178 research outputs found

    Possible Flavor Mixing Structures of Lepton Mass Matrices

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    To search for possible textures of lepton mass matrices, we systematically examine flavor mixing structures which can lead to large lepton mixing angles. We find out 37 mixing patterns are consistent with experimental data, taking into account phase factors in the mixing matrices. Only six of the patterns can explain the observed data without any tuning of parameters, while the others need particular choices for the phase values. It is found that these six mixing patterns are those predicted by the models which have been proposed to account for fermion mass hierarchies. On the other hand, the others may give new flavor mixing structures of lepton mass matrices and therefore new possibilities of model construction.Comment: 21 page

    Relating large Ue3U_{e3} to the ratio of neutrino mass-squared differences

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    The non-zero and sizable value of Ue3U_{e3} puts pressure on flavor symmetry models which predict an initially vanishing value. Hence, the tradition of relating fermion mixing matrix elements with fermion mass ratios might need to be resurrected. We note that the recently observed non-vanishing value of Ue3U_{e3} can be related numerically to the ratio of solar and atmospheric mass-squared differences. The most straightforward realization of this can be achieved with a combination of texture zeros and a vanishing neutrino mass. We analyze the implications of some of these possibilities and construct explicit flavor symmetry models that predict these features.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Neutrino Large Mixing in Universal Yukawa Coupling Model with Small Violation

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    We have analyzed the possibility that the universal Yukawa coupling (democratic mass matrix) with small violations of Dirac and Majorana neutrinos can induce the large mixing of neutrinos through the seesaw mechanism. The possibility can be achieved by the condition that the violation parameters of Majorana neutrinos are sufficiently smaller than the violation parameters of Dirac neutrinos. Allowed regions of the violation parameters producing the observed neutrino mass hierarchy and large neutrino mixing are not so restricted at present in contrast to the violation parameters for quark sector.Comment: 14 pages, 4figure

    Cancellations in Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and the Neutrino Mass Matrix

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    In a degenerate scheme with mass m_0 a complete analysis of the allowed range of the effective electron neutrino Majorana mass is performed. Special attention is paid to effects of cancellations caused either by intrinsic CP parities of the eigenstates (CP invariance) or by complex mixing matrix elements (CP violation). We investigate all possibilities and give in each case constraints on the phases, the relative CP parities or the neutrino mass scale. A solar mixing angle \sin^2 2 \theta smaller than 0.7 jeopardizes the degenerate mass scheme. A key value of /m_0 is identified, which is independent on the solar solution and would rule out certain schemes. Also it would answer the question regarding the presence of CP violation. Even if a total neutrino mass scale and an effective mass is measured, the value of the phases or parities is not fixed, unless in some special cases. The resulting uncertainty in the other mass matrix elements is at least of the same order than the one stemming from nuclear matrix elements calculations.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. Title, abstract and parts of the text change

    Predictive Framework with a Pair of Degenerate Neutrinos at a high scale

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    Radiative generation of the solar scale Δ⊙\Delta_{\odot} is discussed in the presence of leptonic CP violation. We assume that both the solar scale and Ue3U_{e3} are zero at a high scale and the weak radiative corrections generate them. It is shown that all leptonic mass matrices satisfying these requirements lead to a unique prediction Δ⊙cos⁥2ξ⊙≈4ÎŽÏ„sin⁥2ΞA∣mee∣2\Delta_{\odot} \cos 2\theta_{\odot}\approx 4 \delta_\tau \sin^2 \theta_A |m_{ee}|^2 for the solar scale in terms of the radiative correction parameter ÎŽÏ„\delta_\tau, the physical solar (atmospheric) mixing angles Ξodot(ΞA)\theta_{odot} (\theta_A) and the Majorana neutrino mass meem_{ee} probed in neutrinoless double beta decay. This relation is independent of the mixing matrix and CP-violating phases at the high scale. The presence of CP-violating phases leads to dilution in the solar mixing angle defined at the high scale. Because of this, bi-maximal mixing pattern at the high energy leads to large but non-maximal solar mixing in the low-energy theory. An illustrative model with this feature is discussed.Comment: 15 pages, including a postscript figur

    Zee model and phenomenology of lepton sector

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    The virtual effects of the Zee charged scalar boson on the lepton-family-number (LFN) violating processes are studied. We obtain the constraints on the individual Yukawa coupling constants of the Zee boson to leptons. Using these constraints, we predict the upper bounds on the muonium-antimuonium conversion probability, the branching fractions of the LFN violating decays such as τ→eÎł\tau \to e\gamma, Ï„â†’ÎŒÎł\tau \to \mu\gamma, τ−→Ό+e−e−\tau^- \to \mu^+e^-e^- and τ→e+Ό−Ό−\tau \to e^+\mu^-\mu^-. The contribution of the Zee boson to the muon anomalous magnetic moment is also consideredComment: 13pages, 2figures, Latex; Notes added, two references adde

