34 research outputs found

    Scientific Opinion on the public health hazards to be covered by inspection of meat from farmed game

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    Salmonella spp. in farmed wild boar and Toxoplasma gondii in farmed deer and farmed wild boar were ranked as a high priority for meat inspection. Trichinella spp. in wild boar was ranked as low priority due to current controls, which should be continued. For chemical hazards, all substances were ranked as medium or lower potential concern. More effective control of biological hazards could be achieved using an integrated farm to chilled carcass approach, including improved food chain information (FCI) and risk-based controls. Further studies are required on Salmonella spp. in farmed wild boar and T. gondii in farmed wild boar and farmed deer. If new information confirms a high risk to public health from meat from these species, setting targets at carcass level should be considered. Palpation and incision should be omitted, as it will not detect biological hazards considered to be a high priority for meat inspection while increasing the potential spread and cross-contamination of the carcasses with Salmonella. Palpation and/or incision may be applied where abnormalities have been detected but away from the slaughter line. However the elimination of routine palpation and incision would be detrimental for detecting tuberculosis. As farmed deer and farmed wild boar can act as tuberculosis reservoirs, any reduction in the detection, due to changes in the post-mortem inspection procedures, will have consequences for the overall surveillance of tuberculosis. Monitoring programmes for chemical hazards should be more flexible and based on the risk of occurrence, taking into account FCI, which should be expanded to reflect the specific environmental conditions of the farms where the animals are reared, and the ranking of chemical substances, which should be regularly updated and include new hazards. Control programmes across the food chain, national residue control programmes, feed control and monitoring of environmental contaminants should be better integrated

    Biotechnology: A technology for the next millennium in Zimbabwe

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    Dekubitusi, prevencija i vrste kirurškog liječenja

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    Dekubitus je rana koja nastaje na mjestu stalnog pritiska izbočenih dijelova tijela i podloge. Dekubitalne rane se najčešće javljaju u slabinskom dijelu, na bokovima, lopaticama, petama, zatiljku, laktovima-dijelovima tijela koji su u direktnom dodiru s podlogom (krevetom, posteljinom, udlagom, invalidskim kolicima) [1] Bolesnici s oštećenim živčanim sustavom, nepokretni bolesnici, s mentalnim oštećenjima i iznemogli od dugotrajne bolesti spadaju među najugroženije bolesnike. Oni radi gubitka osjeta boli i iscrpljenosti ne pomiču tijelo pa se pritisak koštanih izbočenja povećava na već oslabljeno kožno, potkožno i mišićno tkivo. Tjelesna neaktivnost, slaba cirkulacija, neuhranjenost, slabokrvnost, česte infekcije, pogoršavaju opće stanje bolesnika i ubrzavaju pojavu i razvoj dekubitusa. [1] Loša njega ležećeg bolesnika (rijetko okretanje, neudobna postelja, nabori osobnog rublja i posteljnog rublja, neredovito održavanje higijene, loše postavljanje imobilizacija) također dovodi do dekubitusa koji počinje crvenilom kože a vodi ka dubokim oštećenjima kože, potkožnog, mišićnog i koštanog tkiva. [1] Dekubitus uz veliki zdravstveni problem predstavlja i ekonomski problem bolesnika, ustanove u kojoj se nalazi, njegove okoline i šire društvene zajednice. Metode koje se primjenjuju u prevenciji i liječenju dekubitusa su mnogobrojne, skupe i dugotrajne. [2

