759 research outputs found

    Domestic Fourth Amendment Rights of Aliens: To What Extent Do They Survive United States v. Verdugo-Urquidez, The

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    TEXTO COMPLETO NO AUTORIZADO POR LA AUTORALa presente tesis titulada “Centro de formación para madres adolescentes” ubicado en San Juan de Lurigancho, se desarrolló con el propósito de contribuir a solucionar la problemática de las madres adolescentes en este distrito, por ser el que presentó el mayor índice de adolescentes con el problema del embarazo precoz. La mencionada tesis responde a un estudio tipo aplicativo, realizado en base a una investigación y recopilación de información estadística obtenida de diversas fuentes estatales, que ayudaron a identificar un problema social que afecta a la sociedad, siguiendo como base teórica la teoría el vínculo madre-hijo; por tanto se propone un proyecto a nivel arquitectónico que satisfaga las necesidades del usuario, con el objetivo de formarse, capacitarse para reinsertarse a la sociedad con las herramientas necesarias y afrontar un mejor futuro. Asimismo se ha tomado como referencia algunas variables que funcionan actualmente en centros de atención residencial que ofrece el Estado articulados por entidades como el Ministerio de la Mujer. Con esta propuesta arquitectónica se logra revalorar y repotenciar la zona existente integrándose mediante una alameda

    Evaluating Physical Therapy for Adolescent Patients with Low Back Pain

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    Background: Low back pain is a condition affecting many people worldwide. The age of onset is variable, affecting all patient populations from childhood throughout the lifespan. Aims/Purpose: The efficacy of physical therapy for adolescent patients with back pain seen in a pediatric orthopedic clinic was evaluated through comparison of pre and post-intervention pain scores. Patient compliance with physical therapy was monitored and evaluated against outcomes. Design: A six-month retrospective chart review of adolescent patients with a diagnosis of low back pain. Patients with a diagnosis of low back pain were referred for physical therapy and provided with a home exercise program to reduce pain. Setting: An orthopedic clinic specializing in low back pain affiliated with a large children’s hospital. Participants: A total of 50 patients with a diagnosis of low back strain were included. Results: Eighteen patients were referred to a clinic-affiliated physical therapy provider, 20 were referred to an outside vendor. Twelve patients were not referred to physical therapy and opted for a home exercise program as the sole intervention for pain relief. At the conclusion of the project, no patients returned to clinic for unresolved pain. Conclusion: The findings suggest the home exercise program patients had the same reduction of pain as the patients who attended physical therapy. Initial use of a home exercise program could be beneficial for many adolescents with low back pain. Those with unresolved pain could then be referred for physical therapy, thus making better use of physical therapy services and decreasing both family and health care system costs

    Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Desire for Reversal of Sterilization among U.S. Women

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    Purpose: Female sterilization rates and subsequent desire for reversal of the procedure are substantially higher in minorities, low-income women, and those who use public insurance. Despite the disproportionate distribution of these outcomes, few studies in this area have considered the extent to which such disparities are attributable to a restricted set of contraceptive options among medically underserved populations, which may in turn explain higher rates of desire for reversal. Methods: We use the most recent wave of NSFG data (2011-2013) to estimate odds ratios for race/ethnicity on the likelihood of desire for reversal of sterilization, while controlling for an array of factors that have been shown to negate or lessen the racial/ethnic association including age at sterilization, primary reason for sterilization, and insurance coverage, among others. Results: Outcomes indicate much higher odds of desire for reversal of sterilization among black and Latina women, despite the inclusion of a range of controls. Additionally, we find that rates are much higher in women who reported “single service or no insurance coverage” as well as those who cited “some other reason” (versus completion of desired childbearing) as the main reason for their sterilization. Conclusions: These findings are noteworthy and suggest that disadvantage seems to play an important role in desire for reversal of sterilization. Additional research in this area is needed in inform efforts to improve care and enhance the reproductive autonomy of medically underserved women