13 research outputs found
La farmacovigilancia protege la vida
No aplicaEn el 煤ltimo semestre de nuestro tecn贸logo nos brindaron la posibilidad de elegir varias
opciones en el momento de culminar nuestros estudios, para profundizar m谩s en un tema en
especial, entre ellos estaba el diplomado de profundizaci贸n en farmacovigilancia; nosotros como
estudiantes elegimos efectuar este diplomado para aprender m谩s sobre la importancia de la
farmacovigilancia en el 谩mbito de la salud; tuvimos una oportunidad y fue reconocer,
profundizar que es la farmacovigilancia y de que se encarga en el 谩mbito de la salud, ya que esta
ciencia re煤ne muchos hechos y actividades encargadas de prevenir, analizar y recolectar el
informe sobre la dificulta que se ha presentado en el manejo adecuado de los tratamientos
Conocimos los programas que abarcan el diplomado en farmacovigilancia y los procesos
que se deben reportar para dichos casos que se presenten en nuestro campo laboral, reconociendo
los sucesos m茅dicos desafortunados que se pueden presentar durante el tratamiento con un
medicamento, la clasificaci贸n y las caracter铆sticas de las respuestas nocivas, no deseadas y no
intencionadas que se proceden tras la administraci贸n de un f谩rmaco e interacciones
medicamentosas, tambi茅n aprendimos el importante trabajo que desempe帽a el regente de
farmacia y su conexi贸n con la farmacovigilancia aplicando y observando que los pacientes
reciban las medicaciones apropiadas a sus necesidades y evaluando la seguridad y efectividad en
la curaci贸n o el alivio de las enfermedades o s铆ntomas, finalmente elegimos trabajar e investigar
todo sobre una enfermedad en com煤n que aqueja mucho a la comunidad colombiana en la cual
profundizamos en ella y es la enfermedad VIH / SIDA demostrando cu谩l es su origen, signos y
s铆ntomas tratamientos no farmacol贸gicos, herramientas diagn贸sticos, tratamiento farmacol贸gico
Y duraci贸n del tratamiento y por 煤ltimo presentamos este informe final evidenciando todo lo
realizado y aprendido durante el semestre acad茅mico.In the last semester of our technologist we were given the possibility to choose several
options at the time of completing our studies, to further deepen in a particular topic, among them
was the diploma in pharmacovigilance; we as students chose to do this diploma to learn more
about the importance of pharmacovigilance in the field of health; we had an opportunity and was
to recognize, deepen that it is pharmacovigilance and that it is responsible in the field of health,
since this science gathers many facts and activities to prevent, analyze and collect the report on
the difficulties that have been presented in the proper management of pharmacological
We knew the programs that cover the diploma in pharmacovigilance and the processes
that must be reported for such cases that arise in our field of work, recognizing the unfortunate
medical events that may occur during treatment with a drug, the classification and characteristics
of harmful, unwanted and unintended responses which are made after the administration of a
drug and drug interactions, we also learned the important work of the pharmacy administrator
and his connection with pharmacovigilance by applying and observing that patients receive
medications appropriate to their needs and by evaluating the safety and effectiveness in healing
or relieving diseases or symptoms, finally we choose to work and investigate everything about a
common disease that afflicts much to the Colombian community in which we delve into it and is
the disease HIV / AIDS demonstrating what is its origin, signs and symptoms
nonpharmacological treatments, diagnostic tools, pharmacological treatment and duration of
treatment and finally we present this final report evidencing everything done and learned during
the academic semester
Lynn Chamber Music Competition 2015
Judges Daniel Andai Janet Harris Joan Kretschmer
Winners Alla Sorokoletova (flute), John Weisberg (oboe), Jackie Gillette (clarinet), Sebastian Castellanos (bassoon), Mileidy Gonzales (French Horn), and Chance Israel (piano)https://spiral.lynn.edu/conservatory_chamber-music-competition/1000/thumbnail.jp
2015-2016 Dean\u27s Showcase No. 2
2015-2016 Music for the Mind