    Quality of life of families caring for a schizophrenic patient

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    Zdravlje kao sastavnica ljudskog života sastoji se od psihičke i fizičke komponente koje je potrebno jednako tretirati da bi život bio potpun u pravom smislu te riječi. Negativni utjecaj na psihičko zdravlje dovodi do pojave mentalnih poremećaja i oboljenja, koji u konačnici predstavljaju jedan od javnozdravstvenih problema i to ne samo u Republici Hrvatskoj nego i u cijelom svijetu. Shizofrenija je poremećaj koji spada u mentalna oboljenja, zahvaća mlađu populaciju, a klinička slika varira ovisno o pojavi simptoma. Liječenje shizofrenije se najčešće provodi kombiniranim pristupom koji uključuje različite oblike psihoterapije u kombinaciji sa farmakološkim preparatima koji su dostupni na tržištu. Kada osoba pati od shizofrenije ili bilo kojeg drugog mentalnog oboljenja, tada ne pati samo oboljeli, nego se takva bolest odražava na kvalitetu života cijele obitelji. Uz prizmu stigme, koja se nažalost neizostavno veže sa mentalnim oboljenjima, obitelji je potrebno pružiti pravovremenu i pravovaljanu pomoć u smislu kvalitetne edukacije i psihoterapije, da bi na ispravan način mogli biti podrška oboljelom od shizofrenije. U današnje vrijeme sve se ozbiljnije radi na rano otkrivanju mentalnih oboljenja, pa tako i shizofrenije, da bi se moglo krenuti sa liječenjem u ranom stadiju bolesti i koliko je to god moguće oboljeloj osobi i obitelji osigurati kvalitetu života da mogu funkcionirati u svojoj lokalnoj zajednici. U radu je prikazano kvalitativno istraživanje provedeno putem intervjua sa roditeljima osoba koje su oboljele od shizofrenije. Na istraživanje je pristalo sedam ispitanika, a analizom rezultata može se zaključiti da su obitelji oboljelih od shizofrenije socijalno izolirani. Od pojave prvih simptoma, koji nisu prepoznati od osnovne škole, do traženja stručne pomoći prođe i do desetak godina. Oboljeli od shizofrenije zahtijevaju kontinuiranu i dugotrajnu skrb, te uglavnom nisu sposobni za samostalni život bez skrbnika i profesionalne pomoći. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je potrebno provesti edukaciju roditelja od rane životne dobi njihove djece, da bi na vrijeme mogli prepoznati simptome i potražiti pomoć. Sa druge strane, potrebno je provoditi i cjelokupnu edukaciju društva, da bi se osvijestila njihova svijest i na takav način smanjila društvena izolacija oboljelog od shizofrenije i njegove uže obitelji.Health as a component of human life consists of mental and physical components that need to be treated equally in order for life to be complete in the true sense of the word. The negative impact on mental health leads to the appearance of mental disorders and diseases, which ultimately represent one of the public health problems, not only in the Republic of Croatia, but also in the whole world. Schizophrenia is a disorder that belongs to mental illnesses, affects the younger population, and the clinical picture varies depending on the appearance of symptoms. The treatment of schizophrenia is most often carried out with a combined approach that includes various forms of psychotherapy in combination with pharmacological preparations that are available on the market. When a person suffers from schizophrenia or any other mental illness, it is not only the patient who suffers, but such an illness affects the quality of life of the entire family. In addition to the prism of stigma, which is unfortunately inevitably associated with mental illnesses, the family needs to be provided with timely and valid help in terms of quality education and psychotherapy, so that they can properly support a person with schizophrenia. Nowadays, more and more serious work is being done on the early detection of mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, so that treatment can be started at an early stage of the disease and as much as possible ensure the quality of life of the affected person and family so that they can function in their local community. In the paper a quantitative research conducted through interviews with parents of people suffering from schizophrenia is being presented. Seven respondents agreed to the research, and by analyzing the results it can be concluded that the families of schizophrenia sufferers are socially isolated. It can take up to ten years from the appearance of the first symptoms, which have not been recognized since elementary school, to seeking professional help. Patients with schizophrenia require continuous and long-term care, and are generally not capable of living independently without a caregiver and professional help. Research has shown that it is necessary to educate parents from an early age of their children, so that they can recognize the symptoms and seek help in time. On the other hand, it is necessary to carry out the entire education of the society, in order to raise their awareness and in such a way reduce the social isolation of the schizophrenic patient and his immediate family

