303 research outputs found

    Estudios preliminares de los compuestos bioactivos y color de vinos rojos mexicanos de la región de Baja California

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    The total phenolic compounds, total anthocyanin content and antioxidant properties of ten commercially wines based on different grape cultivar from Baja California, Mexico were analyzed.  The results showed that the content of phenolic compounds of Vitis vinifera cv. Petit Verdot and  Petit Syrah  wines  had   the most highest values of  total phenolic content (1188.26   and 1148.13 mg GAE/L, respectively), with respect  the another  wines.  However, wines elaborated with three different cultivars (Cabernet Sauvignon/Petit Verdot/Merlot), and wine from cultivar Petit Verdot presented the highest total flavonoids content (161.06   mg QE/L and 182.64 mg QE/L, respectively) and total  anthocyanin content  (286.38 mg ME/L and 2548.56 mg ME/L, respectively). In contrast only wine from three grape cultivars (Cabernet Sauvignon/Petit Verdot/Merlot), and wine from cultivar Gamay, exhibits the highest antioxidant activity among tested wines. Finally, these results suggest that wine elaborated with different cultivars (Cabernet Sauvignon/Petit Verdot/Merlot), is more beneficial to health than others red wines in terms of its higher antioxidant activity, total anthocyanin content and total flavonoid contentSe analizaron los compuestos fenólicos totales, el contenido total de antocianinas y las propiedades antioxidantes de diez vinos comercialmente basados en diferentes cultivares de uva de Baja California, México. Los resultados mostraron que el contenido de compuestos fenólicos de Vitis vinifera cv., Petit Verdot y Petit Syrah presentaron los valores más altos de contenido fenólico total (1188,26 y 1148,13 mg GAE / L, respectivamente), con respecto a los otros vinos. Sin embargo, los vinos elaborados con tres cultivares diferentes (Cabernet Sauvignon / Petit Verdot / Merlot), y el vino del cultivar Petit Verdot presentaron el mayor contenido total de flavonoides (161.06 mg QE / L y 182.64 mg QE / L, respectivamente) y contenido total de antocianinas (286,38 mg ME / L y 2548,56 mg ME / L, respectivamente). En contraste, solo el vino de tres variedades de uva (Cabernet Sauvignon / Petit Verdot / Merlot) y el vino de la variedad Gamay exhiben la mayor actividad antioxidante entre los vinos probados. Finalmente, estos resultados sugieren que el vino elaborado con diferentes cultivares (Cabernet Sauvignon / Petit Verdot / Merlot), es más beneficioso para la salud que otros vinos tintos en cuanto a su mayor actividad antioxidante, contenido total de antocianinas y contenido total de flavonoide

    FAU-Net: An Attention U-Net Extension with Feature Pyramid Attention for Prostate Cancer Segmentation

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    This contribution presents a deep learning method for the segmentation of prostate zones in MRI images based on U-Net using additive and feature pyramid attention modules, which can improve the workflow of prostate cancer detection and diagnosis. The proposed model is compared to seven different U-Net-based architectures. The automatic segmentation performance of each model of the central zone (CZ), peripheral zone (PZ), transition zone (TZ) and Tumor were evaluated using Dice Score (DSC), and the Intersection over Union (IoU) metrics. The proposed alternative achieved a mean DSC of 84.15% and IoU of 76.9% in the test set, outperforming most of the studied models in this work except from R2U-Net and attention R2U-Net architectures.Comment: This paper has been accepted at the 22nd Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI 2023

    Determination of antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in different Mexican craft beers

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate and compare the phenolic content (total phenols and flavonoids) and the antioxidant capacity of seventeen craft beers produced in Mexico. The results showed a considerable amount of content of total phenols and flavonoids in the styles Coffee Stout Imperial (362 mg GAE/L and 75 mg QE/L) and Stout Ale (299 mg GAE/L and 40.92 mg QE/L), followed by American Brown Ale (271 mg GAE/L and 27.35 mg QE/L), Brown Ale (211 mg GAE/L and 24.20 mg QE/L), and Dark (328 mg GAE/L and 20.94 mg QE/L). In contrast, the American Wheat Ale (65 mg GAE/L and 2.91 mg QE/L), Lager (102 mg GAE/L and 3.56 mg QE/L), and IPA (103.73 mg GAE/L and 3.75 mg QE/L) showed the lowest content of phenols and flavonoids. The antioxidant capacity is detected in all the beers evaluated, mainly in the Coffee Stout Imperial style beer (80%). In this study, different contents of total carbohydrates were observed according to the type of beer, with Coffee Stout Imperial, American Brown Ale, and Brown being the ones that presented the highest content of carbohydrates (24.25, 15.55, and 15.36 g/L, respectively) followed by the type of Pilsner beer. (13.60g/L). Finally, our study showed that the different styles of beers in Mexico presented different contents of polyphenols (phenols and flavonoids), antioxidant capacity, and carbohydrates. However, the Coffee Stout Imperial style beer showed the highest values ​​of the aforementioned parameters. Future studies should be carried out in the evaluation of the biological activity of the different styles of beers on nutritional parameters in the Mexican population.El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar y comparar el contenido fenólico (fenoles y flavonoides totales) y la capacidad antioxidante de diecisiete cervezas artesanales producidas en México. Los resultados mostraron una cantidad considerable de contenido de fenoles totales y flavonoides en los estilos Coffee Stout Imperial (362 mg GAE/L y 75 mg QE/L) y Stout Ale (299 mg GAE/L y 40,92 mg QE/L), seguidos por American Brown Ale (271 mg GAE/L y 27,35 mg QE/L), Brown Ale (211 mg GAE/L y 24,20 mg QE/L) y Dark (328 mg GAE/L y 20,94 mg QE/L). En contraste, la American Wheat Ale (65 mg GAE/L y 2,91 mg QE/L), Lager (102 mg GAE/L y 3,56 mg QE/L) e IPA (103,73 mg GAE/L y 3,75 mg QE/L) mostraron el menor contenido. La capacidad antioxidante se detectó en todas las cervezas evaluadas, principalmente en la de estilo Coffee Stout Imperial (80 %). En este estudio se observaron diferentes contenidos de carbohidratos totales según el tipo de cerveza, donde las Coffee Stout Imperial, American Brown Ale y Brown fueron las que presentaron el mayor contenido de carbohidratos (24,25, 15,55 y 15,36 g/L, respectivamente), seguidas del tipo Pilsner. (13,60g/L). Finalmente, nuestro estudio mostró que los diferentes estilos de cervezas en México presentaron diferentes contenidos de polifenoles (fenoles y flavonoides), capacidad antioxidante y carbohidratos. No obstante, las cervezas estilo Coffee Stout Imperial mostraron tener los mayores valores de los parámetros antes mencionados. Futuros estudios deben ser realizados en la evaluación de la actividad biológica de los diferentes estilos de cervezas sobre parámetros de nutrición en la población mexicana

    An Improved Method for the Isolation of Total RNA from Avicennia germinans Leaves

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    Isolation of high-quality RNA of Avicennia germinans L. tissue is difficult due to high levels of phenols and other substances that interfere when using conventional procedures for the isolation. These substances not only decrease the yield but also the quality of RNA is almost poor. We present here a simple RNA protocol and fast methodology that effectively removes these contaminating substances without affecting the yield. The protocol developed is based on the SDS/phenol method with modifications including -mercaptoethanol to prevent oxidation of phenolic complexes, and phenol/chloroform extraction is introduced to remove proteins, genomic DNA, and secondary metabolites, and co-precipitated polysaccharides. Both A 260 /A 230 and A 260 /A 280 absorbance ratios of isolated RNA were around 2 and the yield was about 0.3 mg g Ð1 fresh weight. Good-quality total RNA from leaves of Avicennia germinans could be easily isolated within 2 h by this protocol which avoided the limitation of plant materials and could provide total RNA for all kinds of further molecular studies

    Effects of types and doses of yeast on gas production and in vitro digestibility of diets containing maize (Zea mays) and lucerne (Medicago sativa) or oat hay

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    Two yeast products formulated with Saccharomyces cerevisiae were evaluated at the same colonyforming units (CFUs) per gram of substrate. Samples of maize, lucerne and oat hays were mixed (0.5 kg) to a proportion of 80% forage (lucerne or oat) with 20% maize (DM basis) and combined with each yeast to obtain 1.5 x 107 or 3.0 x 107 CFU/g DM. There was also a control without yeast. In vitro gas production was measured at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 60, and 72 h incubation. There was no forage/yeast interaction. Both yeast products tended to reduce the maximum volume produced quadratically and lag time linearly, while in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) increased linearly. Ruminal ammonia N and lactic acid were not affected, whereas methane and carbon dioxide tended to be reduced with the intermediate dose of yeast. When the mixture included oat hay, the total volume of gas increased, the lag time decreased, and there was higher IVDMD than in the lucerne-based mixtures, which were associated with lower methane production. Ammonia and lactic acid remained unchanged. The two yeast products showed the same effects on the dynamics of gas production and in vitro digestibility when dosed at the same number of viable cells or CFUs, and there was no interaction with forage quality

    Death receptor 5 expression is inversely correlated with prostate cancer progression.

