136 research outputs found

    Nicotine Dependence as a Mediator of Project EX's Effects to Reduce Tobacco Use in Scholars.

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    In Spain, 44% of 14-18-year-olds have smoked, and 12.5% have smoked cigarettes in the last 30 days. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances, and can lead to serious addiction in adulthood with adverse consequences to one's health. School plays a relevant role in health promotion and preventing risk behaviors such as tobacco consumption. Despite the fact that some school-based tobacco cessation and prevention interventions prove to be effective for their purposes, there is a lack of understanding as to why these programs succeed or fail. This longitudinal study aims to test the nicotine dependence (ND) as a mediator of Project EX's effect - a tobacco-use cessation program developed for high school youth to reduce tobacco consumption in scholars. Six high schools located in the Mediterranean coast were randomized for the participation of the program (Spanish version of Project EX) or a waiting-list group with baseline, immediate-posttest, and 12-month follow-up assessments. At baseline, 1,546 adolescents aged 14-21 years old (mean age: 15.28; SD = 1.20; 46% were women) were evaluated by self-administered tests on tobacco consumption and ND. A biomarker of smoke inhalation - a measurement of exhaled carbon monoxide (ECM) - was used. Participants who were smokers (N = 501; 32%) were selected for this study. Mediation analyses were conducted using the PROCESS v2.12 macro for Windows. The significant criterion was p ≤ 0.05, and 5,000 samples were used for bias-corrected bootstrap confidence intervals. Results indicated that Project EX indirectly decreased the number of cigarettes smoked in the last month, the number of cigarettes smoked within the last 7 days, the number of daily cigarettes, and ECM level at 12-month follow up through decreasing the level of ND in the short-term. This is the first Spanish study that explores ND as a mediator of the long-term efficacy of Project EX to reduce tobacco consumption in adolescents. Results suggest that interventions that reduce ND at short-term are more likely to be successful to decrease tobacco use at long-term

    One-Year Effects of Project EX in Spain: A Classroom-Based Smoking Prevention and Cessation Intervention Program.

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    BackgroundTobacco use prevalence rates are high among Spanish adolescents. Programming to counteract tobacco use is needed.Methods and findingsThe current study provides a one-year follow-up outcome evaluation of Project EX, an eight-session classroom-based curriculum. The intervention was tested using a randomized controlled trial with 1,546 Spanish students, involving three program and three control schools. Compared to the control condition, the program condition revealed a greater reduction in nicotine dependence (p < .05) and CO ppm levels (p < .001), and lower consumption of cigarettes at last month (p = .03).ConclusionsLong-term outcomes of the Project EX classroom-based program are promising for adolescent prevention and possibly cessation in Spain

    Crack-Depth Prediction in Steel Based on Cooling Rate

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    One criterion for the evaluation of surface cracks in steel welds is to analyze the depth of the crack, because it is an effective indicator of its potential risk. This paper proposes a new methodology to obtain an accurate crack-depth prediction model based on the combination of infrared thermography and the 3D reconstruction procedure. In order to do this, a study of the cooling rate of the steel is implemented through active infrared thermography, allowing the study of the differential thermal behavior of the steel in the fissured zone with respect to the nonfissured zone. These cooling rate data are correlated with the real geometry of the crack, which is obtained with the 3D reconstruction of the welds through a macrophotogrammetric procedure. In this way, it is possible to analyze the correlation between cooling rate and depth through the different zones of the crack. The results of the study allow the establishment of an accurate predictive depth model which enables the study of the depth of the crack using only the cooling rate data. In this way, the remote measure of the depth of the surface steel crack based on thermography is possible

