879 research outputs found

    On centrally-extended Jordan endomorophisms in rings

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    The aim of this article is to introduce the concept of centrally-extended Jordan endomorphisms and proving that if RR is a non-commutative prime ring of characteristic not two, and GG is a CE- Jordan epimorphism such that [G(x),x]∈Z(R)[G(x), x] \in Z(R) ([G(x),x∗]∈Z(R)[G(x), x^*] \in Z(R)) for all x∈Rx \in R, then RR is an order in a central simple algebra of dimension at most 44 over its center or there is an element λ\lambda in the extended of RR such that G(x)=λxG(x) = \lambda x (G(x)=λ∗x∗G(x) = \lambda^* x^*) for all x∈Rx \in R

    Sharangadhara’s Nadi Pareeksha and its implications in Ayurveda

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    Ever since man has started colonising the knowledge for survival and dependence over each other made him social animal. But aggregated knowledge and added wisdom transformed such colonisation in to civilizations. Ayurveda is said to be Upanga of Atharvanaveda. The mythological connection yielded the Ayurveda in Triskanda Ayurveda but the amassing the doctrines of Indian philosophy made it to today’s Living sciences the Ayurveda. By 2nd BC the classical works of Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita is believed to have been written. The trend of writing such voluminous work even extended upto 6th AD believed to be the period of Astanga Hrudaya Samhita. The upsurge of Rasa Shastra and the geopolitical changes happening in India had almost pull stopped the progress of Ayurvedic Literature for further 6 centuries. But it was post Shoddala period that is 12th century AD onwards, we find with the specific intent and with a particular domain literature emerged which we call period of Laghutrayee. The same post Shoddala period we find some serious, literary mammoth works in Ayurveda came in the form of commentaries. Dalhana, Chakrapaniduta, Arunaduta and Hemadri commentaries even today believed to more authentic came in this period for the Brihatrayee. This exploration of Sharangadhara in to the Nadi Pareeksha is one such add on with a specific reason addressing the entrance level teaching so that the system become more simpler and approachable. In the article an attempt is made to exhibit need specific moulding of Nadi Pareeksha which was imported from neighbours is specifically blended; not only to the basics of Ayurveda but was practised as a tool of a) diagnosis, b) prognosis c) treatment and d) even death was determined by it

    Agni - Key factor for Shodhananga Snehapana

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    Agni is termed as Vaishwanara as it takes the person from Mruthyuloka to Swargaloka. It is an important factor and is equitant to Prana; is one among Dashaprana Ayatana. Agni in Shareera is present in different forms with different actions. It is the responsible factor for both health and disease; on the other hand the successful outcome of treatment is also dependant on Agni. Chikitsa (treatment) is the process of bestowing normalcy which is either brought by Shodhana (purificatory) or Shamana (palliative) Karma. Snehapana is a pre-operative procedure for Shodhana Chikitsa where in Sneha Dravya (medicated fat) is administered for attainment of Upasthita Dosha Avastha and further ease in elimination of the vitiated Doshas. Assessment of Dosha, Dushya, Vyadhi Avastha, Roga Bala, Rogi Bala, Agni, Koshta etc. factors are essential for the attainment of Chikitsa Phala. Assessment of Agni not only helps in understanding Vyadhi but also enables to plan the dosage of Sneha to be administered. Thus this paper is an attempt to throw light on the importance of Agni, assessment of Agni and Agni Bala prior to Shodhananga Snehapana

    Cranio-Cerebral Injuries in Victims of Fatal Road Traffic Accident: A 5 year Post-Mortem Study

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    Background:Victims of vehicular accident sustain different types of injuries, of which, head injury is considered as more fatal than injury to other systems. This study was carried out to know the incidence and pattern of cranio-cerebral injuries in victims of fatal vehicular accidents.Methods: Medico-legal autopsies conducted on victims of vehicular accidents from 01-01-2008 to 31-12-2012 at the Dept. of Forensic Medicine, Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka, India, were retrospectively analysed.Results:Deaths due to vehicular accidents constituted 69% of the total unnatural deaths. Cranio-cerebral injuries were present in 68.5% of victims of vehicular accident. Combination of skull fracture, intra-cranial haemorrhages and cerebral injury was seen in maximum number of victims (38.2%). If injuries are considered individually, most commonly observed injury was intracranial haemorrhage (90.7%), followed by skull fracture (78.9%). Subarachnoid haemorrhage was the commonest type of intracranial haemorrhage present (78.3%). In the skull vault, linear fracture was the commonest type (49%) and in the base, middle cranial fossa (68.3%) was the most commonly fractured fossa. Among the cerebral injuries, contusion of the brain tissue was the commonest injury seen. Frontal and temporal lobes were the most commonly injured parts of the cerebrum (65.8%).Conclusion:Most of the cranio-cerebral injuries cannot be treated successfully because of their anatomical configuration. But, morbidity and mortality due to vehicular accidents can be reduced by preventing the occurrence of accidents. Therefore, the old saying, “Prevention is better than cure” holds good even here

    Inborn errors of metabolism revealed by organic acid profile analysis in high risk Egyptian patients: Six years experience

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence and types of inborn errors of amino acid or organic acid metabolism in a group of high risk Egyptian children with clinical signs and symptoms suggestive of inherited metabolic diseases. Subjects and Methods: 117 (79 males ═ 67.5 % and 38 females ═ 32.5 %) high risk patients with signs and symptoms of a metabolic disorder were studied, their ages ranged from 3 days to 12 years. Analysis of urine organic acids by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) was performed to all patients. Results: 22(18.8 % of the total) cases were diagnosed with different types of aminoacidopathies or organic acidurias. The disease profile showed increased lactate in 12 cases (54 %), glutaric aciduria type I 3cases (13 %), phenylketonuria 2 cases (9 %), maple syrup urine disease 1 case (4.5 %), glutaric aciduria type II 1 case (4.5 %), methylmalonic aciduria 1 case (4.5 %), Canavan disease 1 case (4.5 %) and non ketotic hyperglycemia 1 case (4.5 %). Conclusion: The results demonstrate the importance of the organic acid profile in the diagnosis of high risk patients. The diagnosed organic acid pattern in this study showed that 10.2 % of the patients had a mitochondrial energy defect.Key Words: Organicacidurias, organicacidemias, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, organic acid profile analysis

    Clinical efficacy of Kapha Ketu Rasa on Tamaka Swasa

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    Context: Compound drugs are scientifically formulated aiming to get the desired therapeutic effects through synergy. Kapha Ketu Rasa is one such compound drug which is a classical herbo mineral marine Khalvi Rasayana judicially containing Shankha Bhasma, Vatsanabha, Tankana and Pippali. Treating GERD along with the treatment of bronchial asthma will enhance the clinical success rate. At this juncture, it is worth to notice the pharmacology of Kapha Ketu Rasa in the same perspective. Aims: To study the clinical effect of Kapha Ketu Rasa on Tamaka Swasa (Bronchial asthma). Materials and Methods: 30 Patients of Tamaka Swasa irrespective of age, sex, religion etc., were randomly selected and treated with 125 mg of Kapha Ketu Rasa capsules twice a day with Ardraka Swarasa before meals for 21 days, then followed for 21 more days. Results: The clinical study showed statistically highly significant improvement in both subjective and objective parameters viz. Kasa (91%), Ghurghurata (83%) and Swasakruchrata (82%) including decrease in AEC, ESR, Differential eosinophil count and PEF was also statistically significantly improved. Conclusions: Kapha Ketu Rasa is an effective Vyadhi Pratyanika herbo mineral Shamana Rasayana in the management of Tamaka Swasa

    Bacterial contamination of white coats and hands of healthcare workers at mansoura university children’s hospital, Mansoura-Egypt

