362 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de asma en adolescentes de 14 a 16 anos con sobrepeso y obesidad del Liceo Abate Molina de la ciudad de Talca

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    78 p.La prevalencia de asma, sobrepeso y obesidad han tenido un importante aumento a nivel mundial y en nuestro país, demostrando relación entre estas patologías. Por tal motivo indagar en este tema, busca aportar datos estadísticos orientados en la misma línea de intervención, prevención, promoción e investigación del asma en adolescentes obesos y sobrepeso de la región del Maule y la ciudad de Talca. El siguiente estudio de tipo no experimental descriptivo, tiene como objetivo "Conocer la prevalencia de asma en los adolescentes de 14 a 16 años con sobrepeso y obesidad pertenecientes al Liceo Abate Molina de la ciudad de Talca”. Indagando par ello en el porcentaje de cada una de estas variables, describiendo por genero las características morfométricas del “n”, datos obtenidos al medir talla y peso, determinando via IMC la población con sobrepeso y obesa, todo recopilado en un tiempo único. Posteriormente los datos obtenidos se analizaron con “Statistical Product and Service Solution” (S.P.S.S.) un programa estadístico validado, del cual se realizaron mediciones de tendencia central como la media ( ), porcentajes, tablas de contingencia y cálculos de dispersión via desviación estándar (σ). Los resultados se obtuvieron de una población de 141 adolescentes de entre 14 y 16 años, de estos 39 son sintomáticos respiratorios, 7 padecían sobrepeso u obesidad, 0 individuos presentaban encuesta positiva compatible con la presencia de asma actual. A partir de estos datos se determinó que morfométricamente los adolescentes se encuentran dentro del rango de normalidad, determinando que el porcentaje de adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesos con asma es de 0, concluyendo así la no relación en el cruce de variables de estos adolescentes pertenecientes al liceo Abate Molina de la ciudad de Talca

    Rethinking the Galapagos Islands as a complex social ecological system: implications for conservation and management

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    The Galapagos Islands are among the most renowned natural sites in the world. Unlike other oceanic archipelagos, the ecological and evolutionary processes characteristic of Galapagos have been minimally affected by human activities, and the archipelago still retains most of its original, unique biodiversity. However, several recent reports suggest that the development model has turned unsustainable and that the unique values of the archipelago might be seriously at risk. In response to international concern, UNESCO added Galapagos to the list of World Heritage in Danger in 2007. Our goal was to provide new insights into the origins of the present-day crisis and suggest possible management alternatives. To this end, we re-examined the Galapagos situation from a broad systems perspective, conceptualizing the archipelago as a complex social-ecological system. Past, present, and possible future trends were explored using the resilience theory as a perspective for understanding the dynamics of the system. Four major historical periods were characterized and analyzed using Holling's adaptive cycle metaphor. The current Galapagos situation was characterized as a prolonged series of crisis events followed by renewal attempts that have not yet been completed. Three plausible future scenarios were identified, with tourism acting as the primary driver of change. The current tourism model reduces the system's resilience through its effects on the economy, population growth, resource consumption, invasive species arrival, and lifestyle of the island residents. Opportunities to reorganize and maintain a desirable state do exist. However, strong political and management decisions are urgently needed to avoid an irreversible shift to a socially and environmentally undesirable regime. Key measures to achieve a new sustainability paradigm for Galapagos include modifying traditional practices to produce a more adaptive resilience-based co-management model, adopting a more comprehensive approach to territorial planning, strengthening participative approaches and institutional networks, and promoting transdisciplinary research at the frontiers of social and biophysical sciences

    Multimodal deep learning for point cloud panoptic segmentation of railway environments

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    The demand for transportation asset digitalisation has significantly increased over the years. For this purpose, mobile mapping systems (MMSs) are among the most popular technologies that allow capturing high precision three-dimensional point clouds of the infrastructure. In this paper, a multimodal deep learning methodology is presented for panoptic segmentation of the railway infrastructure. The methodology takes advantage of image rasterisation of the point clouds to perform a rough segmentation and discard more than 80% of points that are not relevant to the infrastructure. With this approach, the computational requirements for processing the remaining point cloud are highly reduced, allowing the process of dense point clouds in short periods of time. A 90 km-long railway scenario was used for training and testing. The proposed methodology is two times faster than the current state-of-the-art for the same point cloud density, and pole-like object segmentation metrics are improved.Fundación BBVAAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-108816RB-I00Ministerio de Universidades | Ref. FPU20/01024Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Alternativas orgánicas para el logro de producciones más limpias de la fresa en Pamplona, Norte de Santander