    Digital models of stone samples for didactical purposes

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    This paper presents a v irtual methodology based on the generation of virtual models of stones in the context of the virtual laboratories for the acquisition and evaluation of competences in stones identification. The generation of the models is carried out using a procedure based on close-range photogrammetry that allows to obtain a scaled mesh models with radiometric information and low file weight. The proposed methodology has been designed ad-hoc following the economy, quality and reality criteria to ensure a good adequacy, guaranteeing an adequate adaptation to the teaching-learning process and the integration of the models into working packages, which can be easily integrated in earning management system (LMS) platforms. The generated 3D models have a high level of detail and enable the interaction to take measurements, make cross sections and use specific tools that allow the student to perform a thorough analysis and identification of the stone using free/open source software.- (undefined

    Role of smoking intention in tobacco use reduction: A mediation analysis of an effective classroom-based prevention/cessation intervention for adolescents

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    Introduction: Although some school-based tobacco cessation and prevention programs have been proven to be effective, there remains a lack of understanding of how these programs succeed. Methods: This longitudinal study aimed to test smoking intention as a mediator of Project EX's intervention efficacy to reduce tobacco use. Using a computerized random number generator, six high schools located in the Mediterranean coast were randomly selected to participate in the program condition (Spanish version of Project EX) or the waiting-list control group with baseline, immediate-posttest, and 12-month follow-up assessments. At baseline, 685 adolescents aged 14–20 years (mean age: 14.87; SD=0.92; 47.4% were females) were evaluated using self-administered tests of tobacco, and smoking intention. A biomarker of smoke inhalation, a measurement of exhaled carbon monoxide (ECM), was used. Mediation analyses were conducted using the PROCESS v2.12 macro for Windows. Results: Project EX had a significant effect on smoking intention. Indirect effects indicated that Project EX reduced the ECM level, and number of cigarettes used. Conclusions: This is the first Spanish study that explored intention as a mediator of the long-term efficacy of Project EX to reduce tobacco use in adolescents. Results suggested that interventions that reduce consumption intention at short-term are more likely to be successful in decreasing tobacco use in the long-term

    Learning methodology based on weld virtual models in the mechanical engineering classroom

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    13 pp.Welding inspection activities within engineering degree programs are usable in practice. The competences acquired through these are usually contextualized in laboratory environments, using for its physical samples of welds, which used to be are scarce and expensive. In this study, a new methodology based on threedimensional macro‐photogrammetric models of welds is designed and actively implemented in the classroom, with students of mechanical engineering to evaluate different aspects about the suitability and learning performance of this novel methodology. To obtain the research conclusions, the activities have been chosen to evaluate four important aspects of it: usability, learning, motivation, and scalability. Results demonstrate that the adequate acceptation of the novel methodology studied, making possible new approaches for the acquisition of the competences related the welding inspection in the engineering education contextS

    Organic Action Plans. Development, implementation and evaluation. A resource manual for the organic food and farming sector

