3,601 research outputs found

    Estandarización del presupuesto plurianual de costos de mantenimiento y sus determinantes en la industria del Oil & Gas

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    El presupuesto de mantenimiento y de operación de los ductos y estaciones en el sector del Oil & Gas es una de las variables más relevantes para cualquier organización ya que esta infraestructura hace posible el transporte de los productos, especialmente cuando dichos activos afrontan la topografía colombiana -- La necesidad de evacuar la creciente producción de crudos y refinados ha aumentado la infraestructura de forma importante y por ende ha hecho que la industria pase de una vista fragmentada de plantas y ductos a una de procesos empresariales interrelacionados entre las compañías del sector, de tal forma que las técnicas del ejercicio presupuestario han cambiado en parte las técnicas del ejercicio presupuestario -- El objetivo de este artículo es investigar cuáles son los aspectos metodológicos que se tienen para generar el presupuesto y de este modo estandarizar los procesos al interior de la organización -- Una vez se recopile la información de costos de mantenimiento con la calidad deseada, se podrán realizar cálculos de indicadores más acertados y puede llegarse a obtener un modelo econométrico que permita determinar el impacto en costos y la generación de valor, visibilizando aquellos procesos empresariales que requieren un replanteamiento en su esquema de operación, o la aplicación de transferencias cruzadas, como por ejemplo,subsidio

    Fiscal harmonization in the presence of public inputs

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    Fiscal harmonization for the European Union member states is a goal that encounters major difficulties for its implementation. Each country faces a particular trade-off between fiscal revenues generated by taxation and the productive efficiency loss induced by their respective tax code. Countries for which a particular harmonized tax code requires more taxation will have to face an increased efficiency loss, whereas those required to decrease their taxes will have to face a loss in fiscal revenue. This paper provides a quantitative measure of these trade-offs, for a number of taxes and for the European Union member states, using a DGE model with public inputs. Calibration of the model for the EU-15 member states gives us the following results: i) The maximum tax revenue level is not far away from the current tax levels for most countries, ii) The cases of Sweden, Denmark and Finland are anomalous, as productive efficiency can be gained by lowering tax rates without affecting fiscal revenues, iii) In general, countries would obtain efficiency gains without changing fiscal revenues by reducing the capital tax and increasing the labor tax and iv) Capital tax harmonization to the average capital tax rate can be done with quite small changes in both fiscal revenues and output for the majority of countries.Fiscal harmonization, applied general equilibrium

    Public Debt Frontiers: The Greek Case

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    This paper attempts to quantify the maximum amount of debt that a government can sustain by itself, i.e., the limits to public indebtedness. Using a Dynamic General Equilibrium model where the government is fully characterized, we compute the steady state inverse relationship between the public debt to output ratio and the size of the government, measured as the total public expenditures to output ratio. This line is the budget constraint of a government in steady state. Calibration of the model for the Greek economy to fiscal targets reveals that, for the period just before the current recession, i.e. 2002-2006, the debt to GDP ratio was very close to the calculate limits wich depends dramatically on the interest rates. However, short after de financial crisis of 2008, sustained deficits drove the Greek economy to a point where the Greek Government crossed the debt limit where the country could only meet its debt obligations only if international investors where willing to lend. We conclude that the hight initial level of debts previous the crisis together with the rise in interest rates were the causes of the posterior debt crisis.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Public debt frontiers: The greek case

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    Las causas de la crisis de deuda Griega son otras distintas de la indisciplina fiscal. Los indicadores macroeconómicos desde el año 200 a 2006 no indicaban nada que pudiera presagiar el desastre. Causas de tipo estratégico en el manejo de la deuda parecen más razonables a la hora de explicar el fenómenoUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Scaling DBSCAN-like algorithms for event detection systems in Twitter

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    The increasing use of mobile social networks has lately transformed news media. Real-world events are nowadays reported in social networks much faster than in traditional channels. As a result, the autonomous detection of events from networks like Twitter has gained lot of interest in both research and media groups. DBSCAN-like algorithms constitute a well-known clustering approach to retrospective event detection. However, scaling such algorithms to geographically large regions and temporarily long periods present two major shortcomings. First, detecting real-world events from the vast amount of tweets cannot be performed anymore in a single machine. Second, the tweeting activity varies a lot within these broad space-time regions limiting the use of global parameters. Against this background, we propose to scale DBSCAN-like event detection techniques by parallelizing and distributing them through a novel density-aware MapReduce scheme. The proposed scheme partitions tweet data as per its spatial and temporal features and tailors local DBSCAN parameters to local tweet densities. We implement the scheme in Apache Spark and evaluate its performance in a dataset composed of geo-located tweets in the Iberian peninsula during the course of several football matches. The results pointed out to the benefits of our proposal against other state-of-the-art techniques in terms of speed-up and detection accuracy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Hierarchy of Floquet gaps and edge states for driven honeycomb lattices

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    Electromagnetic driving in a honeycomb lattice can induce gaps and topological edge states with a structure of increasing complexity as the frequency of the driving lowers. While the high frequency case is the most simple to analyze we focus on the multiple photon processes allowed in the low frequency regime to unveil the hierarchy of Floquet edge-states. In the case of low intensities an analytical approach allows us to derive effective Hamiltonians and address the topological character of each gap in a constructive manner. At high intensities we obtain the net number of edge states, given by the winding number, with a numerical calculation of the Chern numbers of each Floquet band. Using these methods, we find a hierarchy that resembles that of a Russian nesting doll. This hierarchy classifies the gaps and the associated edge states in different orders according to the electron-photon coupling strength. For large driving intensities, we rely on the numerical calculation of the winding number, illustrated in a map of topological phase transitions. The hierarchy unveiled with the low energy effective Hamiltonians, alongside with the map of topological phase transitions discloses the complexity of the Floquet band structure in the low frequency regime. The proposed method for obtaining the effective Hamiltonian can be easily adapted to other Dirac Hamiltonians of two dimensional materials and even the surface of a 3D topological insulator.Comment: Phys. Rev. A 91, 04362

