681 research outputs found

    Los instrumentos de aplicación del enfoque gobernanza

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    El desarrollo del presente proyecto busca contribuir al estudio que asocia los instrumentos de gobierno con el enfoque gobernanza (Gz). En este tenor, se pretende que la óptica del enfoque gobernanza deje de ser sólo una densa reflexión y se le asocie con lo que los gobiernos pueden hacer para su realización. La literatura especializada ha producido un abundante acervo de contribuciones teóricas sobre gobernanza; a él le hemos aprendido que las sociedades contemporáneas han encontrado formas nuevas de gobernarse (sin el híper gubernamentalismo), redistribuyendo poderes y responsabilidades, además, no deja de ser un reconocimiento de que las formas democráticas de convivencia requieren de impulso y promoción. Justamente, una de las preguntas que se derivan es ¿Qué hacen y pueden hacer los gobiernos en escenarios emergentes de gobernación? De un mundo tan complejo como el gubernamental sustrajimos el papel de sus instrumentos. ¿Cómo se asocian los requerimientos de gobernanza con los instrumentos de gobierno? Ese es el problema que guía el análisi

    Heavy MSSM Higgs production at the LHC and decays to WW,ZZ at higher orders

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    In this paper we discuss the production of a heavy scalar MSSM Higgs boson H and its subsequent decays into pairs of electroweak gauge bosons WW and ZZ. We perform a scan over the relevant MSSM parameters, using constraints from direct Higgs searches and several low-energy observables. We then compare the possible size of the pp -> H -> WW,ZZ cross sections with corresponding Standard Model cross sections. We also include the full MSSM vertex corrections to the H -> WW,ZZ decay and combine them with the Higgs propagator corrections, paying special attention to the IR-divergent contributions. We find that the vertex corrections can be as large as -30% in MSSM parameter space regions which are currently probed by Higgs searches at the LHC. Once the sensitivity of these searches reaches two percent of the SM signal strength the vertex corrections can be numerically as important as the leading order and Higgs self-energy corrections and have to be considered when setting limits on MSSM parameters

    Perceptions of School Administrators on the Role of Support Systems in Attrition Among Principals and Assistant Principals

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    School administrators hold complex, varied, and challenging roles. As literature has suggested, these campus leaders must acquire a vast amount of information and knowledge during their formative years in leadership. Yet, the majority have reported that educational preparation programs do not adequately prepare them for the realities of their roles. Without purposeful, structured guidance, school administrators are left to navigate the complexities of their roles with little support or in isolation, which leads to exhaustion, burnout, and attrition. Attrition results in instability for teachers and students and has a financial impact for school districts. The district of study has experienced a high rate of school administrator turnover. Thus, the purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to explore the perspectives of school administrators in order to better understand how their experiences were reflected in the turnover rate of leaders, why attrition was happening, and whether levels of support were accelerating their departure. Current and former school administrators from the study district participated in semistructured interviews and a focus group. The interviews and focus group session were recorded and transcribed. Data were then coded, and an inductive thematic analysis was conducted to construct six final themes. These themes included career progression, culture, essential characteristics and skills, nature of the work, relationship between principals and assistant principals, and support. The findings from this study revealed that there are specific, high-leverage support systems that school districts can implement and provide to help alleviate the challenges inherent to the school administrator role, to enhance the work that they carry out, and to mitigate attrition

    Combining foods, combining tools: understanding in vivoaroma release and sensory perception of composite foods

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    To date, most of the published works that have attempted to relate aroma release and sensory perception are far from mimicking the real consumption context, as assessments often do not consider food oral processing during mastication and are performed on single or model foods. A multidisciplinary approach integrating in vivo aroma release, oral processing behaviour, and dynamic sensory methods is needed to have a better understanding of how the release, evolution, and fading of the flavour of real complex food matrices are being perceived during consumption. The research described in this thesis aims to investigate the relative contributions that food structure and its composition and oral processing behaviour have on aroma release and perception of food matrices made up of different components and contrasting textures, so-called composite foods. Results showed that the processes of aroma release and perception of composite foods are multidimensional phenomena and seem to be modulated by cross-modal texturearoma interactions. While aroma release increased when a food was assessed in combination with other foods, consumer’s ability to discriminate between foods was reduced and off flavours and texture deficiencies were masked. Furthermore, the role of oral processing behaviour on the breakdown of the food impacting aroma release and perception was highlighted. The use of a multidisciplinary approach provided more useful and accurate sensory profile representing an ecological, valid food consumption context that will ultimately offer new strategies for successfully developing healthier food products with lower fat and sugar content or elaborated with plant protein, for which sensory acceptability remains a challeng

    Immigration Picture Books by #ownvoices Authors

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    Reviews of Latinx immigration picture book

    Organochlorine Compounds in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) from Patagonia Argentina