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    In 2004, the European Action Plan for Organic Food and Farming was launched. Many European countries have also developed national Organic Action Plans to promote and support organic agriculture. As part of the EU funded ORGAP project (“European Action Plan of Organic Food and Farming - Development of criteria and procedures for the evaluation of the EU Action Plan for Organic Agriculture”) a toolbox to evaluate and monitor the implementation of national and European Action Plans has been developed. In order to communicate the results of this project as widely as possible, a practical manual for initiating and evaluating Organic Action Plans has been produced. This manual has been created to inspire the people, organisations and institutions involved, or with an interest, in the organic food and farming sector to engage in the initiation, review, revision and renewal of regional, national and European Organic Action Plans. The objectives of the manual are to provide: • a tool for stakeholder involvement in future Action Plan development and implementation processes at EU, national and regional level • a guide to the use of the Organic Action Plan Evaluation Toolbox (ORGAPET) developed through the project The manual summarises the key lessons learnt from more than 10 years experience of development, implementation and evaluation of Organic Action Plans throughout Europe. The Organic Action Plan Evaluation Toolbox (ORGAPET), which includes comprehensive information to support the Organic Action Plan development and evaluation process is included with the manual as a CD-ROM, and is also accessible on-line at www.orgap.org/orgapet. The ORGAP website www.orgap.org provides a further information on the project and the European and national organic action plans. Published by: Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland; IFOAM EU Group, Brussels Table of contents Foreword 1 1 Introduction 3 1.1 About this manual 3 1.2 Organic farming – origins, definition & principles 6 1.3 Development of organic food & farming in Europe 8 1.3.1 Organic food and farming regulation in Europe 10 1.3.2 Policy support for organic food and farming in Europe 11 2 Organic Action Plans – what are they about? 16 2.1 Why Organic Action Plans? 16 2.2 European Organic Action Plan 21 2.3 Overview of national and regional Organic Action Plans 23 3 Planning and implementing Organic Action Plans 28 3.1 Policy development 28 3.2 Defining organic sector development needs and potential 31 3.3 Defining policy goals and objectives 34 3.4 Involving stakeholders 40 3.4.1 The case for stakeholder involvement 40 3.4.2 Identifying relevant stakeholders 42 3.4.3 Participatory approaches for stakeholders involvement 44 3.5 Decision making: selecting, integrating and prioritising relevant measures 46 3.5.1 Deciding on policy instruments and action points 47 3.5.2 Priorities for action – allocating resources 50 3.6 Implementing Organic Action Plans 52 3.7 Including monitoring and evaluation of Organic Action Plans from outset 56 3.8 Managing communication 58 3.9 Development of Action Plans in countries that joined the EU in 2004 and later 59 4 Evaluating Organic Action Plans 61 4.1 Principles of evaluation 61 4.2 Conducting an evaluation 64 4.3 Evaluating Action Plan design and implementation 70 4.3.1 Evaluating programme design and implementation processes 70 4.3.2 Evaluating programme coherence 72 4.3.3 Evaluating stakeholder involvement 74 4.4 Evaluating Action Plan effects 78 4.4.1 Developing and using indicators for evaluation 78 4.5 Overall evaluation of Organic Action Plans – judging success 85 4.6 Evaluating Action Plans in countries that joined the EU in 2004 and later 89 5 Organic Action Plans – the Golden Rules 91 5.1 Key elements of Organic Action Plan development 91 5.2 The Golden rules for Organic Action Plan 93 References 96 Annex Detailed synopsis of ORGAPET 10

    Activations in temporal areas using visual and auditory naming stimuli: A language fMRI study in temporal lobe epilepsy

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    OBJECTIVE: Verbal fluency functional MRI (fMRI) is used for predicting language deficits after anterior temporal lobe resection (ATLR) for temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), but primarily engages frontal lobe areas. In this observational study we investigated fMRI paradigms using visual and auditory stimuli, which predominately involve language areas resected during ATLR. METHODS: Twenty-three controls and 33 patients (20 left (LTLE), 13 right (RTLE)) were assessed using three fMRI paradigms: verbal fluency, auditory naming with a contrast of auditory reversed speech; picture naming with a contrast of scrambled pictures and blurred faces. RESULTS: Group analysis showed bilateral temporal activations for auditory naming and picture naming. Correcting for auditory and visual input (by subtracting activations resulting from auditory reversed speech and blurred pictures/scrambled faces respectively) resulted in left-lateralised activations for patients and controls, which was more pronounced for LTLE compared to RTLE patients. Individual subject activations at a threshold of T > 2.5, extent >10 voxels, showed that verbal fluency activated predominantly the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) in 90% of LTLE, 92% of RTLE, and 65% of controls, compared to right IFG activations in only 15% of LTLE and RTLE and 26% of controls. Middle temporal (MTG) or superior temporal gyrus (STG) activations were seen on the left in 30% of LTLE, 23% of RTLE, and 52% of controls, and on the right in 15% of LTLE, 15% of RTLE, and 35% of controls. Auditory naming activated temporal areas more frequently than did verbal fluency (LTLE: 93%/73%; RTLE: 92%/58%; controls: 82%/70% (left/right)). Controlling for auditory input resulted in predominantly left-sided temporal activations. Picture naming resulted in temporal lobe activations less frequently than did auditory naming (LTLE 65%/55%; RTLE 53%/46%; controls 52%/35% (left/right)). Controlling for visual input had left-lateralising effects. CONCLUSION: Auditory and picture naming activated temporal lobe structures, which are resected during ATLR, more frequently than did verbal fluency. Controlling for auditory and visual input resulted in more left-lateralised activations. We hypothesise that these paradigms may be more predictive of postoperative language decline than verbal fluency fMRI

