378 research outputs found

    Revisión bibliográfica la educación de las mujeres en la época del franquismo

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    En este trabajo se hace un análisis bibliográfico sobre la educación de las mujeres en la España franquista, el principal objetivo es conocer que se ha dicho acerca del tema y el estado en que se encuentra dicha cuestión. Para ello se acotan las bases de datos utilizadas y el método de búsqueda de las diversas publicaciones, a continuación se lleva a cabo el análisis de las producciones seleccionadas y observar así la evolución temporal, áreas temáticas, periodos de más producción, tipología documental, sexuación de la autoría y autores más destacados, para finalmente poder valorar y extraer conclusiones sobre el trabajo realizado.In this paper will be made a bibliographic analysis about women education at the Franco Period in Spain. The main objective is to know what was said about the topic and how is the state nowadays. It will be shown the databases and the method to find publications. Then, will be done an analysis of the selected papers observing the temporal evolution, topic areas, periods of production, typology of the documents, sex´s authorship and prominents authors. Finally, will be made some evaluations and conclusions in order to create a common point and give a final personalUniversidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Grado en Pedagogí

    Reliability analysis for systems with large hydro resources in a deregulated electric power market

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    This work describes a procedure that determines the optimal allocation for the yearly energy resulting from random water inflows to the different subperiods of a year so that the expected benefits are maximized. Its main idea is to distribute the energy stored in reservoirs in each period into two parts: one is directly sold in the energy market, while the other is made available to cover any unplanned outages of thermal units. The method proposed fulfills two objectives, to distribute the hydro energy optimally according to economic criteria and to assess the impact of new market rules on the reliability of an electric system. The procedure will be illustrated by an example based on the Spanish generating system.This work was supported by the Project PB-98-0728 of the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Spain.Publicad

    Effects of fire and three fire-fighting chemicals on main soil properties, plant nutrient content and vegetation growth and cover after 10 years.

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    The study addresses a knowledge-gap in the long-term ecological consequences of fire and fire-fighting chemicals. Ten years after a prescribed fire and the application of three fire-fighting chemicals, their effects on the soil-plant system were evaluated. Five treatments were established: unburnt soils (US) and burnt soils treated with water alone (BS), foaming agent (BS+Fo), Firesorb (BS+Fi) and ammonium polyphosphate (BS+Ap). Soils (0-2 cm depth) and foliar material of shrubs (Erica umbellata, Pterospartum tridentatum and Ulex micranthus) and trees (Pinus pinaster) were analysed for total N, 15N, and soil-available and plant total macronutrients and trace elements. Soil pH, NH4 +-N and NO3 --N; pine basal diameter and height; and shrub cover and height were also measured. Compared with US plots, burnt soils had less nitrates and more Mo. Although differences were not always significant, BS+Ap had the highest levels of soil available P, Na and Al. Plants from BS+Ap plots had higher values of 15N (P. pinaster and E. umbellata), P (all species), Na (P. tridentatum and U. micranthus) and Mg (E. umbellata and P. tridentatum) than other treatments; while K in plants from BS+Ap plots was the highest among treatments for P. pinaster and the lowest for the shrubs. Pines in US plots were higher and wider than in burnt treatments, except for BS+Ap, where the tallest and widest trees were found, although half of them were either death (the second highest mortality after BS+Fi) or had a distorted trunk. BS+Ap was the treatment with strongest effects on plants, showing E. umbellata the lowest coverage and height, P. tridentatum the highest coverage, U. micranthus one of the lowest coverages and being the only treatment where Genista triacanthos was absent. Consequently, it is concluded that both fire and ammonium polyphosphate application had significant effects on the soil-plant system after 10 years.Peer reviewe

