8,766 research outputs found

    L'apprendimento transmediale: un'opportunità per l'educazione inclusiva digitale

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    Born within the context of participatory culture and media convergence, transmedia learning is growing as a didactic proposal linked to storytelling that aims to mobilize and develop digital skills in interactive contexts. Through a systematic review of the literature, we intend to contribute to define the concept of transmedia learning, with socioconstructivist and connectivist roots. And, from there, we try to analyse which of its characteristics make it an opportunity in terms of inclusive education, also from a gender perspective. Transmedia learning is flexible, customizable and personalizable from the didactical and technological points of view, so it is in line with the principles of accessibility and universal design for learning. And, for similar reasons, it can help us against the gender digital divide. Therefore, transmedia learning can be an opportunity for inclusive digital education.Nato nel contesto della cultura partecipativa e della convergenza dei media, il transmedia learning sta crescendo come proposta didattica legata alla narrazione che mira a mobilitare e sviluppare le competenze digitali in contesti interattivi. Attraverso una revisione sistematica della letteratura, intendiamo contribuire a definire il concetto di transmedia learning, con radici sociocostruttiviste e connettiviste. Da qui, cerchiamo di analizzare quali caratteristiche lo rendono un'opportunità in termini di educazione inclusiva, anche in una prospettiva di genere. L'apprendimento transmediale è flessibile e personalizzabile dal punto di vista didattico e tecnologico, quindi è in linea con i principi dell'accessibilità e dell'universal design for learning. E, per ragioni simili, può aiutarci a combattere il divario digitale di genere. Il transmedia learning può quindi essere un'opportunità per un'educazione digitale inclusiva

    Actitudes lingüísticas en una comunidad rural: Els Ports (Castellón). Datos de un cuestionario sociolingüístico

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    This paper analyses language attitudes in a rural region as Els Ports (Castellón). By the means of a sociolinguistic questionnaire, we have found that certain indices (such as language loyalty or linguistic pride) illustrate that Valencian and Spanish still live in diglossia. However, if we focus on some social factors (age, gender and social class) we can confirm an important dynamism and more favorable attitudes towards the Valencian language in certain subgroups: women, informants from lower classes and, especially, young people, whose attitudes toward Valencian are always more positive.El estudio de las actitudes lingüísticas en la comarca de Els Ports (Castellón) revela que los índices de fidelidad y orgullo lingüístico así como los de presión social subjetiva obtenidos por medio de un cuestionario sociolingüístico, manifiestan que el valenciano y el español conviven aún hoy en una situación diglósica. Con todo, el análisis de ciertos factores sociales (edad, sexo y estrato social) nos lleva a confirmar un mayor dinamismo respecto a esta situación y unas actitudes más favorables hacia el valenciano en determinados subgrupos de la muestra: entre las mujeres, entre los informantes de estrato bajo y, sobre todo, entre los jóvenes, cuyas actitudes hacia la lengua vernácula son siempre mejores que las de cualquier otro sector de la población

    Metodología para el estudio de las actitudes lingüísticas

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    Evaluación numérica eficiente de las composiciones restringidas débiles

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    We propose an algorithm to calculate the number of weak compositions, wherein each part is restricted to a different range of integers. This algorithm performs different orders of approximation up to the exact solution by using the Inclusion-Exclusion Principle. The great advantage of it with respect to the classical generating function technique is that the calculation is exponentially faster as the size of the numbers involved increases.Proponemos un algoritmo para calcular el número de composiciones débiles, en el que cada parte está restringida a un rango diferente de números enteros. Este algoritmo realiza diferentes órdenes de aproximación hasta la solución exacta utilizando el Principio de Inclusión-Exclusión. La gran ventaja que tiene con respecto a la técnica clásica de la función generadora es que el cálculo es exponencialmente más rápido a medida que aumenta el tamaño de los números involucrados.Ciencias Experimentale

    Un problema de probabilidad adecuado para el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas

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    We propose a simple probability problem for undergraduate level. This problem involves different branches of Mathematics, such as graph theory, linear algebra and hypergeometric sums hence it is quite suitable to be used as an example of Problem-Based Learning. In addition, the problem allows several variations so that it may be introduced to different groups of students at the same time.Se propone un sencillo problema de probabilidad para nivel de grado universitario. Este problema involucra distintas ramas de las matemáticas, como la teoría de grafos, el álgebra lineal o las sumas hipergeométricas, por lo que resulta muy apto para ser usado como aprendizaje basado en problemas. Además, el problema admite diversas variantes, por lo que puede ser propuesto a diferentes grupos de estudiantes simultáneamente.Ciencias Experimentale

    A Theorem for Finding Maximum Temperature in Wet Grinding

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    Surface grinding is an industrial machining process aiming to remove excess material of a workpiece by means of an abrasive wheel which rotates at high speed over its surface. Most of the energy used in the grinding process is converted into heat, and it is accumulated within the contact zone between the wheel and the workpiece [1]. The high temperatures reached can thermally damage the quality of the workpiece, burning the workpiece, causing metallurgical phase transformations, softening (tempering) the surface layer with possible rehardening, onsetting residual tensile stresses, and causing cracks. Therefore, the determination of the temperature field evolution inside the workpiece is of great industrial importance. In order to avoid thermal damage, coolant is usually delivered to the porous grinding zone at a high velocity, so friction is reduced and cooling by convection occurs. Some recommendations for the optimization of the coolant usage are found in.Ciencias Experimentale

    Some Remarks on the Self-Exponential Function: Minimum Value, Inverse Function, and Indefinite Integral

