187 research outputs found
11 pInternational audienceLa récupération de l'eau de pluie en vue de son utilisation au sein du bùtiment se développe en France. Ce phénomÚne qui a tout d'abord concerné l'habitat individuel, touche de plus en plus les bùtiments à usage collectif (immeuble d'habitation ou de bureaux, établissements scolaires, industries,...). Toutefois, pour cette catégorie, le cadre réglementaire est incomplet sur ce sujet et l'absence de documents officiels pour apprécier la validité et la durabilité des projets agit comme un frein au développement de nombreux projets. Sensible à ces préoccupations, le CSTB mÚne depuis deux ans un travail de recensement et de description critique des installations existantes ou projetées. L'objet de cette communication est de restituer les résultats de cette recherche en cours
Lâutilisation de ressources alternatives Ă lâeau potable rĂ©vĂ©latrice dâun nouveau rapport Ă lâeau en ville. Analyse des controverses autour de la conservation du rĂ©seau dâeau non potable Paris.
Cet article cherche Ă comprendre pourquoi et comment se pose aujourdâhui la question de la rĂ©habilitation du rĂ©seau dâeau non potable parisien. La confĂ©rence de consensus ainsi que les Ă©tudes et sĂ©minaires qui ont suivi ont Ă©tĂ© lâoccasion de discuter de lâutilisation de cette ressource, ainsi que dâautres ressources alternatives telle que lâeau de pluie, pour des usages urbains existants ou potentiels. A travers lâanalyse de ces dĂ©bats et des enjeux sous-tendus, nous dĂ©fendons la thĂšse que l'utilisation de lâeau non potable passe par une « dĂ©marche patrimoniale » apparemment paradoxale puisque signifiant non pas la conservation du patrimoine de rĂ©seau dâeau non potable existant mais lâinvention de nouveaux usages dont la faisabilitĂ© et lâacceptabilitĂ© par lâensemble des acteurs concernĂ©es doit ĂȘtre vĂ©rifiĂ©e, dâune mise en compatibilitĂ© avec une rĂ©glementation aujourdâhui inadĂ©quate et la reconfiguration en consĂ©quence dudit rĂ©seau. Dans la mĂ©tropole parisienne, la rĂ©habilitation du double rĂ©seau conduit ainsi Ă poser la question bien plus gĂ©nĂ©rale du rapport Ă lâeau des acteurs de lâeau et de lâassainissement (Eau de Paris, le SIAAP) mais aussi des usagers, quâils sâagissent des grands consommateurs (les services municipaux) ou du « grand public » parisien. Son maintien pose de maniĂšre assez abrupte la question de savoir quels usages existants doivent ĂȘtre encouragĂ©s, quels nouveaux usages sont envisageables mais aussi quelles ressources (eau dâexhaure, eau brute, eau de pluie) peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es pour le rĂ©seau dâeau non potable ou parallĂšlement Ă celui-ci. Nous Ă©tudions donc dans une premiĂšre partie le basculement opĂ©rĂ© lors de la confĂ©rence de consensus vers une patrimonialisation du RENP. Comment lâĂ©laboration et la mise en Ćuvre de cette procĂ©dure dite de confĂ©rence de consensus a-t-elle permis de remettre en dĂ©bat, et dâinvalider lâexpertise existante ? Que signifie cette performance opĂ©rĂ©e au terme de la confĂ©rence en termes de gestion future du rĂ©seau ?La deuxiĂšme partie de lâarticle est consacrĂ©e Ă lâidentification et lâanalyse des potentialitĂ©s offertes par le RENP, tant en ce qui concerne les usages (deux usages sont approfondis : la rĂ©gulation du climat urbain et lâarrosage des espaces verts) quâen ce qui concerne les diffĂ©rents types de ressources. Cette analyse des potentialitĂ©s est doublĂ©e dans la troisiĂšme partie dâune Ă©tude de lâacceptabilitĂ© sociale et politique dâun approvisionnement protĂ©iforme en eau non potable (eau brute de riviĂšre, eau dâexhaure et eau de pluie). Il sâagit de comprendre, dans une perspective exploratoire, dâune part les reprĂ©sentations que le grand public se fait de cet approvisionnement lorsquâon lui suggĂšre cette possibilitĂ©, dâautre part la maniĂšre dont les grands producteurs et les grands consommateurs ressentent les opportunitĂ©s et les contraintes dâune telle solution.La quatriĂšme et derniĂšre partie est consacrĂ©e Ă une analyse de la lĂ©gislation et de la rĂ©glementation relative aux ressources alternatives Ă lâeau potable. Elle permet dâidentifier les grandes logiques Ă lâĆuvre dans la façon dont le droit se saisit de ces objets et de suggĂ©rer des pistes de rĂ©forme
Green-roof as a solution to solve stormwater management issues? Assessment on a long time period at the parcel scale
