826 research outputs found

    Constraints on short-range spin-dependent interactions from scalar spin-spin coupling in deuterated molecular hydrogen

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    A comparison between existing measurements and calculations of the scalar spin-spin interaction (J-coupling) in deuterated molecular hydrogen (HD) yields stringent constraints on anomalous spin-dependent potentials between nucleons at the atomic scale (∼1A˚{\rm \sim 1 \AA}). The dimensionless coupling constant gPpgPN/4πg_P^pg_P^{N}/4\pi associated with exchange of pseudoscalar (axion-like) bosons between nucleons is constrained to be less than 5×10−75\times 10^{-7} for boson masses in the range of 5keV5 {\rm keV}. This represents improvement by a factor of about 100 over constraints placed by measurements of the dipole-dipole interaction in molecular H2{\rm H_2}. The dimensionless coupling constant gApgAN/4πg_A^pg_A^N/4 \pi associated with exchange of a heretofore undiscovered axial-vector boson between nucleons is constrained to be gApgAN/4π<2×10−19g_A^pg_A^N/4 \pi < 2 \times 10^{-19} for bosons of mass ≲1000eV\lesssim 1000 {\rm eV}, improving constraints at this distance scale by a factor of 100 for proton-proton couplings and more than 8 orders of magnitude for neutron-proton couplings. This limit is also a factor of 100 more stringent than recent constraints obtained for axial-vector couplings between electrons and nucleons obtained from comparison of measurements and calculations of hyperfine structure.Comment: 4 pages 2 figure

    Spin Diffusion and Relaxation in a Nonuniform Magnetic Field

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    We consider a quasiclassical model that allows us to simulate the process of spin diffusion and relaxation in the presence of a highly nonuniform magnetic field. The energy of the slow relaxing spins flows to the fast relaxing spins due to the dipole-dipole interaction between the spins. The magnetic field gradient suppresses spin diffusion and increases the overall relaxation time in the system. The results of our numerical simulations are in a good agreement with the available experimental data.Comment: 11 pages and 6 figure

    Reduction of Magnetic Noise in Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy

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    We study the opportunity to reduce a magnetic noise produced by a uniform cantilever with a ferromagnetic particle in magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM) applications. We demonstrate theoretically a significant reduction of magnetic noise and the corresponding increase of the MRFM relaxation time using a nonuniform cantilever

    Regular and Random Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy Signal with a Cantilever Oscillating Parallel to a Sample Surface

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    We study theoretically the magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM) in oscillating cantilever-driven adiabatic reversals (OSCAR) technique, for the case when the cantilever tip oscillates parallel to the surface of a sample. The main contribution to the MRFM signal is associated with a part of the resonance slice near the surface of the sample. The regular (approximately exponential) decay of the MRFM signal is followed by the non-dissipating random signal. The Fourier spectrum of the random signal has a characteristic peak which can be used for the identification of the signal.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Formation of ions by high energy photons

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    We calculate the electron energy spectrum of ionization by a high energy photon, accompanied by creation of electron-positron pair. The total cross section of the process is also obtained. The asymptotics of the cross section does not depend on the photon energies. At the photon energies exceeding a certain value ω0\omega_0 this appeares to to be the dominant mechanism of formation of the ions. The dependence of ω0\omega_0 on the value of nuclear charge is obtained. Our results are consistent with experimental data.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Photon storage in Lambda-type optically dense atomic media. II. Free-space model

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    In a recent paper [Gorshkov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 123601 (2007)], we presented a universal physical picture for describing a wide range of techniques for storage and retrieval of photon wave packets in Lambda-type atomic media in free space, including the adiabatic reduction of the photon group velocity, pulse-propagation control via off-resonant Raman techniques, and photon-echo based techniques. This universal picture produced an optimal control strategy for photon storage and retrieval applicable to all approaches and yielded identical maximum efficiencies for all of them. In the present paper, we present the full details of this analysis as well some of its extensions, including the discussion of the effects of non-degeneracy of the two lower levels of the Lambda system. The analysis in the present paper is based on the intuition obtained from the study of photon storage in the cavity model in the preceding paper [Gorshkov et al., Phys. Rev. A 76, 033804 (2007)].Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures. V2: significant changes in presentation, new references, higher resolution of figure

    Photon storage in Lambda-type optically dense atomic media. III. Effects of inhomogeneous broadening

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    In a recent paper [Gorshkov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 123601 (2007)] and in the two preceding papers [Gorshkov et al., Phys. Rev. A 76, 033804 (2007); 76, 033805 (2007)], we used a universal physical picture to optimize and demonstrate equivalence between a wide range of techniques for storage and retrieval of photon wave packets in homogeneously broadened Lambda-type atomic media, including the adiabatic reduction of the photon group velocity, pulse-propagation control via off-resonant Raman techniques, and photon-echo-based techniques. In the present paper, we generalize this treatment to include inhomogeneous broadening. In particular, we consider the case of Doppler-broadened atoms and assume that there is a negligible difference between the Doppler shifts of the two optical transitions. In this situation, we show that, at high enough optical depth, all atoms contribute coherently to the storage process as if the medium were homogeneously broadened. We also discuss the effects of inhomogeneous broadening in solid state samples. In this context, we discuss the advantages and limitations of reversing the inhomogeneous broadening during the storage time, as well as suggest a way for achieving high efficiencies with a nonreversible inhomogeneous profile.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures. V2: minor changes in presentation, new references, higher resolution of figure
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