1,019 research outputs found

    New Variable Jet Models for HH 34

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    We consider newly derived proper motions of the HH 34 jet to reconstruct the evolution of this outflow. We first extrapolate ballistic trajectories for the knots (starting from their present-day positions and velocities) and find that at ~1000 yr in the future most of them will merge to form a larger-mass structure. This mass structure will be formed close to the present-day position of the HH 34S bow shock. We then carry out a fit to the ejection velocity versus time reconstructed from the observed proper motions (assuming that the past motion of the knots was ballistic) and use this fit to compute axisymmetric jet simulations. We find that the intensity maps predicted from these simulations do indeed match reasonably well the [S II] structure of HH 34 observed in Hubble Space Telescope images

    Strain mapping and nanocrystallite size determination by neutron diffraction in an aluminum alloy (AA5083) severely plastically deformed through equal channel angular pressing

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    Six specimens of an aluminum alloy (AA-5083) extruded by Equal Channel Angular Pressing following two different routes plus a blank sample were examined with a neutron radiation of 1.5448 Å. Macrostrain maps from the (311) reflection were obtained. A clear difference about accumulated macrostrain with the extrusion cycles between the two routes is shown. The diffraction data of annealed specimens did permit to estimate crystallite sizes that range between 89 nm and 115 nm depending on the routes

    The Kinematics of HH 34 from HST Images with a Nine-year Time Baseline

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    We study archival HST [S II] 6716+30 and Hα images of the HH 34 outflow, taken in 1998.71 and in 2007.83. The ~9 yr time baseline and the high angular resolution of these observations allow us to carry out a detailed proper-motion study. We determine the proper motions of the substructure of the HH 34S bow shock (from the [S II] and Hα frames) and of the aligned knots within ~30'' from the outflow source (only from the [S II] frames). We find that the present-day motions of the knots along the HH 34 jet are approximately ballistic, and that these motions directly imply the formation of a major mass concentration in ~900 yr, at a position similar to the one of the present-day HH 34S bow shock. In other words, we find that the knots along the HH 34 jet will merge to form a more massive structure, possibly resembling HH 34S

    A System to Generate SignWriting for Video Tracks Enhancing Accessibility of Deaf People

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    Video content has increased much on the Internet during last years. In spite of the efforts of different organizations and governments to increase the accessibility of websites, most multimedia content on the Internet is not accessible. This paper describes a system that contributes to make multimedia content more accessible on the Web, by automatically translating subtitles in oral language to SignWriting, a way of writing Sign Language. This system extends the functionality of a general web platform that can provide accessible web content for different needs. This platform has a core component that automatically converts any web page to a web page compliant with level AA of WAI guidelines. Around this core component, different adapters complete the conversion according to the needs of specific users. One adapter is the Deaf People Accessibility Adapter, which provides accessible web content for the Deaf, based on SignWritting. Functionality of this adapter has been extended with the video subtitle translator system. A first prototype of this system has been tested through different methods including usability and accessibility tests and results show that this tool can enhance the accessibility of video content available on the Web for Deaf people

    Influencia de la geometría del indenter sobre el desarrollo de una cuña de pliegues y cabalgamientos arqueados: Resultados preliminares de modelos analógicos

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    Analogue models, with sand and silicone, have simulated the progressive development of an arcuate foldand- thrust belt around indenters of different geometry, which moved along a straight translation path. In the most external part of the model, the resulting geometry of the deformed wedge is roughly independent of the indenter form. Deformation affected only the frontal part of the indenter and the lateral deformation zone around the latter was very narro

    Galaxy cluster mass density profile derived using the submillimetre galaxies magnification bias