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    The Negro River is the most important hydrological system of Patagonia, Argentina, drains a watershed of 140,000 km2. Its main economic activities are agriculture and industry, representing potential sources of organochlorine compounds (OCCs): organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and PCBs, respectively. These pollutants are persistent, ubiquitous and hydrophobics and are accumulated in the lipid fraction of biota. Fish are excellent biomonitors of pollution because incorporate COCs from water and through diet, and represent different trophic levels. The aims of the present study were to investigate OCCs levels in wild common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Cyprynidae) focusing on: a) the distribution pattern of OCPs and PCBs in gills, gonads, liver, muscle, and stomach content, b) the potential of common carp as indicator of aquatic OCCs pollution, and c) the evaluation of residues in gills and stomach content to discuss different input pathways of OCCs. HCHs, Chlordanes, DDTs, Endosulfan, Heptachlors, Drines and PCBs were quantified by GC-ECD. The distribution of OCCs (ng.g?1 lipid) was gills> gonads> liver> muscle> stomach content. Endosulfan accounted for 64% of OCCs in gills while, DDTs, PCBs and Chlordanes predominated in the stomach content suggesting the incorporation of more hydrophilic pollutants from the water column and those most persistent and hydrophobic from the diet.El Río Negro es el sistema hidrológico más importante de la Patagonia Argentina, drena una cuenca de 140.000 Km2 . Sus principales actividades económicas son la agricultura y la industria, representando áreas potenciales de emisión de compuestos organoclorados (COCs): plaguicidas organoclorados (POCs) y PCBs, respectivamente. Estos contaminantes son persistentes, ubicuos e hidrofóbicos, acumulándose en los lípidos de la biota. Los peces son excelentes bioindicadores de contaminación ya que incorporan COCs desde el alimento y/o agua, ocupan distintos niveles tróficos y permiten determinar niveles traza en sus tejidos. Se determinó la distribución de COCs en branquias, músculo, hígado, gónadas y contenido estomacal de carpa común (Cyprinus carpio) de Río Negro. Además, se evaluaron posibles vías de ingreso de COCs por medio del estudio comparativo de residuos en branquias y contenido estomacal. Los POCs (HCHs, Clordanos, DDTs, Endosulfanes, Heptacloros, Drines) y PCBs fueron cuantificados por GC-ECD. La distribución de COCs (ng.g–1 lípido) presentó el siguiente gradiente: branquias >gónadas >hígado >músculo >contenido estomacal. Endosulfanes representaron el 64% de los COCs en branquias mientras que, DDTs, Clordanos y PCBs predominaron en el contenido estomacal sugiriendo la incorporación de contaminantes más hidrofílicos desde la columna de agua y aquellos más persistentes e hidrofóbicos desde la dieta.Fil: Ondarza, Paola Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Marinas. Laboratorio de Ecotoxicología; ArgentinaFil: Miglioranza, Karina Silvia Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Marinas. Laboratorio de Ecotoxicología; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Marinas. Laboratorio de Ecotoxicología; ArgentinaFil: Shimabukuro, Valeria Mercedes. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Marinas. Laboratorio de Ecotoxicología; ArgentinaFil: Aizpún, Julia Elena. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Marinas. Laboratorio de Ecotoxicología; ArgentinaFil: Moreno, Victor Jorge. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Marinas. Laboratorio de Ecotoxicología; Argentin

    The socio-economic and cultural discrepancies in the production and consumption of coffee between Guatemala and North America

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    There is a dearth of studies concerning the socio-economic and cultural significance of coffee. Focussing on the different historical and global aspects that affect the cultural meaning of coffee for producers and consumers within the international coffee market this study examines the different ways in which coffee producers in Guatemala and consumers in North America have come to experience coffee, as well as their respective function in such an intertwined market and culture. The cultural meaning of coffee is relative to the society in which it is found. In Guatemala, a coffee producing society, the meaning of coffee is associated with the realities of production, and not with any imagined world of consumption which may be produced through advertising, as is the case in the North American Western context. Additionally, this difference in the cultural meaning of coffee within producing and consuming societies creates a disconnection that seems ever more difficult to overcome, due to the uneven cultural flows that affect production and consumption under the auspices of globalization


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    La hipótesis que se plantea en este trabajo es que el proceso de lento crecimiento de la economía mexicana que se ha presentado desde mediados de los años ochenta, ha tenido efectos diferenciados en el crecimiento de las diversas divisiones de la industria manufacturera en la Región Centro (Distrito Federal, Estrado de México, Hidalgo, Morelos, Puebla, Querétaro y Tlaxcala), lo que a su vez se refleja en el empleo. 10 El marco teórico que sirve como base para la presente investigación refiere especialmente al tema del crecimiento, haciendo énfasis en el modelo de crecimiento económico desarrollado por Nicholas Kaldor (1996), debido a la importancia que éste autor confiere al desarrollo del sector manufacturero como sector de arrastre para los demás sectores de la economía. La investigación se realiza a partir de la siguiente estructura capitular. En el primer capítulo se realiza una revisión teórica de la teoría del crecimiento y el empleo, en la cual se destaca brevemente las diferentes corrientes del pensamiento que han aportado a la importancia del crecimiento económico, profundizando en el enfoque de Nicholas Kaldor. En el segundo capítulo se hace un análisis detallado del contexto macroeconómico de México como una semblanza general para la incursión del análisis de la producción y empleo, se presenta un diagnóstico de las variables más significativas (empleo y producción), con la finalidad de conocer las fortalezas y debilidades del sector manufacturero que, en su conjunto, proporcionarán un panorama amplio sobre el crecimiento del empleo. En el tercer capítulo se describe la importancia de la Región Centro, de acuerdo al comportamiento de su actividad económica, específicamente producción y empleo. En el cuarto capítulo se presentan los resultados del análisis por cada una de las entidades federativas que conforman la región, y la evidencia empírica del comportamiento de la producción y el empleo en el sector manufacturero. Finalmente se presenta un apartado de conclusiones

    Desarrollo Municipal, Una visión contemporanea

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    El desarrollo político de los países occidentales ha tenido un efecto decisivo en las transformaciones estructurales de las sociedades en proceso de modernización. La modificación de las economías tradicionales por la noción de economías de mercado o la estabilidad política por un escenario de dinamismo político, son un claro ejemplo