4,599 research outputs found

    El papa Francisco en México, ¿a qué vino?

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    Análisis de la primera visita del papa Francisco a México. Se busca responder a la pregunta, ¿a qué vino realmente al país? A partir de la revisión de la agenda del pontífice, de sus palabras, de sus presencias y sus ausencias, se evidencian los temas, grupos sociales y destinatarios prioritarios de su mensaje para los mexicanos.ITESO, A.C

    Energetic metabolism in fasting sheep: regularization of metabolic profile by treatment with oral glucose, with prior handling of gastric groove

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate a possible corrective measure against negative metabolic states, as occurs in the advanced stage of gestation in ewes, and that sometimes produces a disease called pregnancy toxaemia. In the present research, we found that the joint administration of i.v. lysine-vasopressin (0.08 IU/kg body weight, BW) and an oral glucose solution (50 g) produces an increase in blood glucose, which persists for some time (up to 6 h); therefore, it could be used in the treatment of pregnancy toxaemia. This therapy is based on the fact that lysine-vasopressin induces gastric groove closure in adult ruminants, enabling orally administered glucose to reach the abomasum directly, from where it rapidly passes into the intestine and is immediately absorbed. We can say that the tested treatment causes a significant increase in blood glucose in ewes affected by toxaemia caused by fasting, which, although less marked than conventional therapy with intravenous drip glucose, remains longer, regularizing other parameters indicative of energy metabolism in fasting ewes

    Classical emulation of quantum-coherent thermal machines

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    The performance enhancements observed in various models of continuous quantum thermal machines have been linked to the buildup of coherences in a preferred basis. But, is this connection always an evidence of `quantum-thermodynamic supremacy'? By force of example, we show that this is not the case. In particular, we compare a power-driven three-level continuous quantum refrigerator with a four-level combined cycle, partly driven by power and partly by heat. We focus on the weak driving regime and find the four-level model to be superior since it can operate in parameter regimes in which the three-level model cannot, it may exhibit a larger cooling rate, and, simultaneously, a better coefficient of performance. Furthermore, we find that the improvement in the cooling rate matches the increase in the stationary quantum coherences exactly. Crucially, though, we also show that the thermodynamic variables for both models follow from a classical representation based on graph theory. This implies that we can build incoherent stochastic-thermodynamic models with the same steady-state operation or, equivalently, that both coherent refrigerators can be emulated classically. More generally, we prove this for any N-level weakly driven device with a `cyclic' pattern of transitions. Therefore, even if coherence is present in a specific quantum thermal machine, it is often not essential to replicate the underlying energy conversion process.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; references updated; appendix adde

    Strengthening weak measurements of qubit out-of-time-order correlators

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    For systems of controllable qubits, we provide a method for experimentally obtaining a useful class of multitime correlators using sequential generalized measurements of arbitrary strength. Specifically, if a correlator can be expressed as an average of nested (anti)commutators of operators that square to the identity, then that correlator can be determined exactly from the average of a measurement sequence. As a relevant example, we provide quantum circuits for measuring multiqubit out-of-time-order correlators using optimized control-Z or ZX-90 two-qubit gates common in superconducting transmon implementations.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, published versio

    Efectes fisiològics de la deshidratació. Per què els esportistes han d'ingerir líquids durant l'exercici en la calor?

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    Durant l'exercici prolongat fet en condicions de calor ambien-tal, els esportistes incorren en nivells de deshidratació bastant acusats degut principalment a les grans pèrdues d'aigua a través de la suor (1-2 l/h). Dades recents demostren que aquesta deshidratació progressiva causa alteracions significatives dels sistemes cardiovascular, metabòlic, termoregulador i endocrí, que a la vegada poden anticipar l'aparició de la fatiga, ocasionar un cop de calor o, fins i tot, causar la mort. Més concretament, la hipertèrmia, l'augment de la freqüència cardíaca i la disminució del cabal cardíac durant l'exercici prolongat en la calor es correlacionen directament amb la magnitud de la deshidratació. Aquests efectes negatius de la deshidratació es manifesten independentment de la modalitat i de la intensitat de l'exercici. Amb la ingestió d'un volum de líquid equivalent a les pèrdues d'aigua per la sudoració es prevé la deshidratació per tant, s'eviten aquestes alteracions funcionals. Així doncs, des d'un punt de vista estrictament fisiològic, no hi ha cap dubte que l'esquema més idoni de reposició hídrica durant l'exercici en la calor és aquell en el qual es reponen completament les pèrdues d'aigua provocades per la sudoració. Tanmateix, des d'un punt de vista competitiu, els atletes han de trobar el seu règim òptim de reposició hídrica. Els beneficis fisiològics d'una reposició hídrica completa possibiliten una major velocitat de carrera durant l'última part de la competició. Tanmateix, la ingesta de grans volums de fluids pot obligar a reduir la velocitat de carrera i provocar trastorns gas-trointestinals. Per assegurar el màxim benefici de la ingestió de grans volums de líquids durant l'exercici evitant els seus desavantatges, els esportistes han de beure durant els seus entrenaments

