1,108 research outputs found

    Fatty acid composition of Anchoviella and Thrissocleus

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    A study was made to elucidate fatty acid composition of Anchoviella and Thrissocleus, and bring to light similarities with other clupeids. The results are tabulated. The polyunsaturated fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, are the 2 major fatty acids in the phospholipid fraction of both fish. Myristic, palmitic and stearic acids are the major components of the nonphosphorylated fraction

    Phospholipids of five Indian food fishes

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    The phospholipids of five Indian food fishes (sardine, pomfret, mackerel, anchovies and thrissocles) were fractionated quantitatively using column and thin layer chromatographic techniques and the results reported in this communication

    Processing and utilization of tuna

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    Tuna, fresh or processed in different styles, is a very important commodity in the world trade for fish and fishery products

    Lipid hydrolysis in mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) during frozen storage

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    The hydrolytic changes in the lipids of mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) during storage at -l8°C were studied with a view to understand the factors involved in the formation of free fatty acids. Only the phosphorylated fraction did undergo hydrolysis at an appreciable rate. It was found that the free fatty acid production was mainly associated with the phospholipid hydrolysis. As regards the triglycerides and unsaponifiable matter, there was no significant change in levels during frozen storage

    Non-compact Topological Branes on Conifold

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    We consider non-compact branes in topological string theories on a class of Calabi-Yau spaces including the resolved conifold and its mirror. We compute the amplitudes of the insertion of non-compact Lagrangian branes in the A-model on the resolved conifold in the context of the topological vertex as well as the melting crystal picture. They all agree with each other and also agree with the results from Chern-Simons theory, supporting the large N duality. We find that they obey the Schr\"odinger equation confirming the wavefunction behavior of the amplitudes. We also compute the amplitudes of the non-compact B-branes in the DV matrix model which arises as a B-model open string field theory on the mirror manifold of the deformed conifold. We take the large N duality to consider the B-model on the mirror of the resolved conifold and confirm the wave function behavior of this amplitude. We find appropriate descriptions of non-compact branes in each model, which give complete agreements among those amplitudes and clarify the salient features including the role of symmetries toward these agreements.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures, a reference added, typos fixe

    Captive Breeding and Seed Production of Marine Ornamental Fishes of India

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    The marine ornamental fishes are one of the most popular attractions in world wide due to their adaptability to live in confinement. Over the past decade, globally the marine aquarium industry has undergone a significant transformation and this industry is readily growing day by day due to their high commercial value

    From Matrices to Strings and Back

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    We discuss an explicit construction of a string dual for the Gaussian matrix model. Starting from the matrix model and employing Strebel differential techniques we deduce hints about the structure of the dual string. Next, following these hints a worldheet theory is constructed. The correlators in this string theory are assumed to localize on a finite set of points in the moduli space of Riemann surfaces. To each such point one associates a Feynman diagram contributing to the correlator in the dual matrix model, and thus recasts the worldsheet expression as a sum over Feynman diagrams.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure

    Lipid breakdown in oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) during frozen storage

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    The problem of hydrolysis of lipids and consequent accumulation of free fatty acids and development of rancidity due to oxidation of the lipids are major problems in frozen storage of oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps). The course of the phospholipid breakdown, production of free fatty acids and the changes taking place in the major unsaturated fatty acids during frozen storage are described in this paper. The rate of free fatty acid production is faster in the fish, with the higher fat content. Unlike in lean fish, the neutral lipids are found to contribute substantially to the free fatty acid production. The fatty acids most affected during storage are C sub(20:5) and C sub(22:6). The polyene indices were found to decrease during storage. These effects are more pronounced in the fish with the higher fat content

    Marine Ornamental Fish Culture – Package of Practices

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    In recent years, the trade of marine ornamentals has been expanding and it is estimated that 1.5 – 2.0 million people worldwide keep marine aquaria and the value of annual marine ornamental trade is estimated to range between US$ 200 – 330 million. Almost the entire trade is contributed by collections from coral reef habitats which raises doubts regarding its sustainability. The damaging techniques such as use of sodium cyanide are non selective methods used to capture fish and they adversely affect the health of the fish and kill the non target organisms. The over harvesting of target organisms is another aspect of concern. In addition there are high levels of mortality associated with insensitive shipping and poor husbandry practice