357 research outputs found

    Simulación de procesos químicos mediante algoritmos evolutivos: aplicación al ajuste de parámetros de impedancia en sistemas electroquímicos

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    La Espectroscopía de Impedancia Electroquímica (EIS, desus siglas en inglés) es una potente herramienta para elanálisis de sistemas metal-recubrimiento orgánico ya queproporciona información acerca del comportamiento delsistema estudiado tanto a nivel cualitativo como cuantitativo.A través del ajuste de los datos de impedancia obtenidosexperimentalmente a un circuito eléctrico equivalenteadecuado, se puede obtener información directamente relacionadacon la resistencia y durabilidad del recubrimientoanalizado. Para el análisis paramétrico de estos datosse han venido empleando tradicionalmente algoritmos deregresión no lineal que presentan el inconveniente de quepara una correcta estimación se han de proporcionar parámetrosde partida que favorezcan una rápida y buenaconvergencia en este proceso de ajuste. Como métodoalternativo a estos algoritmos, en este artículo se planteael uso de algoritmos evolutivos (más concretamente algoritmosde evolución diferencial), como estrategia para labúsqueda de los parámetros del circuito que permitan realizareste ajuste. Para testear y validar el procedimiento quese propone, se emplea software comercial de uso habitual(ZSimpWin). Los resultados obtenidos muestran un mejorgrado de ajuste en la totalidad de los casos estudiados

    Contribution of Collaborative Work to Teacher Reflection and the Transformation of Pedagogical Practices of School and University Science Teachers // Contribución del trabajo colaborativo en la reflexión docente y en la transformación de las prácticas pedagógicas de profesores de ciencia escolares y universitarios

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    Poor results of science learning, both at school and university, have led us to acknowledge the need to transform our teaching. Currently, reflection and collaborative work with colleagues are conceived as being key factors in the process of the transformation of practices. Based on the experiences of a group of school and university science teachers working on action-research, we describe the contribution that collaborative work has on reflection for the transformation of practices. The main aspects are the recognition of strengths and weaknesses, listening to and learning from the experience of others, and the discussion of specific classroom practices. On the other hand, these reflections contribute to the transformation at different levels: the teacher, classroom teaching practices, and the school community. The fact that it is a diverse group that includes both school and university teachers generate enriching reflections that help to transform practices in both areas. These reflections not only benefit the school system, but also science teachers education, and provide insights on a new University-School relationship // Los deficientes resultados de aprendizaje en el área de las ciencias, tanto en el ámbito escolar como universitario, nos han llevado a la necesidad de transformar nuestra enseñanza. En la actualidad, la reflexión y el trabajo colaborativo con colegas se conciben como claves en el proceso de transformación de las prácticas. A partir de la experiencia de un grupo de docentes escolares y universitarios de ciencia que realiza una investigación-acción, describimos la contribución que tiene el trabajo colaborativo sobre la reflexión para la transformación de las prácticas. Destacan aspectos como el reconocimiento de debilidades y fortalezas, el escuchar y aprender de la experiencia de otros y la discusión de prácticas concretas de aula. Por otra parte, estas reflexiones contribuyen a la transformación en diferentes niveles: del profesor, de las prácticas del docente en el aula y de la comunidad escolar. El hecho de que sea un grupo diverso, que incluye a profesores tanto del sistema escolar como universitario, genera reflexiones enriquecedoras, que ayudan a transformar las prácticas en estos dos ámbitos, beneficiando no solo al sistema escolar, sino también a la formación de profesores de ciencia, y dando luces acerca de una nueva relación universidad-escuela

    Principios de Desarrollo Profesional Docente construidos por y para Profesores de Ciencia: una propuesta sustentable que emerge desde la indagación de las propias prácticas / Principles of Teacher Professional Development built by and for Science Teachers: a sustainable proposal that emerges from the inquiry of self-practices

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    La transformación de las prácticas de los docentes en el área de ciencias, tanto a nivel escolar como universitario (incluida la formación inicial), constituye una necesidad urgente si pretendemos alfabetizar científicamente a la población. Este estudio muestra una propuesta de cinco principios para el desarrollo profesional docente en ciencias, que emergen desde la indagación colaborativa de las propias prácticas de un conjunto de docentes de educación primaria, secundaria y universitaria, quienes trabajan hace cuatro años en un proceso de desarrollo profesional conjunto. Estos principios incluyen la construcción de una visión común acerca del para qué enseñar ciencias, la indagación de las prácticas a partir de las particularidades de la educación científica, la reflexión individual y colectiva sobre las prácticas, la valoración de la autoridad de la experiencia para el aprendizaje docente y la promoción de un ambiente de desarrollo profesional que involucre diversidad de contextos y niveles de enseñanza. // The transformation of teaching practices in the area of sciences, both at school and university levels (including initial training), is an urgent need if we intend to achieve scientific literacy in the population. This study shows a proposal of five principles for teacher professional development in sciences, emerged from the collaborative inquiry of self-practices in a group of primary, secondary and university teachers, who have been working together for four years in a professional development process. These principles include the construction of a common vision on the purpose for teaching sciences; the inquiry of practices starting from the distinctive features of scientific education; individual and collective reflection on practices; the valuation of the authority of experience for teacher learning; and the promotion of an environment of professional development involving diverse contexts and teaching levels. Implications for professional development are discussed