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    Considering the function as a real function of real variable, what is its minimum value? Surprisingly, the minimum value is reached for a negative value of . Furthermore, considering the function () = −, ∈ R and >0, two different expressions in closed form for the inverse function −1 can be obtained. Also, two different series expansions for the indefinite integral of and −1 are derived. The latter does not seem to be found in the literature.Ciencias Experimentale

    ¿Empezamos a navegar? La competencia digital profesional en los futuros maestros

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    La convergencia hacia el EEES en los nuevos grados nos ha llevado a plantearnos la necesidad de incluir una serie de competencias que todo el alumnado deberá acreditar al final de sus estudios universitarios, con independencia de su especialidad: conocimiento de las lenguas propias y extranjeras, deontología profesional, o acceso y gestión de la información. Además de ellas, y quizá una de las que con más entusiasmo se ha abordado desde la reflexión docente, es la competencia digital. La competencia digital, no obstante, presenta ciertas particularidades con respecto de las demás; entre ellas, una notable permeabilidad a los diferentes contextos profesionales, que demandan destrezas y conocimientos concretos en la especificación de esa competencia digital general. En la presente comunicación, lo que nos proponemos es radiografiar cuál es la competencia digital profesional de nuestros alumnos de último curso de Diplomatura, con el afán de detectar sus carencias en el momento de enfrentarse a su cercana inserción laboral. Solo así podremos diseñar mejor el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de esta competencia en los alumnos que ahora empiezan los grados de Educación, ya adaptados al EEES y, por tanto, planificarlo de tal modo que, al final de sus estudios, consigan adquirir la competencia digital no solo como usuarios, sino también como futuros profesionales de la educación, capaces de responder a las demandas y necesidades del siglo XXI.Planning how to teach nuclear competence in ICT in the new EEES adapted degrees is a new challenge that implies different actions: among them stands out an initial, necessary evaluation about the digital competence, by means of a questionnaire, to design the process of ICT-learning along the whole degree, focusing on the Campus Terres de l'Ebre at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Digital competence, however, exhibits some interesting features, as a remarkable permeability to different professional contexts. In fact, it demands specific skills and a specific knowledge besides the general digital competition. In the context of Education degrees, we propose a radiograph about professional digital competence of our 3rd course students, near to their employability, with the aim of detecting gaps in the time to begin to work at schools. Only then we can design better the teachinglearning process of this competence for students who now begin the degree and, therefore, and can plan it for them to show digital competence at the end of their studies not only as users but well as future educational professionals, responsive to demands and needs of the twenty-first century

    CLIL Teacher Training: Lacks and Suggestions from a Systematic Literature Review

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    This systematic literature review aims firstly at highlighting lacks and suggestions and/or good practices in clil teacher training, analysing and crossing the results, obtained from academic repositories; then at contributing to reach an optimal level of training for clil teachers, highlighting good practices as suggestions to fill the lacks./nThe 39 documents, which describe studies and mostly practices from almost all the European countries, have been obtained by Scopus, Educational Resources Information Centre (eric), ScienceDirect and partially Google Scholar, through the descriptor «clil teacher training» and a post-reading selection of the articles. Their qualitative data provided an exhaustive picture of the comprehensiveness of results, required by the method of systematic reviews./nclil results to be a complex approach, involving many aspects which need to be considered. It is primarily perceived to be as engaging for students as demanding for teachers, due to its being learner-centred, with a large use of icts and online tools, as its implementation through a new pedagogy and modern teaching strategies, such as flipped-classroom and task-based. This is the theoretical starting point of the different actions and policies set up in the countries to train teachers for clil. But the results of this review, which draw the characteristics to take into account to train future clil teachers, underline the need of pre-service teacher training at University, hitherto generally disregarded in favour of in-service preparation. Concerning this latter, from the stakeholders in particular it is suggested continued update in clil method and research; further collaboration with colleagues, especially telecollaboration, which can be the answer to the need of clil update and to share good practices in authentic online communities; last but not least, further pedagogical preparation and management of icts, because clil aims to change the traditional schooling.Esta revisión sistemática de la literatura tiene como primer objetivo destacar las carencias y sugerencias y/o buenas prácticas en la formación de docentes aicle (aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lenguas extranjeras), a fin de contribuir al diseño de una formación específica óptima para los profesores de aicle. Se ha llevado a cabo por medio del análisis de 39 documentos analizados, que presentan investigaciones y prácticas provenientes de casi todos los países europeos, y que han sido obtenidos en Scopus, Educational Resources Information Centre (eric), ScienceDirect y en parte Google Scholar, por medio de búsquedas iniciales con el descriptor «clil teacher training» y un proceso de selección posterior./nEl aicle es un enfoque complejo que involucra muchos aspectos que deben considerarse. Resulta tan atractivo para los estudiantes como exigente para los profesores, pues se centra en el alumno, con un gran uso de las tic y de las herramientas en línea, y también por su implementación a través de una nueva pedagogía y asociado a unas estrategias de enseñanza innovadoras. Este es el punto de partida teórico de las diferentes acciones y políticas establecidas en los países para capacitar a docentes para aicle./nSin embargo, los resultados, que orientan la capacitación de los futuros profesores de aicle, subrayan la necesidad de formación inicial docente específica previa al ejercicio profesional, hasta ahora generalmente ignorada a favor de la formación permanente. Con respecto a esto último, de los interesados ​​se sugiere una actualización continua en el método aicle y en la investigación universitaria; mayor colaboración con colegas, especialmente la telecolaboración, que puede ser la respuesta a la necesidad de actualizar aicle y compartir buenas prácticas; por último, pero no menos importante, una mayor preparación pedagógica y gestión de las tic, porque aicle tiene como objetivo la innovación educativa en la escuela