726 research outputs found

    Construyendo dominios de encuentro para problematizar acerca de las prácticas pedagógicas de profesores secundarios de Ciencias: Incorporando el modelo de Investigación-Acción como plan de formación continua

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    Frente a la actual crisis de la educación científica, la capacidad docente de transformar sus prácticas para mejorar el logro de aprendizajes parece ser fundamental. Los programas de formación docente continua tradicionales, generalmente prescriptivos y descontextualizados del aula, han tenido bajo impacto en los procesos de transformación de las prácticas docentes. El presente trabajo describe la primera fase de un programa de formación continua consistente en la construcción de dominios de encuentro entre el saber académico generado en la Universidad y el saber profesional de 16 profesores secundarios de Ciencias a través de un proceso de investigación-acción conjunta, basado en el trabajo colaborativo, la reflexión y la retroalimentación. Los resultados dan cuenta de la complejidad de generar significados comunes, los que una vez logrados, permiten fortalecer el razonamiento científico, la autoeficacia y conformación de una comunidad de aprendizaje que posibilita una actitud indagatoria hacia sus prácticas en Ciencias. / Considering the current scientific education crisis, teachers' capacity to transform their practice in order to improve learning achievement seems fundamental. The traditional programs of continuous professional development, generally prescriptive and uncontextualized from the classroom, have had a low impact on processes of teachers' practice transformation. This work describes the first stage of continuous development program, consisting on building encounter domains between the academic knowledge of Universities, and professional knowledge of 16 secondary science teachers, through a joint action-research process, based on collaborative work, reflection and feedback. The results show the complexity of building shared sense which, once achieved, allows strong scientific reasoning, self-efficacy and the construction of a learning community facilitating an inquiry-driven attitude towards their science teaching practice

    Color image segmentation using perceptual spaces through applets for determining and preventing diseases in chili peppers

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    Plant pathogens cause disease in plants. Chili peppers are one of the most important crops in the world. There are currently disease detection techniques classified as: biochemical, microscopy, immunology, nucleic acid hybridization, identification by visual inspection in vitro or in situ but these have the following disadvantages: they require several days, their implementation is costly and highly trained. This paper proposes a method for knowing and preventing the disease in chili peppers plant through a color image processing, using online system developed in Java applets. This system gets results in real time and remotely (Internet). The images are converted to perceptual spaces [hue, saturation and lightness (HSL), hue, saturation, and intensity (HSI) and hue saturation and value (HSV)]. Sequence was applied to the proposed method. HSI color space was the best detected disease. The percentage of disease in the leaf is of 12.42%. HSL and HSV do not expose the exact area of the disease compared to the HSI color space. Finally, images were analyzed and the disease is known by the expert in plant pathology to take preventive or corrective actions.Keywords: Applets, knowing disease, color image segmentation, perceptual spacesAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(7), pp. 679-68

    Quantification of virus syndrome in chili peppers

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    One of the most important problems to produce chili crops is the presence of diseases caused by pathogen agents, such as viruses, therefore, there is a substantial necessity to better predict the behavior of the diseases of these crops, determining a more precise quantification of the disease’s syndrome that allows the investigators to evaluate better practices, from handling to the experimental level and will permit producers to take opportunistic corrective action thereby, reducing production loses and increasing the quality of the crop. This review discussed methods that have been used for the quantification of disease in plants, specifically for chili peppers crops, thereby, suggesting a better alternative for the quantification of the disease’ syndromes in regards to this crop. The result of these reflections indicates that most methods used for quantification are based on visual assessments, discarding differences of data between distinctive evaluators. These methods generate subjective results.Key words: Quantification, plant diseases, severity, syndrome, viruses

    Contribution of Collaborative Work to Teacher Reflection and the Transformation of Pedagogical Practices of School and University Science Teachers // Contribución del trabajo colaborativo en la reflexión docente y en la transformación de las prácticas pedagógicas de profesores de ciencia escolares y universitarios

