162 research outputs found

    SolRgene: an online database to explore disease resistance genes in tuber-bearing Solanum species

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    Background The cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important food crop, but highly susceptible to many pathogens. The major threat to potato production is the Irish famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans, which causes the devastating late blight disease. Potato breeding makes use of germplasm from wild relatives (wild germplasm) to introduce resistances into cultivated potato. The Solanum section Petota comprises tuber-bearing species that are potential donors of new disease resistance genes. The aim of this study was to explore Solanum section Petota for resistance genes and generate a widely accessible resource that is useful for studying and implementing disease resistance in potato. Description The SolRgene database contains data on resistance to P. infestans and presence of R genes and R gene homologues in Solanum section Petota. We have explored Solanum section Petota for resistance to late blight in high throughput disease tests under various laboratory conditions and in field trials. From resistant wild germplasm, segregating populations were generated and assessed for the presence of resistance genes. All these data have been entered into the SolRgene database. To facilitate genetic and resistance gene evolution studies, phylogenetic data of the entire SolRgene collection are included, as well as a tool for generating phylogenetic trees of selected groups of germplasm. Data from resistance gene allele-mining studies are incorporated, which enables detection of R gene homologs in related germplasm. Using these resources, various resistance genes have been detected and some of these have been cloned, whereas others are in the cloning pipeline. All this information is stored in the online SolRgene database, which allows users to query resistance data, sequences, passport data of the accessions, and phylogenic classifications. Conclusion Solanum section Petota forms the basis of the SolRgene database, which contains a collection of resistance data of an unprecedented size and precision. Complemented with R gene sequence data and phylogenetic tools, SolRgene can be considered the primary resource for information on R genes from potato and wild tuber-bearing relatives

    Genome sequence and analysis of the tuber crop potato

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    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is the world’s most important non-grain food crop and is central to global food security. It is clonally propagated, highly heterozygous, autotetraploid, and suffers acute inbreeding depression. Here we use a homozygous doubled-monoploid potato clone to sequence and assemble 86% of the 844-megabase genome. We predict 39,031 protein-coding genes and present evidence for at least two genome duplication events indicative of a palaeopolyploid origin. As the first genome sequence of an asterid, the potato genome reveals 2,642 genes specific to this large angiosperm clade. We also sequenced a heterozygous diploid clone and show that gene presence/absence variants and other potentially deleterious mutations occur frequently and are a likely cause of inbreeding depression. Gene family expansion, tissue-specific expression and recruitment of genes to new pathways contributed to the evolution of tuber development. The potato genome sequence provides a platform for genetic improvement of this vital cro

    'Intraspecific pathogen variation' Verslag KNPV/Plantum/EPS-eendagsconferentie : Wageningen, 22 januari 2013

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    Dinsdag 22 januari 2013 werd in Wageningen een eendagsconferentie gehouden getiteld ‘Intraspecific pathogen variation - implications and opportunities’. Deze conferentie werd georganiseerd naar aanleiding van discussies over het werken met intraspecifieke variatie voor diagnostiek en veredeling binnen de Nematodenwerkgroep van de KNPV en de Isolaten-beheerwerkgroep van Plantum. Het doel van de bijeenkomst was a.) onderzoekers uit de private en de publieke sector samenbrengen om recente ontwikkelingen te bespreken in fundamentele en toegepaste aspecten van het werken met intraspecifieke variatie, en b.) het stimuleren van uitwisselen van ideeën binnen en tussen beide groepen, voor mogelijke vervolginitiatieven

    De lederschildpad: spectaculaire nieuwe waarnemingen in Nederland en een statusoverzicht

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    De lederschildpad is een zeeschildpad die in alle wereldzeeën thuis is en de soort is een frequente bezoeker van Noordwest-Europa. Een enkele keer wordt de soort in Nederlandse wateren waargenomen en in 2009 zijn er in drie weken tijd drie meldingen binnen gekomen. Dit artikel gaat over de Nederlandse vondsten, ingeleid door een algemeen deel over de soort dat is toegespitst op de situatie in de Atlantische Oceaan. Ook wordt het verschil tussen de populatiestatus in de Atlantische Oceaan, waar de soort stabiel voorkomt en de Grote Oceaan, waar de soort binnen twee decennia met 90% is afgenomen, verklaard
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