192 research outputs found

    Numerical approach for high precision 3-D relativistic star models

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    A multi-domain spectral method for computing very high precision 3-D stellar models is presented. The boundary of each domain is chosen in order to coincide with a physical discontinuity (e.g. the star's surface). In addition, a regularization procedure is introduced to deal with the infinite derivatives on the boundary that may appear in the density field when stiff equations of state are used. Consequently all the physical fields are smooth functions on each domain and the spectral method is absolutely free of any Gibbs phenomenon, which yields to a very high precision. The power of this method is demonstrated by direct comparison with analytical solutions such as MacLaurin spheroids and Roche ellipsoids. The relative numerical error reveals to be of the order of 10−1010^{-10}. This approach has been developed for the study of relativistic inspiralling binaries. It may be applied to a wider class of astrophysical problems such as the study of relativistic rotating stars too.Comment: Minor changes, Phys. Rev. D in pres

    The bar-mode instability in differentially rotating neutron stars: Simulations in full general relativity

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    We study the dynamical stability against bar-mode deformation of rapidly spinning neutron stars with differential rotation. We perform fully relativistic 3D simulations of compact stars with M/R≄0.1M/R \geq 0.1, where MM is the total gravitational mass and RR the equatorial circumferential radius. We adopt an adiabatic equation of state with adiabatic index Γ=2\Gamma=2. As in Newtonian theory, we find that stars above a critical value of ÎČ≡T/W\beta \equiv T/W (where TT is the rotational kinetic energy and WW the gravitational binding energy) are dynamically unstable to bar formation. For our adopted choices of stellar compaction and rotation profile, the critical value of ÎČ=ÎČdGR\beta = \beta_{dGR} is ∌0.24−0.25\sim 0.24-0.25, only slightly smaller than the well-known Newtonian value ∌0.27\sim 0.27 for incompressible Maclaurin spheroids. The critical value depends only very weakly on the degree of differential rotation for the moderate range we surveyed. All unstable stars form bars on a dynamical timescale. Models with sufficiently large ÎČ\beta subsequently form spiral arms and eject mass, driving the remnant to a dynamically stable state. Models with moderately large ÎČ≳ÎČdGR\beta \gtrsim \beta_{dGR} do not develop spiral arms or eject mass but adjust to form dynamically stable ellipsoidal-like configurations. If the bar-mode instability is triggered in supernovae collapse or binary neutron star mergers, it could be a strong and observable source of gravitational waves. We determine characteristic wave amplitudes and frequencies.Comment: 17 pages, accepted for publication in AP

    Stability of the lattice formed in first-order phase transitions to matter containing strangeness in protoneutron stars

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    Well into the deleptonization phase of a core collapse supernova, a first-order phase transition to matter with macroscopic strangeness content is assumed to occur and lead to a structured lattice defined by negatively charged strange droplets. The lattice is shown to crystallize for expected droplet charges and separations at temperatures typically obtained during the protoneutronstar evolution. The melting curve of the lattice for small spherical droplets is presented. The one-component plasma model proves to be an adequate description for the lattice in its solid phase with deformation modes freezing out around the melting temperature. The mechanical stability against shear stresses is such that velocities predicted for convective phenomena and differential rotation during the Kelvin-Helmholtz cooling phase might prevent the crystallization of the phase transition lattice. A solid lattice might be fractured by transient convection, which could result in anisotropic neutrino transport. The melting curve of the lattice is relevant for the mechanical evolution of the protoneutronstar and therefore should be included in future hydrodynamics simulations.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review

    The Magnetorotational Instability in Core Collapse Supernova Explosions

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    We investigate the action of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) in the context of iron-core collapse. Exponential growth of the field on the rotation time scale by the MRI will dominate the linear growth process of field line "wrapping" with the same characteristic time. We examine a variety of initial rotation states, with solid body rotation or a gradient in rotational velocity, that correspond to models in the literature. A relatively modest value of the initial rotation, a period of ~ 10 s, will give a very rapidly rotating PNS and hence strong differential rotation with respect to the infalling matter. We assume conservation of angular momentum on spherical shells. Results are discussed for two examples of saturation fields, a fiducial field that corresponds to Alfven velocity = rotational velocity and a field that corresponds to the maximum growing mode of the MRI. Modest initial rotation velocities of the iron core result in sub-Keplerian rotation and a sub-equipartition magnetic field that nevertheless produce substantial MHD luminosity and hoop stresses: saturation fields of order 10^{15} - 10^{16} G develop within 300 msec after bounce with an associated MHD luminosity of about 10^{52} erg/s. Bi-polar flows driven by this MHD power can affect or even cause the explosions associated with core-collapse supernovae.Comment: 42 pages, including 15 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. We have revised to include an improved treatment of the convection, and some figures have been update

