1,745 research outputs found

    Archives, promises, values: forensic infrastructures in times of austerity

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    This article analyses the role of infrastructures in the ‘bioinformational turn’ in forensic science and examines processes through which evidence is constituted, validated, or challenged in and through domains of expertise that engage different techniques, data, objects and knowledges through infrastructural arrangements. While the digitisation of the infrastructures that underpin forensic service delivery promised connectivity, prosperity and wellbeing, in reality it also brought forward new levels of risk and vulnerability, generating new tensions and frictions in the body politic. As genetic science reaches post-archival horizons through new genetic sequencing technologies, forensic science in postarchival times raises questions concerning the differential impact of the fragmentation of analytical and archival infrastructures and increasingly asynchronous bureaucracies whose role is displaced by the relative autonomy of datasets and computational architectures that elude governance oversight and citizens’ scrutiny

    Arquivos, promessas, valores: Infraestruturas forenses em tempos de austeridade

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    Este artigo analisa o papel das infraestruturas na "virada bio informacional" na ciência forense e examina processos através dos quais as evidências são constituídas, validadas ou desafiadas em e através de domínios de especialização que envolvem diferentes técnicas, dados, objetos e conhecimentos através de arranjos infraestruturais. Enquanto a digitalização das infraestruturas que sustenta a prestação de serviços forenses prometia conectividade, prosperidade e bem-estar, na realidade ela também trazia novos níveis de risco e vulnerabilidade, gerando novas tensões e atritos no corpo político. À medida que a ciência genética atinge horizontes pós-arquivamento através de novas tecnologias de sequenciamento genético, a ciência forense em tempos de pós-arquivo levanta questões quanto ao impacto diferencial da fragmentação das infraestruturas analíticas e arquivísticas e das burocracias cada vez mais assincrônicas cujo papel é deslocado pela relativa autonomia dos conjuntos de dados e arquiteturas computacionais que escapam à governança, à supervisão e ao escrutínio dos cidadãos

    A comparison of coincidental time series of the ocean surface height by satellite altimeter, mooring, and inverted echo sounder

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    Altimetric measurements of sea surface height at two locations in the western tropical Pacific Ocean are compared to estimates of the dynamic sea surface height computed from cotemporal surface-to-bottom temperature/salinity measurements on moorings and acoustic travel time measured by bottom-moored inverted echo sounders. The results show statistically high correlation between the in situ measurements at periods greater than 5 days and between the altimeter and in situ measurements at periods greater than 20 days. The rms difference between any two modes of observation is consistently between 2 and 3 cm. (Résumé d'auteur

    The Effect of Conservation Agriculture and Environmental Factors on CO2 Emissions in a Rainfed Crop Rotation

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    There are many factors involved in the release of CO2 emissions from the soil, such as the type of soil management, the soil organic matter, the soil temperature and moisture conditions, crop phenological stage, weather conditions, residue management, among others. This study aimed to analyse the influence of these factors and their interactions to determine the emissions by evaluating the environmental cost expressed as the kg of CO2 emitted per kg of production in each of the crops and seasons studied. For this purpose, a field trial was conducted on a farm in Seville (Spain). The study compared Conservation Agriculture, including its three principles (no-tillage, permanent soil cover, and crop rotations), with conventional tillage. Carbon dioxide emissions measured across the four seasons of the experiment showed an increase strongly influenced by rainfall during the vegetative period, in both soil management systems. The results of this study confirm that extreme events of precipitation away from the normal means, result in episodes of high CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. This is very important because one of the consequences for future scenarios of climate change is precisely the increase of extreme episodes of precipitation and periods extremely dry, depending on the area considered. The total of emission values of the different plots of the study show how the soils under the conventional system (tillage) have been emitting 67% more than soils under the conventional agriculture system during the 2010/11 campaign and 25% for the last campaign where the most appreciable differences are observed

    Magnetism in Dense Quark Matter

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    We review the mechanisms via which an external magnetic field can affect the ground state of cold and dense quark matter. In the absence of a magnetic field, at asymptotically high densities, cold quark matter is in the Color-Flavor-Locked (CFL) phase of color superconductivity characterized by three scales: the superconducting gap, the gluon Meissner mass, and the baryonic chemical potential. When an applied magnetic field becomes comparable with each of these scales, new phases and/or condensates may emerge. They include the magnetic CFL (MCFL) phase that becomes relevant for fields of the order of the gap scale; the paramagnetic CFL, important when the field is of the order of the Meissner mass, and a spin-one condensate associated to the magnetic moment of the Cooper pairs, significant at fields of the order of the chemical potential. We discuss the equation of state (EoS) of MCFL matter for a large range of field values and consider possible applications of the magnetic effects on dense quark matter to the astrophysics of compact stars.Comment: To appear in Lect. Notes Phys. "Strongly interacting matter in magnetic fields" (Springer), edited by D. Kharzeev, K. Landsteiner, A. Schmitt, H.-U. Ye

    A Detailed Analysis of One-loop Neutrino Masses from the Generic Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    In the generic supersymmetric standard model which had no global symmetry enforced by hand, lepton number violation is a natural consequence. Supersymmetry, hence, can be considered the source of experimentally demanded beyond standard model properties for the neutrinos. With an efficient formulation of the model, we perform a comprehensive detailed analysis of all one-loop contributions to neutrino masses.Comment: 27 pages Revtex, no figur

