56 research outputs found

    Geo-neutrinos: A systematic approach to uncertainties and correlations

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    Geo-neutrinos emitted by heat-producing elements (U, Th and K) represent a unique probe of the Earth interior. The characterization of their fluxes is subject, however, to rather large and highly correlated uncertainties. The geochemical covariance of the U, Th and K abundances in various Earth reservoirs induces positive correlations among the associated geo-neutrino fluxes, and between these and the radiogenic heat. Mass-balance constraints in the Bulk Silicate Earth (BSE) tend instead to anti-correlate the radiogenic element abundances in complementary reservoirs. Experimental geo-neutrino observables may be further (anti)correlated by instrumental effects. In this context, we propose a systematic approach to covariance matrices, based on the fact that all the relevant geo-neutrino observables and constraints can be expressed as linear functions of the U, Th and K abundances in the Earth's reservoirs (with relatively well-known coefficients). We briefly discuss here the construction of a tentative "geo-neutrino source model" (GNSM) for the U, Th, and K abundances in the main Earth reservoirs, based on selected geophysical and geochemical data and models (when available), on plausible hypotheses (when possible), and admittedly on arbitrary assumptions (when unavoidable). We use then the GNSM to make predictions about several experiments ("forward approach"), and to show how future data can constrain - a posteriori - the error matrix of the model itself ("backward approach"). The method may provide a useful statistical framework for evaluating the impact and the global consistency of prospective geo-neutrino measurements and Earth models.Comment: 17 pages, including 4 figures. To appear on "Earth, Moon, and Planets," Special Issue on "Neutrino Geophysics," Proceedings of Neutrino Science 2005 (Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec. 2005

    Risk factors of postoperative cognitive dysfunction

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    This article analyzes the current understanding of the possible factors of postoperative cognitive deficits in patients of the hospital, as well as a method of diagnosis of this pathology in patients who have previously undergone surgery.В данной статье проанализированы современные представления о возможных факторах развития послеоперационного когнитивного дефицита у пациентов стационара, а также предложена методика диагностики данной патологии у пациентов стационара, ранее перенёсших оперативное вмешательство

    Microaspiration in GER as one of the causes of bronchial asthma exacerbation and the occurrence of chronic cough in children. History of the problem and diagnostics

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    The purpose of the review: to analyze the evolution of the views of clinicians and researchers on the relationship between gastroesophageal reflux and its extraesophageal bronchial manifestations, and the stages of the formation of the diagnosis of microaspiration of the lower respiratory tract in children. Materials and methods. Search in electronic databases: Elibrary, Federal Electronic Medical Library of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, bibliographic database of articles on medical sciences, created by the US National Library of Medicine MEDLINE.Цель обзора: проанализировать эволюцию взглядов клиницистов и исследователей на взаимосвязь гастроэзофагального рефлюкса и его внепищеводных бронхиальных проявлений, и этапы становления диагностики микроаспирации нижних дыхательных путей у детей

    Recommended Maximum Temperature For Mars Returned Samples

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    The Returned Sample Science Board (RSSB) was established in 2015 by NASA to provide expertise from the planetary sample community to the Mars 2020 Project. The RSSB's first task was to address the effect of heating during acquisition and storage of samples on scientific investigations that could be expected to be conducted if the samples are returned to Earth. Sample heating may cause changes that could ad-versely affect scientific investigations. Previous studies of temperature requirements for returned mar-tian samples fall within a wide range (-73 to 50 degrees Centigrade) and, for mission concepts that have a life detection component, the recommended threshold was less than or equal to -20 degrees Centigrade. The RSSB was asked by the Mars 2020 project to determine whether or not a temperature requirement was needed within the range of 30 to 70 degrees Centigrade. There are eight expected temperature regimes to which the samples could be exposed, from the moment that they are drilled until they are placed into a temperature-controlled environment on Earth. Two of those - heating during sample acquisition (drilling) and heating while cached on the Martian surface - potentially subject samples to the highest temperatures. The RSSB focused on the upper temperature limit that Mars samples should be allowed to reach. We considered 11 scientific investigations where thermal excursions may have an adverse effect on the science outcome. Those are: (T-1) organic geochemistry, (T-2) stable isotope geochemistry, (T-3) prevention of mineral hydration/dehydration and phase transformation, (T-4) retention of water, (T-5) characterization of amorphous materials, (T-6) putative Martian organisms, (T-7) oxidation/reduction reactions, (T-8) (sup 4) He thermochronometry, (T-9) radiometric dating using fission, cosmic-ray or solar-flare tracks, (T-10) analyses of trapped gasses, and (T-11) magnetic studies

    Non-chemical addictions in the student environment: an example of gadget addiction