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    Poor results of science learning, both at school and university, have led us to acknowledge the need to transform our teaching. Currently, reflection and collaborative work with colleagues are conceived as being key factors in the process of the transformation of practices. Based on the experiences of a group of school and university science teachers working on action-research, we describe the contribution that collaborative work has on reflection for the transformation of practices. The main aspects are the recognition of strengths and weaknesses, listening to and learning from the experience of others, and the discussion of specific classroom practices. On the other hand, these reflections contribute to the transformation at different levels: the teacher, classroom teaching practices, and the school community. The fact that it is a diverse group that includes both school and university teachers generate enriching reflections that help to transform practices in both areas. These reflections not only benefit the school system, but also science teachers education, and provide insights on a new University-School relationship // Los deficientes resultados de aprendizaje en el área de las ciencias, tanto en el ámbito escolar como universitario, nos han llevado a la necesidad de transformar nuestra enseñanza. En la actualidad, la reflexión y el trabajo colaborativo con colegas se conciben como claves en el proceso de transformación de las prácticas. A partir de la experiencia de un grupo de docentes escolares y universitarios de ciencia que realiza una investigación-acción, describimos la contribución que tiene el trabajo colaborativo sobre la reflexión para la transformación de las prácticas. Destacan aspectos como el reconocimiento de debilidades y fortalezas, el escuchar y aprender de la experiencia de otros y la discusión de prácticas concretas de aula. Por otra parte, estas reflexiones contribuyen a la transformación en diferentes niveles: del profesor, de las prácticas del docente en el aula y de la comunidad escolar. El hecho de que sea un grupo diverso, que incluye a profesores tanto del sistema escolar como universitario, genera reflexiones enriquecedoras, que ayudan a transformar las prácticas en estos dos ámbitos, beneficiando no solo al sistema escolar, sino también a la formación de profesores de ciencia, y dando luces acerca de una nueva relación universidad-escuela

    Principios de Desarrollo Profesional Docente construidos por y para Profesores de Ciencia: una propuesta sustentable que emerge desde la indagación de las propias prácticas / Principles of Teacher Professional Development built by and for Science Teachers: a sustainable proposal that emerges from the inquiry of self-practices

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    La transformación de las prácticas de los docentes en el área de ciencias, tanto a nivel escolar como universitario (incluida la formación inicial), constituye una necesidad urgente si pretendemos alfabetizar científicamente a la población. Este estudio muestra una propuesta de cinco principios para el desarrollo profesional docente en ciencias, que emergen desde la indagación colaborativa de las propias prácticas de un conjunto de docentes de educación primaria, secundaria y universitaria, quienes trabajan hace cuatro años en un proceso de desarrollo profesional conjunto. Estos principios incluyen la construcción de una visión común acerca del para qué enseñar ciencias, la indagación de las prácticas a partir de las particularidades de la educación científica, la reflexión individual y colectiva sobre las prácticas, la valoración de la autoridad de la experiencia para el aprendizaje docente y la promoción de un ambiente de desarrollo profesional que involucre diversidad de contextos y niveles de enseñanza. // The transformation of teaching practices in the area of sciences, both at school and university levels (including initial training), is an urgent need if we intend to achieve scientific literacy in the population. This study shows a proposal of five principles for teacher professional development in sciences, emerged from the collaborative inquiry of self-practices in a group of primary, secondary and university teachers, who have been working together for four years in a professional development process. These principles include the construction of a common vision on the purpose for teaching sciences; the inquiry of practices starting from the distinctive features of scientific education; individual and collective reflection on practices; the valuation of the authority of experience for teacher learning; and the promotion of an environment of professional development involving diverse contexts and teaching levels. Implications for professional development are discussed

    Elementos móviles: ¿Ventaja evolutiva o parasitismo molecular?

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    Las secuencias de ADN repetidas–dispersas constituyen una elevada proporción del genoma de organismos eucariotasy procariotas. La primera descripción de movilidad de estas secuencias fue realizada por Barbara McClintock enlos años 50, la cual, estudiando la herencia del color y distribución de la pigmentación del maíz, demostró laexistencia de elementos genéticos con capacidad de transponerse. En el presente trabajo se realiza una revisiónde las características moleculares, filogenéticas y funcionales de los elementos móviles, centrada especialmente enlos elementos LINE. El análisis de la presencia de elementos móviles en los organismos hospedadores, muestra queestos evolucionan coincidentemente con el hospedador para evitar o mitigar el efecto deletéreo de su inserción eincluso para proporcionarle beneficio. Actualmente, se está empezando a considerar que estos elementos jueganun importante papel en la evolución de los organismos, probablemente como resultado del desarrollo de unarelación simbiótica con su hospedador

    Classification of kinematic and electromyographic signals associated with pathological tremor using machine and deep learning.

