logLX_{X} plane is consistent with that of all other radio-halo clusters known to date, supporting a causal connection between the unrelaxed dynamical state of massive (>1015M>10^{15} M_{\odot}) clusters and the presence of giant radio halos.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, proof corrections include

    On the ICS interpretation of the Hard X-Ray Excesses in Galaxy Clusters: the case of Ophiuchus

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    (Abridged) High-E electrons produce Hard X-Ray (HXR) emission in galaxy clusters by via Inverse Compton Scattering (ICS) of CMB photons. We derive the ICS HXR emission of Ophiuchus under various scenarios: primary cosmic ray model, secondary cosmic rays model and neutralino DM annihilation scenario. We further discuss the predictions of the Warming Ray model for the cluster atmosphere. Under the assumption to fit the observed HXR emission, we find that the high-E electrons induce various consequences on the cluster atmosphere: i) primary electrons can be marginally consistent with the data provided that their spectrum is cutoff at E~30(90) MeV for spectral index of 3.5 (4.4); ii) secondary electron models from pp collisions are inconsistent with gamma-ray limits, cosmic ray protons produce too much heating of the IC gas and their pressure at the cluster center largely exceeds the thermal one; iii) secondary electron models from DM annihilation are inconsistent with gamma-ray and radio limits and electrons produce too much heating of the IC gas at the cluster center, unless the neutralino annihilation cross section is much lower than the proposed value. We conclude that ICS by secondary electrons from both neutralino DM annihilation and pp collisions cannot be the mechanism responsible for the HXR excess emission; primary electrons are still a marginally viable solution provided that their spectrum has a low-energy cutoff at E~30-90 MeV. The WR model offers, so far, the best description of the cluster in terms of temperature distribution, heating, pressure and spectral energy distribution. Fermi observations of Ophiuchus will set further constraints to this model.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, A&A in pres

    The Evolution of the Stellar Hosts of Radio Galaxies

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    We present new near-infrared images of z>0.8 radio galaxies from the flux-limited 7C-III sample of radio sources for which we have recently obtained almost complete spectroscopic redshifts. The 7C objects have radio luminosities about 20 times fainter than 3C radio galaxies at a given redshift. The absolute magnitudes of the underlying host galaxies and their scale sizes are only weakly dependent on radio luminosity. Radio galaxy hosts at z~2 are significantly brighter than the hosts of radio-quiet quasars at similar redshifts and the model AGN hosts of Kauffmann & Haehnelt (2000). There is no evidence for strong evolution in scale size, which shows a large scatter at all redshifts. The hosts brighten significantly with redshift, consistent with the passive evolution of a stellar population that formed at z>~3. This scenario is consistent with studies of host galaxy morphology and submillimeter continuum emission, both of which show strong evolution at z>~2.5. The lack of a strong ``redshift cutoff'' in the radio luminosity function to z>4 suggests that the formation epoch of the radio galaxy host population lasts >~1Gyr from z>~5 to z~3. We suggest these facts are best explained by models in which the most massive galaxies and their associated AGN form early due to high baryon densities in the centres of their dark matter haloes.Comment: To appear in A

    Rotation Measures of Radio Sources in Hot Galaxy Clusters

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    The goal of this work is to investigate the Faraday rotation measure (RM) of radio galaxies in hot galaxy clusters in order to establish a possible connection between the magnetic field strength and the gas temperature of the intracluster medium. We performed Very Large Array observations at 3.6 cm and 6 cm of two radio galaxies located in A401 and Ophiuchus, a radio galaxy in A2142, and a radio galaxy located in the background of A2065. All these galaxy clusters are characterized by high temperatures. We obtained detailed RM images at an angular resolution of 3'' for most of the observed radio galaxies. The RM images are patchy and reveal fine substructures of a few kpc in size. Under the assumption that the radio galaxies themselves have no effect on the measured RMs, these structures indicate that the intracluster magnetic fields fluctuate down to such small scales. These new data are compared with RM information present in the literature for cooler galaxy clusters. For a fixed projected distance from the cluster center, clusters with higher temperature show a higher dispersion of the RM distributions (sigmaRM), mostly because of the higher gas density in these clusters. Although the previously known relation between the clusters X-ray surface brightness (Sx) at the radio galaxy location and sigmaRM is confirmed, a possible connection between the sigmaRM-Sx relation and the cluster temperature, if present, is very weak. Therefore, in view of the current data, it is impossible to establish a strict link between the magnetic field strength and the gas temperature of the intracluster medium.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics, 26 pages, 19 figure

    Observations of extended radio emission in clusters

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    We review observations of extended regions of radio emission in clusters; these include diffuse emission in `relics', and the large central regions commonly referred to as `halos'. The spectral observations, as well as Faraday rotation measurements of background and cluster radio sources, provide the main evidence for large-scale intracluster magnetic fields and significant densities of relativistic electrons. Implications from these observations on acceleration mechanisms of these electrons are reviewed, including turbulent and shock acceleration, and also the origin of some of the electrons in collisions of relativistic protons by ambient protons in the (thermal) gas. Improved knowledge of non-thermal phenomena in clusters requires more extensive and detailed radio measurements; we briefly review prospects for future observations.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews, special issue "Clusters of galaxies: beyond the thermal view", Editor J.S. Kaastra, Chapter 6; work done by an international team at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, organised by J.S. Kaastra, A.M. Bykov, S. Schindler & J.A.M. Bleeke

    GMRT observations of the Ophiuchus galaxy cluster

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    VLA observations at 1477 MHz revealed the presence of a radio mini-halo surrounding the faint central point-like radio source in the Ophiuchus cluster of galaxies. In this work we present a study of the radio emission from this cluster of galaxies at lower radio frequencies. We observed the Ophiuchus cluster at 153, 240, and 614 MHz with the GMRT. The mini-halo is clearly detected at 153 and 240 MHz while it is not detected at 610 MHz. The most prominent feature at low frequencies is a patch of diffuse steep spectrum emission located at about 5' south-east from the cluster center. By combining these images with that at 1477 MHz, we derived the spectral index of the mini-halo. Globally, the mini-halo has a low-frequency spectral index of alpha_240^153 ~1.4 +/- 0.3 and an high-frequency spectral index of alpha_1477^240 ~ 1.60 +/- 0.05. Moreover, we measure a systematic increase of the high-frequency spectral index with radius: the azimuthal radial average of alpha_1477^240 increases from about 1.3, at the cluster center, up to about 2.0 in the mini-halo outskirts. The observed radio spectral index is in agreement with that obtained by modeling the non-thermal hard X-ray emission in this cluster of galaxies. We assume that the X-ray component arises from inverse Compton scattering between the photons of the cosmic microwave background and a population of non-thermal electrons which are isotropically distributed and whose energy spectrum is a power law with index p. We derive that the electrons energy spectrum should extend from a minimum Lorentz factor of gamma_min < 700 up to a maximum Lorentz factor of gamma_max =3.8 x 10^4 with an index p=3.8 +/- 0.4. The volume-averaged strength for a completely disordered intra-cluster magnetic field is B_V ~0.3 +/- 0.1 micro-G.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. For a version with high-quality figures see http://erg.ca.astro.it/preprints/ophi_2010