    Quality of life of families caring for a schizophrenic patient

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    Zdravlje kao sastavnica ljudskog života sastoji se od psihičke i fizičke komponente koje je potrebno jednako tretirati da bi život bio potpun u pravom smislu te riječi. Negativni utjecaj na psihičko zdravlje dovodi do pojave mentalnih poremećaja i oboljenja, koji u konačnici predstavljaju jedan od javnozdravstvenih problema i to ne samo u Republici Hrvatskoj nego i u cijelom svijetu. Shizofrenija je poremećaj koji spada u mentalna oboljenja, zahvaća mlađu populaciju, a klinička slika varira ovisno o pojavi simptoma. Liječenje shizofrenije se najčešće provodi kombiniranim pristupom koji uključuje različite oblike psihoterapije u kombinaciji sa farmakološkim preparatima koji su dostupni na tržištu. Kada osoba pati od shizofrenije ili bilo kojeg drugog mentalnog oboljenja, tada ne pati samo oboljeli, nego se takva bolest odražava na kvalitetu života cijele obitelji. Uz prizmu stigme, koja se nažalost neizostavno veže sa mentalnim oboljenjima, obitelji je potrebno pružiti pravovremenu i pravovaljanu pomoć u smislu kvalitetne edukacije i psihoterapije, da bi na ispravan način mogli biti podrška oboljelom od shizofrenije. U današnje vrijeme sve se ozbiljnije radi na rano otkrivanju mentalnih oboljenja, pa tako i shizofrenije, da bi se moglo krenuti sa liječenjem u ranom stadiju bolesti i koliko je to god moguće oboljeloj osobi i obitelji osigurati kvalitetu života da mogu funkcionirati u svojoj lokalnoj zajednici. U radu je prikazano kvalitativno istraživanje provedeno putem intervjua sa roditeljima osoba koje su oboljele od shizofrenije. Na istraživanje je pristalo sedam ispitanika, a analizom rezultata može se zaključiti da su obitelji oboljelih od shizofrenije socijalno izolirani. Od pojave prvih simptoma, koji nisu prepoznati od osnovne škole, do traženja stručne pomoći prođe i do desetak godina. Oboljeli od shizofrenije zahtijevaju kontinuiranu i dugotrajnu skrb, te uglavnom nisu sposobni za samostalni život bez skrbnika i profesionalne pomoći. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je potrebno provesti edukaciju roditelja od rane životne dobi njihove djece, da bi na vrijeme mogli prepoznati simptome i potražiti pomoć. Sa druge strane, potrebno je provoditi i cjelokupnu edukaciju društva, da bi se osvijestila njihova svijest i na takav način smanjila društvena izolacija oboljelog od shizofrenije i njegove uže obitelji.Health as a component of human life consists of mental and physical components that need to be treated equally in order for life to be complete in the true sense of the word. The negative impact on mental health leads to the appearance of mental disorders and diseases, which ultimately represent one of the public health problems, not only in the Republic of Croatia, but also in the whole world. Schizophrenia is a disorder that belongs to mental illnesses, affects the younger population, and the clinical picture varies depending on the appearance of symptoms. The treatment of schizophrenia is most often carried out with a combined approach that includes various forms of psychotherapy in combination with pharmacological preparations that are available on the market. When a person suffers from schizophrenia or any other mental illness, it is not only the patient who suffers, but such an illness affects the quality of life of the entire family. In addition to the prism of stigma, which is unfortunately inevitably associated with mental illnesses, the family needs to be provided with timely and valid help in terms of quality education and psychotherapy, so that they can properly support a person with schizophrenia. Nowadays, more and more serious work is being done on the early detection of mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, so that treatment can be started at an early stage of the disease and as much as possible ensure the quality of life of the affected person and family so that they can function in their local community. In the paper a quantitative research conducted through interviews with parents of people suffering from schizophrenia is being presented. Seven respondents agreed to the research, and by analyzing the results it can be concluded that the families of schizophrenia sufferers are socially isolated. It can take up to ten years from the appearance of the first symptoms, which have not been recognized since elementary school, to seeking professional help. Patients with schizophrenia require continuous and long-term care, and are generally not capable of living independently without a caregiver and professional help. Research has shown that it is necessary to educate parents from an early age of their children, so that they can recognize the symptoms and seek help in time. On the other hand, it is necessary to carry out the entire education of the society, in order to raise their awareness and in such a way reduce the social isolation of the schizophrenic patient and his immediate family

    Occurrence of Salmonella on meat and products in an ostrich abbattoir as determined with a DNA probe

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