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    Prostate carcinoma (PCa) is one of the most common cancers in men. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) has been widely used to predict the outcome of PCa and screening with PSA has resulted in a decline in mortality. However, PSA is not an optimal prognostic tool as its sensitivity may be too low to reduce morbidity and mortality. Consequently, there is a demand for additional robust biomarkers for prostate cancer. Death receptor 5 (DR5) has been implicated in the prognosis of several cancers and it has been previously shown that it is negatively regulated by Yin Yang 1 (YY1) in prostate cancer cell lines. The present study investigated the clinical significance of DR5 expression in a prostate cancer patient cohort and its correlation with YY1 expression. Immunohistochemical analysis of protein expression distribution was performed using tissue microarray constructs from 54 primary PCa and 39 prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) specimens. DR5 expression was dramatically reduced as a function of higher tumor grade. By contrast, YY1 expression was elevated in PCa tumors as compared with that in PIN, and was increased with higher tumor grade. DR5 had an inverse correlation with YY1 expression. Bioinformatic analyses corroborated these data. The present findings suggested that DR5 and YY1 expression levels may serve as progression biomarkers for prostate cancer

    Deep Prototypical-Parts Ease Morphological Kidney Stone Identification and are Competitively Robust to Photometric Perturbations

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    Identifying the type of kidney stones can allow urologists to determine their cause of formation, improving the prescription of appropriate treatments to diminish future relapses. Currently, the associated ex-vivo diagnosis (known as Morpho-constitutional Analysis, MCA) is time-consuming, expensive and requires a great deal of experience, as it requires a visual analysis component that is highly operator dependant. Recently, machine learning methods have been developed for in-vivo endoscopic stone recognition. Deep Learning (DL) based methods outperform non-DL methods in terms of accuracy but lack explainability. Despite this trade-off, when it comes to making high-stakes decisions, it's important to prioritize understandable Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CADx) that suggests a course of action based on reasonable evidence, rather than a model prescribing a course of action. In this proposal, we learn Prototypical Parts (PPs) per kidney stone subtype, which are used by the DL model to generate an output classification. Using PPs in the classification task enables case-based reasoning explanations for such output, thus making the model interpretable. In addition, we modify global visual characteristics to describe their relevance to the PPs and the sensitivity of our model's performance. With this, we provide explanations with additional information at the sample, class and model levels in contrast to previous works. Although our implementation's average accuracy is lower than state-of-the-art (SOTA) non-interpretable DL models by 1.5 %, our models perform 2.8% better on perturbed images with a lower standard deviation, without adversarial training. Thus, Learning PPs has the potential to create more robust DL models.Comment: This paper has been accepted at the LatinX in Computer Vision Research Workshop at CVPR2023 as a full paper and it will appear on the CVPR proceeding

    Genetic variability and structure of an isolated population of Ambystoma altamirani, a mole salamander that lives in the mountains of one of the largest urban areas in the world

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    Amphibians are globally threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation; species within the order Ambystoma are not the exception, as there are 18 species of mole salamanders in México, of which 16 are endemic and all species are under some national or international status of protection. The mole salamander, Ambystoma altamirani is a microendemic species, which is distributed in central México, within the trans-Mexican volcanic belt, and is one of the most threatened species due to habitat destruction and the introduction of exotic species. Nine microsatellite markers were used to determine the genetic structure, genetic variability, effective population size, presence of bottlenecks and inbreeding coefficient of one population of A. altamirani to generate information which might help to protect and conserve this threatened species. We found two genetic subpopulations with significant level of genetic structure (FST = 0.005) and high levels of genetic variability (Ho = 0.883; He = 0.621); we also found a small population size (Ne = 8.8), the presence of historical (M = 0.486) and recent bottlenecks under IAM and TPM models, with a low, but significant coefficient of inbreeding (FIS = −0.451). This information will help us to raise conservation strategies of this microendemic mole salamander species