355 research outputs found

    Utilização de exames imagiológicos em implantologia

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas MonizO implante dentário é um dispositivo aloplástico colocado no osso dos maxilares com o objectivo de suportar uma prótese fixa ou removível. Estes dispositivos têm vindo a ganhar imensa popularidade e são considerados o maior avanço dos últimos 50 anos em Medicina Dentária. Estes implantes são utilizados na substituição dos dentes perdidos através de reabilitações definitivas que não interferem na função oral e fonação do paciente, aumentando a autoestima do mesmo. Um plano de tratamento bem elaborado é crucial para o sucesso do tratamento com implantes e a Imagiologia possui um papel fundamental para assegurar um resultado final excelente. Na verdade, a imagiologia de diagnóstico tem um papel fundamental na avaliação pré-operatória dos pacientes que irão ser submetidos a este tratamento, na avaliação pós-operatória da integração do implante e na avaliação a longo prazo do status do implante. Entre os meios imagiológicos mais utilizados na obtenção de informação complementar diagnóstica pode citar-se a Radiografia Periapical, a Ortopantomografia, a Tomografia Computorizada e a Tomografia Computorizada de Feixe Cónico. A seleção do meio imagiológico adequado deve ser baseada na capacidade do mesmo para fornecer a informação necessária durante as diferentes fases do tratamento. Estas modalidades imagiológicas devem permitir o acesso às estruturas anatómicas vitais, nomeadamente o buraco mentoniano, o seio maxilar, o canal alveolar inferior, as fossas nasais e o buraco palatino. Para além disso, possibilita a deteção de patologias próximas ao local proposto, a avaliação da quantidade e qualidade do osso e a determinação de potenciais vias de colocação dos implantes, tendo em conta a angulação do rebordo alveolar. Esta monografia visa expor quais os meios imagiológicos mais utilizados em Implantologia, referindo as suas vantagens e desvantagens e permitindo o estabelecimento de um critério de seleção para a utilização destes meios complementares de diagnóstico

    O papel do Centro Internacional de Negócios da Madeira para o desenvolvimento da Região Autónoma da Madeira

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    A seguinte dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Financeira pretende contribuir para apoiar o investimento externo na Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM) através de uma investigação que incide sobre o Centro Internacional de Negócios da Madeira. A investigação toma por objeto de estudo o Centro Internacional de Negócios da Madeira, pretendendo-se, assim, investigar esta praça, toda a sua envolvente e o seu contributo para a economia da RAM e, concomitantemente para o desenvolvimento da Região Autónoma da Madeira. A investigação terá uma natureza predominantemente qualitativa, recorrendo-se a diversas técnicas de recolha de dados, como a observação e as entrevistas, e utilizará ainda dados estatísticos do INE e relatórios das contas regionais. O resultado deste trabalho de investigação é o desfecho de um ano de trabalho. Espera-se contribuir numa visão mais clara sobre a existente Zona Franca da Madeira (ZFM), o porquê da sua existência e a sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento regional

    BetaBayes—A Bayesian Approach for Comparing Ecological Communities

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    Ecological communities change because of both natural and human factors. Distinguishing between the two is critical to ecology and conservation science. One of the most common approaches for modelling species composition changes is calculating beta diversity indices and then relating index changes to environmental changes. The main difficulty with these analyses is that beta diversity indices are paired comparisons, which means indices calculated with the same community are not independent. Mantel tests and generalised dissimilarity modelling (GDM) are two of the most commonly used statistical procedures for analysing such data, employing randomisation tests to consider the data’s dependence. Here, we introduce a Bayesian model-based approach called BetaBayes that explicitly incorporates the data dependence. This approach is based on the Bradley– Terry model, which is a widely used approach for modelling paired comparisons that involves building a standard regression model containing two varying intercepts, one for each community involved in the beta diversity index, that capture their respective contributions. We used BetaBayes to analyse a famous dataset collected in Panama that contains information on multiple 1 ha plots from the rain forests of Panama. We calculated the Bray–Curtis index between all pairs of plots, analysed the relationship between the index and two covariates (geographic distance and elevation), and compared the results of BetaBayes with those from the Mantel test and GDM. BetaBayes has two distinctive features. The first is its flexibility, which allows the user to quickly change it to fit the data structure; namely, by adding varying effects, incorporating spatial autocorrelation, and modelling complex nonlinear relationships. The second is that it provides a clear path for performing model validation and model improvement. BetaBayes avoids hypothesis testing, instead focusing on recreating the data generating process and quantifying all the model configurations that are consistent with the observed datainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Automation of sub-aortic velocity time integral measurements by transthoracic echocardiography: clinical evaluation of an artificial intelligence-enabled tool in critically ill patients