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    One of the important problems in the modern world is the growing non-chemical addiction, which includes: gadget addiction, computer addiction, Internet addiction, addiction to social networks, and others. The most common of these is gadget addiction, a social phenomenon characterized by the abuse of gadgets. The aim of the study was to identify signs of gadget addiction among medical students. To achieve the goal, 426 people were interviewed using the questionnaire method. The questionnaire is based on the "Scale for assessing dependence on a personal computer, the Internet and mobile devices that provide access to it." The scores scored by the scales were grouped into 4 subscales, and, depending on a certain amount, one could talk about the signs of gadget addiction in an individual. Signs of gadget addiction were found in 25.8% of students.Одной из важных проблем в современном мире является набирающая силу нехимическая зависимость, к которой относятся гаджетозависимость, компьютерная зависимость, интернет-зависимость, зависимость от социальных сетей и другие. Наиболее распространенная из них — гаджетозависимость — социальное явление, характеризующееся злоупотреблением использования гаджетами. Целью исследования стало выявление признаков гаджетозависимости у студентов медицинского университета. Для достижения цели было опрошено 426 человек методом анкетирования. В основу опросника вошла «Шкала оценки зависимости от персонального компьютера, интернета и мобильных устройств, обеспечивающих доступ к нему». Набранные по шкалам баллы группировались в 4 субшкалы, и в зависимости от определенной суммы можно было говорить о признаках гаджетозависимости у отдельного человека. Признаки гаджетозависимости выявлены у 25,8% студенто

    Complications after anesthesia in gynecological practice

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    The article presents a comparative analysis of complications in the early postoperative period, after the use of various types of intravenous anesthesia. The study was conducted by interviewing 25 patients of gynecological hospital.В статье представлен сравнительный анализ осложнений в раннем послеоперационном периоде, после применения различных видов внутривенной анестезии. Исследование проводилось путем опроса 25 пациенток гинекологического стационара

    Strategies for Investigating Early Mars Using Returned Samples

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    The 2011 Visions & Voyages Planeary Science Decadal Survey identified making significant progress toward the return of samples from Mars as the highest priority goal for flagship missions in next decade. Numerous scientific objectives have been identified that could be advanced through the potential return and analysis of martian rock, regolith, and atmospheric samples. The analysis of returned martian samples would be particularly valuable in in-creasing our understanding of Early Mars. There are many outstanding gaps in our knowledge about Early Mars in areas such as potential astrobiology, geochronology, planetary evolution (including the age, context, and processes of accretion, differentiation, magmatic, and magnetic history), the history of water at the martian surface, and the origin and evolution of the martian atmosphere. Here we will discuss scientific objectives that could be significantly advanced by Mars sample return

    A clinical description of two cases of orphan diseases in newborns in the intensive care unit

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    Clinical cases of the leucinosis and Shwachman-Diamond syndrome at newborns, who were in a serious condition in intensive care unit are described. The clinical picture of diseases and steps of diagnostic search are given. The diagnosis «leucinosis» was made at the age of 2 months that led to belated beginning of specific treatment and adversely affected the disease prognosis. The diagnosis of a syndrome of Shvakhman-Daymond was not established intravital because of rarity of this pathology, weak knowledge of pediatricians and comorbid diseases of the patient.В статье описаны клинические случаи лейциноза(ОМ1М #248600) и синдрома Швахмана-Даймонда (0М1М #260400) у новорожденных, получавших лечение в отделении реанимации и интенсивной терапии. Приведены клиническая картина заболеваний и этапы диагностического поиска. Диагноз «лейциноз» был поставлен в возрасте 2 месяцев, что привело к позднему началу специфического лечения и неблагоприятно отразилось на прогнозе. Диагноз синдрома Швахмана-Даймонда не был установлен при жизни пациента в виду редкости данной патологии, слабой информированности специалистов и наличия у больного коморбидных заболеваний

    Diagnosis of microaspiration syndrome in children with bronchial asthma using non-invasive methods

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    For the purpose of identification of a microaspiration syndrome among children as a possible reason of development of bronchial asthma we suggested a number of noninvasive methods: questioning, lactose identification, average capacity of lipophages in the induced sputum of a bronchial tree within 21 patients from 10 to 17 years. The conducted research resulted in 38% of children with bronchial asthma had a high probability of having of a microaspiration syndrome. The recommended research methods have been proved efficient.С целью выявления микроаспирационного синдрома у детей, как возможной причины развития бронхиальной астмы нами были предложены ряд неинвазивных методов: анкетирование, выявление лактозы, средняя нагруженность липофагов в индуцированной мокроте бронхиального дерева у 21 пациента от 10 до 17 лет. В результате проведенного исследования 38% детей с бронхиальной астмой имели высокую вероятность наличия синдрома микроаспирации. Была доказана эффективность предложенных методов исследования