114 research outputs found

    Topology of non-linear structure in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey

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    We study the evolution of non-linear structure as a function of scale in samples from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey, constituting over 221 000 galaxies at a median redshift of z=0.11. The two flux-limited galaxy samples, located near the southern galactic pole and the galactic equator, are smoothed with Gaussian filters of width ranging from 5 to 8 Mpc/h to produce a continuous galaxy density field. The topological genus statistic is used to measure the relative abundance of overdense clusters to void regions at each scale; these results are compared to the predictions of analytic theory, in the form of the genus statistic for i) the linear regime case of a Gaussian random field; and ii) a first-order perturbative expansion of the weakly non-linear evolved field. The measurements demonstrate a statistically significant detection of an asymmetry in the genus statistic between regions corresponding to low- and high-density volumes of the universe. We attribute the asymmetry to the non-linear effects of gravitational evolution and biased galaxy formation, and demonstrate that these effects evolve as a function of scale. We find that neither analytic prescription satisfactorily reproduces the measurements, though the weakly non-linear theory yields substantially better results in some cases, and we discuss the potential explanations for this result.Comment: 13 pages, matching proof to be published in MNRAS; new version adds reference and corrects figure

    The Evolution of the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    We discuss the time dependence and future of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) in the context of the standard cosmological model, in which we are now entering a state of endless accelerated expansion. The mean temperature will simply decrease until it reaches the effective temperature of the de Sitter vacuum, while the dipole will oscillate as the Sun orbits the Galaxy. However, the higher CMB multipoles have a richer phenomenology. The CMB anisotropy power spectrum will for the most part simply project to smaller scales, as the comoving distance to last scattering increases, and we derive a scaling relation that describes this behaviour. However, there will also be a dramatic increase in the integrated Sachs-Wolfe contribution at low multipoles. We also discuss the effects of tensor modes and optical depth due to Thomson scattering. We introduce a correlation function relating the sky maps at two times and the closely related power spectrum of the difference map. We compute the evolution both analytically and numerically, and present simulated future sky maps.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures; references added; one figure dropped and minor changes to match published version. For high-resolution versions of figures and animations, see http://www.astro.ubc.ca/people/scott/future.htm

    Interlacing in atomic resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy

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    Fast frame-rates are desirable in scanning transmission electron microscopy for a number of reasons: controlling electron beam dose, capturing in-situ events or reducing the appearance of scan distortions. Whilst several strategies exist for increasing frame-rates, many impact image quality or require investment in advanced scan hardware. Here we present an interlaced imaging approach to achieve minimal loss of image quality with faster frame-rates that can be implemented on many existing scan controllers. We further demonstrate that our interlacing approach provides the best possible strain precision for a given electron dose compared with other contemporary approaches

    Growth of Pure Zinc-Blende GaAs(P) Core-Shell Nanowires with Highly Regular Morphology

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    The growth of self-catalyzed core–shell nanowires (NWs) is investigated systematically using GaAs(P) NWs. The defects in the core NW are found to be detrimental for the shell growth. These defects are effectively eliminated by introducing beryllium (Be) doping during the NW core growth and hence forming Be–Ga alloy droplets that can effectively suppress the WZ nucleation and facilitate the droplet consumption. Shells with pure zinc-blende crystal quality and highly regular morphology are successfully grown on the defect-free NW cores and demonstrated an enhancement of one order of magnitude for room-temperature emission compared to that of the defective shells. These results provide useful information on guiding the growth of high-quality shell, which can greatly enhance the NW device performance

    Multiple radial phosphorus segregations in GaAsP core-shell nanowires

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    Highly faceted geometries such as nanowires are prone to form self-formed features, especially those that are driven by segregation. Understanding these features is important in preventing their formation, understanding their effects on nanowire properties, or engineering them for applications. Single elemental segregation lines that run along the radii of the hexagonal cross-section have been a common observation in alloy semiconductor nanowires. Here, in GaAsP nanowires, two additional P rich bands are formed on either side of the primary band, resulting in a total of three segregation bands in the vicinity of three of the alternating radii. These bands are less intense than the primary band and their formation can be attributed to the inclined nanofacets that form in the vicinity of the vertices. The formation of the secondary bands requires a higher composition of P in the shell, and to be grown under conditions that increase the diffusivity difference between As and P. Furthermore, it is observed that the primary band can split into two narrow and parallel bands. This can take place in all six radii, making the cross sections to have up to a maximum of 18 radial segregation bands. With controlled growth, these features could be exploited to assemble multiple different quantum structures in a new dimension (circumferential direction) within nanowires

    A Robust Determination of the Time Delay in 0957+561A,B and a Measurement of the Global Value of Hubble's Constant

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    Photometric monitoring of the gravitational lens system 0957+561A,B in the g and r bands with the Apache Point Observatory (APO) 3.5 m telescope during 1996 shows a sharp g band event in the trailing (B) image light curve at the precise time predicted from the observation of an event during 1995 in the leading (A) image with a delay of 415 days. This success confirms the "short delay," and the lack of any feature at a delay near 540 days rejects the "long delay" for this system, resolving a long-standing controversy. A series of statistical analyses of our light curve data yield a best fit delay of 417 +/- 3 days (95% confidence interval). Recent improvements in the modeling of the lens system (consisting of a galaxy and cluster) allow us to derive a value of the global (at z = 0.36) value of Hubble's constant H_0 using Refsdal's method, a simple and direct distance determination based on securely understood physics and geometry. The result is H_0 = 63 +/- 12 km/s/Mpc (for Omega = 1) where this 95% confidence interval is dominated by remaining lens model uncertainties.Comment: accepted by ApJ, AASTeX 4.0 preprint, 4 PostScript figure

