140 research outputs found
Terrestrial climate variability and seasonality changes in the Mediterranean region between 15 000 and 4000 years BP deduced from marine pollen records
Pollen-based climate reconstructions were performed on two high-resolution pollen marines cores from the Alboran and Aegean Seas in order to unravel the climatic variability in the coastal settings of the Mediterranean region between 15 000 and 4000 years BP (the Lateglacial, and early to mid-Holocene). The quantitative climate reconstructions for the Alboran and Aegean Sea records focus mainly on the reconstruction of the seasonality changes (temperatures and precipitation), a crucial parameter in the Mediterranean region. This study is based on a multi-method approach comprising 3 methods: the Modern Analogues Technique (MAT), the recent Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling/Generalized Additive Model method (NMDS/GAM) and Partial Least Squares regression (PLS). The climate signal inferred from this comparative approach confirms that cold and dry conditions prevailed in the Mediterranean region during the Oldest and Younger Dryas periods, while temperate conditions prevailed during the Bølling/Allerød and the Holocene. Our records suggest a West/East gradient of decreasing precipitation across the Mediterranean region during the cooler Late-glacial and early Holocene periods, similar to present-day conditions. Winter precipitation was highest during warm intervals and lowest during cooling phases. Several short-lived cool intervals (i.e. Older Dryas, another oscillation after this one (GI-1c2), Gerzensee/Preboreal Oscillations, 8.2 ka event, Bond events) connected to the North Atlantic climate system are documented in the Alboran and Aegean Sea records indicating that the climate oscillations associated with the successive steps of the deglaciation in the North Atlantic area occurred in both the western and eastern Mediterranean regions. This observation confirms the presence of strong climatic linkages between the North Atlantic and Mediterranean regions
Structure of the internal boundary layer over a patch of pinnid bivalves (Atrina zelandica) in an estuary
Measurements of tidal-current boundary-layer flow over an experimental 2-m by 2-m patch of pinnid bivalves (Atrina zelandica) in a northern New Zealand estuary are presented. Previous work demonstrated a link between mesoscale (order 100 m) patchiness of the benthic biota and time-averaged boundary-layer dynamics. The aim in this new experiment was to describe the three-dimensional structure of turbulence at the patch scale (order 1 m). Flow over three densities of Atrina was investigated: 340 individuals per 4 m2, 50 individuals per 4 m2 and zero individuals. An internal boundary layer (IBL) grows downstream from the leading edge of the patch at the base of the ambient boundary layer. One meter in from the leading edge, the top of the IBL was ~ 12 cm above the bed for the high-density patch and ~ 6 cm for the low-density patch. Flow in the IBL was three-dimensional in that vertical and transverse mean velocities were nonzero, secondary Reynolds stresses were nonzero and comparable with the primary stress, and velocity spectra deviated from scaling relationships for two-dimensional flow. Thus, the observed IBL was still in its infancy, i.e., it consisted of a roughness sublayer only as the distance from the leading edge of the patch was not enough for development of a second, overlying logarithmic layer. In summary, the IBL that envelops the Atrina patch is a region of lower mean longitudinal velocities but more energetic turbulence relative to the ambient boundary layer. The former translates into shelter, which some organisms might take advantage of, and the latter translates into increased vertical exchange across the top of the IBL, which might enhance fluxes of nutrients, colonists and suspended sediments, and might have implications for deposition and resuspension of organically rich biodeposits. The results extend our knowledge of turbulence over patches of suspension feeders at the 1-m scale and therefore provide information needed to improve depiction of flow in models of suspension-feeder-flow interactions
Guidelines for Reporting and Archiving 210Pb Sediment Chronologies to Improve Fidelity and Extend Data Lifecycle
Radiometric dating methods are essential for developing geochronologies to study Late Quaternary environmental change and 210Pb dating is commonly used to produce age-depth models from recent (within 150 years) sediments and other geoarchives. The past two centuries are marked by rapid environmental socio-ecological changes frequently attributed to anthropogenic land-use activities, modified biogeochemical cycles, and climate change. Consequently, historical reconstructions over this recent time interval have high societal value because analyses of these datasets provide understanding of the consequences of environmental modifications, critical ecosystem thresholds, and to define desirable ranges of variation for management, restoration, and conservation. For this information to be used more broadly, for example to support land management decisions or to contribute data to regional analyses of ecosystem change, authors must report all of the useful age-depth model information. However, at present there are no guidelines for researchers on what information should be reported to ensure 210Pb data are fully disclosed, reproducible, and reusable; leading to a plethora of reporting styles, including inadequate reporting that reduces potential reusability and shortening the data lifecycle. For example, 64% of the publications in