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    © 2022 British Journal of Anaesthesia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Point-of-care ultrasound techniques are increasingly used for the bedside assessment of cardiac function and haemodynamics in critically ill patients. The sub-aortic or left ventricular outflow tract velocity time integral (VTI) can be measured using pulsed-Doppler ultrasonography from a transthoracic apical 5-chamber view. Quantifying VTI is useful to discriminate between vasoplegic states (hypotension with normal/high VTI) and low flow states (low VTI). Measuring VTI is also useful to predict fluid responsiveness, either by quantifying the respiratory swings in VTI when patients are mechanically ventilated, or by quantifying VTI changes during a passive leg raising manoeuvre or a fluid challenge.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Machine learning for the real-time assessment of left ventricular ejection fraction in critically ill patients: a bedside evaluation by novices and experts in echocardiography

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    © The Author(s) 2022. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.Background: Machine learning algorithms have recently been developed to enable the automatic and real-time echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and have not been evaluated in critically ill patients. Methods: Real-time LVEF was prospectively measured in 95 ICU patients with a machine learning algorithm installed on a cart-based ultrasound system. Real-time measurements taken by novices (LVEFNov) and by experts (LVEFExp) were compared with LVEF reference measurements (LVEFRef) taken manually by echo experts. Results: LVEFRef ranged from 26 to 80% (mean 54 ± 12%), and the reproducibility of measurements was 9 ± 6%. Thirty patients (32%) had a LVEFRef < 50% (left ventricular systolic dysfunction). Real-time LVEFExp and LVEFNov measurements ranged from 31 to 68% (mean 54 ± 10%) and from 28 to 70% (mean 54 ± 9%), respectively. The reproducibility of measurements was comparable for LVEFExp (5 ± 4%) and for LVEFNov (6 ± 5%) and significantly better than for reference measurements (p < 0.001). We observed a strong relationship between LVEFRef and both real-time LVEFExp (r = 0.86, p < 0.001) and LVEFNov (r = 0.81, p < 0.001). The average difference (bias) between real time and reference measurements was 0 ± 6% for LVEFExp and 0 ± 7% for LVEFNov. The sensitivity to detect systolic dysfunction was 70% for real-time LVEFExp and 73% for LVEFNov. The specificity to detect systolic dysfunction was 98% both for LVEFExp and LVEFNov. Conclusion: Machine learning-enabled real-time measurements of LVEF were strongly correlated with manual measurements obtained by experts. The accuracy of real-time LVEF measurements was excellent, and the precision was fair. The reproducibility of LVEF measurements was better with the machine learning system. The specificity to detect left ventricular dysfunction was excellent both for experts and for novices, whereas the sensitivity could be improved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Solutions to better life

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    With the increasing number of aged people, especially in developed countries, Wellbeing solutions have became an important subject to be explored and developed. Currently, as specialized Institutions in geriatric care cannot cope with the increasing requests for support of quality of life, patients have to remain at their homes having as caregiver the other member of the couple or a member of close family. A solution for supporting the caregiver, during assisting the bedridden person with some basic tasks as eating, taking a bath and/or hygiene care is of utmost importance. This paper presents an overview for supporting the caregiver on providing the basic needs for bedridden persons. From safety needs to repositioning and hygiene care of bedridden persons are taken into account, by developing specific mechatronic devices for supporting and helping caregivers on those tasks. The proposed mechatronic systems must, ideally, reduce the number of caregivers and the amount of spent and needed effort

    A finite element approach to model high-velocity impact on thin woven GFRP plates