    Wikileaks y el nuevo ecosistema informativo : Wikileaks and the new informative ecosystem

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    nternet se ha convertido en una he rramienta rápida y útil para divulgar noticias de gran relevancia mundial, como los recientes acontecimientos políticos de Túnez y Egipto. Esa inmediatez y la ausencia de fronteras informativas evidencian un cambio en el Pe riodismo Político, ya que se pierde de vista la figura del profesional de la información, cuyo papel de intermediario entre la realidad y el público es asumido por el propio internau ta, que participa en la construcción y elaboración de los contenidos. Con el objetivo de describir ese cambio, se realiza un estudio de caso de la web de noticias Wikileaks, fundada en 2006 por el hacker australiano Julian Assange, que se dedica a divulgar informes filtrados y datos confidenciales acerca de la forma de actuar de los distintos gobiernos de todo el mundo. El trabajo propuesto parte de un estudio documental bibliográfico sobre Wikileaks, especialmente de la publicación de más de 250.000 cables reservados, que remitían las embajadas estadounidenses en todo el mundo hacia la Secretaría de Estado, lo que ha originado un autént ico ‘cablegate’, un escándalo político comparable a lo que en su día supuso el Watergate. En la parte analítica nos decantamos por un método cualitativo no experimental, centrándonos en los contenidos publicados en diarios digitales sobre el caso Wikileaks. Así se podrá afirmar que Assange y su web marcan un cambio en el ecosistema informativo. Aparece una nueva forma de hacer Periodismo en la que la labor de los periodistas de calidad parece quedar relegada a pasar la criba y situar en contexto. El reto actual que se abre ante el periodismo político es lograr articular su nueva misión dentro del panorama informativo con los tres elementos que aportan su valor añadido: ser testigo, de scifrar e interpretar la realidad que nos rodea.nternet has become a quick and usef ul tool to spread news of great global importance, such as recent politi cal events in Tunisia and Egypt. This immediacy and the lack of information borders show a change in political journalism, because it loses sight of the information professional, whose role of intermediary between actual reality and th e public is assumed by the own surfer, who participates in construction and development of contents. In order to describe this change, it takes a case study of website Wikileaks, founded in 2006 by the Australian hacker Julian Assange, devoted to disclose filtered reports and confidential datas about the modus operandi of various Governments around the world. The proposed work starts from a documentary bibliographical study on Wikileaks, particularly the publication of more than 250.000 confidential cables, that were sent by American embassies around the wo rld to the Secretary of State, which has created a true 'cablegate', a political scandal comparable to that once marked the Watergate. In the analytical part we chose a qualitative not experimental method, focusing on the content published in online newspape rs about the Wikileaks case. So you can say that Assange and his web make a chan ge in the informative ecosystem. A new way of doing journalism rises in which qu ality journalistic work appears to be pushed to sift out and put in context. The current challenge opened to political journalism is to articulate a new mission within the informative landscape with the three elements that bring added value: to witness, to decipher and to interpret the reality around us

    The wood used for carpentry elements in canarian traditional buildings. An example of the practical application for the identification of this wood type

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    Las edificaciones tradicionales canarias forman parte del paisaje rural y espacio urbano de las Islas Canarias y constituyen un elemento relevante de su patrimonio arquitectónico que debe ser preservado. Posiblemente, el material que por antonomasia define la arquitectura tradicional canaria sea la madera de Tea. La identificación de esta madera es imprescindible para establecer estrategias en el marco de la conservación preventiva y garantizar la preservación de los materiales originales del modelo arquitectónico canario. Este trabajo presenta un ejemplo de aplicación práctica para la identificación de la madera de Tea en elementos de carpintería de una edificación tradicional canaria. Para este propósito se utiliza una metodología propuesta en la literatura basada en el uso del análisis termogravimétrico y la picnomertía de helio.Traditional Canarian Buildings are part of the rural landscape and urban space of the Canary Islands and constitute a relevant element of its architectural heritage, which must be preserved. Probability, the Pitch wood is the building material that best represents traditional Canarian architecture. The identification of this wood is essential for establishing strategies for the purpose of the preventive conservation and to ensure the preservation of the original materials of the Canarian architectural model. This work presents an example of practical application for the identification of pitch wood used for carpentry elements in a traditional Canarian building. A methodology proposed by the literature based on thermogravimetric analysis and helium pycnometry is used for this purpose