    Breaking Tri-bimaximal Mixing and Large Ξ13\theta_{13}

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    The long baseline neutrino experiment, T2K, and the reactor experiment, Double Chooz will soon present new data. If we expect sin⁥Ξ13\sin\theta_{13} to be 0.1-0.2, which is close to the present experimental upper bound, we should not persist in the paradigm of the tri-bimaximal mixing. We discuss breaking the tri-bimaximal mixing by adding a simple mass matrix, which could be derived from some non-Abelian discrete symmetries. It is found that sin⁥Ξ13=0.1−0.2\sin\theta_{13}=0.1-0.2 is expected in our model independent analysis of the generalized mass matrix for the normal or inverted hierarchical neutrino mass spectrum. On the other hand, sin⁥2Ξ23\sin^2\theta_{23} and sin⁥2Ξ12\sin^2\theta_{12} are expected to be not far from 1/2 and 1/3, respectively. As a typical example, we also discuss the A4A_4 flavor model with the 1 and 1' flavons, which break the tri-bimaximal mixing considerably. In this modified version of the Altarelli and Feruglio model, sin⁥Ξ13\sin\theta_{13} is predicted to be around 0.15 in the case of the normal hierarchical neutrino masses m3≫m2,m1m_3\gg m_2, m_1, and 0.2 in the case of the inverted hierarchy m3â‰Șm2,m1m_3\ll m_2, m_1. The form of the neutrino mass matrix looks rather interesting --- it is suggestive of other discrete symmetries as well.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, final versio

    Neutrino masses and mixing with seesaw mechanism and universal breaking of extended democracy

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    In the framework of a minimal extension of the SM, where the only additional fields are three right-handed neutrinos, we suggest that the charged lepton, the Dirac neutrino and the right-handed Majorana neutrino mass matrices are all, to leading approximation, proportional to the democratic matrix. With the further assumption that the breaking of this extended democracy is universal for all leptonic mass matrices, a large mixing in the 2-3 sector can be obtained and is linked to the seesaw mechanism, together with the existence of a strong hierarchy in the masses of right-handed neutrinos. The structure of the resulting effective mass matrix of light neutrinos is stable against the RGE evolution, and a good fit to all solar and atmospheric neutrino data is obtained.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, 2 eps figures. A section on RGE evolution and a few references added; minor typos correcte

    Minimal Modification To The Tri-bimaximal Neutrino Mixing

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    Current experimental data on neutrino oscillations are consistent with the tri-bimaximal mixing. If future experimental data will determine a non-zero Ve3V_{e3} and/or find CP violations in neutrino oscillations, there is the need to modify the mixing pattern. We find that a simple neutrino mass matrix, resulting from A4A_4 family symmetry breaking with residual Z3Z_3 and Z2Z_2 discrete symmetries respectively for the Higgs sectors generating the charged lepton and neutrino mass matrices, can satisfy the required modifications. The neutrino mass matrix is minimally modified with just one additional complex parameter compared with the one producing the tri-bimaximal mixing. In this case, the CP violating Jarlskog factor JJ has a simple form (∣J∣=∣Ve1Ve3∣/23|J|=|V_{e1}V_{e3}|/2\sqrt{3} for real neutrino mass matrix), and also VÎŒi=1/3V_{\mu i} = 1/\sqrt{3}. We also discuss how this mixing matrix can be tested experimentally.Comment: Latex 11 pages with no figures. References adde

    Neutrinos Have Mass - So What?

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    In this brief review, I discuss the new physics unveiled by neutrino oscillation experiments over the past several years, and discuss several attempts at understanding the mechanism behind neutrino masses and lepton mixing. It is fair to say that, while significant theoretical progress has been made, we are yet to construct a coherent picture that naturally explains non-zero, yet tiny, neutrino masses and the newly revealed, puzzling patterns of lepton mixing. I discuss what the challenges are, and point to the fact that more experimental input (from both neutrino and non-neutrino experiments) is dearly required - and that new data is expected to reveal, in the next several years, new information. Finally, I draw attention to the fact that neutrinos may have only just begun to reshape fundamental physics, given the fact that we are still to explain the LSND anomaly and because the neutrino oscillation phenomenon is ultimately sensitive to very small new-physics effects.Comment: invited brief review, 15 pages, 1 eps figure, typo corrected, reference adde