International audienceExperimental green-roof rainfallârunoff observations have shown a positive impact on stormwater management at the building scale; with a decrease in the peak discharge and a decrease in runoff volume. This efficiency of green-roofs varies from one rainfall event to another depending on precipitation characteristics and substrate antecedent conditions. Due to this variability, currently, green-roofs are rarely officially used as a regulation tool to manage stormwater. Indeed, regulation rules governing the connection to the stormwater network are usually based on absolute threshold values that always have to be respected: maximum areal flow-rate or minimum retention volume for example. In this context, the aim of this study is to illustrate how a green-roof could represent an alternative to solve stormwater management issues, if the regulation rules were further based on statistics. For this purpose, a modelling scheme has been established at the parcel scale to simulate the hydrological response of several roof configurations: impervious, strictly regulated (in terms of areal flow-rate or retention volume), and covered by different types of green-roof matter. Simulations were carried out on a long precipitation time period (23 years) that included a large and heterogeneous set of hydrometeorological conditions. Results obtained for the different roof configurations were compared. Based on the return period of the rainfall event, the probability to respect some regulation rules (defined from real situations) was assessed. They illustrate that green-roofs reduce stormwater runoff compared to an impervious roof surface and can guarantee the respect of the regulation rules in most of the cases. Moreover, their implementation can appear more realistic than that of other infrastructures strictly complying with regulations and demanding significant storage capacity
13 p. (version initiale du 24 mai 2006, mise en forme)National audienceDepuis les annĂ©es 1990, plusieurs travaux de recherche ont montrĂ© que les eaux de ruissellement de toitures ont des teneurs Ă©levĂ©es en Ă©lĂ©ments traces mĂ©talliques. Les rĂ©sultats d'Ă©chantillonnages d'eaux de ruissellement menĂ©s Ă Paris rĂ©vĂšlent que les niveaux de mĂ©taux dans les eaux de ruissellement de toitures sont trĂšs supĂ©rieurs Ă ceux des eaux de ruissellement de chaussĂ©es ou de cours. Dans ce contexte urbain prĂ©cis, cet apport mĂ©tallique a pu ĂȘtre imputĂ© Ă la corrosion des matĂ©riaux mĂ©talliques utilisĂ©s pour la couverture des toits et l'Ă©vacuation des eaux pluviales. Cependant, les connaissances sur les diffĂ©rents Ă©lĂ©ments de toiture et matĂ©riaux incriminĂ©s dans cette corrosion, leur taux de relargage, leur frĂ©quence d'utilisation restent Ă ce jour trĂšs limitĂ©es. Ces connaissances sont pourtant des Ă©lĂ©ments clĂ©s pour le dĂ©veloppement de stratĂ©gies de rĂ©duction Ă la source des flux polluants, telles que prĂ©conisĂ©es par la directive europĂ©enne cadre sur l'eau (Directive 2000/60 CE). Cet article rĂ©sume les rĂ©sultats des Ă©tudes menĂ©es Ă Paris sur les eaux de ruissellement de toiture et prĂ©sente la stratĂ©gie gĂ©nĂ©rale et expĂ©rimentale du projet de recherche « TOITEAU », qui a dĂ©butĂ© en octobre 2005
Evaluation of roofing materials emissions at the city scale: Statistical approach for computing roofing area distribution
International audienceRoofing materials are considered as a major source of urban runoff contamination. Today, in the context of the European Water Directive (2000/60 CE), an accurate evaluation of contaminant flows from roofs is thus required at the city scale, and therefore the development of assessment tools is needed. However, at the city scale, the important diversity of roofing materials represents a difficult task. In fact, the most restrictive step when estimating contaminant flows for large-scale territories is the estimation of the roofing materials surfaces area, for which no direct data exists. This paper aims to describe the proposal statistical approach for computing roofing materials area distribution. This method is based on two steps. The first one is the sampling theory which aims to define the required size of the selected sample which represents the proportion R (%) from any total urban area surface. The second step is based on applying the estimation theory. In fact, after determining the proportion R (%), we estimate the unknown distribution of roofing materials in an urban area by performing a sample representing R (%) from the total urban area surface. The reliability of the methodology has been proved for tow different urban areas with known roofing materials distribution. Results obtained showed that a sample representing R=4% of the zone area should be randomly generated
A new method for modelling roofing materials emissions on the city scale: Application for zinc in the City of Créteil (France)