    From Hydra to Humans: Insights into molecular mechanisms of aging and longevity

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    Human aging is characterized by progressive functional decline that coincides with both increased morbidity and mortality. Aging affects every human being and only few individuals achieve longevity, a very special phenotype marked by extraordinary healthy aging. This thesis consists of three chapters; each one is devoted to a separate project that contributes to the growing body of knowledge about aging and longevity. The work required the compilation, management and analysis of diverse big data sets and the application of cutting-edge statistical and computational methods. Chapter 1 - A functional genomics study was conducted in the potentially immortal freshwater polyp Hydra using body part-specific microarray and RNA sequencing data. The results revealed gene expression patterns that allow boundary maintenance during Hydra’s continuous cell proliferation and tissue self-renewal. Furthermore, this study provided evidence for de-acetylation as a key mechanism underlying compartmentalization. Surprisingly, FoxO, which is known to substantially drive developmental processes and stem cell renewal in Hydra, did not seem to be affected by the acetylation status. Chapter 2 - Long-lived individuals (LLI, >95 years of age) epitomize the healthy aging phenotype and are thought to carry beneficial genetic variants that predispose to human longevity. Despite extensive research efforts, only few of these genetic factors in LLI have been identified so far. In contrast to previous investigations which mainly focused on intronic variants, a genome-wide exome-based case-control study was performed. DNA samples of more than 1,200 German LLI, including 599 centenarians (≥100 years), and about 6,900 younger controls were used for single-variant and gene-based association analyses that yielded two new candidate longevity genes, fructosamine 3 kinase related protein (FN3KRP) and phosphoglycolate phosphatase (PGP). FN3KRP functions in the deglycation of proteins to restore their function, while PGP via controlling glycerol-3-phosphate levels affects both glucose and fat metabolism. Given the biological functions of the genes, their longevity-associations appear very plausible. Chapter 3 - In recent years, the intestinal microbiome (GM) has increasingly gained attention in aging and longevity research. A 16S rRNA microbiome study was conducted using 1301 stool samples of healthy individuals (age range: 19 - 104 years) that were drawn from three cohorts. The aim was to investigate potential associations among GM composition, host genetics and environmental factors during aging. The GM composition changed with age, showing an increase of opportunistic pathogens that may generate an inflammatory environment in the gut. Age explained only ~1% of the inter-individual variation, whereas anthropometric measures, genetic background and dietary patterns together explained 20%. Strikingly, clear GM population stratification in terms of four enterotype-like clusters was observed, which were predominantly associated with dietary patterns. The correction for these clusters was shown to increase the comparability of findings from the different cohorts. In addition, the LLI showed a specific gut microbial pattern, which is in line with previously published reports. The present work shows that a thorough bioinformatics expertise helps to address the complexity of the two phenotypes aging and longevity. One highlight of the thesis is the discovery of two new candidate longevity loci that, in view of the limited output of previous study approaches, enlarge the existing database

    Public and private sector wages interactions in a general equilibrium model

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    This paper develops a dynamic general equilibrium model in which the public and the private sector interact in the labor market. Previous studies that analyze the labor market effects of public sector employment and wages have mostly assumed exogenous rules for public wage and public employment. We show that theories that equalize wages with marginal products in the private sector can rationalize the interaction of public and private sector wages when extended to accommodate a non-trivial government sector/public sector union that endogenously determines public employment and wages. Our model suggests a positive correlation between public and private sector wages. Any increase in tax revenues, coupled with the existence of a positive public-private sector wage gap, makes working in the public sector an attractive option. Thus, a positive neutral productivity shock increases public and private sector wages. More interestingly, even a private-sector specific productivity shock spills-over to the public sector, increasing public wages. These facts lend some support to the wage leading role of the private sector. Nevertheless, at the same time, a positive shock to public sector wages would lead to an increase in private sector wages, via the flow of workers from the private to the public sector. JEL Classification: C32, J30, J51, J52, E62, E63, H50Labor market, public employment, public wages, Trade Unions

    Floquet bound states around defects and adatoms in graphene

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    Recent studies have focused on laser-induced gaps in graphene which have been shown to have a topological origin, thereby hosting robust states at the sample edges. While the focus has remained mainly on these topological chiral edge states, the Floquet bound states around defects lack a detailed study. In this paper we present such a study covering large defects of different shape and also vacancy-like defects and adatoms at the dynamical gap at Ω/2\hbar\Omega/2 (Ω\hbar\Omega being the photon energy). Our results, based on analytical calculations as well as numerics for full tight-binding models, show that the bound states are chiral and appear in a number which grows with the defect size. Furthermore, while the bound states exist regardless the type of the defect's edge termination (zigzag, armchair, mixed), the spectrum is strongly dependent on it. In the case of top adatoms, the bound states quasi-energies depend on the adatoms energy. The appearance of such bound states might open the door to the presence of topological effects on the bulk transport properties of dirty graphene.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure