849 research outputs found

    Detecting Functional Requirements Inconsistencies within Multi-teams Projects Framed into a Model-based Web Methodology

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    One of the most essential processes within the software project life cycle is the REP (Requirements Engineering Process) because it allows specifying the software product requirements. This specification should be as consistent as possible because it allows estimating in a suitable manner the effort required to obtain the final product. REP is complex in itself, but this complexity is greatly increased in big, distributed and heterogeneous projects with multiple analyst teams and high integration between functional modules. This paper presents an approach for the systematic conciliation of functional requirements in big projects dealing with a web model-based approach and how this approach may be implemented in the context of the NDT (Navigational Development Techniques): a web methodology. This paper also describes the empirical evaluation in the CALIPSOneo project by analyzing the improvements obtained with our approach.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Fusion of facial regions using color information in a forensic scenario

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    Comunicación presentada en: 18th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2013; Havana; Cuba; 20-23 November 2013The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41827-3_50This paper reports an analysis of the benefits of using color information on a region-based face recognition system. Three different color spaces are analysed (RGB, YCbCr, lαβ) in a very challenging scenario matching good quality mugshot images against video surveillance images. This scenario is of special interest for forensics, where examiners carry out a comparison of two face images using the global information of the faces, but paying special attention to each individual facial region (eyes, nose, mouth, etc.). This work analyses the discriminative power of 15 facial regions comparing both the grayscale and color information. Results show a significant improvement of performance when fusing several regions of the face compared to just using the whole face image. A further improvement of performance is achieved when color information is consideredThis work has been partially supported by contract with Spanish Guardia Civil and projects BBfor2 (FP7-ITN-238803), bio-Challenge (TEC2009-11186), Bio Shield (TEC2012-34881), Contexts (S2009/TIC-1485), TeraSense (CSD2008-00068) and "Cátedra UAM-Telefónica

    An Extension of NDT to Model Entity Reconciliation Problems

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    Within the development of software systems, the development of web applications may be one of the most widespread at present due to the great number of advantages they provide such as: multiplatform, speed of access or the not requiring extremely powerful hardware among others. The fact that so many web applications are being developed, makes grotesque the volume of information that it is generated daily. In the management of all this information, it appears the entity reconciliation problem, which is to identify objects referring to the same real-world entity. This paper proposes to give a solution to this problem through a web perspective. To this end, the NDT methodology has been taken as a reference and has been extended adding new activities, artefacts and documents to cover this problem.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Composite indicators of inflationary pressures

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    Artículo de revistaThis article analyses a broad set of relevant variables for monitoring inflationary pressures in the Spanish economy. On the basis of these variables, composite indicators are calculated that proxy inflation expectations, the degree of slack in the economy and other inflation pressures, domestic and external alike. On the information analysed, the recent period of low inflation in the Spanish economy is estimated to have come about in a setting in which domestic factors particularly eased, with a notable reduction in inflation expectation

    Reference variables for analysing inflation in Spain

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    Artículo de revistaThis note analyses the main reasons why the Directorate General Economics, Statistics and Research of the Banco de España has recently adopted the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) and its associated measure of core inflation (the HICP excluding energy and food) as its reference variables for analysing inflation in Spain, instead of its previous practice of focusing on the consumer price index (CPI) and the CPI excluding unprocessed food and energy. The advantages in terms of communication and consistency with the other euro area countries and the European Central Bank (ECB) make it advisable to base the regular analysis of price developments on the harmonised measures. In any case, the CPI will continue to be analysed regularly, given its more extensive regional coverage and longer time serie

    A Practical Experience Applying Security Audit Techniques in an Industrial e-Health System Which Uses an Open Source ERP

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    Healthcare institutions is an ever-innovative field, in which modernization is moving forward taking giant steps. This modernization, so called “digitization”, brings up some concerns that should be carefully consid ered. Currently, the most sensible concerning in this field is the management of Electronic Health Record and patients’ data privacy. Health-related data in healthcare systems are under strict regulations, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), whose non-compliance imposes huge penalties and fines. Cy bersecurity in healthcare plays an important role at protecting these sensitive data, which are highly valuable for criminals. Security experts follow already existing security frameworks to orchestrate the security assess ment process, so that the auditing process is as complete and as organized as possible. This study extends the lifecycle of a security assessment framework and conducts an exploitation and vulnerabilities’ analysis on an actual industrial scenario. The results of this security audit shows that even if the system is heavily fortified, there can be still some vulnerabilities.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades PID2019-105455GB-C31Junta de Andalucía US-125153

    A suite of inflation forecasting models

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    En este trabajo se describen los modelos econométricos utilizados por el Banco de España para hacer el seguimiento de la inflación y prever sus tendencias futuras. La estrategia empleada se fundamenta en gran medida en los resultados de un conjunto de modelos econométricos, que se complementa con el juicio de expertos. Se consideran tres tipos diferentes de enfoques y se destaca la relevancia de la heterogeneidad en la determinación de precios y la importancia de utilizar modelos que permitan una evolución lenta de la media local cuando se prevé la inflaciónThis paper describes the econometric models used by the Banco de España to monitor consumer price inflation and forecast its future trends. The strategy followed heavily relies on the results from a set of econometric models, supplemented by expert judgment. We consider three different types of approaches and highlight the relevance of heterogeneity in price-setting behaviour and the importance of using models that allow for a slowly evolving local mean when forecasting inflatio


