52 research outputs found

    Prototipo de sistema inteligente basado en patrones de ondas cerebrales para prevenir accidentes de tránsito

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    This article presents the prototype of an intelligent system based on patterns of brain waves to prevent traffic accidents,by which, through a sensor, placed on the driver's head, monitors the patterns of brain waves that are sent in real time via Bluetoothto a Raspberry Pi to be processed with machine learning strategies. In this way it allows to send a visual and sound warning when itdetects the state of drowsiness in the driver. For the prototype construction, data of four people were collected while they were awake,drowsy and asleep. The data set was processed with four supervised learning algorithms: nearest neighbors, support vector machine,decision trees and random forests; the last one was the one that obtained the best result, reaching 82.05% accuracy whendifferentiating the three different states. The estimated cost of the system is 210 USD, resulting an economic system in relation toothers existing in the market.Este artículo presenta el prototipo de sistema inteligente basado en patrones de ondas cerebrales para prevenir accidentesde tránsito, que, mediante un sensor colocado en la cabeza del conductor, monitoriza los patrones de ondas cerebrales los cuales sonenviados en tiempo real vía Bluetooth a una placa Raspberry Pi para ser procesados con estrategias de aprendizaje automático y deesta forma enviar una alerta visual y sonora cuando detecta el estado de somnolencia en el conductor. Para la construcción delprototipo se recogieron datos de cuatro personas en tres estados distintos, mientras estaban despiertas, somnolientas y dormidas. Elconjunto de datos fue procesado con cuatro algoritmos de aprendizaje supervisado: vecinos más cercanos, máquina de soportevectorial, árboles de decisión, bosques aleatorios; siendo este último el que mejores resultados mostró alcanzando un 82.05% deprecisión al diferenciar los tres estados anteriormente mencionados. El costo estimado del sistema es de 210 USD, resultando unsistema económico con relación a otros existentes en el mercado

    Prototipo de mano robótica controlada mediante el procesamiento de señales cerebrales utilizando redes neuronales recurrentes

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    The mapping of electrical activity in the human brain is not only useful in the medical field for the diagnosis of diseases but can also be of great help in other fields such as computer science. This research proposes the use of brain signals as a control mechanism using artificial intelligence techniques. Its main objective is to build a prototype of a 3D printed robotic hand prosthesis monitored through the processing of brain signals using recurrent neural networks. Three different recurrent network architectures were trained and compared using a prototyping methodology (Simple RNN, LSTM, and GRU). This prototyping methodology was trained using a sample size of thirteen people and the non-invasive sensor Mindwave Mobile 2 was used to record the data. The first version, which was in development approximately 3 months, achieved 77% accuracy in classifying new samples using the GRU network model. With further research and development, this prototype may prove very useful in the future for providing people in need of such technology with a higher quality of life.Las señales generadas por la actividad eléctrica producida en el cerebro humano, además de ser utilizadas en el área de medicina para el diagnóstico de enfermedades, pueden ser de gran ayuda en otros campos, como lo son las ciencias computacionales. Esta investigación propone la utilización de señales cerebrales como mecanismo de control, empleando técnicas de inteligencia artificial. La misma tiene como objetivo principal construir un prototipo de una prótesis de mano robótica impresa en 3D, controlada a través del procesamiento de señales cerebrales, utilizando redes neuronales recurrentes. Mediante una metodología de prototipado se entrenaron y compararon tres arquitecturas distintas de redes recurrentes (RNN simple, LSTM y GRU), entrenadas a partir de datos de trece personas, utilizando el sensor no invasivo Mindwave Mobile 2 para la adquisición de estos. La primera versión, desarrollada en un periodo aproximado de tres meses, alcanzó una precisión del 77% al clasificar nuevas muestras utilizando el modelo de red GRU. Este prototipo, al ser una primera aproximación y requerir mayor tiempo de investigación y desarrollo, puede ser de gran utilidad a futuro para personas que así lo necesiten, brindándoles una mayor calidad de vida

    A terrestrial planet candidate in a temperate orbit around Proxima Centauri

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    At a distance of 1.295 parsecs, the red dwarf Proxima Centauri (α Centauri C, GL 551, HIP 70890 or simply Proxima) is the Sun’s closest stellar neighbour and one of the best-studied low-mass stars. It has an effective temperature of only around 3,050 kelvin, a luminosity of 0.15 per cent of that of the Sun, a measured radius of 14 per cent of the radius of the Sun and a mass of about 12 per cent of the mass of the Sun. Although Proxima is considered a moderately active star, its rotation period is about 83 days and its quiescent activity levels and X-ray luminosity are comparable to those of the Sun. Here we report observations that reveal the presence of a small planet with a minimum mass of about 1.3 Earth masses orbiting Proxima with a period of approximately 11.2 days at a semi-major-axis distance of around 0.05 astronomical units. Its equilibrium temperature is within the range where water could be liquid on its surface

    Measurement of prompt open-charm production cross sections in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    The production cross sections for prompt open-charm mesons in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13TeV are reported. The measurement is performed using a data sample collected by the CMS experiment corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 29 nb(-1). The differential production cross sections of the D*(+/-), D-+/-, and D-0 ((D) over bar (0)) mesons are presented in ranges of transverse momentum and pseudorapidity 4 < p(T) < 100 GeV and vertical bar eta vertical bar < 2.1, respectively. The results are compared to several theoretical calculations and to previous measurements.Peer reviewe