    Evaluación de un intercambiador de calor de placas para el enfriamiento de ácido acético

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    In today heat exchange applications, the plate heat exchanger (PHE) is quite used in chemical en food industries. At the present work the assessment of a PHE to carry out the cooling of an acetic acid stream, using ethylene glycol as refrigerant agent was accomplished. It was obtained a value of 29.34 % for the percent over surface design (OS), a heat exchanger effectiveness (ε) value of 0.667, a number of heat transfer units (NTU) value of 1.316, while the pressure drop results for both the acetic acid (6.70 kPa) and ethylene glycol (82.06 kPa) were below the maximum permissible limit for the process (100 kPa). The increment of the acetic acid feed flowrate increased the values of the three parameters considered, while the increment of the acetic acid inlet temperature augmented three of the variables taken into account, except for the acetic acid pressure drop, which was reduced. The proposed PHE can be satisfactorily used for the evaluated heat transfer process.En las aplicaciones de intercambio de calor actuales, el intercambiador de calor de placas (ICP) es muy empleado en las industrias químicas y la alimenticia. En el presente trabajo se efectuó la evaluación de un ICP para llevar a cabo el enfriamiento de una corriente de ácido acético, utilizando etilenglicol como agente refrigerante. Se obtuvo un valor del porcentaje de sobrediseño de superficie (PSS) de 29,34 %, una efectividad de transferencia de calor (ε) de 0,667, un número de unidades de transferencia (NUT) de 1,316, mientras que las caídas de presión de tanto el ácido acético (6,70 kPa) como el etilenglicol (82,06 kPa) se encontraron por debajo del límite máximo permisible por el proceso (100 kPa). El incremento del caudal de alimentación del ácido acético aumentó los valores de los tres parámetros considerados, mientras que el incremento de la temperatura de entrada del ácido acético aumentó tres de las variables tomadas en cuenta, con excepción de la caída de presión del ácido acético, que se redujo. El ICP propuesto puede ser empleado satisfactoriamente para el proceso de transferencia de calor evaluado

    Evaluación de un intercambiador de calor de placas para el enfriamiento de ácido acético

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    En las aplicaciones de intercambio de calor actuales, el intercambiador de calor de placas (ICP) es muy empleado en las industrias químicas y la alimenticia. En el presente trabajo se efectuó la evaluación de un ICP para llevar a cabo el enfriamiento de una corriente de ácido acético, utilizando etilenglicol como agente refrigerante. Se obtuvo un valor del porcentaje de sobrediseño de superficie (PSS) de 29,34 %, una efectividad de transferencia de calor (ε) de 0,667, un número de unidades de transferencia (NUT) de 1,316, mientras que las caídas de presión de tanto el ácido acético (6,70 kPa) como el etilenglicol (82,06 kPa) se encontraron por debajo del límite máximo permisible por el proceso (100 kPa). El incremento del caudal de alimentación del ácido acético aumentó los valores de los tres parámetros considerados, mientras que el incremento de la temperatura de entrada del ácido acético aumentó tres de las variables tomadas en cuenta, con excepción de la caída de presión del ácido acético, que se redujo. El ICP propuesto puede ser empleado satisfactoriamente para el proceso de transferencia de calor evaluado

    Distribution of non-AT(1), non-AT(2) binding of (125)I-Sarcosine(1), Isoleucine(8) angiotensin II in neurolysin knockout mouse brains

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    The recent identification of a novel binding site for angiotensin (Ang) II as the peptidase neurolysin (E.C. has implications for the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). This report describes the distribution of specific binding of 125I-Sarcosine1, Isoleucine8 Ang II (125I-SI Ang II) in neurolysin knockout mouse brains compared to wild-type mouse brains using quantitative receptor autoradiography. In the presence of p-chloromercuribenzoic acid (PCMB), which unmasks the novel binding site, widespread distribution of specific (3 microM Ang II displaceable) 125I-SI Ang II binding in 32 mouse brain regions was observed. Highest levels of binding >700 fmol/g initial wet weight were seen in hypothalamic, thalamic and septal regions, while the lowest level of binding <300 fmol/g initial wet weight was in the mediolateral medulla. 125I-SI Ang II binding was substantially higher by an average of 85% in wild-type mouse brains compared to neurolysin knockout brains, suggesting the presence of an additional non-AT1, non-AT2, non-neurolysin Ang II binding site in the mouse brain. Binding of 125I-SI Ang II to neurolysin in the presence of PCMB was highest in hypothalamic and ventral cortical brain regions, but broadly distributed across all regions surveyed. Non-AT1, non-AT2, non-neurolysin binding was also highest in the hypothalamus but had a different distribution than neurolysin. There was a significant reduction in AT2 receptor binding in the neurolysin knockout brain and a trend towards decreased AT1 receptor binding. In the neurolysin knockout brains, the size of the lateral ventricles was increased by 56% and the size of the mid forebrain (-2.72 to +1.48 relative to Bregma) was increased by 12%. These results confirm the identity of neurolysin as a novel Ang II binding site, suggesting that neurolysin may play a significant role in opposing the pathophysiological actions of the brain RAS and influencing brain morphology