    Metodologías de enseñanza del inglés en Educación Infantil

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fin de grado es compartir un previo estudio desarrollado para establecer las bases que se deben tener en cuenta para elegir el enfoque y las metodologías más adecuadas para enseñar inglés como segunda lengua en Educación Infantil. Se han identificado y resumido las principales metodologías de enseñanza del inglés y los enfoques relacionados usados desde el pasado hasta ahora. Además, como resultado de la investigación, el artículo resalta algunas realidades y factores que se deben tener en cuenta al elegir las metodologías y los procedimientos más adecuados para enseñar inglés en situaciones concretas. Finalmente, eTwinning es introducido como una plataforma innovadora con diferentes herramientas para el desarrollo, implementación y evaluación de proyectos con diferentes metodologías usadas y compartidas por diferentes profesores de países europeos, quienes trabajan juntos para compartir sus conocimientos, experiencias, ideas, proyectos, propuestas y nuevas metodologías.The goal of this paper is to share a previous study aimed at establishing the main basis when choosing the best approach and the most appropriate methodologies to teaching English as a Second Language in Pre-Primary Education. Research has been done to identify and summarize the main English teaching methodologies and related approaches used in the past and the present. Furthermore, as a result of the research, the article highlights some facts, factors and procedures that should be taken into account when selecting the right methodologies for a particular situation. The importance of the Pre-Primary stage for children is also highlighted as it is in this particular period when children are at their maximum potential in terms of language acquisition. Finally, eTwinning is introduced as an innovative platform with different tools for the development, implementation and evaluation of the different methodologies in use (in terms of projects) to teach a second language working along with other teachers across Europe sharing knowledge, experiences, ideas, projects, proposals and new methodologies

    Evaluación de la Ley de Incentivos Regionales (Ley 50/85) para estimular la creación de empleo en las Comunidades Autónomas de Andalucía y Cantabria (1988-1995)

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    RESUMEN. Desde el punto de vista del análisis de Política Económica, la creación de empleo es una variable decisiva para conocer si un determinado instrumento de política económica regional ha servido para alcanzar con éxito uno de sus objetivos más importantes: “La creación de nuevos puestos de trabajo”. La Ley 50/85 (Ley de Incentivos Regionales) fue concebida en España como medida incentivadora de inversiones y empleos en las distintas comunidades autónomas menos favorecidas o que atravesaban dificultades económicas, con el fin de reducir las disparidades en términos de oportunidades de empleo y niveles de renta. El presente trabajo lleva a cabo un análisis y evaluación de la incidencia de ese instrumento de política económica regional, como motor de nuevos empleos en Andalucía y Cantabria dos regiones con realidades económicas y sociales muy distintas, pero con una problemática común: las elevadas tasas de desempleo. El estudio se ciñe al periodo de tiempo 1.988-95, y en él se pregunta además, si ambas autonomías objeto de estudio, disponían en ese mismo periodo de tiempo de un conjunto industrial favorable acorde con el fin concebido.ABSTRACT. From the point of view of Economic Policy, the creation of employment is a decisive variable in order to know if a certain instrument of Regional Economic Policy has been useful to achieve successfully one of its most important objectives: “The creation of jobs”. The Law 50/85 (Regional Incentives Law) was conceived in Spain as an incentive measure of investments and employment in the different autonomy communities less favoured, or that were going through economic difficulties, with the aim of reducing the differences in terms of employments opportunities and levels of income.The present study carries out an analysis an evaluation of the influence of that instrument of Regional Economic Policy, as motor of new employment in Andalicía and Cantabria two regions with very different economic and social realities, but with a common problem: The high unemployment rates. The study focuses on the period of time that goes between 1.988 and 1.995 and in it is also asked if both autonomies had during that same period of time a favourable industrial infrastructure in agreement with the aim conceived

    Soil C and N dynamics in a Mediterranean oak woodland with shrub encroachment.

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    Background and aims Intensive land use has led to degradation and abandonment of Portuguese oak woodlands, and subsequent shrub encroachment may have altered the spatial heterogeneity of soil C and N pools. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of shrub invasion on soil C and N dynamics in an oak woodland in Southern Portugal.Peer reviewe

    Progress-Oriented Workshops for Doctoral Well-being: Evidence From a Two-Country Design-Based Research

