79 research outputs found

    Broadband fibre parametric amplifiers

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    This thesis explores the broadband fibre optical parametric amplifiers (FOPAs) to develop the FOPA ability to provide broadband amplification anywhere in the low-loss transmission window and to make FOPA an enabling technology for future ultra-wide bandwidth high-speed optical communications. A number of techniques have been implemented to demonstrate an exceptionally wide and flat FOPA gain of 10.5±0.5 dB over 102 nm bandwidth on a single side of the FOPA pump. A flat gain spectrum is targeted here because FOPA is prone to large gain variation which has a particularly strong negative impact on amplified signals in FOPA. The FOPA dependence on gain fibre length, pump wavelength and pump power has been experimentally investigated. The parametric gain bandwidth enhancement by a forward Raman gain invoked by the same pump has been demonstrated. Gain spectrum shaping by pump polarisation tuning has been explored and has allowed for a significant gain spectrum flatness improvement. A concept of cascading low gain stages has been introduced as a way to achieve a high gain with low variation across a wide bandwidth. It is envisaged that gain of ~20±1.5 dB over >100 nm can be achieved using this approach. Additionally, a reliance of the FOPA on Erbium doped fibre amplifiers (EDFAs) for pump amplification, which restricts the FOPA operating range, has been addressed by demonstrating a high pump power (>1 W) EDFA-free FOPA for the first time. In this experiment a Raman amplification was used instead of an EDFA to amplify the FOPA pump and thus to grant a required flexibility for FOPA operation anywhere in the low-loss transmission window. In summary, this thesis has demonstrated the FOPA ability to provide an ultra-wide amplification an

    Towards wide-bandwidth ultra-flat FOPAs

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    Fibre optical parametric amplifiers (FOPAs) offer the potential for high gain and >100 nm bandwidth at arbitrary wavelengths for increased transmission capacity. We will cover the main principles of the FOPA and discuss our approach to obtaining broad flat gain and performance improvement via simultaneous Raman amplification

    Raman-Generated Pump and Its Use for Parametric Amplification and Phase Conjugation

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    We demonstrate the use of high gain Raman amplification for generating a high power pump for use within a fibre optical parametric amplifier and an optical phase conjugator showing potential for application across the entire low loss fibre transmission window

    The Impact of Zero-Dispersion Wavelength Fluctuations in > 110 nm Fiber Optical Raman+Parametric Amplification

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    In this paper numerical results supported by experimental results, demonstrate that zero-dispersion wavelength fluctuations are found to be the main reason for the gain bandwidth limitation even in fiber optical parametric amplifiers employing ultra-short (25 m) gain fibres

    Design of an interferometric fiber optic parametric amplifier for the rejection of unwanted four-wave mixing products

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    We introduce a novel (to our knolwedge) interferometric fiber optic parametric amplifier (FOPA), allowing for the suppression of unwanted four-wave mixing products. We perform simulations of two configurations where one rejects idlers and, the other rejects nonlinear crosstalk from the signal output port. The numerical simulations presented here demonstrate the practical feasibility of suppressing idlers by >28 dB across at least 10 THz enabling the reuse of the idler frequencies for signal amplification and thus doubling the employable FOPA gain bandwidth. We demonstrate it can be achieved even when the interferometer employs real-world couplers by introducing a small attenuation in one of the interferometer arms

    Fibre Optical Parametric Amplifiers for Communications

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    We present our recent achievements with polarisation-insensitive fibre optical parametric amplifiers (PI-FOPAs) for optical communications. We have demonstrated a robust fully automated (black-box) PI-FOPA operation in the C and L bands simultaneously with gain of ~20 dB and output power over 23 dBm when amplifying polarisation-multiplexed WDM QAM signals and a bursty traffic. Additionally, we have demonstrated a PI-FOPA to amplify WDM signals in the S band and across a continuous bandwidth of 40 nm. Finally, we have demonstrated a power budget improvement of a transient-sensitive link by up to 8 dB when employing a PI-FOPA with noise figure of ~6 dB as a drop-in replacement of an EDFA

    Dual-band fiber optic parametric amplifier for bi-directional transient-sensitive fiber optical transmission links

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    We demonstrate an in-line polarization-insensitive fiber optic parametric amplifier (PI-FOPA) to simultaneously amplify burst and non-burst signals transmitted in opposite directions in C and L bands. The PI-FOPA provides >16 dB polarization insensitive net gain for signals which are 53 nm apart and counter-propagating in an extended reach link: an upstream bursty signal at 1533 nm and a downstream non-burst signal at 1586 nm. The PI-FOPA potential application as an in-line dual-band amplifier in transient-sensitive communication links is demonstrated by its employment in an extended reach access network with a symmetric 10 Gbps capacity

    Experimental comparison of fiber optic parametric, Raman and erbium amplifiers for burst traffic for extended reach PONs

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    We experimentally compare the performance of a polarization-independent fiber optic parametric amplifier (FOPA), a discrete Raman amplifier and a commercial erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) for burst traffic amplification in extended reach passive optical networks (PON). We demonstrate that EDFA and Raman amplifiers suffer from severe transient effects, causing penalty on receiver sensitivity >5 dB for traffic bursts of 10 Gbps on-off keying signal shorter than 10 ”s. On the other hand, we demonstrate that FOPA does not introduce a penalty on receiver sensitivity when amplifying signal bursts as short as 5 ”s as compared to a non-burst signal. Therefore, FOPA used as a drop-in replacement for an EDFA or Raman amplifier allows us to improve receiver sensitivity by >3 dB for short signal bursts. We conclude that FOPA allows substantially increased power budget for an extended reach PON transmitting variable duration bursts. In addition, we identify the maximum burst duration tolerated by each examined amplifier

    Looped Polarization-Insensitive Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers for Broadband High Gain Applications

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    We investigate polarization insensitive fiber optical parametric amplifiers (FOPAs) employing a balanced polarization diversity loop with at least two unidirectional gain fibers. We describe and compare three variants of looped polarization insensitive FOPAs optimized for noise figure, mitigation of nonlinear impairments and their trade-off, respectively. The test scenario consists of amplifying, by up to 14 dB, a set of 21 × 50 GHz-spaced channels including a 35 GBaud PDM-QPSK signal, and evaluating a power of nonlinear crosstalk, noise figure and amplified signal BER for each variant. For the first time we demonstrate a polarization insensitive FOPA amplifying WDM signals with a noise figure as low as 5.8 dB, and a polarization insensitive FOPA with output WDM signal power of 23 dBm. The testing results let us identify likely application scenarios for each looped FOPA variant. We justify potential implementation of polarization-insensitive FOPAs in future optical communication systems by arguing its ability to deliver low noise figure <6 dB for output signal power as high as 29 dBm and to enable polarization insensitive gain for the most prominent single-polarization FOPA achievements realizing ultrawide high gain