    The Antioxidant Mechanisms Underlying the Aged Garlic Extract- and S-Allylcysteine-Induced Protection

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    Aged garlic extract (AGE) is an odorless garlic preparation containing S-allylcysteine (SAC) as its most abundant compound. A large number of studies have demonstrated the antioxidant activity of AGE and SAC in both in vivo—in diverse experimental animal models associated to oxidative stress—and in vitro conditions—using several methods to scavenge reactive oxygen species or to induce oxidative damage. Derived from these experiments, the protective effects of AGE and SAC have been associated with the prevention or amelioration of oxidative stress. In this work, we reviewed different antioxidant mechanisms (scavenging of free radicals and prooxidant species, induction of antioxidant enzymes, activation of Nrf2 factor, inhibition of prooxidant enzymes, and chelating effects) involved in the protective actions of AGE and SAC, thereby emphasizing their potential use as therapeutic agents. In addition, we highlight the ability of SAC to activate Nrf2 factor—a master regulator of the cellular redox state. Here, we include original data showing the ability of SAC to activate Nrf2 factor in cerebral cortex. Therefore, we conclude that the therapeutic properties of these molecules comprise cellular and molecular mechanisms at different levels

    Contenidos, metodología y alumnado : una valoración crítica de la enseñanza en BUP y COU

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    The aim of this study was to compare the interest of the students in Natural Science in front of three other subjects such as Mathematics, Literature and Geography & History. The selected items of the contents of every subject, and the importance of teaching as an influential factor on students were also studied. The results showed that both the selection of the contents and the methods should have been modified

    The unaccounted dissolved iron (II) sink: Insights from dFe(II) concentrations in the deep Atlantic Ocean

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    Hydrothermal vent sites found along mid-ocean ridges are sources of numerous reduced chemical species and trace elements. To establish dissolved iron (II) (dFe(II)) variability along the Mid Atlantic Ridge (between 39.5°N and 26°N), dFe(II) concentrations were measured above six hydrothermal vent sites, as well as at stations with no active hydrothermal activity. The dFe(II) concentrations ranged from 0.00 to 0.12 nmol L−1 (detection limit = 0.02 ± 0.02 nmol L−1) in non-hydrothermally affected regions to values as high as 12.8 nmol L−1 within hydrothermal plumes. Iron (II) in seawater is oxidised over a period of minutes to hours, which is on average two times faster than the time required to collect the sample from the deep ocean and its analysis in the onboard laboratory. A multiparametric equation was used to estimate the original dFe(II) concentration in the deep ocean. The in-situ temperature, pH, salinity and delay between sample collection and its analysis were considered. The results showed that dFe(II) plays a more significant role in the iron pool than previously accounted for, constituting a fraction >20 % of the dissolved iron pool, in contrast to <10 % of the iron pool formerly reported. This discrepancy is caused by Fe(II) loss during sampling when between 35 and 90 % of the dFe(II) gets oxidised. In-situ dFe(II) concentrations are therefore significantly higher than values reported in sedimentary and hydrothermal settings where Fe is added to the ocean in its reduced form. Consequently, the high dynamism of dFe(II) in hydrothermal environments masks the magnitude of dFe(II) sourced within the deep ocean

    Iron Distribution in the Subtropical North Atlantic: The Pivotal Role of Colloidal Iron

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    The low availability of the essential micronutrient iron (Fe) in the ocean impacts the efficiency of the biological carbon pump, and hence, it is vital to elucidate its sources, sinks, and internal cycling. We present size‐fractionated dissolved Fe (dFe, <0.2 μm) measurements from 130 surface samples and 7 full‐depth profiles from the subtropical North Atlantic during summer 2017 and demonstrate the pivotal role of colloidal (cFe, 0.02 to 0.2 μm) over soluble (sFe, <0.02 μm) Fe in controlling the dFe distribution. In the surface (<5 m), a strong west‐to‐east decrease in dFe (1.53 to 0.26 nM) was driven by a dust gradient, which retained dFe predominantly as cFe (61% to 85% of dFe), while sFe remained largely constant at 0.19 ± 0.05 nM. In the euphotic zone, the attenuation of dFe resulted from the depletion of cFe (0% to 30% of dFe), with scavenging as an important driver. In the mesopelagic, cFe was released from sinking biogenic and lithogenic particles, creating a zone of elevated dFe (0.7 to 1.0 nM) between 400 to 1100 m depth. While the ocean interior, below the mesopelagic and above the seafloor boundary, exhibited a narrow range of cFe (40% to 60% of dFe), the abyssal cFe fraction varied in range from 26% to 76% due to interactions with seafloor sediments and a hydrothermal source with almost 100% cFe. Overall, our results produced an hourglass shape for the vertical cFe‐to‐dFe fraction and highlight the primary control of cFe on the dFe distribution