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    Introduction- The strawberry crop is the third in importance in Pamplona, North of Santander. The plantations receive indiscriminate applications of fertilizers and chemical pesticides. Objective- To evaluate organic control alternatives for foliar and soil diseases, slugs, and for the lack of phosphorus with a view to achieving cleaner strawberry production.  Methodology-. Four trials were carried out in strawberry fields, one for the control of diseases of the aerial part, the second for the control of root diseases, the third for phosphoric nutrition and the fourth for the control of slugs. In the first three different biopreparations produced locally from efficient microorganisms were evaluated and, in the latter, the diatomaceous earth. Results- The Rhizosphere Broth (RB) and MM products showed similar results to the Dithane protective fungicide against Ramularia spot, the anthracnose on leaves, flowers and fruits, Botrytis rot and bacterial spot, while, MM and another variant of MM (M6) were similar to the fungicide Benomil and potassium phosphite for the control of root diseases caused by Fusarium spp. and Phytophthora fragarie. RB and M6 decreased the incidence and severity of phosphorus deficiency and favored a higher concentration of phosphorus in the leaves. Diatomaceous earth demonstrated efficacy for the control of slugs with two applications, at doses between 4 and 8 kg/ha. Conclusions-The results allow incorporating new alternatives for the control of foliar and root diseases, as well as slugs and phosphoric nutrition in the cultivation of strawberries in order to obtain cleaner productions under the conditions of Pamplona, Norte de SantanderIntroducción- El cultivo de fresa es el tercero en importancia en Pamplona, Norte de Santander. Las plantaciones reciben aplicaciones indiscriminadas de fertilizantes y plaguicidas químicos. Objetivo- Evaluar alternativas orgánicas para el control de las enfermedades foliares y del suelo, las babosas, y para la carencia de fósforo con vistas al logro de producciones más limpias de la fresa. Metodología- Se desarrollaron cuatro ensayos en campos de fresa, uno para el control de enfermedades de la parte aérea, el segundo para el control de enfermedades de la raíz, el tercero para la nutrición fosfórica y el cuarto para el control de babosas. En los tres primeros se evaluaron diferentes biopreparados producidos localmente a partir de microorganismos eficientes y en el último la tierra de diatomeas. Resultados- Caldo Rizósfera y microorganismos eficientes (ME) mostraron resultados similares al fungicida protectante Dithane contra mancha por Ramularia, la antracnosis en hojas, flores y frutos, la pudrición por Botrytis y la mancha bacteriana, mientras que Caldo Rizósfera, ME y otra variante de ME (M6) resultaron similares al fungicida Benomil y fosfito de potasio para el control de las enfermedades radiculares causadas por Fusaium spp y Phytophthora fragarie. Caldo Rizósfera y M6 disminuyeron en mayor medida la incidencia y severidad de la deficiencia de fósforo y favorecieron una mayor concentración de  este en las hojas. La tierra de diatomea demostró eficacia para el control de las babosas con dos aplicaciones, dosis entre 4 y 8 kg/ha y la adición de PEGAL CS pH 18,767 g/L como adherente. Conclusiones- Los resultados permiten incorporar nuevas alternativas para el control de enfermedades foliares y radiculares, así como las babosas y la nutrición fosfórica en el cultivo de la fresa en aras de obtener producciones más limpias en las condiciones de Pamplona, Norte de Santander

    Co-occurrence and diversity patterns of benthonic and planktonic communities in a shallow marine ecosystem

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    Marine microorganisms are involved in a variety of biogeochemical cycles and live in diverse ecological communities where they interact with each other and with other organisms to guarantee ecosystem functions. The present study focused on a shallow marine environment located in Ría de Vigo (NW, Spain), where sediment and size-fractionated plankton samples were collected from 2016 to 2018. DNA metabarcoding was used to describe the eukaryote and prokaryote composition and diversity in sediments and plankton and to depict possible associations among the most frequent and abundant organisms by co-occurrence network analysis. High eukaryote and prokaryote diversity indices were obtained in all compartments. Significant differences among eukaryote and prokaryote communities were found between sediment and plankton samples, with a high percentage of exclusive operational taxonomic units (OTUs) associated with each compartment, especially from sediment. Despite these differences, shared taxa between water and sediment were also obtained, suggesting a relatively meaningful exchange of organisms between both environmental compartments. Significant co-occurrences were mainly obtained between prokaryotes (41%), followed by eukaryotes–prokaryotes (32%) and between eukaryotes (27%). The abundant and strong positive correlations between organisms, including representatives from the sediment and the water column, suggested an essential role of biotic interactions as community-structuring factors in shallow waters where beneficial associations likely prevail. This study provides a novel approach for the detailed description of the eukaryote and prokaryote diversity and co-occurrence patterns in a shallow marine area, including both the sediment and different water-size fractions. The high diversity obtained and the detection of predominantly coexisting interactions among organisms from sediment and the overlying water column suggest a movement of species between both habitats and therefore confirm the importance of integratively studying shallow marine ecosystems.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. IN606A-2018/020Xunta de Galicia | Ref. IN607B 2019/01Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. CTM2017-83362-RInterreg España-Portugal | Ref. 20200474_BLUEBIOLA