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    Artificial incubation is a favorable technique for reproduction programs of threatened or endangered species. However, implementing a method for monitoring the incubation process is highly important. Temperature and humidity are key physical parameters for egg incubation leading to successful hatching. We used artificial incubation as an alternative to natural incubation of the Horned Guan Oreophasis derbianus. Weight and density loss were used to monitor the incubation process of the eggs, considering a final weight and density loss of 15%. Before incubation, the eggs weighed an average of 161.04 ± 9.87 g (n = 24) and measured 85.57 ± 3.16 mm x 57.52 ± 1.31 mm (n = 15). Density and volume averages of eggs were 1.08 ± 0.036 g-cm3 (n = 15) and 142.40 ± 10.46 g-cm3 (n = 15), respectively. Of 24 eggs, 15 (62.5 %) were fertile, and seven resulted in successful hatching (46.6 % hatch). The pip to hatch time in two eggs was 14 y 19 hours, respectively. The eggs were incubated at a temperature of 37.5°C (dry bulb) and a relative humidity of 53-56% (28.8-30.1°C) (wet bulb) throughout the 33-35 day incubation period. In eight cases, the embryos reached full development but failed to hatch successfully, likely due to improper humidity levels. This is the first published record of Horned Guan artificial incubation parameters and its monitoring process.La incubación artificial es una técnica favorable en los programas de reproducción de especies amenazadas o en peligro de extinción. Sin embargo, la implementación de un método para monitorear el proceso de incubación es de suma importancia. Los parámetros físicos importantes que influyen en el éxito de la eclosión del huevo y que requieren ser contralados son la temperatura y la humedad relativa de acuerdo a las condiciones de la región. Como una alternativa a la incubación natural del pavón (Oreophasis derbianus) utilizamos la técnica de incubación artificial por medio de incubadoras. Dos métodos fueron utilizados para monitorear el proceso de incubación de los huevos: pérdida de peso y densidad, considerando una pérdida final del 15 % del peso fresco de los huevos. La nidada fue de dos huevos, puestos a intervalos de dos días. En un período de 4 años (1997-2000) cinco hembras pusieron un total de 30 huevos, cuatro en 1997, seis en 1998, seis en 1999 y 14 en el año 2000; los huevos fueron puestos en los meses de marzo, abril, mayo y junio. Tres huevos fueron puestos desde la percha y se rompieron, los cuales no son considerados en los análisis. En promedio los huevos pesaron 161.04 ± 9.87 g (n = 24) y midieron 85.57 ± 3.16 mm x 57.52 ± 1.31 mm (n = 15). La densidad y volumen promedios de los huevos fueron 1.08 ± 0.036 g-cm3 y 142.40 ± 10.46 g-cm3 (n = 15), respectivamente. De 24 huevos, 15 huevos fueron fértiles (62.5 %), de los cuales lograron nacer siete polluelos, equivalente a un 46.6% de eclosión. El proceso de eclosión en dos huevos duró de 14 a 19 horas, respectivamente. Los huevos fueron incubados con parámetros de temperatura de 37.5°C y de 53-56 % de humedad relativa (28.8-30.1°C), con un periodo de incubación de 33 a 35 días. En ocho casos, los embriones alcanzaron desarrollo completo, pero probablemente debido a problemas en el control de la humedad la eclosión no fue exitosa. Para nuestro conocimiento, estos son los primeros datos publicados sobre los parámetros de incubación aritificial de huevos de pavón

    Aprendizaje en profundidad de razones y proporciones basado en la resolución de problemas

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    Este estudio de tipo mixto, busca comprender y analizar el aprendizaje en profundidad de razones y proporciones basado en la resolución de problemas, por medio de la implementación de una unidad didáctica con los estudiantes del grado noveno de la institución educativa Ciudadela Cuba. Se emplearon como técnicas e instrumentos: el cuestionario, la entrevista semi-estructurada y la observación no participante (guías de actividades de clase, guías motivacionales, filmaciones). Para que exista un aprendizaje en profundidad, es necesario realizar una modelización del aprendizaje de los estudiantes, para conocer cuáles son sus habilidades, dificultades y avances, que sirva de referencia para implementar nuevos procesos de enseñanza y mejorar el quehacer diario dentro del aula de clase. Por medio de la resolución de problemas a través de actividades contextualizadas, se genera motivación intrínseca y procesos de autorregulación en los estudiantes, así como una evolución conceptual y un mejor uso de las representaciones semióticas de las razones y proporciones. Esta investigación es un referente para toda la comunidad que investiga en el campo de la didáctica de las ciencias naturales y las matemáticas.This study of mixed type, it seeks to understand and to analyze the learning in depth of reasons and proportions based on the resolution of problems, by means of the implementation of a didactic unit with the students of the ninth degree of the educational institution Ciudadela Cuba. They used as technologies and instruments: the questionnaire, the semi-structured interview and the not participant observation (guides of activities of class, motivational guides, filming). Order for there to deep learning, it is necessary to realize a modeling of the learning of the students, it is necessary to perform a modeling of learning of students, to learn what their skills, difficulties and progress, to serve as reference for implementing new teaching processes and improve the daily work within the classroom. By means of the resolution of problems across activities contextualized, intrinsic motivation and processes are generated of selfcontrol in the students, as well as a conceptual evolution and a better use of the semiotics representations of the reasons and proportions. This investigation is a modal for the whole community that investigates in the field of the didactics of the natural sciences and the mathematics

    Adapted user-dependent multimodal biometric authentication exploiting general information

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Pattern Recognition Letters. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Pattern Recognition Letters 26.16 (2005): 2628 – 2639, DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2005.06.008A novel adapted strategy for combining general and user-dependent knowledge at the decision-level in multimodal biometric authentication is presented. User- independent, user-dependent, and adapted fusion and decision schemes are com- pared by using a bimodal system based on ¯ngerprint and written signature. The adapted approach is shown to outperform the other strategies considered in this pa- per. Exploiting available information for training the fusion function is also shown to be better than using existing information for post-fusion trained decisions.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Tech- nology under projects TIC2003-09068-C02-01 and TIC2003-08382-C05-01