    Self-Catalyzed AlGaAs Nanowires and AlGaAs/GaAs Nanowire-Quantum Dots on Si Substrates

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    [Image: see text] Self-catalyzed AlGaAs nanowires (NWs) and NWs with a GaAs quantum dot (QD) were monolithically grown on Si(111) substrates via solid-source molecular beam epitaxy. This growth technique is advantageous in comparison to the previously employed Au-catalyzed approach, as it removes Au contamination issues and renders the structures compatible with complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) technology applications. Structural studies reveal the self-formation of an Al-rich AlGaAs shell, thicker at the NW base and thinning towards the tip, with the opposite behavior observed for the NW core. Wide alloy fluctuations in the shell region are also noticed. AlGaAs NW structures with nominal Al contents of 10, 20, and 30% have strong room temperature photoluminescence, with emission in the range of 1.50–1.72 eV. Individual NWs with an embedded 4.9 nm-thick GaAs region exhibit clear QD behavior, with spatially localized emission, both exciton and biexciton recombination lines, and an exciton line width of 490 μeV at low temperature. Our results demonstrate the properties and behavior of the AlGaAs NWs and AlGaAs/GaAs NWQDs grown via the self-catalyzed approach for the first time and exhibit their potential for a range of novel applications, including nanolasers and single-photon sources

    Cosmological Constraints from the Clustering of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR7 Luminous Red Galaxies

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    We present the power spectrum of the reconstructed halo density field derived from a sample of Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Seventh Data Release (DR7). The halo power spectrum has a direct connection to the underlying dark matter power for k <= 0.2 h/Mpc, well into the quasi-linear regime. This enables us to use a factor of ~8 more modes in the cosmological analysis than an analysis with kmax = 0.1 h/Mpc, as was adopted in the SDSS team analysis of the DR4 LRG sample (Tegmark et al. 2006). The observed halo power spectrum for 0.02 < k < 0.2 h/Mpc is well-fit by our model: chi^2 = 39.6 for 40 degrees of freedom for the best fit LCDM model. We find \Omega_m h^2 * (n_s/0.96)^0.13 = 0.141^{+0.009}_{-0.012} for a power law primordial power spectrum with spectral index n_s and \Omega_b h^2 = 0.02265 fixed, consistent with CMB measurements. The halo power spectrum also constrains the ratio of the comoving sound horizon at the baryon-drag epoch to an effective distance to z=0.35: r_s/D_V(0.35) = 0.1097^{+0.0039}_{-0.0042}. Combining the halo power spectrum measurement with the WMAP 5 year results, for the flat LCDM model we find \Omega_m = 0.289 +/- 0.019 and H_0 = 69.4 +/- 1.6 km/s/Mpc. Allowing for massive neutrinos in LCDM, we find \sum m_{\nu} < 0.62 eV at the 95% confidence level. If we instead consider the effective number of relativistic species Neff as a free parameter, we find Neff = 4.8^{+1.8}_{-1.7}. Combining also with the Kowalski et al. (2008) supernova sample, we find \Omega_{tot} = 1.011 +/- 0.009 and w = -0.99 +/- 0.11 for an open cosmology with constant dark energy equation of state w.Comment: 26 pages, 19 figures, submitted to MNRAS. The power spectrum and a module to calculate the likelihoods is publicly available at http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/toolbox/lrgdr/ . v2 fixes abstract formatting issu

    Density profiles of dark matter haloes on Galactic and Cluster scales

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    In the present paper, we improve the "Extended Secondary Infall Model" (ESIM) of Williams et al. (2004) to obtain further insights on the cusp/core problem. The model takes into account the effect of ordered and random angular momentum, dynamical friction and baryon adiabatic contraction in order to obtain a secondary infall model more close to the collapse reality. The model is applied to structures on galactic scales (normal and dwarf spiral galaxies) and on cluster of galaxies scales. The results obtained suggest that angular momentum and dynamical friction are able, on galactic scales, to overcome the competing effect of adiabatic contraction eliminating the cusp. The NFW profile can be reobtained, in our model only if the system is constituted just by dark matter and the magnitude of angular momentum and dynamical friction are reduced with respect to the values predicted by the model itself. The rotation curves of four LSB galaxies from de Blok & Bosma (2002) are compared to the rotation curves obtained by the model in the present paper obtaining a good fit to the observational data. On scales smaller than ≃1011h−1M⊙\simeq 10^{11} h^{-1} M_{\odot} the slope α≃0\alpha \simeq 0 and on cluster scales we observe a similar evolution of the dark matter density profile but in this case the density profile slope flattens to α≃0.6\alpha \simeq 0.6 for a cluster of ≃1014h−1M⊙\simeq 10^{14} h^{-1} M_{\odot}. The total mass profile, differently from that of dark matter, shows a central cusp well fitted by a NFW model.Comment: 26 pages; 4 figures A&A Accepte
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