a literature review of 210Pb dated geoarchives did not include any presentation of age uncertainty estimates in modeled calendar ages used in age-depth models. Insufficient reporting of methods and results used in 210Pb dating geoarchives severely hampers reproducibility and data reusability, especially in analyses that make use of databased palaeoenvironmental data. Reproducibility of data is fundamental to further analyses of the number of palaeoenvironmental data and the spatial coverage of published geoarchives sites. We suggest, and justify, a set of minimum reporting guidelines for metadata and data reporting for 210Pb dates, including an IEDA (Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance), LiPD (Linked Paleo Data) and generic format data presentation templates, to contribute to improvements in data archiving standards and to facilitate the data requirements of researchers analyzing datasets of several palaeoenvironmental study sites. We analyse practices of methods, results and first order interpretation of 210Pb data and make recommendations to authors on effective data reporting and archiving to maximize the value of datasets. We provide empirical evidence from publications and practitioners to support our suggested reporting guidelines. These guidelines increase the scientific value of 210Pb by expanding its relevance in the data lifecycle. Improving quality and fidelity of environmental datasets broadens interdisciplinary use, lengthens the potential lifecycle of data products, and achieves requirements applicable for evidenced-based policy support
Abrupt high-latitude climate events and decoupled seasonal trends during the Eemian
The Eemian (the Last Interglacial; ca. 129-116 thousand years ago) presents a testbed for assessing environmental responses and climate feedbacks under warmer-than-present boundary conditions. However, climate syntheses for the Eemian remain hampered by lack of data from the high-latitude land areas, masking the climate response and feedbacks in the Arctic. Here we present a high-resolution (sub-centennial) record of Eemian palaeoclimate from northern Finland, with multi-model reconstructions for July and January air temperature. In contrast with the mid-latitudes of Europe, our data show decoupled seasonal trends with falling July and rising January temperatures over the Eemian, due to orbital and oceanic forcings. This leads to an oceanic Late-Eemian climate, consistent with an earlier hypothesis of glacial inception in Europe. The interglacial is further intersected by two strong cooling and drying events. These abrupt events parallel shifts in marine proxy data, linked to disturbances in the North Atlantic oceanic circulation regime.Peer reviewe
Precipitation changes in the Mediterranean basin during the Holocene from terrestrial and marine pollen records: a model–data comparison
Climate evolution of the Mediterranean region during the Holocene exhibits strong spatial and temporal variability. The spatial differentiation and temporal variability, as evident from different climate proxy datasets, has remained notoriously difficult for models to reproduce. In light of this complexity, we examine the previously described evidence for (i) opposing northern and southern precipitation regimes during the Holocene across the Mediterranean basin, and (ii) an east-to-west precipitation gradient or dipole during the early Holocene, from a wet eastern Mediterranean to dry western Mediterranean. Using quantitative climate information from marine and terrestrial pollen archives, we focus on two key time intervals, the early to mid-Holocene (8000 to 6000 cal yrs BP) and the late Holocene (4000 to 2000 yrs BP), in order to test the above mentioned hypotheses on a Mediterranean-wide scale. Palynologically derived climate information is compared with the output of regional-scale climate-model simulations for the same time intervals.
Quantitative pollen-based precipitation estimates were generated along a longitudinal gradient from the Alboran (West) to the Aegean Sea (East); they are derived from terrestrial pollen records from Greece, Italy and Malta as well as from pollen records obtained from marine cores. Because seasonality represents a key parameter in Mediterranean climates, special attention was given to the reconstruction of season-specific climate information, notably summer and winter precipitation. The reconstructed climatic trends corroborate a previously described north-south partition of precipitation regimes during the Holocene. During the early Holocene, relatively wet conditions occurred in the south-central and eastern Mediterranean region, while drier conditions prevailed from 45° N northwards. These patterns reversed during the late Holocene, with a wetter northern Mediterranean region and drier conditions in the east and south. More sites from the northern part of the Mediterranean basin are needed to further substantiate these observations. With regard to the existence of a west-east precipitation dipole during the Holocene, our pollen-based climate data show that the strength of this dipole is strongly linked to the seasonal parameter reconstructed: Early Holocene summers show a clear east-to-west gradient, with summer precipitation having been highest in the central and eastern Mediterranean and lowest over the western Mediterranean. In contrast, winter precipitation signals are less spatially coherent. A general drying trend occurred from the early to the late Holocene; particularly in the central and eastern Mediterranean. However, summer precipitation in the east remained above modern values, even during the late Holocene interval.
