7 research outputs found

    Early retirement intention in workers from the industry and service sectors : influence of the perception of benefits from retiring or from continuing to work

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    This study aims to identify the factors that favor the intention to continue working or to retire in workers over 50 years old. The sample consisted of 186 workers of both sexes from the industry and services sectors who answered a questionnaire which recorded their perceived health, job quality and their perception of the benefits or drawbacks of continuing to work or taking early retirement. The results indicated that to continue in active employment is mainly seen as economically beneficial but negative for family life and health. In contrast, early retirement is seen as beneficial for family life and self-actualization but economically negative. A regression analysis revealed that the motivation to stay active occupationally depends on the perceived health and social support given at work, but mostly to have a positive vision of being active workforc

    Perspectiva escolar

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    Resumen basado en el de las autorasEs necesario trabajar para evitar situaciones que superen la capacidad de respuesta y el malestar que provocan y, para hacerlo, hará falta ante todo identificar los factores que las generan. Precisamente ésta es la primera dificultad que nos encontramos para poder controlar el estrés. En el artículo las autoras exponen punto por punto aspectos para evitar caer en situaciones que provoquen el temido estrés.CataluñaES

    A systematic review of leadership styles, work engagement and organizational support

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    Work engagement is one of the critical factors at an organization, so considering some factors such as leadership styles and organizational support is important. Lack of attention to these factors can lead to undesirable environments for workers. The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic review based on these variables. Data for this research were gathered from databases of Web of Knowledge, psycarticles, Scopus, psycinfo, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. A total of 165 records were identified in databases. 15 records were discovered in other sources. 149 records remained after deleting duplicates. 117 of these records were examined, 52 registers excluded. 65 complete articles were chosen to be evaluated, and after 10 completed articles had been excluded, 55 studies ultimately remained for inclusion in the synthesis. Overall, leadership styles (transformational leadership and transactional leadership) and organizational support were found as two imperative organizational factors to access better outcomes at the workplace

    Early retirement intention in workers from the industry and service sectors : influence of the perception of benefits from retiring or from continuing to work

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    This study aims to identify the factors that favor the intention to continue working or to retire in workers over 50 years old. The sample consisted of 186 workers of both sexes from the industry and services sectors who answered a questionnaire which recorded their perceived health, job quality and their perception of the benefits or drawbacks of continuing to work or taking early retirement. The results indicated that to continue in active employment is mainly seen as economically beneficial but negative for family life and health. In contrast, early retirement is seen as beneficial for family life and self-actualization but economically negative. A regression analysis revealed that the motivation to stay active occupationally depends on the perceived health and social support given at work, but mostly to have a positive vision of being active workforc

    Aula de innovación educativa

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    Este artículo pertenece a una sección de la revista dedicada a innovación educativa, en este número a salud laboralSe exponen los objetivos y propuestas de trabajo del equipo Cuidem-nos, del ICE de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, con el fin de proporcionar recursos y métodos de trabajo al docente para favorecer el desarrollo positivo y saludable de su labor personal y profesional en el ámbito educativo. Se trata de que el docente sea capaz de adquirir una serie de competencias comunicativas básicas y de enfocar su percepciones, pensamientos y emociones hacia una visión positivista que promueva el cambio individual y, por ende, el colectivo..CataluñaConsejería de Educación, Ciencia e Investigación. Biblioteca; Avda. de la Fama, 15; 30006 Murcia; Tel. +34968279685; Fax +34968279835; [email protected]

    El bienestar del docente : vivir bien educando : estrategias para conseguir satisfacción profesional y personal

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe presentan una serie de reflexiones y orientaciones para la elaboración de recursos que permitan al docente vivir de manera positiva su profesión. Estos recursos pretenden 'entrenar' las posibilidades y las formas de aprender y mejorar la salud laboral, destacando la importancia de la inteligencia emocional. Entre las habilidades a potenciar se incluyen: la percepción, el conocimiento y conciencia de las capacidades propias, la confianza y la autoestima, la visión de los conflictos como fuente de mejora de la comunicación y la convivencia y las habilidades sociales.CataluñaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Contemporary use of cefazolin for MSSA infective endocarditis: analysis of a national prospective cohort

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    Objectives: This study aimed to assess the real use of cefazolin for methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) infective endocarditis (IE) in the Spanish National Endocarditis Database (GAMES) and to compare it with antistaphylococcal penicillin (ASP). Methods: Prospective cohort study with retrospective analysis of a cohort of MSSA IE treated with cloxacillin and/or cefazolin. Outcomes assessed were relapse; intra-hospital, overall, and endocarditis-related mortality; and adverse events. Risk of renal toxicity with each treatment was evaluated separately. Results: We included 631 IE episodes caused by MSSA treated with cloxacillin and/or cefazolin. Antibiotic treatment was cloxacillin, cefazolin, or both in 537 (85%), 57 (9%), and 37 (6%) episodes, respectively. Patients treated with cefazolin had significantly higher rates of comorbidities (median Charlson Index 7, P <0.01) and previous renal failure (57.9%, P <0.01). Patients treated with cloxacillin presented higher rates of septic shock (25%, P = 0.033) and new-onset or worsening renal failure (47.3%, P = 0.024) with significantly higher rates of in-hospital mortality (38.5%, P = 0.017). One-year IE-related mortality and rate of relapses were similar between treatment groups. None of the treatments were identified as risk or protective factors. Conclusion: Our results suggest that cefazolin is a valuable option for the treatment of MSSA IE, without differences in 1-year mortality or relapses compared with cloxacillin, and might be considered equally effective