37 research outputs found

    Phosphorylation of microtubule-associated protein STOP by calmodulin kinase II.: Phosphorylation of STOP by CaMKII

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    International audienceSTOP proteins are microtubule-associated, calmodulin-regulated proteins responsible for the high degree of stabilization displayed by neuronal microtubules. STOP suppression in mice induces synaptic defects affecting both short and long term synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons. Interestingly, STOP has been identified as a component of synaptic structures in neurons, despite the absence of microtubules in nerve terminals, indicating the existence of mechanisms able to induce a translocation of STOP from microtubules to synaptic compartments. Here we have tested STOP phosphorylation as a candidate mechanism for STOP relocalization. We show that, both in vitro and in vivo, STOP is phosphorylated by the multifunctional enzyme calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), which is a key enzyme for synaptic plasticity. This phosphorylation occurs on at least two independent sites. Phosphorylated forms of STOP do not bind microtubules in vitro and do not co-localize with microtubules in cultured differentiating neurons. Instead, phosphorylated STOP co-localizes with actin assemblies along neurites or at branching points. Correlatively, we find that STOP binds to actin in vitro. Finally, in differentiated neurons, phosphorylated STOP co-localizes with clusters of synaptic proteins, whereas unphosphorylated STOP does not. Thus, STOP phosphorylation by CaMKII may promote STOP translocation from microtubules to synaptic compartments where it may interact with actin, which could be important for STOP function in synaptic plasticity

    Tubulin tyrosination regulates synaptic function and is disrupted in Alzheimer's disease

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    : Microtubules play fundamental roles in the maintenance of neuronal processes and in synaptic function and plasticity. While dynamic microtubules are mainly composed of tyrosinated tubulin, long-lived microtubules contain detyrosinated tubulin, suggesting that the tubulin tyrosination/detyrosination cycle is a key player in the maintenance of microtubule dynamics and neuronal homeostasis, conditions which go awry in neurodegenerative diseases. In the tyrosination/detyrosination cycle, the C-terminal tyrosine of α-tubulin is removed by tubulin carboxypeptidases and re-added by tubulin tyrosine ligase. Here we show that tubulin tyrosine ligase hemizygous mice exhibit decreased tyrosinated microtubules, reduced dendritic spine density, and both synaptic plasticity and memory deficits. We further report decreased tubulin tyrosine ligase expression in sporadic and familial Alzheimer's disease, and reduced microtubule dynamics in human neurons harboring the familial APP-V717I mutation. Finally, we show that synapses visited by dynamic microtubules are more resistant to oligomeric amyloid β peptide toxicity and that expression of tubulin tyrosine ligase, by restoring microtubule entry into spines, suppresses the loss of synapses induced by amyloid β peptide. Together, our results demonstrate that a balanced tyrosination/detyrosination tubulin cycle is necessary for the maintenance of synaptic plasticity, is protective against amyloid β peptide-induced synaptic damage, and that this balance is lost in Alzheimer's disease, providing evidence that defective tubulin retyrosination may contribute to circuit dysfunction during neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease

    How Morphological Constraints Affect Axonal Polarity in Mouse Neurons

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    Neuronal differentiation is under the tight control of both biochemical and physical information arising from neighboring cells and micro-environment. Here we wished to assay how external geometrical constraints applied to the cell body and/or the neurites of hippocampal neurons may modulate axonal polarization in vitro. Through the use of a panel of non-specific poly-L-lysine micropatterns, we manipulated the neuronal shape. By applying geometrical constraints on the cell body we provided evidence that centrosome location was not predictive of axonal polarization but rather follows axonal fate. When the geometrical constraints were applied to the neurites trajectories we demonstrated that axonal specification was inhibited by curved lines. Altogether these results indicated that intrinsic mechanical tensions occur during neuritic growth and that maximal tension was developed by the axon and expressed on straight trajectories. The strong inhibitory effect of curved lines on axon specification was further demonstrated by their ability to prevent formation of multiple axons normally induced by cytochalasin or taxol treatments. Finally we provided evidence that microtubules were involved in the tension-mediated axonal polarization, acting as curvature sensors during neuronal differentiation. Thus, biomechanics coupled to physical constraints might be the first level of regulation during neuronal development, primary to biochemical and guidance regulations

    Cryo-EM Visualization of Neuronal Particles Inside Microtubules

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    Recording and simulation of hippocampal neural networks with bicuculline

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    4 pagesInternational audienceIn this study we compare the neural activity of a population of neurons recorded with a MEA to simulations of equivalent networks obtained on a computer when bicuculline, an antagonist of inhibitory connections, is introduced into the nutritive solution. The aim of this study is to obtain a model producing extra-cellular data that match the synchronicity of two different real networks: a cell culture and an oraganotypic hippocampus slice. A one compartment model of neuron and a neuron-electrode model are used to simulate experiments. Parameters of the models are fitted to match in vivo data. It is shown that the variation of the noise level at the synaptic level induces a variation in the period of the bursting effect of bicuculline and produces variation in amplitude of the recorded signal

    AutoNeuriteJ: An ImageJ plugin for measurement and classification of neuritic extensions