Pollen-inferred precipitation estimates were compared to regional-scale climate modelling simulations based on the HadAM3 GCM coupled to the dynamic HadSM3 and the high-resolution regional HadRM3 models. Climate model outputs and pollen-inferred precipitation estimates show remarkably good overall correspondence, although many simulated patterns are of marginal statistical significance. Nevertheless, models weakly support an east to west division in summer precipitation and there are suggestions that the eastern Mediterranean experienced wetter summer and winter conditions during the early Holocene and wetter summer conditions during the late Holocene. The extent to which summer monsoonal precipitation may have existed in the southern and eastern Mediterranean during the mid-Holocene remains an outstanding question; our model, consistent with other global models, does not suggest an extension of the African monsoon into the Mediterranean. Given the difficulty in modelling future climate change in Southern Europe, more simulations based on high resolution global models and very high resolution regional downscaling, perhaps even including transient simulations, are required to fully understand the patterns of change in winter and summer circulation patterns over the Mediterranean regio
Macrosystems ecology: Understanding ecological patterns and processes at continental scales
Macrosystems ecology is the study of diverse ecological phenomena at the scale of regions to continents and their interactions with phenomena at other scales. This emerging subdiscipline addresses ecological questions and environmental problems at these broad scales. Here, we describe this new field, show how it relates to modern ecological study, and highlight opportunities that stem from taking a macrosystems perspective. We present a hierarchical framework for investigating macrosystems at any level of ecological organization and in relation to broader and finer scales. Building on well-established theory and concepts from other subdisciplines of ecology, we identify feedbacks, linkages among distant regions, and interactions that cross scales of space and time as the most likely sources of unexpected and novel behaviors in macrosystems. We present three examples that highlight the importance of this multiscaled systems perspective for understanding the ecology of regions to continents
Imaging local genetic influences on cortical folding
Recent progress in deciphering mechanisms of human brain cortical folding leave unexplained whether spatially patterned genetic influences contribute to this folding. High-resolution in vivo brain MRI can be used to estimate genetic correlations (covariability due to shared genetic factors) in interregional cortical thickness, and biomechanical studies predict an influence of cortical thickness on folding patterns. However, progress has been hampered because shared genetic influences related to folding patterns likely operate at a scale that is much more local (cm) than that addressed in prior imaging studies. Here, we develop methodological approaches to examine local genetic influences on cortical thickness and apply these methods to two large, independent samples. We find that such influences are markedly heterogeneous in strength, and in some cortical areas are notably stronger in specific orientations relative to gyri or sulci. The overall, phenotypic local correlation has a significant basis in shared genetic factors and is highly symmetric between left and right cortical hemispheres. Furthermore, the degree of local cortical folding relates systematically with the strength of local correlations, which tends to be higher in gyral crests and lower in sulcal fundi. The relationship between folding and local correlations is stronger in primary sensorimotor areas and weaker in association areas such as prefrontal cortex, consistent with reduced genetic constraints on the structural topology of association cortex. Collectively, our results suggest that patterned genetic influences on cortical thickness, measurable at the scale of in vivo MRI, may be a causal factor in the development of cortical folding
High-frequency turbulence and suspended sediment concentration measurements in the Garonne River tidal bore
The study details new sediment concentration measurements associated with some turbulence characterisation conducted at high-frequency in the undular tidal bore of the Garonne River (France). Acoustic Doppler velocimetry was used, and the suspended sediment concentration was deduced from the acoustic backscatter intensity. The field data set demonstrated some unique flow features of the tidal bore including some large and rapid turbulent velocity fluctuations during and after the bore passage. Some unusually high suspended sediment concentration was observed about 100 s after the tidal bore front lasting for more than 10 min. It is thought that the tidal bore passage scoured the bed and convected upwards the bed material, reaching the free-surface after the bore passage. Behind the tidal bore, the net sediment flux magnitude was 30 times larger than the ebb tide net flux and directed upstream. A striking feature of the data set was the intense mixing and suspended sediment motion during the tidal bore and following flood tide. This feature has been rarely documented
Statistically-Estimated Tree Composition for the Northeastern United States at Euro-American Settlement
We present a gridded 8 km-resolution data product of the estimated composition of tree taxa at the time of Euro-American settlement of the northeastern United States and the statistical methodology used to produce the product from trees recorded by land surveyors. Composition is defined as the proportion of stems larger than approximately 20 cm diameter at breast height for 22 tree taxa, generally at the genus level. The data come from settlement-era public survey records that are transcribed and then aggregated spatially, giving count data. The domain is divided into two regions, eastern (Maine to Ohio) and midwestern (Indiana to Minnesota). Public Land Survey point data in the midwestern region (ca. 0.8-km resolution) are aggregated to a regular 8 km grid, while data in the eastern region, from Town Proprietor Surveys, are aggregated at the township level in irregularly-shaped local administrative units. The product is based on a Bayesian statistical model fit to the count data that estimates composition on the 8 km grid across the entire domain. The statistical model is designed to handle data from both the regular grid and the irregularly-shaped townships and allows us to estimate composition at locations with no data and to smooth over noise caused by limited counts in locations with data. Critically, the model also allows us to quantify uncertainty in our composition estimates, making the product suitable for applications employing data assimilation. We expect this data product to be useful for understanding the state of vegetation in the northeastern United States prior to large-scale Euro-American settlement. In addition to specific regional questions, the data product can also serve as a baseline against which to investigate how forests and ecosystems change after intensive settlement. The data product is being made available at the NIS data portal as version 1.0
Extreme Clonality in Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines with Implications for Allele Specific Expression Analyses
Lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL) are being actively and extensively used to examine the expression of specific genes and genome-wide expression profiles, including allele specific expression assays. However, it has recently been shown that approximately 10% of human genes exhibit random patterns of monoallelic expression within single clones of LCLs. Consequently allelic imbalance studies could be significantly compromised if bulk populations of donor cells are clonal, or near clonal. Here, using X chromosome inactivation as a readout, we confirm and quantify widespread near monoclonality in two independent sets of cell lines. Consequently, we recommend where possible the use of bulk, non cell line, ex vivo cells for allele specific expression assays
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