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    This paper explores an intervention approach (in the form of workshops) focusing on doctoral progress, to address the problems of low emotional well-being experienced by many doctoral candidates. Doctoral education suffers from two severe overlapping problems: high dropout rates and widespread low emotional well-being (e.g., depression or anxiety symptoms). Yet, there are few interventional approaches specifically designed to address them in the doctoral student population. Among structural, psychosocial, and demographic factors influencing these problems, the self-perception of progress has emerged recently as a crucial motivational factor in doctoral persistence. This paper reports on an iterative design-based research study of workshop interventions to foster such perception of progress in doctoral students? everyday practice. We gathered mixed data over four iterations, with a total of 82 doctoral students from multiple disciplines in Spain and Estonia. An approach to preventive interventions that combines research-backed education about mental health and productivity, peer sharing and discussion of experiences, and indicators of progress, as well as self-tracking, analysis, and reflection upon everyday evidence of their own progress. The paper provides initial evidence of the effectiveness of the proposed interventions, across two institutions in two different countries. Further, our data confirms emergent research on the relationships among progress, emotional well-being, and dropout ideation in two new contexts. Finally, the paper also distills design knowledge about doctoral interventions that focus on progress, relevant for doctoral trainers, institutions, and researchers.This research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innova-tion programme under grant agreement No. 669074 (CEITER). It has also received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus Plus programme, grant agreement 2019-1-NO01-KA203-060280 (DE-TEL). The Universidad de Valladolid co-authors acknowledge funding of the European Regional Development Fund and the National Research Agency of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innova-tion, and Universities, under project grant TIN2017-85179-C3-2-R (SmartLET), and PID2020-112584RB-C32, the European Regional Development Fund, and the Regional Government of Cas-tile and Leon, under project grant VA257P18

    Simultaneous Estimation of Vehicle Roll and Sideslip Angles through a Deep Learning Approach

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    Presently, autonomous vehicles are on the rise and are expected to be on the roads in the coming years. In this sense, it becomes necessary to have adequate knowledge about its states to design controllers capable of providing adequate performance in all driving scenarios. Sideslip and roll angles are critical parameters in vehicular lateral stability. The later has a high impact on vehicles with an elevated center of gravity, such as trucks, buses, and industrial vehicles, among others, as they are prone to rollover. Due to the high cost of the current sensors used to measure these angles directly, much of the research is focused on estimating them. One of the drawbacks is that vehicles are strong non-linear systems that require specific methods able to tackle this feature. The evolution in Artificial Intelligence models, such as the complex Artificial Neural Network architectures that compose the Deep Learning paradigm, has shown to provide excellent performance for complex and non-linear control problems. In this paper, the authors propose an inexpensive but powerful model based on Deep Learning to estimate the roll and sideslip angles simultaneously in mass production vehicles. The model uses input signals which can be obtained directly from onboard vehicle sensors such as the longitudinal and lateral accelerations, steering angle and roll and yaw rates. The model was trained using hundreds of thousands of data provided by Trucksim® and validated using data captured from real driving maneuvers using a calibrated ground truth device such as VBOX3i dual-antenna GPS from Racelogic®. The use of both Trucksim® software and the VBOX measuring equipment is recognized and widely used in the automotive sector, providing robust data for the research shown in this article.This work was supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (EAI) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain through the project RTI2018-095143-B-C21

    Percutaneous versus Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation of the Posterior Tibial Nerve in Idiopathic Overactive Bladder Syndrome with Urinary Incontinence in Adults: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Percutaneous electrical stimulation and transcutaneous electrical stimulation (PTNS and TTNS) of the posterior tibial nerve are internationally recognized treatment methods that offer advantages in terms of treating patients with overactive bladder (OAB) who present with urinary incontinence (UI). This article aims to analyze the scientific evidence for the treatment of OAB with UI in adults using PTNS versus TTNS procedures in the posterior tibial nerve. Methods: A systematic review was conducted, between February and May 2021 in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, in accordance with the PRISMA recommendations. Results: The research identified 259 studies, 130 of which were selected and analyzed, with only 19 used according to the inclusion requirements established. The greatest effectiveness, in reducing UI and in other parameters of daily voiding and quality of life, was obtained by combining both techniques with other treatments, pharmacological treatments, or exercise. Conclusions: TTNS has advantages over PTNS as it is more comfortable for the patient even though there is equality of both therapies in the outcome variables. More research studies are necessary in order to obtain clear scientific evidenc