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    Background: Transmission of hospital acquired infections (HAIs) may be associated with contamination of healthcare workers’ (HCWs) hands and white coats.Objective: The purpose of this study was to clarify the role of HCWs’ white coats in transmitting HAIs and to determine the association between bacterial contamination of HCWs’ hands and white coats.Methods: A total of 154 HCWs were enrolled in the study; different samples were taken from their hands and white coats. Samples were processed and both microbiological and biochemical characterization of the isolates were done using standard microbiological protocols.Results: Up to 65.6% of hands and 61% of coats of HCWs were contaminated by microorganisms. Staphylococcus aureus was the most commonly isolated organisms from both hands and coats of HCWs (29.2%, 27.3% respectively) followed by MRSA (22.1%, 24.7% respectively).Conclusions: The risk for contamination of hands and coats of HCWs is high in different clinical settings. In order to reduce the rate of HAIs, a strict dress protocol should be set into play to prevent cross contamination between HCWs and patients.Keywords: contamination, HCWs, coat, hand, Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA. Contamination bacterienne de manteaux blancs et de mains de soins de sante a l'hopital pour enfants de l'universite mansoura, Mansoura-EgypteContexte: La transmission des infectionsObjectif: Le but de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer l'Ă©tendue, le type et l'association entre la contamination bactĂ©rienne des mains des travailleurs de la santĂ© et les blouses blanches.MĂ©thodes: Au total, 154 travailleurs de la santĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans l'Ă©tude; diffĂ©rents Ă©chantillons ont Ă©tĂ© pris de leurs mains et des manteaux blancs. Les Ă©chantillons ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©s et la caractĂ©risation microbiologique et biochimique des isolats a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e en utilisant des protocoles microbiologiques standard.RĂ©sultats: Jusqu'Ă  65,6% des mains et 61% des couches de TS ont Ă©tĂ© contaminĂ©es par des micro-organismes. Le Staphylococcus aureus Ă©tait le plus souvent isolĂ© des deux mains et des deux sexes (29,2%, 27,3%), suivi par le SARM (22,1%, 24,7% respectivement).Conclusions: Le risque de contamination des mains et des couches de TS est Ă©levĂ© dans diffĂ©rents contextes cliniques. Afin de rĂ©duire le taux d'IASS, un protocole vestimentaire strict devrait ĂȘtre mis en place pour prĂ©venir la contamination croisĂ©e entre les travailleurs de la santĂ© et les patients.Mots clĂ©s: contamination, agents de santĂ©, manteau, main, Staphylococcus aureus, SAR

    Circulatory system of Sharangadhara Samhita

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    In the back light of the inspirational article of Kishor Patwardhan ji ‘The history of the discovery of blood circulation: unrecognized contributions of Ayurveda masters’ raising at most relevant issue of neglected Ayurvedic scholars’ contribution to the field of Anatomy-physiology well ahead of the contemporary developing sciences. Crawling in the same lines this article is dedicated for one such legendary Sharangadhara and his work related to Circulatory system. Structural entities play a major role in any of the system; especially in Medicine and that too in Ayurveda as it recommends ‘Rogam ado pareekshet’ shows how important the examination of a diseased person is considered by our Acharyas. The Circulatory System is one such structural physical entity, not only circulate but has additional Functions like Nutrition, Metabolism, Excretion system of body depends, endocrine etc. As early as 200 BC, works to understand this human body was initiated. In this article an attempt is made to sketch out the understanding of circulatory system as evident in 14th century in India through the prismatic view of Sharangadhara Samhita and its commentator

    Pyrrolizine-5-carboxamides: Exploring the impact of various substituents on the anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities

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    Towards optimization of the pyrrolizine-5-carboxamide scaffold, a novel series of six derivatives (4a-c and 5a-c) was prepared and evaluated for their anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anticancer activities. The (EZ)-7-cyano-6-((4-hydroxybenzylidene)amino)-N-(p-tolyl)-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrolizine-5-carboxamide (4b) and (EZ)-6-((4-chlorobenzylidene)-amino)-7-cyano-N-(p-tolyl)-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrolizine-5-carboxamide (5b) bearing the electron donating methyl group showed the highest anti-inflammatory activity while (EZ)-6-((4-chlorobenzylidene)amino)-7-cyano-N-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrolizine-5-carboxamide (5a) was the most active analgesic agent. Cytotoxicity of the new compounds was evaluated against the MCF-7, A2780 and HT29 cancer cell lines using the MTT assay. Compounds 4b and 5b displayed high anticancer activity with IC50 in the range of 0.30–0.92 ”mol L–1 against the three cell lines, while compound (EZ)-N-(4-chlorophenyl)-7-cyano-6-((4-hydroxybenzylidene)-amino)-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrolizine-5-carboxamide (4c) was the most active against MCF-7 cells (IC50 = 0.08 ”mol L–1). Both the anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities of the new compounds were dependent on the type of substituent on the phenyl rings. Substituents with opposite electronic effects on the two phenyl rings are preferable for high cytotoxicity against the MCF-7 and A2780 cells. COX inhibition was suggested as the molecular mechanism of the anti-inflammatory activity of the new compounds while no clear relationship could be observed between COX inhibition and anticancer activity. Compound 5b, the most active against the three cell lines, induced dose-dependent early apoptosis with 0.1–0.2 % necrosis in MCF-7 cells. New compounds showed promising drug-likeness scores while the docking study revealed high binding affinity to COX-2. Taken together, this study highlighted the significant impact of the substituents on the anti-inflammatory and anticancer activity of pyrrolizine-5-carboxamides, which could help in further optimization to discover good leads for the treatment of cancer and inflammation