    Neutron star properties and the equation of state of neutron-rich matter

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    We calculate total masses and radii of neutron stars (NS) for pure neutron matter and nuclear matter in beta-equilibrium. We apply a relativistic nuclear matter equation of state (EOS) derived from Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (DBHF) calculations. We use realistic nucleon-nucleon (NN) interactions defined in the framework of the meson exchange potential models. Our results are compared with other theoretical predictions and recent observational data. Suggestions for further study are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 1 table; Revised version, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Guideline for the management of acute asthma in children: 2013 update

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    Background. Acute asthma exacerbations remain a common cause of hospitalisation and healthcare utilisation in South African children. Aim. To update the South African paediatric acute asthma guidelines according to current evidence, and produce separate recommendations for children above and below 2 years of age. Methods. A working group of the South African Childhood Asthma Group was established to review the published literature on acute asthma in children from 2000 to 2012, and to revise the South African guidelines accordingly. Recommendations. Short-acting inhaled bronchodilators remain the first-line treatment of acute asthma. A metered-dose inhaler with spacer is preferable to nebulisation for bronchodilator therapy to treat mild to moderate asthma. Two to four puffs of a short-acting bronchodilator given every 20 - 30 minutes, depending on clinical response, should be given for mild attacks; up to 10 puffs may be needed for more severe asthma. Children with severe asthma or oxygen saturation (SpO2

    Recombinant Escherichia coli as a gene delivery vector into airway epithelial cells

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    Abstract To transfer genes into airway epithelial cells, we have generated auxotrophic dap Escherichia coli BM2710 mutant that expresses the invasin of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and the listeriolysin of Listeria monocytogenes. E. coli BM2710 harboring a plasmid carrying the gfp gene was incubated with immortalized normal or cystic fibrosis (CF) airway epithelial cells or with primary bronchial epithelial cells grown as an explant-outgrowth cell culture model. Approximately 2% of immortalized cells expressed GFP. Few primary cells were transfected that were always poorly differentiated and located at the edge of the outgrowth. This was consistent with the expression of h1-integrins only on these cells and with the required interaction for cell entry of E. coli expressing the invasin with h1-integrins. The subsequent intracellular trafficking of E. coli BM2710 studied by confocal and electronic microscopy showed that the E. coli-containing phagosomes rapidly matured into phagolysosomes. This is the first demonstration that recombinant bacteria are able to transfer genes into primary airway epithelial cells, provided that they are able to invade the cells

    Fully general relativistic simulation of coalescing binary neutron stars: Preparatory tests

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    We present our first successful numerical results of 3D general relativistic simulations in which the Einstein equation as well as the hydrodynamic equations are fully solved. This paper is especially devoted to simulations of test problems such as spherical dust collapse, stability test of perturbed spherical stars, and preservation of (approximate) equilibrium states of rapidly rotating neutron star and/or corotating binary neutron stars. These test simulations confirm that simulations of coalescing binary neutron stars are feasible in a numerical relativity code. It is illustrated that using our numerical code, simulations of these problems, in particular those of corotating binary neutron stars, can be performed stably and fairly accurately for a couple of dynamical timescales. These numerical results indicate that our formulation for solving the Einstein field equation and hydrodynamic equations are robust and make it possible to perform a realistic simulation of coalescing binary neutron stars for a long time from the innermost circular orbit up to formation of a black hole or neutron star.Comment: 36 pages, to be published in PRD 15, erase unnecessary figure

    Improving the approximation ability of Volterra series identified with a cross-correlation method

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    This paper proposes an improvement in cross-correlation methods derived from the Lee–Schetzen method, in order to obtain a lower mean square error in the output for a wider range of the input variances. In particular, each Wiener kernel is identified with a different input variance and new formulas for conversion from Wiener to Volterra representation are presented
