2 research outputs found

    Kustannustenjakomallit Jokilaaksojen pelastuslaitoksessa

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    TÀmÀn tutkimuksen tutkimusongelma oli löytÀÀ vaihtoehtoisia pelastuslaitoksen kustannusten jakomalleja. LisÀksi tutkimuksessa tehtiin vertailua eri kustannustenjakomallivaihtoehtojen vÀlillÀ. Suomessa on tehty vÀhÀn julkishallinnon kustannustenjakomallitutkimuksia. Suomen pelastustoimi jÀrjestÀytyi 1.1.2004 alueellisiksi pelastuslaitoksiksi. Tuolloin Kuntaliitto antoi kustannustenjakomallisuosituksia pelastuslaitoksen alkutaipaleelle. Jokilaaksojen pelastuslaitoksella kÀytettiin ensimmÀistÀ niin sanotun siirtymÀvaiheen kustannustenjakomallia vuoden 2007 loppuun, jonka jÀlkeen siirryttiin vaiheittain uuteen pysyvÀmpÀÀn kustannustenjakomalliin. Uutta jakomallia on kritisoitu kuluneiden vuosien aikana useaan otteeseen ja epÀilty mallissa kÀytettyjen elementtien luotettavuutta. Jokilaaksojen pelastuslaitoksen kuntajohtajille lÀhetettiin kysely pelastuslaitoksen siirtymÀvaiheen ja kÀytössÀ olleen kustannustenjakomallien arvioimiseksi. Kuntajohtajilta pyydettiin myös ajatuksia kustannustenjakomallin edelleen kehittÀmiseksi. Kuntajohtajien ajatuksiin ja julkistalouden teoriaan pohjautuen muodostui tarkennettu tutkimusongelma. Seuraavassa vaiheessa muodostettiin kuntakohtainen vertailuluku, joka kuvaa pelastuslaitoksen kÀytÀnnön toimia kuntien alueella ja muodostettiin mahdolliset kustannustenjakomallivaihtoehdot. Kustannustenjakomalleja testattiin vertailuluvulla ja testauksessa muodostui poikkeama-arvot. Eri kustannustenjakomallien poikkeama- arvoja vertailtiin rinnakkain tilastollisin menetelmin ja nÀin saatiin kÀsitys siitÀ, mikÀ kustannustenjakomalli toimi parhaiten. Tutkimuksessa parhaiten menestyi vaihtoehtoisista kustannustenjakomalleista verotuloihin ja pelastustoimen tehtÀviin pohjautuva yhdistelmÀmalli. Tutkimuksen aikana vahvistui myös mahdollisuus, ettÀ kustannukset voitaisiin jakaa muodostetun kuntakohtaisen vertailuluvun suhteessa. TÀmÀ vaikuttaisi kaikkein realistisimmalta kÀytÀnnön elÀmÀn kanssa aiheuttamisperiaatteen pohjalta.The aim of this research was to find alternative cost-sharing models to Jokilaaksos rescue Department. Moreover in the research there was the comparison of various cost-sharing models between the alternatives. There have been low quantity cost-sharing model researches of public administration in Finland. Finnish rescue services was organized to regional rescue services in 1.1.2004. The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities gave cost-sharing model recommendations for the early stages of the rescue department. At the beginning Jokilaaksos Rescue Department used the first cost-sharing model to the end of 2007. After that rescue department moved to a new permanent cost-sharing model in stages. New allocation model has been criticized over the years a number time. In this research a questionnaire was sent to region of Jokilaaksos Rescue Departments municipality leaders. The aim of this questionnaire was to find out how municipal leaders have experienced the cost-sharing models. Municipal leaders were also asked ideas on cost-sharing models for further development. The research problem based on the thoughts of municipality leaders and the theory of public finance. The next stage constructed municipality-specific reference figure which describes the practical steps of rescue department. After this researches made many alternatives of costsharing. Cost-sharing models were tested with reference figures. Deviation values were found in the testing process. Deviation values of cost-sharing models were compared in parallel with statistical methods. The most successful alternative model was combination of tax revenues and rescue missions. During the research strengthened the possibility that cost of rescue department could be divided into the municipality in relation to reference figure. This seems the most realistic with practical life

    Synergistic interactions of the anti‑casein kinase 2 CIGB‑300 peptide and chemotherapeutic agents in lung and cervical preclinical cancer models

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    CIGB‑300 is a novel clinical‑stage synthetic peptide that impairs the casein kinase 2 (CK2)‑mediated phosphorylation of B23/nucleophosmin in different experimental settings and cancer models. As a single agent, CIGB‑300 induces apoptosis in vitro and in vivo and modulates an array of proteins that are mainly involved in drug resistance, cell proliferation and apoptosis, as determined by proteomic analysis. However, the clinical oncology practice and cumulative knowledge on tumor biology suggest that drug combinations are more likely to cope with tumor complexity compared to single agents. in this study, we investigated the antiproliferative effect of CIGB‑300 when combined with different anticancer drugs, such as cisplatin (alkylating), paclitaxel (antimitotic), doxorubicin (antitopoisomerase II) or 5‑fluorouracil (DNA/RNA antimetabolite) in cell lines derived from lung and cervical cancer. Of note, using a Latin square design and subsequent analysis by Calcusyn software, we observed that paclitaxel and cisplatin exhibited the best synergistic/additive profile when combined with CIGB‑300, according to the combination and dose reduction indices. Such therapeutically favorable profiles may be explained by a direct cytotoxic effect and also by the observed cell cycle impairment following incubation of tumor cells with selected drug combinations. Importantly, on in vivo dose‑finding schedules in human cervical tumors xenografted in nude mice, we observed that concomitant administration of CIGB‑300 and cisplatin increased mice survival compared to single‑agent treatment. Collectively, these findings provide a rationale for combining the anti‑CK2 CIGB‑300 peptide with currently available anticancer agents in the clinical setting and indicate platins and taxanes as compounds with major perspectives.Fil: Perera, Yasser. Centro de IngenierĂ­a GenĂ©tica y BiotecnologĂ­a; CubaFil: del Toro, Neylen. Centro de IngenierĂ­a GenĂ©tica y BiotecnologĂ­a; CubaFil: Gorovaya, Larisa. Centro de IngenierĂ­a GenĂ©tica y BiotecnologĂ­a; CubaFil: Fernandez de Cossio, Jorge. Centro de IngenierĂ­a GenĂ©tica y BiotecnologĂ­a; CubaFil: Farina, HernĂĄn Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a. Laboratorio de OncologĂ­a Molecular; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Perea, Silvio E.. Centro de IngenierĂ­a GenĂ©tica y BiotecnologĂ­a; Cub