466 research outputs found

    Disinhibition of neurite growth to repair the injured adult CNS: Focusing on Nogo

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    Abstract.: Investigations into mechanisms that restrict the recovery of functions after an injury to the brain or the spinal cord have led to the discovery of specific neurite growth inhibitory factors in the adult central nervous system (CNS) of mammals. Blocking their growth-suppressive function resulted in disinhibition of axonal growth, i.e. growth of cultured neurons on inhibitory CNS tissue in vitro and regeneration of injured axons in vivo. The enhanced regenerative and compensatory fibre growth was often accompanied by a substantial improvement in the functional recovery after CNS injury. The first clinical studies to assess the therapeutic potential of compounds that neutralize growth inhibitors or interfere with their downstream signalling are currently in progress. This review discusses recent advances in the understanding of how the ‘founder molecule' Nogo-A and other glialderived growth inhibitors restrict the regeneration and repair of disrupted neuronal circuits, thus limiting the functional recovery after CNS injurie

    Improving activity recognition using a wearable barometric pressure sensor in mobility-impaired stroke patients.

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    © 2015 Massé et al.Background: Stroke survivors often suffer from mobility deficits. Current clinical evaluation methods, including questionnaires and motor function tests, cannot provide an objective measure of the patients mobility in daily life. Physical activity performance in daily-life can be assessed using unobtrusive monitoring, for example with a single sensor module fixed on the trunk. Existing approaches based on inertial sensors have limited performance, particularly in detecting transitions between different activities and postures, due to the inherent inter-patient variability of kinematic patterns. To overcome these limitations, one possibility is to use additional information from a barometric pressure (BP) sensor. Methods: Our study aims at integrating BP and inertial sensor data into an activity classifier in order to improve the activity (sitting, standing, walking, lying) recognition and the corresponding body elevation (during climbing stairs or when taking an elevator). Taking into account the trunk elevation changes during postural transitions (sit-to-stand, stand-to-sit), we devised an event-driven activity classifier based on fuzzy-logic. Data were acquired from 12 stroke patients with impaired mobility, using a trunk-worn inertial and BP sensor. Events, including walking and lying periods and potential postural transitions, were first extracted. These events were then fed into a double-stage hierarchical Fuzzy Inference System (H-FIS). The first stage processed the events to infer activities and the second stage improved activity recognition by applying behavioral constraints. Finally, the body elevation was estimated using a pattern-enhancing algorithm applied on BP. The patients were videotaped for reference. The performance of the algorithm was estimated using the Correct Classification Rate (CCR) and F-score. The BP-based classification approach was benchmarked against a previously-published fuzzy-logic classifier (FIS-IMU) and a conventional epoch-based classifier (EPOCH). Results: The algorithm performance for posture/activity detection, in terms of CCR was 90.4 %, with 3.3 % and 5.6 % improvements against FIS-IMU and EPOCH, respectively. The proposed classifier essentially benefits from a better recognition of standing activity (70.3 % versus 61.5 % [FIS-IMU] and 42.5 % [EPOCH]) with 98.2 % CCR for body elevation estimation. Conclusion: The monitoring and recognition of daily activities in mobility-impaired stoke patients can be significantly improved using a trunk-fixed sensor that integrates BP, inertial sensors, and an event-based activity classifier

    Nouveaux corps odorants dans le domaine des muscs polycycliques

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    Polyalkyl-tetralins and -indans are well known as starting materials for polycyclic musks obtained by Friedel-Crafts acylation. If, instead, such hydrocarbons are subjected to benzylic (electrochemical) oxidation, new musks are obtained. The latter are compared and discussed in view of their olfactive properties. The corresponding acetals and ketals constitute a new family of musky odorants with fruity or even powerful woody notes making them attractive to perfumers

    Mechanical properties of highly porous alumina foams

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    The mechanical properties of porous ceramics are greatly influenced by their microstructure. Therefore, mechanical behavior of highly porous ceramics is different from that of dense ceramics. In this work, we evaluate different mechanical testing methods such as static compression, Brazilian disc test and 3-point bending on their suitability for comparison of highly porous ceramic materials. It is shown that 3-point bending is more suitable than static compression or Brazilian disc testing, as the material exhibits no critical crack propagation under compressive loading. With 3-point bending tests, a quantitative comparison of the mechanical properties of foams with different microstructures and porosities is possible. Under cyclic compression the foams exhibit a very high degree of crack tolerance in combination with preservation of their structural integrity even at high strains of 10

    Cycling in primary progressive multiple sclerosis (CYPRO): study protocol for a randomized controlled superiority trial evaluating the effects of high-intensity interval training in persons with primary progressive multiple sclerosis

