286 research outputs found

    Validation of a Western Blot for the detection of anti- Trichinella spp. antibodies in domestic pigs

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    Trichinellosis is a zoonotic disease in humans caused by Trichinella spp. According to international regulations and guidelines, serological surveillance can be used to demonstrate the absence of Trichinella spp. in a defined domestic pig population. Most enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests presently available do not yield 100% specificity, and therefore, a complementary test is needed to confirm the diagnosis of any initial ELISA seropositivity. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of a Western Blot assay based on somatic Trichinella spiralis muscle stage (L1) antigen using Bayesian modeling techniques. A total of 295 meat juice and serum samples from pigs negative for Trichinella larvae by artificial digestion, including 74 potentially cross-reactive sera of pigs with other nematode infections, and 93 meat juice samples from pigs infected with Trichinella larvae were included in the study. The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the Western Blot were ranged from 95.8% to 96.0% and from 99.5% to 99.6%, respectively. A sensitivity analysis showed that the model outcomes were hardly influenced by changes in the prior distributions, providing a high confidence in the outcomes of the models. This validation study demonstrated that the Western Blot is a suitable method to confirm samples that reacted positively in an initial ELIS

    Implementing Quantum Gates using the Ferromagnetic Spin-J XXZ Chain with Kink Boundary Conditions

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    We demonstrate an implementation scheme for constructing quantum gates using unitary evolutions of the one-dimensional spin-J ferromagnetic XXZ chain. We present numerical results based on simulations of the chain using the time-dependent DMRG method and techniques from optimal control theory. Using only a few control parameters, we find that it is possible to implement one- and two-qubit gates on a system of spin-3/2 XXZ chains, such as Not, Hadamard, Pi-8, Phase, and C-Not, with fidelity levels exceeding 99%.Comment: Updated Acknowledgement

    A qualitative assessment of the probability of human exposure to Trichinella spp. in Switzerland

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    Trichinellosis is a zoonotic disease caused by Trichinella spp. Pork is a potential source of infection for humans. A qualitative assessment was conducted to assess the probability of human exposure to Trichinella spp. in Switzerland via the consumption of pork. For the assessment, both the wildlife cycle and the domestic cycle were taken into account. The probability of occurrence of Trichinella infections in domestic pigs was assessed negligible under controlled housing systems due to biosecurity measures. Free-range pigs were assessed to have a very low probability of being infected. Pork from free-range pigs that were not tested for Trichinella spp. was estimated to carry a very low probability for human exposure to Trichmella spp

    Comparing the demonstration of freedom from Trichinella infection of domestic pigs by traditional and risk-based surveillance

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    Traditionally, the routine artificial digestion test is applied to assess the presence of Trichinella larvae in pigs. However, this diagnostic method has a low sensitivity compared to serological tests. The results from artificial digestion tests in Switzerland were evaluated over a time period of 15 years to determine by when freedom from infection based on these data could be confirmed. Freedom was defined as a 95% probability that the prevalence of infection was below 0·0001%. Freedom was demonstrated after 12 years at the latest. A new risk-based surveillance approach was then developed based on serology. Risk-based surveillance was also assessed over 15 years, starting in 2010. It was shown that by using this design, the sample size could be reduced by at least a factor of 4 when compared with the traditional testing regimen, without lowering the level of confidence in the Trichinella-free status of the pig populatio

    Bericht des Präsidiums 2000 - 2001

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    The measurement of grain boundary migration in pure Al bicrystals by X-ray continuous interface tracking is introduced. This method provides information on the mobility of specific grain boundaries without interfering with the process of migration. Moreover, the effect of hydrostatic pressure on grain boundary migration was investigated. Several topics of grain boundary motion relevant to microstructure and texture evolution by recrystallization and grain growth were addressed. It was found that the maximum growth rate misorientation changes with temperature from the exact ∑7 orientation relationship to a 40.50°<111> rotation. This behavior is of concern for recrystallization texture evolution. The effect of material purity on grain boundary migration is shown not to be confined to drag effects but also to involve changes of grain boundary structure. From the activation volume of grain boundary mobility it has to be concluded that at least <110> tilt boundaries move by cooperative motion (group mechanism) of atoms in the boundary

    Modeling Elasticity in Crystal Growth

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    A new model of crystal growth is presented that describes the phenomena on atomic length and diffusive time scales. The former incorporates elastic and plastic deformation in a natural manner, and the latter enables access to times scales much larger than conventional atomic methods. The model is shown to be consistent with the predictions of Read and Shockley for grain boundary energy, and Matthews and Blakeslee for misfit dislocations in epitaxial growth.Comment: 4 pages, 10 figure

    In silico evolution of diauxic growth

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    The glucose effect is a well known phenomenon whereby cells, when presented with two different nutrients, show a diauxic growth pattern, i.e. an episode of exponential growth followed by a lag phase of reduced growth followed by a second phase of exponential growth. Diauxic growth is usually thought of as a an adaptation to maximise biomass production in an environment offering two or more carbon sources. While diauxic growth has been studied widely both experimentally and theoretically, the hypothesis that diauxic growth is a strategy to increase overall growth has remained an unconfirmed conjecture. Here, we present a minimal mathematical model of a bacterial nutrient uptake system and metabolism. We subject this model to artificial evolution to test under which conditions diauxic growth evolves. As a result, we find that, indeed, sequential uptake of nutrients emerges if there is competition for nutrients and the metabolism/uptake system is capacity limited. However, we also find that diauxic growth is a secondary effect of this system and that the speed-up of nutrient uptake is a much larger effect. Notably, this speed-up of nutrient uptake coincides with an overall reduction of efficiency. Our two main conclusions are: (i) Cells competing for the same nutrients evolve rapid but inefficient growth dynamics. (ii) In the deterministic models we use here no substantial lag-phase evolves. This suggests that the lag-phase is a consequence of stochastic gene expression

    Synthesis of the Elements in Stars

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