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    Context. The magnification bias is a gravitational lensing eect that produces an increase or decrease in the detection probability of background sources near the position of a lense. The special properties of the submillimetre galaxies (SMGs; steep source number counts, high redshift, and a very low cross-contamination with respect to the optical band) makes them the optimal background sample for magnification bias studies. Aims. We want to study the average mass density profile of tens to hundreds of clusters of galaxies acting as lenses that produce a magnification bias on the SMGs, and to estimate their associated masses and concentrations for dierent richness ranges. The cluster richness is defined as R = L200=L with L200 as the total r-band luminosity within the radius r200. Methods. The background sample is composed of SMGs observed by Herschel with 1:2 < z < 4:0 (mean redshift at 2:3) while the foreground sample is made up of galaxy clusters extracted from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III with photometric redshifts of 0:05 < z < 0:8 (mean redshift at 0:38). Measurements are obtained by stacking the SMG–cluster pairs to estimate the crosscorrelation function using the Davis-Peebles estimator. This methodology allows us to derive the mass density profile for a wide range of angular scales, 2250 arcsec or 101300 kpc for z = 0:38, with a high radial resolution, and in particular to study the inner part of the dark matter halo (<100 kpc). In addition, we also divide the cluster sample into five bins of richness and we analyse the estimated cross-correlation data using dierent combinations of the most common theoretical mass density profiles. Results. It is impossible to fit the data with a single mass density profile at all scales: in the inner part there is a clear excess in the mass density profile with respect to the outer part that we interpret as the galactic halo of the big central galaxy. As for the outer part, the estimated average masses increase with richness from M200c = 5:8 1013 M to M200c = 51:5 1013 M (M200c = 7:1 1013 M for the total sample). With respect to the concentration parameter, its average also increases with richness from C = 0:74 to C = 1:74 (C = 1:72 for the total sample). In the small-scale regions, the obtained average masses fluctuate around M200c = 34 1013 M with average concentration values of around C 4. Conclusions. The total average masses are in perfect agreement with the mass–richness relationship estimated from the cluster catalogue. In the bins of lowest richness, the central galactic halo constitutes 40% of the total mass of the cluster and its relevance decreases for higher richness values. While the estimated average concentration values of the central galactic halos are in agreement with traditional mass–concentration relationships, we find low concentrations for the outer part. Moreover, the concentrations decrease for lower richness values, probably indicating that the group of galaxies cannot be considered to be relaxed systems. Finally, we notice a systematic lack of signal at the transition between the dominance of the cluster halo and the central galactic halo (100 kpc). This feature is also present in previous studies using dierent catalogues and/or methodologies, but is never discussed

    Use of refractory chromites for obtaining fluxes amassed employed in submerged arc welding (SAW)

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    11 páginas, 2 figuras, 8 tablal.[ES] En el presente trabajo se obtienen ferrocromo de alto carbono (ferrocromo de carga) y escorias a partir del proceso de reducción de cromitas refractarias. Mediante la utilización de un diseño de experimento de relaciones entre componentes, se estudia la obtención de aleaciones y escorias. La composición química de ambas garantiza su aplicación para la conformación de cargas aleantes y matrices de fundentes aglomerados, para el relleno superficial mediante soldadura automática por arco sumergido (SAW). El proceso de fusión-reducción se realiza en un horno eléctrico de arco.[EN] In the present work high carbon ferrochrome (load ferrochrome) and slags are obtained, starting frora the métallurgie reductive processing of refractory chromites. The obtaining of alloys and slags is studied using an experiment design based in the relationships among components. The chemical compositions of alloys and slags guarantee their application for the conformation of alloys loads and matrix fluxes amassed for the superficial filling by means of submerged arc welding (SAW). The melting-reduction process is carried out in an electric arc furnace.Peer reviewe

    Simultaneous obtention of multicomponent ferroalloy and slag from black sands for the development of electrical arc welding consumables

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    10 páginas, 3 figuras, 8 tablas.[ES] En este trabajo se expone una caracterización química y mineralógica de las arenas negras del placer Mejías de Sagua de Tánamo, el más importante placer litoral de playa del noroeste de Cuba Oriental. A partir de estas caracterizaciones se desarrolla una estrategia de cálculo para la confección de la carga metalúrgica, que permite obtener, simultáneamente, al ser procesada por reducción carbotérmica en un homo de arco eléctrico, una ferroaleación multicomponente y una escoria útil para la confección de consumibles de soldadura por arco eléctrico. El polvo de la escoria obtenida se aglomera con vidrio líquido. Los pelets resultantes y su comportamiento en la soldadura automática por arco sumergido (SAW), presentan propiedades metalúrgicas y tecnológicas que satisfacen los requisitos de una matriz de un fundente aglomerado. La composición química de la ferroaleación multicomponente está constituida por elementos metálicos: vanadio, cromo, molibdeno, titanio y niobio (V, Cr, Mo, Ti y Nb) de alto valor metalúrgico y aleante, apropiada para la formulación de cargas aleantes de consumibles tanto para la soldadura manual (SMAW) como para la SAW.[EN] In this paper, chemical and mineralogical characterizations of the black sands of the Mejias placer of Sagua de Tánamo (the most important beach littoral placer of the northwest of oriental Cuba) are exposed. Starting from these characterizations a calculation strategy is developed for the making of the metallurgical load that allows to obtain simultaneously, when processed by carbothermic reduction in an electrical arc furnace, a multicomponent ferroalloy and a useful slag for the making of electric arch welding consumables. The powder of the obtained slag is agglomerated with liquid glass. The resulting pellets, due to their behavior on the submerged arc welding (SAW) present technological and metallurgical properties that correspond with the requirements of an agglomerated flux matrix. The chemical composition of the multicomponent ferroalloy is constituted by metallic elements of high metallurgical and alloyed values (V, Cr, Mo, Ti, Nb). It is appropriate for the formulation of consumables for manual welding (SMAW) and SAW, as well.Peer reviewe
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