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    Background: Primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) is the least prevalent multiple sclerosis (MS) phenotype. For persons with PPMS (pwPPMS), pharmacological treatment options are limited. As a complementary non-pharmacological treatment, endurance training improves the health-related quality of life (HRQoL), numerous MS symptoms, and MS-related performance impediments. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to induce superior effects compared to moderate-intensity continuous training (MCT). As current evidence is based on MS samples with mixed phenotypes, generalizability to pwPPMS remains unclear. Methods: CYPRO is a parallel-group, single-center, and single-blind randomized controlled superiority trial evaluating the effects of HIIT compared to MCT in pwPPMS. Sixty-one pwPPMS are randomized (1:1) to perform volume-matched HIIT or MCT sessions on bicycle ergometers two to three times per week in addition to standard rehabilitative care during their three-week inpatient stay at Valens rehabilitation clinic, Switzerland. Standard rehabilitative care comprises endurance and strength training, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy. HIIT sessions include six 90-second intervals at 95% peak heart rate (HRpeak), interspersed by 90-second active breaks with unloaded pedaling, aimed to reach 60%HRpeak. MCT represents the standard treatment at Valens rehabilitation clinic and is performed as continuous cycling at 60%HRpeak for the duration of 26 minutes. The primary outcome is cardiorespiratory fitness, assessed as peak oxygen consumption (V̇O2peak) during cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET). Secondary outcomes include peak power output during CPET, walking capacity, cognitive performance, HRQoL, fatigue, anxiety and depressive symptoms, and blood-derived biomarkers (e.g., serum neurofilament light chain, glial fibrillary acidic protein, kynurenine pathway metabolites) related to MS pathophysiology. All outcomes are assessed at baseline and discharge after three weeks. Venous blood sampling is additionally performed immediately and two hours after the first HIIT or MCT session. Discussion: CYPRO will expand current knowledge on symptom management and rehabilitation in MS to the subpopulation of pwPPMS, and will contribute to the exploration of potential disease-modifying effects of endurance training in MS. The superiority design of CYPRO will allow deriving explicit recommendations on endurance training design in pwPPMS that can be readily translated into clinical practice. Trial registration: CYPRO has been prospectively registered at ClinicalTrials.gov on 8 February 2022 (NCT05229861)

    Social functioning in schizotypy: How affect influences social behavior in daily life.

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    OBJECTIVE: Social deficits are already exhibited by people at risk for schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. Technological advances have made passive detection of social deficits possible at granular levels. METHOD: In this real-world study, we tested if schizotypy status (high/low) predicted two types of social behavior: (1) being around other people; and (2) actively socializing with others. We also examined if schizotypy influences relationships between social behavior and affect using subjective and objective instruments. RESULTS: Our findings revealed that socializing with others was significantly decreased in the high schizotypy group. Positive affect increased in social situations and predicted later social behavior in those low, but not high, in schizotypy. CONCLUSION: Decreased social behavior in schizotypy may be explained, in part, by these individuals being less incentivized than their peers to pursue social situations. Future studies should test this explanation in larger samples exhibiting elevated positive, negative, and disorganized schizotypy traits

    Using Lexical Analysis to Identify Emotional Distress in Psychometric Schizotypy

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    Through the use of lexical analysis software, researchers have demonstrated a greater frequency of negative affect word use in those with schizophrenia and schizotypy compared to the general population. In addition, those with schizotypy endorse greater emotional distress than healthy controls. In this study, our aim was to expand on previous findings in schizotypy to determine whether negative affect word use could be linked to emotional distress. Schizotypy (n=33) and non-schizotypy groups (n=33) completed an open-ended, semi-structured interview and negative affect word use was analyzed using a validated lexical analysis instrument. Emotional distress was assessed using subjective questionnaires of depression and psychological quality of life (QOL). When groups were compared, those with schizotypy used significantly more negative affect words; endorsed greater depression; and reported lower QOL. Within schizotypy, a trend level association between depression and negative affect word use was observed; QOL and negative affect word use showed a significant inverse association. Our findings offer preliminary evidence of the potential effectiveness of lexical analysis as an objective, behavior-based method for identifying emotional distress throughout the schizophrenia-spectrum. Utilizing lexical analysis in schizotypy offers promise for providing researchers with an assessment capable of objectively detecting emotional distress

    Methodological heterogeneity biases physical activity metrics derived from the Actigraph GT3X in multiple sclerosis: A rapid review and comparative study

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    BACKGROUND Physical activity (PA) is reduced in persons with multiple sclerosis (MS), though it is known to aid in symptom and fatigue management. Methods for measuring PA are diverse and the impact of this heterogeneity on study outcomes is unclear. We aimed to clarify this impact by comparing common methods for deriving PA metrics in MS populations. METHODS First, a rapid review of existing literature identified methods for calculating PA in studies which used the Actigraph GT3X in populations with MS. We then compared methods in a prospective study on 42 persons with MS [EDSS 4.5 (3.5-6)] during a voluntary course of inpatient neurorehabilitation. Mixed-effects linear regression identified methodological factors which influenced PA measurements. Non-parametric hypothesis tests, correlations, and agreement statistics assessed overall and pairwise differences between methods. RESULTS In the rapid review, searches identified 421 unique records. Sixty-nine records representing 51 eligible studies exhibited substantial heterogeneity in methodology and reporting practices. In a subsequent comparative study, multiple methods for deriving six PA metrics (step count, activity counts, total time in PA, sedentary time, time in light PA, time in moderate to vigorous PA), were identified and directly compared. All metrics were sensitive to methodological factors such as the selected preprocessing filter, data source (vertical vs. vector magnitude counts), and cutpoint. Additionally, sedentary time was sensitive to wear time definitions. Pairwise correlation and agreement between methods varied from weak (minimum correlation: 0.15, minimum agreement: 0.03) to perfect (maximum correlation: 1.00, maximum agreement: 1.00). Methodological factors biased both point estimates of PA and correlations between PA and clinical assessments. CONCLUSIONS Methodological heterogeneity of existing literature is high, and this heterogeneity may confound studies which use the Actigraph GT3X. Step counts were highly sensitive to the filter used to process raw accelerometer data. Sedentary time was particularly sensitive to methodology, and we recommend using total time in PA instead. Several, though not all, methods for deriving light PA and moderate to vigorous PA yielded nearly identical results. PA metrics based on vertical axis counts tended to outperform those based on vector magnitude counts. Additional research is needed to establish the relative validity of existing methods
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