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    Peripheral Electrical Stimulation (PES) of afferent pathways has received increased interest as a solution to reduce pathological tremors with minimal side effects. Closed-loop PES systems might present some advantages in reducing tremors, but further developments are required in order to reliably detect pathological tremors to accurately enable the stimulation only if a tremor is present. This study explores different machine learning (K-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest and Support Vector Machines) and deep learning (Long Short-Term Memory neural networks) models in order to provide a binary (Tremor; No Tremor) classification of kinematic (angle displacement) and electromyography (EMG) signals recorded from patients diagnosed with essential tremors and healthy subjects. Three types of signal sequences without any feature extraction were used as inputs for the classifiers: kinematics (wrist flexion-extension angle), raw EMG and EMG envelopes from wrist flexor and extensor muscles. All the models showed high classification scores (Tremor vs. No Tremor) for the different input data modalities, ranging from 0.8 to 0.99 for the f1 score. The LSTM models achieved 0.98 f1 scores for the classification of raw EMG signals, showing high potential to detect tremors without any processed features or preliminary information. These models may be explored in real-time closed-loop PES strategies to detect tremors and enable stimulation with minimal signal processing steps

    Microbial catabolic activities are naturally selected by metabolic energy harvest rate

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    The fundamental trade-off between yield and rate of energy harvest per unit of substrate has been largely discussed as a main characteristic for microbial established cooperation or competition. In this study, this point is addressed by developing a generalized model that simulates competition between existing and not experimentally reported microbial catabolic activities defined only based on well-known biochemical pathways. No specific microbial physiological adaptations are considered, growth yield is calculated coupled to catabolism energetics and a common maximum biomass-specific catabolism rate (expressed as electron transfer rate) is assumed for all microbial groups. Under this approach, successful microbial metabolisms are predicted in line with experimental observations under the hypothesis of maximum energy harvest rate. Two microbial ecosystems, typically found in wastewater treatment plants, are simulated, namely: (i) the anaerobic fermentation of glucose and (ii) the oxidation and reduction of nitrogen under aerobic autotrophic (nitrification) and anoxic heterotrophic and autotrophic (denitrification) conditions. The experimentally observed cross feeding in glucose fermentation, through multiple intermediate fermentation pathways, towards ultimately methane and carbon dioxide is predicted. Analogously, two-stage nitrification (by ammonium and nitrite oxidizers) is predicted as prevailing over nitrification in one stage. Conversely, denitrification is predicted in one stage (by denitrifiers) as well as anammox (anaerobic ammonium oxidation). The model results suggest that these observations are a direct consequence of the different energy yields per electron transferred at the different steps of the pathways. Overall, our results theoretically support the hypothesis that successful microbial catabolic activities are selected by an overall maximum energy harvest rate

    Revealing the last 13,500 years of environmental history from the multiproxy record of a mountain lake (Lago Enol, northern Iberian Peninsula)

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10933-009-9387-7.We present the Holocene sequence from Lago Enol (43°16′N, 4°59′W, 1,070 m a.s.l.), Cantabrian Mountains, northern Spain. A multiproxy analysis provided comprehensive information about regional humidity and temperature changes. The analysis included sedimentological descriptions, physical properties, organic carbon and carbonate content, mineralogy and geochemical composition together with biological proxies including diatom and ostracod assemblages. A detailed pollen study enabled reconstruction of variations in vegetation cover, which were interpreted in the context of climate changes and human impact. Four distinct stages were recognized for the last 13,500 years: (1) a cold and dry episode that includes the Younger Dryas event (13,500–11,600 cal. year BP); (2) a humid and warmer period characterizing the onset of the Holocene (11,600–8,700 cal. year BP); (3) a tendency toward a drier climate during the middle Holocene (8,700–4,650 cal. year BP); and (4) a return to humid conditions following landscape modification by human activity (pastoral activities, deforestation) in the late Holocene (4,650–2,200 cal. year BP). Superimposed on relatively stable landscape conditions (e.g. maintenance of well established forests), the typical environmental variability of the southern European region is observed at this site.The Spanish Inter-Ministry Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT), the Spanish National Parks agency, the European Commission, the Spanish Ministry of Science, and the European Social Fund