    Inestabilidad lateral crónica de tobillo: hallazgos artroscópicos y resultados tras reparación mediante técnica de Karlsson

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    ObjetivoRecoger los resultados obtenidos asociando la artroscopia diagnóstico-terapéutica a la técnica propuesta por Karlsson.Material y métodoSe revisaron retrospectivamente 11 casos tratados entre diciembre de 2004 y julio de 2009 mediante cirugía artroscópica de tobillo asociada a la técnica de Karlsson. La media de edad fue de 25 años (rango 13-45). Primero se realizó la artroscopia y posteriormente el abordaje lateral para la reparación ligamentosa. El ligamento peroneo-calcáneo se reparó en los 4 casos en que se objetivó su lesión. Se valoró la funcionalidad según la escala de la American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) y el grado de satisfacción subjetiva. Se recogieron las complicaciones.ResultadosTras un seguimiento medio de 11 meses, valoramos 11 pacientes cuya puntuación media según la AOFAS fue de 84 puntos. La valoración subjetiva fue excelente en 7 casos, buena en 2 y mala en 2. Como complicaciones, hubo 2 casos de síndrome de dolor regional complejo (SDRC) y un paciente tuvo que ser reintervenido con técnica de Castaing II.ConclusionesConsideramos que la asociación de la artroscopia previa a la realización de la reconstrucción para el tratamiento de la inestabilidad crónica constituye una maniobra útil para el diagnóstico de patologías articulares asociadas, aportando información importante para el pronóstico funcional de la articulación.AimsThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the result of diagnostic and therapeutic arthroscopy in association with Karlsson technique.Material And MethodsBetween 2004 and 2009, 11 patients were operated by ankle arthroscopic surgery associated with Karlsson technique. The mean age was 25 years (range 13-45). Arthroscopy was performed first and secondly the lateral approach to ligament repair. Peroneal-calcaneal ligament wasn injuried and repaired in 4 cases. AOFAS scale was used for clinical and functional evaluation, and patients were asked about subjective satisfaction. Complications were recorded.ResultsAt a mean follow-up of 11 months the mean final score was 84 points on the AOFAS scale. The subjective assessment was excellent in 7 cases, good in 2 and poor in 2. There were 2 cases of CRPS and one patient was reoperated by Castaing II technique.ConclusionsWe believe that the association of arthroscopy prior to the reconstruction is useful for associated joint lesion diagnosis, providing important information for the functional prognosis of the joint


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    The virtual reconstruction of subterranean structures is a suitable scenario for the integration of different geomatics techniques although narrow passages, lack of light and irregular surface can arise various problems in the data acquisition as well as processing procedures. Generally the final product is a dense and detailed 3D model, whose number of triangles increases quickly according to the complexity of the object. This complexity reduces the efficient use and dissemination of the produced information therefore innovative solutions are sought. The article presents the 3D surveying and modelling of underground passages of World War I (WWI) fortifications. After the acquisition of dense point clouds by means of terrestrial scanning (TLS), a simplification and optimization workflow is performed with the aim of generating a lightweight product that keeps the maximum amount of significant information. A continuous scene representation with a 87% triangle reduction is generated, while the final precision is preserved according to a tolerance predefined by the final user. Such 3D product can be employed as basis for reconstruction, consolidation, preservation and valorisation of the WWI tunnels