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    A finite element model to predict the ballistic behaviour of woven GFRP laminates is presented. This finite element model incorporates a new constitutive model based on a continuum damage mechanics approach able to predict the performance of these laminates under high-velocity impacts. The material parameters of the model are identified from the literature and original experiments conducted in this work. The predictive capability of the model is verified against experimental impact tests. Finally, the model is used to analyse the influence of laminate thickness on different energy absorption mechanisms at velocities near the ballistic limit. This analysis allows for the determination of the principal deformation and failure mechanisms governing the perforation process.L. Alonso, S.K.García Castillo and C.Navarro are indebted to the project 'Acción Estratégica en Materiales Compuestos y Análisis Numérico simplificado de Estructuras y protecciones ligeras sometidas a impacto balístico' (2010/00309/002) of the University Carlos III of Madrid for the financial support of this work. F. Martínez-Hergueta acknowledges support from PECRE1819_02 from the Scottish Research Partnership in Engineering. D. Garcia-Gonzalez acknowledges support from the Talent Attraction grant (CM 2018 - 2018-T2/IND-9992) from the Comunidad de Madrid

    Impact of combined versus single-mode training programs based on drop jump and specific multidirectional repeated sprint on bio-motor ability adaptations: a parallel study design in professional basketball players

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    Background Jumping and specific multidirectional repeated sprint ability are important in basketball. The objective of this study was to assess the contributions of 8-week combined versus single-mode training programs based on drop jump (DJ) and specific multidirectional repeated sprint (MRSA) on repeated sprint ability performances, body balance and lower limbs power in male professional basketball players. Methods This study followed a randomized parallel study design. Fifty-two professional male basketball players from the Tunisian first division participated in this study. The players were randomly assigned to 4 groups: DJ group (JG; n = 13), MRSA group (RSG; n = 13), combined group (COMB; n = 13) and an active control group (CON; n = 13). The JG, RSG and COMB groups completed the 8-week training programs with 2 sessions per week while the CON continues their regular basketball training. Training volume was similar between groups all over the experimental period. Before and after the intervention, the four groups were evaluated for the stork test, Y-balance test, the repeated sprint ability test (IRSA(5COD)), the squat jump (SJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ) tests, the single leg drop jump test, the five time-jump test and T-change of direction (CoD) test. Results All measures displayed significant main effect, (medium/small) magnitude (effect size) improvements for time (post-test > pre-test) except the physiological parameters for IRSA(5COD). Significant time x group interactions were revealed for body balance, T test, IRSA(5COD) (total time and best time) and jump tests (vertical/horizontal). Bonferroni corrected post-hoc tests revealed significant greater improvement in favor of RSG and COMB compared to JG for body balance, CoD and IRSA(5COD). Moreover, greater improvement in CMJ, SJ and single leg DJ in favor of JG compared to the RSG. In addition, a greater CoD improvement was observed in favor of COMB when compared to the RSG. Conclusion Combined and single-mode training programs based on DJ and MRSA contributed to a significantly better performance in specific basketball physical fitness parameters with results favoring combined interventions

    Influence of ultrasound settings on laboratory vertical artifacts

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    The work was partially funded by RESEARCH 4 COVID-19 (no. 101) from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.Objective: The aim of the work described here was to analyze the relationship between the change in ultrasound (US) settings and the vertical artifacts' number, visual rating, and signal intensity METHODS: An in vitro phantom consisting of a damp sponge and gelatin mix was created to simulate vertical artifacts. Furthermore, several US parameters were changed sequentially (i.e., frequency, dynamic range, line density, gain, power, and image enhancement) and after image acquisition. Five US experts rated the artifacts for number and quality. In addition, a vertical artifact visual score was created to determine the higher artifact rating ("optimal") and the lower artifact rating ("suboptimal"). Comparisons were made between the tested US parameters and baseline recordings. Results: The expert intraclass correlation coefficient for the number of vertical artifacts was 0.694. The parameters had little effect on the "optimal" vertical artifacts but changed their number. Dynamic range increased the number of discernible vertical artifacts to 3 from 36 to 102 dB. Conclusion: The intensity did not correlate with the visual rating score. Most of the available US parameters did not influence vertical artifacts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio