132 research outputs found

    A sample of low energy bursts from FRB 121102

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    We present 41 bursts from the first repeating fast radio burst discovered (FRB 121102). A deep search has allowed us to probe unprecedentedly low burst energies during two consecutive observations (separated by one day) using the Arecibo telescope at 1.4 GHz. The bursts are generally detected in less than a third of the 580-MHz observing bandwidth, demonstrating that narrow-band FRB signals may be more common than previously thought. We show that the bursts are likely faint versions of previously reported multi-component bursts. There is a striking lack of bursts detected below 1.35 GHz and simultaneous VLA observations at 3 GHz did not detect any of the 41 bursts, but did detect one that was not seen with Arecibo, suggesting preferred radio emission frequencies that vary with epoch. A power law approximation of the cumulative distribution of burst energies yields an index −1.8±0.3-1.8\pm0.3 that is much steeper than the previously reported value of ∼−0.7\sim-0.7. The discrepancy may be evidence for a more complex energy distribution. We place constraints on the possibility that the associated persistent radio source is generated by the emission of many faint bursts (∼700\sim700 ms−1^{-1}). We do not see a connection between burst fluence and wait time. The distribution of wait times follows a log-normal distribution centered around ∼200\sim200 s; however, some bursts have wait times below 1 s and as short as 26 ms, which is consistent with previous reports of a bimodal distribution. We caution against exclusively integrating over the full observing band during FRB searches, because this can lower signal-to-noise.Comment: Accepted version. 16 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Simultaneous X-ray, gamma-ray, and Radio Observations of the repeating Fast Radio Burst FRB 121102

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    We undertook coordinated campaigns with the Green Bank, Effelsberg, and Arecibo radio telescopes during Chandra X-ray Observatory and XMM-Newton observations of the repeating fast radio burst FRB 121102 to search for simultaneous radio and X-ray bursts. We find 12 radio bursts from FRB 121102 during 70 ks total of X-ray observations. We detect no X-ray photons at the times of radio bursts from FRB 121102 and further detect no X-ray bursts above the measured background at any time. We place a 5σ\sigma upper limit of 3×10−113\times10^{-11} erg cm−2^{-2} on the 0.5--10 keV fluence for X-ray bursts at the time of radio bursts for durations <700<700 ms, which corresponds to a burst energy of 4×10454\times10^{45} erg at the measured distance of FRB 121102. We also place limits on the 0.5--10 keV fluence of 5×10−105\times10^{-10} erg cm−2^{-2} and 1×10−91\times10^{-9} erg cm−2^{-2} for bursts emitted at any time during the XMM-Newton and Chandra observations, respectively, assuming a typical X-ray burst duration of 5 ms. We analyze data from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope Gamma-ray Burst Monitor and place a 5σ\sigma upper limit on the 10--100 keV fluence of 4×10−94\times10^{-9} erg cm−2^{-2} (5×10475\times10^{47} erg at the distance of FRB 121102) for gamma-ray bursts at the time of radio bursts. We also present a deep search for a persistent X-ray source using all of the X-ray observations taken to date and place a 5σ\sigma upper limit on the 0.5--10 keV flux of 4×10−154\times10^{-15} erg s−1^{-1} cm−2^{-2} (3×10413\times10^{41} erg~s−1^{-1} at the distance of FRB 121102). We discuss these non-detections in the context of the host environment of FRB 121102 and of possible sources of fast radio bursts in general.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, published in Ap

    HI, FRB, what's your z: The first FRB host galaxy redshift from radio observations

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    Identification and follow up observations of the host galaxies of fast radio bursts (FRBs) not only help us understand the environments in which the FRB progenitors reside, but also provide a unique way of probing the cosmological parameters using the dispersion measures of FRBs and distances to their origin. A fundamental requirement is an accurate distance measurement to the FRB host galaxy, but for some sources viewed through the Galactic plane, optical/NIR spectroscopic redshifts are extremely difficult to obtain due to dust extinction. Here we report the first radio-based spectroscopic redshift measurement for an FRB host galaxy, through detection of its neutral hydrogen (HI) 21-cm emission using MeerKAT observations. We obtain an HI-based redshift of z = 0.0357 for the host galaxy of FRB 20230718A, an apparently non-repeating FRB detected in the CRAFT survey and localized at a Galactic latitude of -0.367 deg. Our observations also reveal that the FRB host galaxy is interacting with a nearby companion, which is evident from the detection of an HI bridge connecting the two galaxies. A subsequent optical spectroscopic observation confirmed an FRB host galaxy redshift of 0.0359 +- 0.0004. This result demonstrates the value of HI to obtain redshifts of FRBs at low Galactic latitudes and redshifts. Such nearby FRBs whose dispersion measures are dominated by the Milky Way can be used to characterise these components and thus better calibrate the remaining cosmological contribution to dispersion for more distant FRBs that provide a strong lever arm to examine the Macquart relation between cosmological DM and redshift.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Accepted to ApJ Letter

    A Multi-telescope Campaign on FRB 121102: Implications for the FRB Population

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    We present results of the coordinated observing campaign that made the first subarcsecond localization of a Fast Radio Burst, FRB 121102. During this campaign, we made the first simultaneous detection of an FRB burst by multiple telescopes: the VLA at 3 GHz and the Arecibo Observatory at 1.4 GHz. Of the nine bursts detected by the Very Large Array at 3 GHz, four had simultaneous observing coverage at other observatories. We use multi-observatory constraints and modeling of bursts seen only at 3 GHz to confirm earlier results showing that burst spectra are not well modeled by a power law. We find that burst spectra are characterized by a ~500 MHz envelope and apparent radio energy as high as 104010^{40} erg. We measure significant changes in the apparent dispersion between bursts that can be attributed to frequency-dependent profiles or some other intrinsic burst structure that adds a systematic error to the estimate of DM by up to 1%. We use FRB 121102 as a prototype of the FRB class to estimate a volumetric birth rate of FRB sources RFRB≈5x10−5/NrR_{FRB} \approx 5x10^{-5}/N_r Mpc−3^{-3} yr−1^{-1}, where NrN_r is the number of bursts per source over its lifetime. This rate is broadly consistent with models of FRBs from young pulsars or magnetars born in superluminous supernovae or long gamma-ray bursts, if the typical FRB repeats on the order of thousands of times during its lifetime.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to AAS Journal

    MWA rapid follow-up of gravitational wave transients: prospects for detecting prompt radio counterparts

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    We present and evaluate the prospects for detecting coherent radio counterparts to gravitational wave (GW) events using Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) triggered observations. The MWA rapid-response system, combined with its buffering mode (∼4\sim4 minutes negative latency), enables us to catch any radio signals produced from seconds prior to hours after a binary neutron star (BNS) merger. The large field of view of the MWA (∼1000 deg2\sim1000\,\text{deg}^2 at 120\,MHz) and its location under the high sensitivity sky region of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) detector network, forecast a high chance of being on-target for a GW event. We consider three observing configurations for the MWA to follow up GW BNS merger events, including a single dipole per tile, the full array, and four sub-arrays. We then perform a population synthesis of BNS systems to predict the radio detectable fraction of GW events using these configurations. We find that the configuration with four sub-arrays is the best compromise between sky coverage and sensitivity as it is capable of placing meaningful constraints on the radio emission from 12.6\% of GW BNS detections. Based on the timescales of four BNS merger coherent radio emission models, we propose an observing strategy that involves triggering the buffering mode to target coherent signals emitted prior to, during or shortly following the merger, which is then followed by continued recording for up to three hours to target later time post-merger emission. We expect MWA to trigger on ∼5–22\sim5\text{--}22 BNS merger events during the LVK O4 observing run, which could potentially result in two detections of predicted coherent emission.Comment: Accepted for publication in PAS
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