    Understanding the influence of urbanization on invasibility: Carpobrotus edulis as an exemplar

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    Coastal dune areas are valuable ecosystems, generally impacted by habitat destruction and invasive alien species. In this study, we assessed how human disturbance and invasion by Carpobrotus edulis impact the soils and the establishment of native flora in the north-western coastal regions of Spain. We compared soil characteristics (pH, conductivity, water content, nutrients and enzymatic activities) and native plant as well as C. edulis fitness correlates (germination and early growth) between uninvaded and invaded soils from urban and natural coastal dune areas. We found that human disturbance impacts coastal soils by increasing organic matter and water content, modifying soil nutrients and cycles, and reducing the pH in urban soils. The presence of invasive C. edulis further increases these impacts. These changes in soil characteristics allow for the establishment of the native, but ruderal, Scolymus hispanicus and non-native C. edulis, both of which are not adapted to the typically limiting conditions of coastal dunes. In some instances, the coastal dune endemic, Malcolmia littorea, showed no fitness effects in response to urbanization or the presence of C. edulis. These results suggest that human disturbed coastal areas might be more easily invaded than natural areas. More broadly, our findings of differential responses of different native species to disturbance and invasion, illustrate the need for multi-taxon approaches when assessing the impacts of invasive species

    Integration of transcriptomics and proteomics Improves the characterization of the role of mussel gills in a bacterial waterborne infection

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    In recent years, the immune response of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) has been studied at the transcriptomic level against several bacterial infections. As a result, different immune mechanisms have been revealed, including both conserved essential innate pathways and particularities of the mussel immune response according to its nature and environment. However, there is often a lack of functional verification because mussels are a non-model species and because transcriptomic and proteomic information is not always well correlated. In the current study, a high-throughput quantitative proteomics study coupled to LC-MS/MS analysis using isobaric tandem mass tags (TMTs) for protein labeling was employed to study the mussel gill immune response to a Vibrio splendidus bath (waterborne) infection at a functional protein level. A total of 4,242 proteins were identified and quantified, of which 226 were differentially expressed (DEPs) after infection, giving to the study a depth that was lacking in previous proteomic studies of the bivalve immune response. Modulated proteins evidenced an important cytoskeletal disruption caused by bacterial infection. A conserved network of associated proteins was modulated, regulating oxidative stress and NF-kB inflammatory responses and leading to innate immunity effectors. Proteomic results were submitted to an integrated analysis with those obtained in a previous transcriptomic approach with the same infection. Half of all the quantified proteins had a concordant transcriptomic expression trend, but this concordance increased when focusing on the DEPs. The correlation was higher within the immune-related DEPs, and the activation of the conserved NF-kB pro-inflammatory pathway was the main response in both approaches. The results of both techniques could be integrated to obtain a more complete vision of the response.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-095997-B-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. IN607B 2019/01Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2020/05Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PRE2019-09076

    High-Intensity Exercise Reduces Cardiac Fibrosis and Hypertrophy but Does Not Restore the Nitroso-Redox Imbalance in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy

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    Diabetic cardiomyopathy refers to the manifestations in the heart as a result of altered glucose homeostasis, reflected as fibrosis, cellular hypertrophy, increased oxidative stress, and apoptosis, leading to ventricular dysfunction. Since physical exercise has been indicated as cardioprotective, we tested the hypothesis that high-intensity exercise training could reverse the cardiac maladaptations produced by diabetes. For this, diabetes was induced in rats by a single dose of alloxan. Diabetic rats were randomly assigned to a sedentary group or submitted to a program of exercise on a treadmill for 4 weeks at 80% of maximal performance. Another group of normoglycemic rats was used as control. Diabetic rat hearts presented cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and interstitial fibrosis. Chronic exercise reduced both parameters but increased apoptosis. Diabetes increased the myocardial levels of the mRNA and proteins of NADPH oxidases NOX2 and NOX4. These altered levels were not reduced by exercise. Diabetes also increased the level of uncoupled endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) that was not reversed by exercise. Finally, diabetic rats showed a lower degree of phosphorylated phospholamban and reduced levels of SERCA2 that were not restored by high-intensity exercise. These results suggest that high-intensity chronic exercise was able to reverse remodeling in the diabetic heart but was unable to restore the nitroso-redox imbalance imposed by diabetes