International audienceToday, urban runoff is considered as an important source of environmental pollution. Roofing materials, in particular, the metallic ones, are considered as a major source of urban runoff metal contaminations. In the context of theEuropean Water Directive (2000/60 CE), an accurate evaluation of contaminant flows from roofs is thus required on thecity scale, and therefore the development of assessment tools is needed. However, on this scale, there is an important diversity of roofing materials. In addition, given the size of a city, a complete census of the materials of the different roofing elements represents a difficult task. Information relating roofing materials and their surfaces on an urban district do not currently exist in urban databases. The objective of this paper is to develop a new method of evaluating annual contaminant flow emissions from the different roofing material elements (e.g., gutter, rooftop) on the city scale. This method is based on using and adapting existing urban databases combined with a statistical approach. Different rules for identifying the materials of the different roofing elements on the city scale have been defined. The methodology is explained through its application to the evaluation of zinc emissions on the scale of the city of Créteil
Trajetória e perspectivas da gestão privada do saneamento na América Latina: contrastes e aproximaçÔes entre Brasil e Argentina
Com base na literatura especializada e na pesquisa de algumas fontes primĂĄrias, o texto examina os contrastes e as aproximaçÔes na trajetĂłria das polĂticas de saneamento prĂł-mercado implantadas no Brasil e na Argentina durante os anos 1990, procurando entender como polĂticas semelhantes, adotadas em conjunturas similares, tiveram alcance e resultados tĂŁo diversos, Ă luz das noçÔes de âcapital socialâ e âdependĂȘncia da trajetĂłriaâ. Procura examinar igualmente as perspectivas atuais de desenvolvimento da gestĂŁo privada dos serviços deste setor em ambos os paĂses
Use of green roofs to solve storm water issues at the basin scale â Study in the Hauts-de-Seine County (France)
International audienceAt the building scale, green roof has demonstrated a positive impact on urban runoff (decrease in the peak discharge and runoff volume). This work aims to study if similar impacts can be observed at basin scale. It is particularly focused on the possibility to solve some operational issues caused by storm water.For this purpose, a methodology has been proposed. It combines: a method to estimate the maximum roof area that can be covered by green roof, called green roofing potential, and an urban rainfall-runoff model able to simulate the hydrological behaviour of green roof.This methodology was applied to two urban catchments affected one by flooding and the other one by combined sewage overflow. The results show that green roof can reduce the frequency and the magnitude of such problems depending on the covered roof surface. Combined with other infrastructures, they represent an interesting solution for urban water management
Modelling the Zn emissions from rooïŹng materials at CrĂ©teil city scale - Defining a methodology
11 p.International audienceToday, urban runoff is considered as an important source of environment pollution. Roofing materials, in particular the metallic ones are considered as a major source of urban runoff contamination. An accurate evaluation of contaminant flows from roofs is thus required at the city scale. This paper aims to describe the definition of an appropriate methodology for evaluating the zinc emission at the city scale. This methodology is based on combining two different methods. The first one is an automatic classification and the second one is a theoretical urban study site. In order to obtain representative data, the choice of the study site was based on the diversity of land use and the urban and social context. Finally some results and future works will be presented
Rainwater harvesting to control stormwater runoff in suburban areas. An experimental case-study
International audienceOn a 23 ha urban watershed, 10 km East of Paris, rainwater tanks have been installed on 1/3 of the private parcels to prevent stormwater sewer overflows. This paper investigates the macroscopic effect of rainwater harvesting on runoff, and thus the potential of this technique for stormwater source control. The analysis is performed using the SWMM 5 model, calibrated on rainfall- runoff measures from two measurement campaigns, before and after the equipment. The availability of two data-sets allows to point out changes in the catchment's behaviour. The main findings are that: (1) catchment's evolution, mainly caused by individual land-cover modifications, produces non-stationarity of the hydrologic behaviour; (2) the rainwater tanks installed, although they affect the catchment hydrology for usual rain events, are too small and too few to prevent sewer overflows in case of heavy rain events
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