    Combined searches for the production of supersymmetric top quark partners in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    A combination of searches for top squark pair production using proton-proton collision data at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV at the CERN LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb(-1) collected by the CMS experiment, is presented. Signatures with at least 2 jets and large missing transverse momentum are categorized into events with 0, 1, or 2 leptons. New results for regions of parameter space where the kinematical properties of top squark pair production and top quark pair production are very similar are presented. Depending on themodel, the combined result excludes a top squarkmass up to 1325 GeV for amassless neutralino, and a neutralinomass up to 700 GeV for a top squarkmass of 1150 GeV. Top squarks with masses from 145 to 295 GeV, for neutralino masses from 0 to 100 GeV, with a mass difference between the top squark and the neutralino in a window of 30 GeV around the mass of the top quark, are excluded for the first time with CMS data. The results of theses searches are also interpreted in an alternative signal model of dark matter production via a spin-0 mediator in association with a top quark pair. Upper limits are set on the cross section for mediator particle masses of up to 420 GeV

    Search for long-lived particles decaying to jets with displaced vertices in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 Te V

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    A search is presented for long-lived particles produced in pairs in proton-proton collisions at the LHC operating at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The data were collected with the CMS detector during the period from 2015 through 2018, and correspond to a total integrated luminosity of 140 fb(-1). This search targets pairs of long-lived particles with mean proper decay lengths between 0.1 and 100 mm, each of which decays into at least two quarks that hadronize to jets, resulting in a final state with two displaced vertices. No significant excess of events with two displaced vertices is observed. In the context of R-parity violating supersymmetry models, the pair production of long-lived neutralinos, gluinos, and top squarks is excluded at 95% confidence level for cross sections larger than 0.08 fb, masses between 800 and 3000 GeV, and mean proper decay lengths between 1 and 25 mm.Peer reviewe

    Observation of tW production in the single-lepton channel in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    A measurement of the cross section of the associated production of a single top quark and a W boson in final states with a muon or electron and jets in proton-proton collisions at root s = 13 TeV is presented. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 36 fb(-1) collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC in 2016. A boosted decision tree is used to separate the tW signal from the dominant t (t) over bar background, whilst the subleading W+jets and multijet backgrounds are constrained using data-based estimates. This result is the first observation of the tW process in final states containing a muon or electron and jets, with a significance exceeding 5 standard deviations. The cross section is determined to be 89 +/- 4 (stat) +/- 12 (syst) pb, consistent with the standard model.Peer reviewe

    Measurements of the Electroweak Diboson Production Cross Sections in Proton-Proton Collisions at root s=5.02 TeV Using Leptonic Decays

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    The first measurements of diboson production cross sections in proton-proton interactions at a center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV are reported. They are based on data collected with the CMS detector at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 302 pb(-1). Events with two, three, or four charged light leptons (electrons or muons) in the final state are analyzed. The WW, WZ, and ZZ total cross sections are measured as sigma(WW) = 37:0(-5.2)(+5.5) (stat)(-2.6)(+2.7) (syst) pb, sigma(WZ) = 6.4(-2.1)(+2.5) (stat)(-0.3)(+0.5)(syst) pb, and sigma(ZZ) = 5.3(-2.1)(+2.5)(stat)(-0.4)(+0.5) (syst) pb. All measurements are in good agreement with theoretical calculations at combined next-to-next-to-leading order quantum chromodynamics and next-to-leading order electroweak accuracy

    Search for lepton-flavor violating decays of the Higgs boson in the mu tau and e tau final states in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    A search is presented for lepton-flavor violating decays of the Higgs boson to mu t and et. The dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb(-1) collected at the LHC in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. No significant excess has been found, and the results are interpreted in terms of upper limits on lepton-flavor violating branching fractions of the Higgs boson. The observed (expected) upper limits on the branching fractions are, respectively, B(H -> mu t) e tau) < 0.22(0.16)% at 95% confidence level.Peer reviewe

    Measurement of the top quark mass using events with a single reconstructed top quark in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    Abstract:A measurement of the top quark mass is performed using a data sample en-riched with single top quark events produced in thetchannel. The study is based on proton-proton collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb−1, recorded at√s= 13TeV by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2016. Candidate events are selectedby requiring an isolated high-momentum lepton (muon or electron) and exactly two jets,of which one is identified as originating from a bottom quark. Multivariate discriminantsare designed to separate the signal from the background. Optimized thresholds are placedon the discriminant outputs to obtain an event sample with high signal purity. The topquark mass is found to be172.13+0.76−0.77GeV, where the uncertainty includes both the sta-tistical and systematic components, reaching sub-GeV precision for the first time in thisevent topology. The masses of the top quark and antiquark are also determined separatelyusing the lepton charge in the final state, from which the mass ratio and difference aredetermined to be0.9952+0.0079−0.0104and0.83+1.79−1.35GeV, respectively. The results are consistentwithCPTinvariance