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    International audienceMorphometry characterization is an important procedure in describing neuronal cultures and identifying phenotypic differences. This task usually requires labor-intensive measurements and the classification of numerous neurites from large numbers of neurons in culture. To automate these measurements, we wrote AutoNeuriteJ, an imageJ/Fiji plugin that measures and classifies neurites from a very large number of neurons. We showed that AutoNeuriteJ is able to detect variations of neuritic growth induced by several compounds known to affect the neuronal growth. In these experiments measurement of more than 5000 mouse neurons per conditions was obtained within a few hours. Moreover, by analyzing mouse neurons deficient for the microtubule associated protein 6 (MAP6) and wild type neurons we illustrate that AutoNeuriteJ is capable to detect subtle phenotypic difference in axonal length. Overall the use of AutoNeuriteJ will provide rapid, unbiased and accurate measurement of neuron morphologies

    STOP-like protein 21 is a novel member of the STOP family, revealing a Golgi localization of STOP proteins.

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    International audienceNeuronal microtubules are stabilized by two calmodulin-regulated microtubule-associated proteins, E-STOP and N-STOP, which when suppressed in mice induce severe synaptic and behavioral deficits. Here we show that mature neurons also contain a 21-kDa STOP-like protein, SL21, which shares calmodulin-binding and microtubule-stabilizing homology domains with STOP proteins. Accordingly, in different biochemical or cellular assays, SL21 has calmodulin binding and microtubule stabilizing activity. However, in cultured hippocampal neurons, SL21 antibodies principally stain the somatic Golgi and punctate Golgi material in neurites. In cycling cells, transfected SL21 decorates microtubules when expressed at high levels but is otherwise principally visible at the Golgi. The Golgi targeting of SL21 depends on the presence of cysteine residues located within the SL21 N-terminal domain, suggesting that Golgi targeting may require SL21 palmitoylation. Accordingly we find that SL21 is palmitoylated in vivo. N-STOP and E-STOP, which contain the Golgi targeting sequences present in SL21, also display distinct Golgi staining when expressed at low level in cycling cells. Thus neuronal proteins of the STOP family have the capacity to associate with Golgi material, which could be important for STOP synaptic functions

    Neuronal transport defects of the MAP6 KO mouse - a model of schizophrenia - and alleviation by Epothilone D treatment, as observed using MEMRI.

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    International audienceThe MAP6 (microtubule-associated protein 6) KO mouse is a microtubule-deficient model of schizophrenia that exhibits severe behavioral disorders that are associated with synaptic plasticity anomalies. These defects are alleviated not only by neuroleptics, which are the gold standard molecules for the treatment of schizophrenia, but also by Epothilone D (Epo D), which is a microtubule-stabilizing molecule. To compare the neuronal transport between MAP6 KO and wild-type mice and to measure the effect of Epo D treatment on neuronal transport in KO mice, MnCl2 was injected in the primary somatosensory cortex. Then, using manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI), we followed the propagation of Mn(2+) through axonal tracts and brain regions that are connected to the somatosensory cortex. In MAP6 KO mice, the measure of the MRI relative signal intensity over 24h revealed that the Mn(2+) transport rate was affected with a stronger effect on long-range and polysynaptic connections than in short-range and monosynaptic tracts. The chronic treatment of MAP6 KO mice with Epo D strongly increased Mn(2+) propagation within both mono- and polysynaptic connections. Our results clearly indicate an in vivo deficit in neuronal Mn(2+) transport in KO MAP6 mice, which might be due to both axonal transport defects and synaptic transmission impairments. Epo D treatment alleviated the axonal transport defects, and this improvement most likely contributes to the positive effect of Epo D on behavioral defects in KO MAP6 mice

    Beyond Neuronal Microtubule Stabilization: MAP6 and CRMPS, Two Converging Stories

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    International audienceThe development and function of the central nervous system rely on the microtubule (MT) and actin cytoskeletons and their respective effectors. Although the structural role of the cytoskeleton has long been acknowledged in neuronal morphology and activity, it was recently recognized to play the role of a signaling platform. Following this recognition, research into Microtubule Associated Proteins (MAPs) diversified. Indeed, historically, structural MAPs—including MAP1B, MAP2, Tau, and MAP6 (also known as STOP);—were identified and described as MT-binding and -stabilizing proteins. Extensive data obtained over the last 20 years indicated that these structural MAPs could also contribute to a variety of other molecular roles. Among multi-role MAPs, MAP6 provides a striking example illustrating the diverse molecular and cellular properties of MAPs and showing how their functional versatility contributes to the central nervous system. In this review, in addition to MAP6’s effect on microtubules, we describe its impact on the actin cytoskeleton, on neuroreceptor homeostasis, and its involvement in signaling pathways governing neuron development and maturation. We also discuss its roles in synaptic plasticity, brain connectivity, and cognitive abilities, as well as the potential relationships between the integrated brain functions of MAP6 and its molecular activities. In parallel, the Collapsin Response Mediator Proteins (CRMPs) are presented as examples of how other proteins, not initially identified as MAPs, fall into the broader MAP family. These proteins bind MTs as well as exhibiting molecular and cellular properties very similar to MAP6. Finally, we briefly summarize the multiple similarities between other classical structural MAPs and MAP6 or CRMPs.In summary, this review revisits the molecular properties and the cellular and neuronal roles of the classical MAPs, broadening our definition of what constitutes a MAP